40 pounds in 4 months: the end of the year challenge!

Hey everyone! I actually thought I posted this yesterday, but it turns out that I did not! I am on a mission to lose 40 pounds by the end of the year... That sounds like a lot but is actually still a reasonable goal in that we have ~ 4 months until the years end.

That equates to about 10 pounds a month though I don't think weight loss is linear.

I'm looking for 5-10 people who would like to join me on this challenge! If there are more, that's AWESOME.. but I just want to get a group of committed people and then I will make a "group" and we can post there privately so we won't have to hold back.

I am looking to lose inches AND pounds and build muscle along the way. I am an exercise-aholic and will continue to work my cardio (running, spinning, kickboxing, dancing) BUT a lot of my focus will be on EATING BETTER and strength training as well. I already know how to do cardio intensely.

Please respond if you are interested and put your goals in your message!

I'm 28, a doctor, in residency working about 80 hours a week. I'm busy as H*ll and have dedicated my life to helping other but I am MAKING MYSELF A PRIORITY and doing this for me.

Hope to get a good group of people to reach our goals together! :=D


  • 40 in 4 months is a bit aggressive, especially considering the holidays are coming up. Good luck with that, though.
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Thanks Rcotton :)

    I don't mind being aggressive and holidays come every year! I can't use that as an excuse to over eat!

    "Aim for the moon, even if you miss... you'll land amongst the stars!" Good thing about me is... I set my sights high and if I don't hit them exactly but still make progress, I count it as success!

    Best of luck to you too :flowerforyou:
  • dynamitegalxo
    dynamitegalxo Posts: 299 Member
    Dude I'm super in. If I can get 40 pounds down I'll be more than halfway to my goal. 10 pounds a month really isn't that aggressive as long as we stay consistent.
  • A 1250 calorie deficit per day is pretty aggressive IMO. That's why I called it aggresive because I actually did the math. A deficit of over 1000 calories per day is not recommended by MFP.
  • JakiDee
    JakiDee Posts: 43 Member
    A 1250 calorie deficit per day is pretty aggressive IMO. That's why I called it aggresive because I actually did the math. A deficit of over 1000 calories per day is not recommended by MFP.
    G'bye Negative Nancy. You already expressed your opinion, now scoot.
  • I'm in! I'm doing this site in combination with P90 (but NOT the X version!) for my activity, 6 days a week. Thanks for thinking of this and posting it...I think just what I need for extra motivation! If I actually do lose 40 by January, I'll nearly be at my goal!
  • britneybowen
    britneybowen Posts: 26 Member
    I would love to but I am scared I won't meet it!! I need help on what to do in order to do it :)
  • I'm in. I need to lose weight too; not just because I'm overweight but I want to LOOK and BE healthy. You can count me in!
  • dynamitegalxo
    dynamitegalxo Posts: 299 Member
    A 1250 calorie deficit per day is pretty aggressive IMO. That's why I called it aggresive because I actually did the math. A deficit of over 1000 calories per day is not recommended by MFP.
    G'bye Negative Nancy. You already expressed your opinion, now scoot.
  • Susantuti
    Susantuti Posts: 168 Member
    ".......is not recommended by MFP.
    G'bye Negative Nancy. You already expressed your opinion, now scoot.

    hee hee hee! ;-)
  • gwen485
    gwen485 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm in & it's actually my goal for the rest of the year!!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    I surely don't wanna start a war! LOL Those who want to join me TRY to aim for a big goal please feel free! Those who don't, continue on... Plenty ways ti skin a cat and like I said... if I don't quite make the goal.. I STILL will be better off. I'd be happy with just 20 pounds! :=D :flowerforyou:

    The way I figured it, It would average to losing about 2.5 pounds a week... as a doctor I generally say losing between 0.5-3 pounds a week is safe especially if you get that deficit in a healthy way but cutting FRIED, FAST FOODS, and empty cals.... :blushing: :flowerforyou:

    but, to each her own! What do I know!? :blushing:

    I'm happy to see some are intersted in trying!! WOO HOO! Here's to giving it our ALL, doing the RIGHT thing, and letting the chips (pounds) fall where they may :drinker: :heart: :smooched: :laugh:

    I will make the group today/tomorrow and make it private and then we shall bond and drop some pounds!!
  • I am in! I would love to join this group. I just joined my fitness pal so I think this will be a great way to stay motivated through the holidays! Good luck to everyone!
  • elephant2mouse
    elephant2mouse Posts: 906 Member
    I'm in, I need some serious motivation and to be held accountable.
    Have been slacking the past week. :(
  • simone2060
    simone2060 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in! I've been lagging lately just because of pure effort. I could do with a challenge like this!
  • Please include me! I just turned 50 years old and have struggled with my weight since I was 30. (marriage and kids can do that to you). I have a total of 80 pounds to lose, but my goal is to lose half of it, 40, by the end of the year! I am in!!!
  • vaultgirlsam
    vaultgirlsam Posts: 28 Member
    I'm in! Can we do weekly body weight challenges or some goals broken up smaller?
  • Count me in!!
  • shadiel
    shadiel Posts: 59 Member
    I would love to join, count me in as well.
  • Count me in for this please! Are you planning to have weekly weigh-in posts or what's the plan?