calling all non-moms!



  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    Awesome suggestions!

    I'm getting sluggish too so I really like the "try a new exercise" idea

    Also, I have a HUGE issue with eating too much after lunch (like my body doesn't shut down and say it's not hungry...or it does and I'm not listening) I would love a goal to help me with that.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    :blushing: GAWD! So yesterday was weight and measure day! Here it is

    Neck = 14 in
    Chest = 41 in
    Waist = 41 in
    Hips = 45 in
    Thights = 26 in

    Weight = 210

    So i haven't moved in two months...and i just started...i don't give a crap that muscle weighs more than fat and all the other good feeling statements i'm bound to get...i haven't lost a thing! the 5lbs i've gained was due to menstruation, nothing it's gone, and i'm at the beginning inches and no lbs lost in 2 months...i'm under my calorie intake (no i'm not starving myself) because i don't eat my workout's 9:30 at night when i get home, of course i'm not going to stuff my face with 500 calories! so i'm feeling a little discouraged the point where i had a SMALL piece of cherry pie for breakfast :blushing: I'll be fine...i go back to the gym tonight and bust my @ss for another 1.5 hours

    whats your normal routine? and how much weight are you trying to lose? also are you eating something shortly before & after your workout?
    I ask those because I've heard those can affect your weight loss:
    did you go from not working out much at all to 2 months of workout out an hour and a half per day? you may have shocked your body with the activity so its put itself in starvation/famine mode and is hanging on to all the calories you eat keeping you from losing.
    If you're trying to lose more than 1% of your body weight each week you can also throw yourself into starvation mode (ex I was 183lbs, so I'm shooting for 1.8lbs per week)
    eating something before &/or after you workout will give your body healthy nutrients to repair muscle & restore anything that was lost. it doesnt have to be anything huge, and doesnt have to be over your calorie goals for the day (my goal without my daily workout is 1360, I eat that plus maybe 100-200 of the 300-600 calories i burn each day) just factor these in.
    for me, I take a 1/2 hour bike ride every morning, I drink 4oz of naked food juice or bolthouse farms green juice before and oatmeal after (if I skip the workout I skip both the green juice & oatmeal and have a hard boiled egg & trop50 juice instead) in the afternoon about 1-2 hours before going to the gym I have either fat free yogurt (I love fage greek!) with sugar in the raw & cinnamon (which helps control blood sugar) and 2-3 naturevalley nut clusters broken up in it. Right after the gym in the evening I eat half an orange and a babybel light cheese round. total calories for the pre & post evening workouts is 340, the am pre & post (which is also my breakfast!) is 250. maybe adding in stuff before & after will show your body that its ok to let go of the jiggle! lol if the 340 calories sounds like too much for you, try chocolate milk made with 8oz skim milk and 1tbs ovaltine, thats only about 110 calories :)

    and if all else fails I've heard that some people have good luck with calorie cycling: taking the total amount of calories they're allowed to eat per week (for me 1360x7=9520) and splitting it up over the week randomly so say Monday you have 1200, Tuesday you have 1450, Wednesday 1300, Thursday 1250, Friday 1600... you get the idea :) I've never tried it however i have noticed in weight loss attempts in the past that when I've hit a wall and been discouraged and gone crazy eating way over my calorie goal one or two days and then hunker down and get back on track I usually would see a loss again.

    **disclaimer: nikiki is not a dr, dietician, nutritionalist, blah blah blah, any statements made above (or ever) are gained from previous diet experience, and random magazine & internet articles, and as she is not yet a size 8 obviosly she is not the genious she tries to sound like... take all advice with a grain of salt and feel free to do your own research**
  • starkiss100
    starkiss100 Posts: 235 Member
    I'll be in too.. I gained my weight from partying after I got done with college and eating wrecklessly and drinkig too much with my friends. I am closer to my goal than I was in the beginning of the year, but still have some more weigth to go. Plus I want to get more fit in gerenal.

    P.S. Add me if you want, I am 30 yrs old and live in MI.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    :blushing: GAWD! So yesterday was weight and measure day! Here it is

    Neck = 14 in
    Chest = 41 in
    Waist = 41 in
    Hips = 45 in
    Thights = 26 in

    Weight = 210

    So i haven't moved in two months...and i just started...i don't give a crap that muscle weighs more than fat and all the other good feeling statements i'm bound to get...i haven't lost a thing! the 5lbs i've gained was due to menstruation, nothing it's gone, and i'm at the beginning inches and no lbs lost in 2 months...i'm under my calorie intake (no i'm not starving myself) because i don't eat my workout's 9:30 at night when i get home, of course i'm not going to stuff my face with 500 calories! so i'm feeling a little discouraged the point where i had a SMALL piece of cherry pie for breakfast :blushing: I'll be fine...i go back to the gym tonight and bust my @ss for another 1.5 hours

    whats your normal routine? and how much weight are you trying to lose? also are you eating something shortly before & after your workout?
    I ask those because I've heard those can affect your weight loss:
    did you go from not working out much at all to 2 months of workout out an hour and a half per day? you may have shocked your body with the activity so its put itself in starvation/famine mode and is hanging on to all the calories you eat keeping you from losing.
    If you're trying to lose more than 1% of your body weight each week you can also throw yourself into starvation mode (ex I was 183lbs, so I'm shooting for 1.8lbs per week)
    eating something before &/or after you workout will give your body healthy nutrients to repair muscle & restore anything that was lost. it doesnt have to be anything huge, and doesnt have to be over your calorie goals for the day (my goal without my daily workout is 1360, I eat that plus maybe 100-200 of the 300-600 calories i burn each day) just factor these in.
    for me, I take a 1/2 hour bike ride every morning, I drink 4oz of naked food juice or bolthouse farms green juice before and oatmeal after (if I skip the workout I skip both the green juice & oatmeal and have a hard boiled egg & trop50 juice instead) in the afternoon about 1-2 hours before going to the gym I have either fat free yogurt (I love fage greek!) with sugar in the raw & cinnamon (which helps control blood sugar) and 2-3 naturevalley nut clusters broken up in it. Right after the gym in the evening I eat half an orange and a babybel light cheese round. total calories for the pre & post evening workouts is 340, the am pre & post (which is also my breakfast!) is 250. maybe adding in stuff before & after will show your body that its ok to let go of the jiggle! lol if the 340 calories sounds like too much for you, try chocolate milk made with 8oz skim milk and 1tbs ovaltine, thats only about 110 calories :)

    and if all else fails I've heard that some people have good luck with calorie cycling: taking the total amount of calories they're allowed to eat per week (for me 1360x7=9520) and splitting it up over the week randomly so say Monday you have 1200, Tuesday you have 1450, Wednesday 1300, Thursday 1250, Friday 1600... you get the idea :) I've never tried it however i have noticed in weight loss attempts in the past that when I've hit a wall and been discouraged and gone crazy eating way over my calorie goal one or two days and then hunker down and get back on track I usually would see a loss again.

    **disclaimer: nikiki is not a dr, dietician, nutritionalist, blah blah blah, any statements made above (or ever) are gained from previous diet experience, and random magazine & internet articles, and as she is not yet a size 8 obviosly she is not the genious she tries to sound like... take all advice with a grain of salt and feel free to do your own research**

    lol that was here is my reply...I've always gone to the gym, but it was sporadic...i admit i'm going more now and for a little bit longer than usual because i'm motivated and on a mission. No I don't usually eat after my work out, it's usually just my protein shake, and that's only 70 calories. I don't work out until night time so i've already had supper...or i'll have supper after i work out in the afternoon, depending on what my schedule is that day. I'm trying to lose 55lbs in a year...I'm having a hard time eating my calories, and then i burn them off so i'm down to about 1350 calories a day when i should be at 1650...also i have NO i'm going to get some multi-vitamins today...maybe i'm just lacking in my vitamins. Love you disclaimer...that's why we're in this group, to figure stuff out...i'm not tosca reno either lol
  • cuddlegrl
    cuddlegrl Posts: 101 Member
    Dont feel bad about not losing- especially right away. It took me 4 months to start seeing improvements and I workout with a personal trainer! When we compared my 1 month measurements to my inital I cried and ran out of the gym because I had barely lost anything! I was super discouraged and felt like I had busted butt for nothing.

    Everyone is different. Once my body figured out what it was supposed to do with my new exercise routine it has steadily started to shed the pounds 1 by 1 each week (until THAT week of the month :devil: )

    Keep at it and it'll happen!! I promise!! And when it does its all the more inspiring!! :smile:
  • I'm in. Will we have an actual group page to keep track a bit more easily?

    what's that? how do we make that happen? it sounds good!

    I imagine whomever started this message board will start a Blog (or assign it to one of your members), then each of us who is interested will "follow" or "subscribe" to the blog. Easy, eh? :-) Once that is up and running, we can "friend" each other as we choose. Otherwise our personal pages will be CRAZY with daily entries from virtual strangers.

    Each day or every other day (whatever the blog leader decides) a new blog entry can be posted . Challenges can be researched and discussed with the whole group much more easily this way. Once a challenge is decided, you can easily track who's in by posting a new blog entry with that particular challenge as the title and whomever is "in" will post a reply on it.
  • mizfit
    mizfit Posts: 118
    I'd love to be part of the blog or group page once it gets started. Please keep me posted.
  • monica2410
    monica2410 Posts: 124 Member
    Non-mom here. I'd also like to be part of the blog or group once it gets started.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    lol that was here is my reply...I've always gone to the gym, but it was sporadic...i admit i'm going more now and for a little bit longer than usual because i'm motivated and on a mission. No I don't usually eat after my work out, it's usually just my protein shake, and that's only 70 calories. I don't work out until night time so i've already had supper...or i'll have supper after i work out in the afternoon, depending on what my schedule is that day. I'm trying to lose 55lbs in a year...I'm having a hard time eating my calories, and then i burn them off so i'm down to about 1350 calories a day when i should be at 1650...also i have NO i'm going to get some multi-vitamins today...maybe i'm just lacking in my vitamins. Love you disclaimer...that's why we're in this group, to figure stuff out...i'm not tosca reno either lol

    I'd love to look like Tosca!!! hopefully I'll be her before I get to her age! lol
    Well if you're eating dinner (unless your dinner is 3 lettuce leaves and a cucumber) right around your workout I would think that you would be fine, I only eat that much because otherwise I'd be working out on an empty stomach and not eating for another hour or so. Maybe try adding some more calorie dense things or if you tend to eat the lower calorie/fat versions of things maybe switch to the regular versions? what do you usually eat during the day? When I first started losing weight about 2-3 years ago I had major issues eating all my calories, I was lucky if I broke 1,000 calories each day and wasnt losing much at all and felt crappy, it wasnt until I cut out artificial sweeteners that I was able to eat my full cals because so much of what I was eating was sweetened with splenda or aspartame (which also made me feel crappy) that I was eating all my calories and dropping weight... wish I had stuck with it, I lost nearly 20lbs before work, life & my lack of will power took over and I gained it all back...
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    by the way non-moms check it out! I was too impatient to wait until tomorrow for my weigh in so did it today: 173! and I was hoping for 175! so:
    Aug 30: 183
    Today: 173
    Total Loss: 10lbs!!
    Goal for Oct 30: 168
    Ultimate Goal: 145

    sad note: I just noticed this morning my boobs had shrunk (waaaahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!) I told my hubby (who by the way just fit into his 38 jeans! woot woot!) and he said he'd noticed a little change (jerk) but that I still had lovely tata's lol
  • Hi Everyone, I'm a non-mom and this sounds like a great idea to me. I was thrilled to lose just 3 lbs. Then I immediately gained it back. Eating is a big issue for me. I need all the help I can get. Thanks for coming up with this great idea!!!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member

    I imagine whomever started this message board will start a Blog (or assign it to one of your members), then each of us who is interested will "follow" or "subscribe" to the blog. Easy, eh? :-) Once that is up and running, we can "friend" each other as we choose. Otherwise our personal pages will be CRAZY with daily entries from virtual strangers.

    Each day or every other day (whatever the blog leader decides) a new blog entry can be posted . Challenges can be researched and discussed with the whole group much more easily this way. Once a challenge is decided, you can easily track who's in by posting a new blog entry with that particular challenge as the title and whomever is "in" will post a reply on it.

    thanks for this! i'm pretty new at the blogging thing, but i did put one up, titled 'calling all non-moms 9/29'. could you let me know if i did it right or need to change anything? it sounds like it will be so much easier! and we need to start friending all around. i'm *so* excited about this! yay for us! happy hump day everyone!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Ok, I'm in if it's not too late. I've been looking for a group like this, because most of the women I know who need to lose weight can blame their children and I have none, so I feel a little silly saying "well, chocolate tastes really good and I enjoy cheese and wine." It's not really a good complaint, compared to "I gained 60 pounds with your brother!" (which is what my mom complains about all the time.) It would be nice to feel like I belong somewhere!
  • I would like to be part of the group too!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Count me in! the only person that put the weight on was me.
  • I'd love to join! I'm definitely not a mommy...although I wish I was. My ex husband and I tried for a few years. Now I've got a new life. But no babies to blame for my battle of the bulge. I started out about 160. I'm not 148.2. :) It only shows on my ticker as losing 3lbs because I lost about 10 lbs prior to joining MFP. I'd love some motivation. My boyfriend is skinny as all get out and just doesn't understand being overweight. My best friend is also the same way (after two kids!!...she makes me sick! LOL) So I need some outside motivation. :)
  • Hey! how is everyone doing today? Only a quick check in from me tonight - really tired! xxx
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    my thighs are a little tight today, but still going to make it to the gym...really low on calorie intake yesterday after working out, but ate my face off at lunch today so i should be a little higher's your day going?
  • Yup, this is where I belong alright. Great idea!
This discussion has been closed.