40 pounds in 4 months: the end of the year challenge!



  • miller930
    miller930 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm in, if there is still room. I just joined recently and have been looking for a good challenge.
  • ocassin
    ocassin Posts: 9 Member
    Count me in.:happy:
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    A 1250 calorie deficit per day is pretty aggressive IMO. That's why I called it aggresive because I actually did the math. A deficit of over 1000 calories per day is not recommended by MFP.
    G'bye Negative Nancy. You already expressed your opinion, now scoot.

    oh ffs.
  • FitterBody
    FitterBody Posts: 367 Member
    Room for one more? Lost 10kg since mid July so another 20kg (approx 40lbs) by year end would pretty much get me to my first target weight.
  • I'm in! Like you, I'm crazy busy as well. Not inly am I a Clinical Supervisor in an 18 bed ICU at a Level 2 trauma center, I'm a Mom to 3, one is a Senior in High School, one's a Junior and my 9 yr old daughter is a competitive dancer. 40 ponds by the end of the year is EXACTLY where I want to be, too! So excited to share this journey with you....
  • CheekyWu
    CheekyWu Posts: 12 Member
    Im in. All though 40lbs isnt my goal its more like 14 - 20. I'd love the the motivation (well need it). Since ive never done the whole community thing I think it may help as I am slowly eating my way back 2 the old me :( sept 4 2013 start of a new me and a new journey!xxx
  • I would like to join too, if not too late
  • I'm in!

    I've got between 80-100lbs to loose so this is awesome.
  • Im in :D

    Will be fun hahaha
  • shanti_777
    shanti_777 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm in-- I have a MAJOR important goal to reach by Jan 2014 so it absolutely fits.. thank you!
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    im in

    thats like all i wanna lose till my goal (well till the goal i have set for now)

    but i doubt ill be able to meet it cause i wont get the ok to workout this month (just got outta surgery)

    BUT i am lookin on what i eat and i will need some motivation while gettin back on track with excersise (one month in the hospital made it hard to get up and down on the stairs in my house :/)
  • Janetsgirl
    Janetsgirl Posts: 5 Member
    Please do count me in - I have been languishing for some time on A 5lb weight loss on a daily 1200 kcal unfortunately without results expected. I am awaiting blood tests results for thyroid as I cant understand why it will not budge. I have just started to step up my excercise. Its just plain old walking but doing more of it now and aiming for 7 km most days and perhaps 10-14 km on my days off - my daughter is a student doctor studying at the university of the same doctor who came up with the 5:2 diet - she has lost a lot of weight as well as has my husband (2.5 stones in 4 months) - I just couldnt stick with the 500 cal days but 1200 is fine for me. I don't understand all the fuss about it being too low as MFP set it as my default? COUNT ME IN FOR SURE.
  • Susantuti
    Susantuti Posts: 168 Member
    I'm in! I'm gonna shoot for the moon too but I hate to say it, I don't think I can do 40 lbs., but we will see. Also I would like to add that I would like to focus on my measurements as well. The scale and I do not get along and I've been trying to avoid it for several days now. lol. I will get back on it for this challenge though. Yay!
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    Wait for me!!! Count me in! This was my end of year goal anyway, woot woooot!
  • I'm in, I have the weight to lose easily.

    Goals = 2.5 lb per week weight loss

    Add in weight lifting a stretching along with my cardio and current regimen.

    My pool is about to close and I will no longer be able to swim laps as exercise so I need motivation.
  • Sitwat
    Sitwat Posts: 3 Member
    Hi - I would totally love to do this. I actually needed to lose 40 lbs total and still have 20 lbs to go. Would love to be a part of this group and get encouragement for the rest and help encourage others too. Thanks!
  • nini6900
    nini6900 Posts: 25 Member
    count me in too :-) I need to lose about 70 lbs and 40 would be great by the end of the year...
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    just my opinion... those with large amounts of weight to lose should be able to lose 10 pounds per month withut too much trouble, however, those with less to lose, you may want to aim for 6-8 pounds. i only say this out of experience... when i was 100 pounds over weight, i averaged a 10 pound loss per month for the first 3 months... then it dropped to about 8 pounds per month, and towards the end of my weight loss, dropped to about 6 pounds per month. i would hate for you to get discouraged for not reaching your goals... maybe set goal for 7 pounds per month, and if you lose more... BONUS!
  • IrishNancy12
    IrishNancy12 Posts: 1 Member
    I'd like to join the group. I need the motivation! thanks!
  • kwelinb
    kwelinb Posts: 3 Member
    count me in...I'm ready!!!