

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Hi ladies....I just can't keep up with this post anymore. I feel so badly that I don't have the time anymore to read through and then reply to all of you. I miss you guys, but life is not affording me the time right now. I'm on the road again for work and have lots more business travel planed over the next couple of months. Realistically I think that I'll be unable to keep up with all of you. Here it is the 3rd day of September and you are already on page 6! I'll try and check in now and then, but more than likely will be AWOL as I have been for the last month or so.

    I'm keeping up with my goals though and hope your all are too!

    Sending you all warm wishes!

  • LeslieN65
    LeslieN65 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi...I am Leslie and I am 48 yrs old and I live in the beautiful state of Alabama:-) ...I am excited to be a part of this group....my goals are to walk 10,000 steps a day and strengthen my core...and plant my front flower beds...I have not planted the front flower beds in over 18 months....I posted my goals earlier this morning but neglected to actually introduce myself! Last month my goal was to burn 500 calories a day 5 to 6 days a week in exercise alone...I met that goal..even on the days when I did not want to get on my bike again or walk, but wanted to reach my goal, so I did:-) Thankful to be done with that hard core goal and move on to another:-)
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Sylvia - your puppy is so darn cute, just melts my heart :love:

    Vicki - I'm so very sorry that you are having such issues with your sister. I agree with DeeDee, I think she's very jealous of you. You are succeeding when she couldn't. It sounds like she's going to attack you the only way she knows how now that you are doing so well with your weight loss. I wish you luck, I had a sister like that too so I know how hard it is. Try and remember that this get together is for you Mom and try and avoid your sister.

    I've read all your posts but I'm so tired tonight. I will respond more tomorrow. I went to the Y after work tonight, walked the track and road the bike. My DD had to work so I went alone...yikes. I did it!! It will be early to bed for me tonight.

    Welcome to all the newcomers, you have found a great bunch here.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well this nurse was able to check in one last time with all my 'patients'!!! My sister has now gone home and is looking forward to being in the comfort of her home and not call bells ringing, IV alarms beeping, all the stuff that goes with being in a hospital. My daughter and her family are weathering the storm very well. My daughter went to work and has a real good supportive chair vs what she would be sitting on at home, had to get up several times several times and work with co-workers and feels good tonight. The girls are fine, the little one doesn't even realize that she has some bruises and you know how 6 year olds can play up bumps and bruises. The 12 year old did well at school and went to a football game. Just like we knew would happen, a church member had a wonderful car they weren't using and loaned it to them with an option to buy. My husband is a sucker at making sure his two girls have the money they need if they need to buy a car. Their house was recently foreclosed on so I know they won't be able to get a good loan so that means we would get a loan and them make payments to us. We did that quite a few years ago and I think they probably made about 5% of the payments to us and he didn't mind at all. he jsut wrote it off. I think we are doing them a dis-service by not making them accountable and not really teaching these two responsible adults anything. But this is what he does. This is a really nice car with quite a few nice bells and whistles. I don't think they really need all this and should look for a cheaper car. They don't know what kind of money they will get from the insurance and need to take little baby steps and not talk about buying this $4,000 car when she paid $1500 for her old car which won't get much money when they decide to consider it totaled. The car they had was a Camry with a new engine and transmission in it. So they had a good car which would still last a long time. Yes it was cheap but that's the kind of budget they have. And they bought the best car for the money they had. But they are all physically OK and my sister is fine.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    I am still reading all the posts, sending prayers and good wishes to those that need them; taking inspiration and encouragement from all of you; and trying to get out of a funk. I am fine. As Greta Garbo said, " I want to be alone", I will get over it.

    For now, silently lurking and sending love,
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,
    Thank you Barbie for keeping this thread going and your steady, positive presence here.

    August was a challenging month. I was home a total of 17 days, and for 5 of those I had houseguests, which for me is hugely stressful. I am also racked with “survivors guilt” as another 40 people were let go from where I work. That means a 30% reduction in headcount over past 2 months. Fun times ahead….not!

    I am still trying to catch up with you all, but wanted to report on my August goals before any more time gets away:

    August Goals:
    Nourish my mind and faith with daily positive affirmations. Done!

    80 oz of water per day, except on flight days. Done!

    Embrace the strength training challenge and seek professional help with it at my community center! Done! However, between my travel schedule and my trainer having a cold, we only connected for 2 workouts. Have been doing more body weight training on my own, but feel I’ll benefit from having someone push me.

    Get a double digit number on my weight loss ticker. Sigh…. It was a roller-coaster month. Didn’t gain weight and in fact can see definition starting in my abs and biceps, so that makes up for the disappointment on the scale.

    I’ll be back soon with September goals. If you don't see me for awhile, please know that I do read all the posts and mentally send my ardent wishes for you and your families' health and good fortune. Stay well.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Late Wednesday

    I've just caught up on the thread and have one or two comments for people

    Joyce - crochet can also be lace, just a different kind to what I do. I have done crocheted lace and knitted lace, but mostly do bobbin lace. I'm glad you still have some of your grandmother(?)'s pieces (couldn't remember if that was who you said made them).

    Vicki - I agree with DeeDee that your sister is probably jealous. When/if you speak to her again about the arrangements for your mum's party. Just tell her that you will be quite happy working in the kitchen with your husband, and she can do the same with hers.

    Sandy - the lace I have been working on is a portfolio of compulsory stitches by way of samples and some completed items of my own design to be part of the U.K. Lace Guild Assessment program. This happens every 2 years and I only decided to enter the Elementary level this year in April, so had a rush to get everything done by the deadline of 7th Sept. The next assessment will be 2015 and I have decided that in the coming 2 years I will try to complete all the work for the Intermediate and Advanced levels and have them ready for April 2015 when I go to Lace Convention so that I don't have to pay the exorbitant postage that I had to pay today ($96 Cdn for priority post to ensure it gets there in time). I hadn't been running so late, it would still have cost about $66 to send it by recorded delivery so that I could track it all the way. After one had done all that work, I didn't want to trust it just to the mail with no tracking.

    Jodios - in view of your comments, I'm not sure if you'll read any more or not, but this applies to others too. If you don't have time to read all the thread, don't worry - it isn't compulsory if you are too busy because life takes over sometimes. But please come in and let us know what you are doing and how you are doing from time to time because we miss you when you aren't here.

    Funny evening - I couldn't settle to anything for a while after the pressure of the past couple of weeks. Then I went and found another lace pillow and got on with a UFO. Another project almost finished.

    Off to bed.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    morning ladies,
    my heel is killing me but I am up and going to the gym, I have to be at work by 7:30 so I gotta run..
    I did call the podiatrist and I will be going tomorrow and getting the dreaded cortizone shot,,It has to be done, and im asking for some pain meds too. I just want this gone...
    Meg- I have a trained one too:laugh: though I do do the cooking and the lawn,but he isvery good with cleaning and laundry and even on a day off he is non stop..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    I'm so excited! Did a PB of 11.30 on the elliptical. PB and met my September goal of 75 on crunches (I do 25 straight and then 25 each transverse). PB of 22 squats with a 7.5 k weight. PB of 10 bicep curls and met my September goal. PB 2.20 on the plank.
    Go me!:laugh: Didn't wake up feeling particularly inspired so that makes it all the more unexpected. I felt more motivated the further along I got. I left the bicep curls until last and thought I would be too tired to do more than a few, but wow! Time to change up the weights? DH is amazed. A year ago I would have said I couldn't do any of this, using my knee as an excuse for not doing squats etc. But I find I enjoy the strength training more than the cardio and you can see results quickly. If I could bear to go to a gym I would love to try heavy lifting as people on other threads rave about it, but I hate gyms (music ) and you have to have a trainer and spotter. Never mind. If I win the lottery I will hire a personal trainer!:tongue: in fact I did win it last Saturday - £10.:laugh:

    The painter is finishing off the last bits today. Then we will have to hand over a HUGE cheque.:sad: DH off to cricket again this pm. For lunch we are having a lovely red pepper and tomato soup I froze, with garlic prawn and avocado salad. Yummy!
    Meg - I love the sound of your salmon and quinoa.:love::love: If I can't be bothered to cook the red quinoa I buy Merchant Gourmet pre cooked. Love it in salad. I use half a packet for lunch. It is high in protein.

    Vicki - I'm so sorry you were upset by your sister. Families eh?!!!! I like Barbie's quote "ACT THE WAY YOU WANT TO FEEL" I have found that a great help in my life along with, "I am not my feelings". You don't have to FEEL happy about the way she is being, but you can ACT strong and happy about your own choices. Scientific research has shown that if you act in a certain way your feelings catch up with you. :bigsmile: When I was a child my mother used to sing me the song from The King and I, 'I Whistle a Happy Tune'. I don't suggest you start whistling, but you get the idea.:bigsmile:
    I managed to teach my elder son how to get over being bullied in the playground by using a different body language. We rehearsed it all - how he should walk into the playground, how he should go up and speak to people, hold his head up high etc. instead of doing what he had been doing. Obviously bullying is bad and the other pupils should not do it whatever the circumstances, but I could see from his body language that he was not doing himself any favours. We went through it all and practised and, do you know, it worked!!! I watched from the gate and was so proud of him. I could see the other kids do a double take - is that T? - and then one of the more confident girls came up to him and started talking normally. I had told him, SMILE, ! He smiled!
    So Vicki, keep smiling, be gracious but firm, ACT THE WAY YOU WANT TO FEEL!
    Good luck!:heart:

    Must get showered now. I was so excoted about my pbs I had to sit down and write to you all.:blushing:

    Love Heather in sunny and beautiful Hampshire UK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member

    Yes we are pretty close to Miami, OK. We don't get down there often, though. I bought my van there 10 years ago and that's the last time. Not sure why.

    My husband was 47 when we got married, and in December it will be 17 years, but he is in no way trained. I sometimes mention to him that I don't know how he lived to adulthood, much less survive till 47 on his own. He was single that whole time, living on his own. One weekend when we were dating I came down to visit and he was sick with the flu so I did his laundry. He has NEVER done his own laundry since that day. He is wonderful in so many other ways, but helping with housework isn't one of them.

    Sylvia from Kansas
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hello Ladies –

    The weather has taken a very nice turn here in Delaware. Although fall is still over a month away the days are starting to feel fall-like.

    I had a good step day yesterday, got over 21,000 on my fitbit. Think I need to set a 25,000 goal as it has been quite some time since I’ve hit that threshold. I got home late last night and DH was trying to be nice and had gotten me a salad at Salad Works. I really like their salads but like to have my dressing on the side. He got it with the dressing mixed in. Boy they use a lot of dressing. I ate the salad out of appreciation, but it really was not as good as it was drenched in all that dressing and I was lamenting all the extra calories with every bite, but didn’t want to seem ungrateful so ate most of it.

    :smile: Kate in Brooklyn – not sure if you will see this, but your scooter vacation wounds very fun.
    :smile: Katla – congratulations on the new low on the scale!
    :smile: Grandmallie – sounds like you cleaned up at the Goodwill, always nice to find good deals.
    :smile: Yanniejannie – that watermelon salad sounds yummy, I will have to try it sometime.
    :smile: Michelle – that does sound like the life, hanging out w/friends playing Mahjongg and soaking in the hot tub, ahhh…
    :smile: Sylvia – congratulations on adding Bruno to your family, he sounds delightful.
    :smile: JB – love the tattoo cartoon. Thanks for sharing.
    :smile: Vicki – sorry to hear about your family drama, hope it all works out for you.

    Have a lovely week,
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    VickiL in NE: I’m sorry your sister behaved badly. I hope you’ll be able to ignore her rudeness and get some pleasure from your mom’s celebration. I agree completely with the comments DeeDee made about the situation. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    Jodios: Stop by when you can and give us an update. I won’t hold it against you if you can’t reply to every thing that goes by. I don’t think others will, either.:flowerforyou:

    Michelle: There is definitely magic in and on water. I’ve never been as much of a swimmer as many, because I dislike being wet and cold at the same time. If I lived in a warm water area I’d be in it all the time. I’m sorry you seem to be stuck with your daughter’s cats. Perhaps the oncoming fall will curb her traveling and she’ll get them. :flowerforyou:

    Meg: Your flooding woes are so frustrating. I’m sorry you couldn’t find good workers. We have some maintenance issues that need attention before fall rains, and haven’t found anyone who can do them, either. Either the economy has improved enough that they’re working or they’re too busy with jobs ahead of ours, or…:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Glad to hear your sister is home and able to finally get some rest.:flowerforyou:

    Heather in Hampshire, UK: Congratulations on the personal best! WTG!:bigsmile:

    Today we’re taking the boat to be repaired and I am eager to do it. We need to get our breakfasts and get moving. DH just sent me a Christmas photo from a few years ago that he recently downloaded from his camera under the heading, ”I’m so proud of you.” OMG. I’m using it to start a before and after collection of pictures. I really didn’t see myself back then, and didn’t realize how fat and unhealthy I was getting to be. I was so focused on getting work done & commuting that I didn’t really think I could do anything about my weight. My mind was in the trenches at work, entrenched in bad personal habits and stuck. I’m so glad I’m not stuck any more. You’re all a big part of my ability to change and I am grateful for MFP and all of you.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    September goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!!
    Not much new here.
    Love reading the posts.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh goodness, I couldn't sleep well last night. I knew when I went to bed at 1:30 AM and I wasn't even sleepy that it was going to be hard. It may be unusual but when I can't sleep that sometimes just putting my pillow down tot eh bottom of the bed and trying down there will help. So that's what I did and sure enough, I was asleep. So I was 'rudely' awakened at 10:50 when my cell phone rang. So I have to fight the covers that to my mind are kind of upside down , get my Cpap mask off, my eye mask off and get to the phone that normaly would be right by my head. So of course I answer the cell phone upside down and yes, I miss it. So that's how I started my day. Some day I might fall on top off my head when I try to crawl out of bed while down there.

    But even though I haven't seen any difference in my measurements and It seems the scale hasn't moved this week, I have lost one pound this week. So one small victory! Getting a 'mop cut' tomorrow morning. I will only call my hair a mop right now.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 765 Member
    Wow - my friend sent me this link. Pretty cool Ladies. Good morning to all. Looks like I'm late to the party for some but hey I'm here and ready to roll!!!! Been at MFP since January. Had a great 4 months then had something (actually someone) get to me which at my age is silly but anyway. Had a bit of a walkabout for a couple of months. August was just ok. I was up a couple of pounds but I decided not to beat myself up over it - I did walk quite a bit but wasnt able to get it to the level I wanted. We're moving in the next couple of weeks so that will be a lot of my calorie burn but I have some other goals for the month.

    -Close the kitchen by 8pm
    -Watch my sodium and white flour
    -walk/bike or whatever at least 50-75 miles for the month (I was in a challenge the last 2 months with those goals and it really, really helped keep me focused)
    Barbie - any time you want to come help with our garden, I can use it. We'll be starting our landscaping almost from scratch on the house we're moving to!!

    Let's go get em ladies. Looks like everyone is doing so well!!! Happy Hump Day!!!

    NW Los Angeles
  • luckyinlove2
    luckyinlove2 Posts: 66 Member
    Awesome number of posts already this month! Didn't post in August--can't say exactly where the time went but it flew by! I did join Curves though, so not all lost. I also went to my 40th high school reunion and was voted most changed for the better...made my weekend!

    So here goes with September goals:
    1) Exercise minimum 3x/wk
    2) Record all food on MFP (had slacked in recording all things)
    3) Get weight back down to onederland!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    I am passing along this email. I hope it makes you feel happy! - Paula from California

    "This has to be one of the best singles ads ever printed. It is reported to have been listed in the Atlanta Journal.

    SINGLE BLACK FEMALE seeks male companionship, ethnicity unimportant. I'm a very good girl who LOVES to play. I love long walks in the woods, riding in your pickup truck, hunting, camping and fishing trips, cozy winter nights lying by the fire. Candlelight dinners will have me eating out of your hand. I'll be at the front door when you get home from work; wearing only what nature gave me.... Call (404) 875-6420 and ask for Annie, I'll be waiting....."

    For Annie's picture, go to: http://www.pleacher.com/forwards/forwards/annie.html

    If you haven't guessed already, this is very cute and NOT risque at all!
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 765 Member
    Never mind. I just read on the help screen that adding photos on the web site is not compatible with some tablets. So, I did it through the app. The picture in my profile now is my new puppy Bruno.

    Love the picture!!!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, everyone,

    Not much new here.....still working on that box of stuff to send dd; decided we need to facetime up in her room for me to find it all. The problem is that she has NO time. She has taken on WAY too much; this is usual for her but it makes for a very concerned mom!
    Did tai chi (private lesson, as nobody else showed!!!) and yoga last night. Did ladies exercise this am; held 4lb. weights in each hand for the ones I could. Going back for yoga at 6pm. Bought a miles counter for the bike; not sure how much I'll be able to do there, but I'll see.

    Vicki.........Dee Dee is spot on with her advice, nothing to add except "chin up!!!" and don't validate the hatefulness by even addressing it.

    Sandy...........WTG!!! Going to the Y alone!!!

    Sylvia...............gorgeous puppy!!! I'm having doggy envy!

    Meg........my Pandora and youtube tastes are eclectic to say the least....listened to lately: Bruno Mars---love, love, love his voice!!! (would love to see him, but he's touring Europe right now), Ricky Nelson, Ronnie Dove--from the 50's, ladies---introduced to his songs by an older boyfriend---and he's still around!!!--plays in the Baltimore area, Rod Stewart (first concert I took dd to), Mumford and Sons, Simon and Garfunkel, Al Greene, The Temptations and Four Tops, Adele, Garth Brooks, Bruce Springstein (especially when Clarence Clemons is {sadly, was} on sax!!!), Patsy Cline, Kiss, Bon Jovi, Beatles, Stones, Florence and the Machine and on and on..........

    Gail........simply awesome weight totals...........

    Michele........8 weeks? I'd say you are the owner at this point.

    Got to run, although I know there were more people I wanted to reply to.

    Take care,
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    SINGLE BLACK FEMALE seeks male companionship, ethnicity unimportant. I'm a very good girl who LOVES to play. I love long walks in the woods, riding in your pickup truck, hunting, camping and fishing trips, cozy winter nights lying by the fire. Candlelight dinners will have me eating out of your hand. I'll be at the front door when you get home from work; wearing only what nature gave me.... Call (404) 875-6420 and ask for Annie, I'll be waiting....."

    Annie is a black labrador puppy. Over 150 men found themselves talking to the Atlanta Humane Society.