Help - Ive been banned from Jogging and impact exercise



  • FitCurves444
    FitCurves444 Posts: 169 Member
    I had to start walking..... as fast as my little legs can go. I still get a great, challenging workout and I love it. Hope you get well soon.
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    I had to be referred to a rheumatologist . I experienced lower back, hip and knee pain and swelling.

    Just before I ceased up I went to a specialist running shop and bought running shoes to address my pronation £105 trainers used twice!!!

    I have always hated running and jogging, but the parkruns were so friendly and encouraging that I actually really got into challenging my self and enjoying it. I actually found a way of exercising that gave me the focus and motive to keep going.

    The specialist has suggested elliptical and stationary bike, but like most people, I have various bits of equipment gathering dust in my home. Joining a gym been there done that not my thing.

    My rheumatologist told me the same thing, NO high impact exercises. I played sports semi pro for over 25 years and wasn't what I wanted to hear, but I blindly followed his advice..

    Low impact exercises led to daily meds to take, and walking with a cane, and out of shape first time in my life.

    Lost a 20lbs on diet alone, then started to run again. Guess what? No drugs, no hip pain, no knee pains, no back pain for first time in my life. I run every day at least 5k. Lost another 20lbs and now I'm in better shape then when I was doing two-a-days for training camp.

    Not saying don't listen to your rheumy, but I will say many doctors have made mistakes on diagnosing me that would of cost me my life if I followed their advice. Find what works for you and do it.

    Thanks you so much for this as it is quite inspiring for me. The 6-weeks off has calmed my body down and is almost back to normal.
    The freak out i did is over and my head is back in gear.

    Your post has nudged me into remembering that I know my body best.

    I think phase 1 needs be get rid of the pounds I put back on this last few weeks and do the passive strength exercises the consultant gave me. Then put back on my expensive running shoes.

    Thank you so much for the reminder.
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    1. Find an orthopedist or physical therapist.
    2. Try swimming.
  • jogy
    jogy Posts: 77 Member
    I know you don't like bikes, but how about trying spinning? You can't actually fall off them, unless your balance is really bad!

    You could also do aerobics as good instructors usually demonstrate low impact versions of the routines too.

    Spinning is a great idea. Low impact, maximum cardio and you will probably find a class where you can find the friendships that motivated you before. My physiotherapist banned me from jogging but not for life. She doesn't believe in that. But she does suggest to alternate my different interest in sports to not overcharge the same muscles or articulations all the time.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I was just told that I'm not allowed to do high impact exercises either. I was just diagnosed with osteoarthritis that is very advanced for my age--so advanced that I'll need a hip replacement. My doctor told me the best exercise is anything in the water. Water aerobics, swimming, etc. I can bike (but I don't). And I can walk (but not run). I researched what types of exercises to do for hip arthritis and everything I read said strength exercises. So I joined a gym and am going to start strengthening my leg muscles.

    Good luck to you! I know how frustrating this is.
  • wanderingarcher
    wanderingarcher Posts: 694 Member
    I just have to put a plug in here-- so many of these injuries/weaknesses can be alleviated by proper alignment. I know this has worked for me. Also worked great in helping improve the prolapse issue!
  • valenbryce
    valenbryce Posts: 10 Member
    Have you tried deep water running and/or aqua fitness? You can get a great no-impact cardio workout and there is a social component if you go to a class.
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    I have to admit that I wondered if the pounding my joints were taking from the star jumps skipping etc in the 30DS were the straw that broke the camels back. I now have better (as in proper) running shoes - used only twice and have thought to go back to the parkrun to see how I feel.

    I got a lot of hip pain last Summer after finishing the 30 DS (and I don't blame Jillian, I love her with all my heart. She's awesome) and was finally diagnosed with a Hip Laberl Tear in November of last year. I am still recuperating and do not do high impact or running anymore. Not until an all clear which i will probably never get unless I end up having surgery because these won't heal themselves but need to be surgical repaired. Anyway, I started exercising in May (other than my Physical therapy exercises) and have lost 21 pounds from eating in moderation, walking, and I did an Ab challenge last month and this month is my arms. I walk about 36 miles a month for exercise and I also turned my work station into a standing work station. There are ways to take off the weight and keep it off without high impact and further injury. I would love to jog and run and jump and skip, but I remind myself how much weight I put on in 9 months of not being depressed about not being able to anything. I was using a walker for a month it was so bad during the cold months. I am easing back into it and last weekend I actully went skating for two hours. I had a blast and only fell once. I was worried at first that i reinjured myself but I seem to have just bruised my butt. :blushing:
  • sanndandi
    sanndandi Posts: 300 Member
    Many of you are suggesting swimming or pool exercises. But I'm pretty sure the OP said in her opening post that she does not get her hair wet and also that the chlorine triggers allergies. Just pointing that out. I agree that swimming is a good low impact option but obviously she needs other suggestions. Which she is getting, don't get me wrong. It just stood out to me that several posts just said swimming, swimming, swimming.
  • Joleen106
    Joleen106 Posts: 9 Member
    Have you tried boxing? You can get yourself a punching bag and gloves or see if there is a boxing gym near you.
  • CaeliGirl11
    CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
    I have to agree that now that you have let your body rest a bit you should try and ease back into walking. My Mom has "bad" knees and walking always seems to make her feel a little better than doing nothing. Plus, you can still go out to the park and see the people that you were buddying up with. I'd just say take it easy and stick with walking, it's amazing how wonderful and exercise it can be!
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    Many of you are suggesting swimming or pool exercises. But I'm pretty sure the OP said in her opening post that she does not get her hair wet and also that the chlorine triggers allergies. Just pointing that out. I agree that swimming is a good low impact option but obviously she needs other suggestions. Which she is getting, don't get me wrong. It just stood out to me that several posts just said swimming, swimming, swimming.

    Thank you