Rude & Negative People Along The Way....



  • MadameLAL
    As a long-time vegetarian, I've heard similar comments. Try not to let it get to you. Strictly speaking, a hummus and veggie wrap isn't 'normal', it's BETTER than normal! Deviating from the norm can be a very good thing.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    I would have told them what to suck on.
  • Rkthach
    Rkthach Posts: 33 Member
    They are probably self-conscious about the way they eat and rather than take control of themselves they choose to pick on you. I am lucky to work with a group of women (and 1 man, poor guy) who always make sure to have at least one or two healthy items when doing group lunches. Next time just say, "And what I had yesterday was just as delicious! You should try hummus sometime, you might be surprised by how normal it is".
  • TexanDad1979
    People are stupid, and it is only getting worse, Anyone who works with the public will tell you the same. They are everywhere !
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    Op, while I do not necessarily agree with people telling you to 'just brush it off' or 'they were just joking', I will say that the most important thing to remember is the issue is with the person that said it to you. Not you. In other words, something is going on inside of them that is making them be snide to you. Almost 100% of the time it has nothing to do with anything you've done. That is the most important thing to remember.

    So in this case, they probably feel some huge pressure internally about eating healthy or something. You don't (and probably can't know) where it stems from. For all you know, the person had a mother that constantly put pressure on them to be thinner and scrutinized their food choices. Doesn't matter what their issue is, the important thing to remember is it is their issue!

    With that said, I highly recommend an excellent book. May be one of thebest you will ever read. It is called The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz. Esentially the four agreements boil down to this:

    Be Impeccable With Your Word
    Don't Take Anything Personally
    Don't Make Assumptions
    Always Do Your Best

    But the read and explanation is excellent.

    Within that, both the fact that it is their issue and that you can become a little more detached in your observation and reaction to their comments, that is not to say you do not have the right to set boundaries with people! You absolutely do and should. The important thing is to set the boundaries in a clear, direct way that are consistent with your own integrity as well.

    So, for example, after her comment here, I might have asked her why she thought that was a normal lunch and if she thought I was eating abnormal lunches on other days. Depending on what she said, I might have simply stated 'I feel really good about my new culinary expansion and experimentation phase I've been exploring, but I admit I'm uncomfortable with you commenting that it is somehow abnormal. If you are saying that because it is something you are unfamiliar with, but interested in, I'm happy to swap recipes with you'. (Depending on my past experiences with the individual I might add), 'But if it is my lifestyle choice in relation to food that you are commenting on, I'd prefer you keep your thoughts to yourself as I'm quite comfortable and happy with my current lifestyle'.

    Anyways, sorry you had to deal with a jerky coworker. Unfortunately there are unhappy people in the world that like to spread their unhappiness. But, there are always happy people too, don't forget. And her actions will become apparent to all sooner or later. Just make sure you keep your own integrity in your interactions, that is the most important.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Honestly, that wouldn't bother me. I might playfully rib them back, but it wouldn't be an issue of concern for me, as just as you said, the person doesn't know what you eat the rest of the day (and I'd be very surprised if he or she even cared). Just a dumb remark, really.
  • Gearjammer71
    Gearjammer71 Posts: 151 Member
    This happens everywhere; the rumor around my workplace is that I lost 100 lbs snorting coke. I am not going to chase down that rumor and stamp it out. Instead, I will act shady every time I go to the restroom and make them all cluck like the little hens they are. Have to have thick skin and just go with it. These aren't people that I hang out with outside of work, so I am not really concerned what they think.
  • Axe34
    Axe34 Posts: 37 Member
    You'll find some people can be very hostile to others -- usually in a passive-aggresive form -- when they've changed their lifestyle to a healthy one.

    I suspect most of it is rooted in a deep-seated jealousy and feeling bad about their own lifestyle.
  • compass172
    compass172 Posts: 15 Member
    I know this sounds like a broken record of what the majority of the responses are/ will be- but don't let it get to you! Whether it's a friend, relative, co-worker, or complete stranger- people are human and have flaws. The motivation for their comments may come from envy, from their own unhappiness, a good place, or a multitude more- it's not our job to figure it out.

    Just last night I was telling someone I've known for a while and thought was a friend that I was having pop chips, because for a healthier 120 calories I could give in to a craving a little bit. He said "haha, looks like your fatty gene won". I have no idea where this came from, since he seemed glad of my success prior- but I let it slide and only said a positive rebuttal, that my "fatty gene" has lost me 40 lbs and built me a good bit of muscle.

    Either way, like many other members have also said, don't worry about her thoughts on your lunch and enjoy your healthy journey!
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    if I have a day where I eat a burger or something like that (usually leftovers or a kids meal, due to poor planning) its like I am a circus act and everyone has to come see me eating *regular* food.

    YES exactly it was like I was a circus act! In our first meeting of the new academic year this person announced to everyone that I've really taken "a turn down the healthy road" and made some snide remark in front of now I feel like I'm really on display with my foods. Irritating as heck.

    I think you should get a clown nose and wear it while you eat lunch.
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member

    The most successful people in the world wouldn't have been successful if they listened to what negative things others say on a regular basis.
    Get thick skin like a rhino.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Around my job we mess with each other all day, I would venture to say the person didn't really mean anything by it , they just didn't realize how important it is to you. If you didn't know this person then that might be a different story. Just joke back and take it for what it is.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I don't know what your work relationship is with this person - but i work with a group of people that joke with each other and saying something like that would be just part of a regular day.

    Pretty much this. My nickname at work (I work with mostly men) is "guns." When I eat sushi I have a co-worker who will inevitably bring me a fork because he feels bad for me "no one should ever have to eat with sticks." I also get comments when I hit up the candy dish, because they know that I am the biggest offender but work really hard at not looking like it. Oh, and the sheer volume of food that I eat is a constant item joked about with my friends and family.

    So I don't know your work atmosphere, but here if someone got bend out of shape over a food comment the rest of us would be pretty surprised.
  • caiconCristi
    caiconCristi Posts: 255 Member
    “Be kind to unkind people – they need it the most.” - Ashleigh Brilliant, artist and writer.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I don't know what your work relationship is with this person - but i work with a group of people that joke with each other and saying something like that would be just part of a regular day.

    ^ This.

    Really, step back and think about why you are so upset about the comment. I've worked jobs where we referred to each other by incredibly insulting nick names, but we were all in on the jokes, and the stress reduction/laughter were necessary. Working and dieting can suck, so the more you can use humor and laugh at yourself, and not take things so seriously, the more you will relax and the more people will want to be around you.
  • xRiverX
    xRiverX Posts: 149 Member
    Op, while I do not necessarily agree with people telling you to 'just brush it off' or 'they were just joking', I will say that the most important thing to remember is the issue is with the person that said it to you. Not you. In other words, something is going on inside of them that is making them be snide to you. Almost 100% of the time it has nothing to do with anything you've done. That is the most important thing to remember.

    So in this case, they probably feel some huge pressure internally about eating healthy or something. You don't (and probably can't know) where it stems from. For all you know, the person had a mother that constantly put pressure on them to be thinner and scrutinized their food choices. Doesn't matter what their issue is, the important thing to remember is it is their issue!

    With that said, I highly recommend an excellent book. May be one of thebest you will ever read. It is called The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz. Esentially the four agreements boil down to this:

    Be Impeccable With Your Word
    Don't Take Anything Personally
    Don't Make Assumptions
    Always Do Your Best

    But the read and explanation is excellent.

    Within that, both the fact that it is their issue and that you can become a little more detached in your observation and reaction to their comments, that is not to say you do not have the right to set boundaries with people! You absolutely do and should. The important thing is to set the boundaries in a clear, direct way that are consistent with your own integrity as well.

    So, for example, after her comment here, I might have asked her why she thought that was a normal lunch and if she thought I was eating abnormal lunches on other days. Depending on what she said, I might have simply stated 'I feel really good about my new culinary expansion and experimentation phase I've been exploring, but I admit I'm uncomfortable with you commenting that it is somehow abnormal. If you are saying that because it is something you are unfamiliar with, but interested in, I'm happy to swap recipes with you'. (Depending on my past experiences with the individual I might add), 'But if it is my lifestyle choice in relation to food that you are commenting on, I'd prefer you keep your thoughts to yourself as I'm quite comfortable and happy with my current lifestyle'.

    Anyways, sorry you had to deal with a jerky coworker. Unfortunately there are unhappy people in the world that like to spread their unhappiness. But, there are always happy people too, don't forget. And her actions will become apparent to all sooner or later. Just make sure you keep your own integrity in your interactions, that is the most important.

    I think i'm having "de ja vous" from this morning

    Love your attitude by the way :)

    to the op do what you want to do,relax it will all happen in time :) good luck even though i know its not luck
  • xRiverX
    xRiverX Posts: 149 Member
    “Be kind to unkind people – they need it the most.” - Ashleigh Brilliant, artist and writer.
    LOL love this-however Id rather make fun of them I dislike anykind of bullying or mind manipulation for their own delusion of power,dont let them have power over you just smile or laugh,haha haha :)
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    "You cannot control the people around you, but you can control how you react to them"

    "No one can MAKE you feel bad about yourself without your permission"

    "Life is hard, get a helmet"

    I seem to say one or more of these to myself or someone else on daily basis. To heck with what others think, do your own thing for your own reasons.
  • lilredhead314
    lilredhead314 Posts: 52 Member
    Ugh, I have the same issue at work. I eat chia pudding everyday and everyday people are like "eww, what's that?" or "you're still eating that?" I try to just brush it off, but it's hard.
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    "Lions mustn't concern themselves with the opinions of lambs"
  • wildrose53
    wildrose53 Posts: 1,342 Member
    "Lions mustn't concern themselves with the opinions of lambs"

    I love this...I have a co-worker who comes to my desk every day at lunch and asks what I'm eating..then she asks how many calories are in it! Drives me nuts! And she just did it again! Grrrr. The last thing I worry about is what someone else is eating!!!