Anybody doing the Herbalife diet



  • roxym5
    roxym5 Posts: 8 Member
    HI Becky,

    Just replying to your posting. How are you doing with herbalife, Have you kept loosing weight? I am using it but I have not seen any result. I need support I hope with can talk more often and support each other.


  • roxym5
    roxym5 Posts: 8 Member
    hi thank you for replying I eat at least 1000 calories and exercise 3 hours p/week. I make sure my meals are healthier such as chicken breath with vegetable 1/2 table spoon of olive oil is so less. No rice at all only salads and from time to time I have sesame seed crackers maybe one or two. I also cook lentils with vegetables and I make sure i have at least 1/2 cup of lentils and 1/4 of the avocado.

    When I make the shakes i use water, 2 scoops of powder and 1 scoop of protein for each shake.

    For fruits I usually have a 2 or 3 cups of fruits trough out the day and 1 table spoon of protein.

    I am not sure what i am doing wrong. thank you for any suggestion or comments
  • RCM888
    RCM888 Posts: 10
    You're not eating enough. 1,000 calories a day is potentially dangerous and means you won't lose any weight whatsoever. The chicken breasts and avocados/lentils are good choices but what are you snacking on throughout the day? You need to have your shakes, regular snacks and then a healthy and filling main meal. I started this two weeks ago. I don't do the shakes at the weekends but I have them (with milk) during the week. I snack on berries, cheese, eggs, ham, fruit. I have a healthy dinner every evening normally consisting of baby potatoes, lots of fish/chicken, salad, vegetables. I drink wine or a couple of vodka and tonics three times a week. I exercise about 4 times a week. I've lost 5lbs in the last fortnight by having roughly 1200-1500 calories a day and keeping carbs to about 120g per day. You're simply not eating enough so you're body is starving itself and clinging on to any fat you have for dear life. Is your diary open? If so, we can advise you better.
  • roxym5
    roxym5 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you, your comments are very helpful. Now, I know I will have to eat more filling snacks and meals. I will try to heat the 1200 calories everyday. My food diary is close but I will open it right now.
  • Vivian06703188
    Vivian06703188 Posts: 310 Member
    I don't think there is anything wrong with it especially if your doctor is on board with it. However, I do think when you reach your goal weight you should track all your food very closely and learn how to maintain you great successful weight loss. I think this is where people often fail no matter the mean of achieving the loss. Even people on MFP regain weight if they don't watch it.
  • roxym5
    roxym5 Posts: 8 Member
    hi, no I don't have a coach, I would be interested sure! I am trying to eat bit more this week. will see what happens. I am confuse with the amount of calories i should by taking this product :)
  • I have been using the Herbalife products for 2 years now.I know they work when you use them consistently. I have lost pounds and inches and have been able to maintain it with the products, better eating habits, and exercise.

    Some of the posts I'm reading talk about the shakes working as long as you are on them, but if you stop you gain weight back. Well, my response to that is "Why would you stop?" The shakes are healthy meals, they have tons of nutrients with less calories, easy to prepare, and cost less than fancy coffee and muffin or fast food. When you reach your targeted weight, continue to drink a shake for breakfast to get all of those benefits I mentioned. If you think of Herbalife as a "diet" that you are on temporarily, than you are wrong. Our products are meant to be incorporated into your daily, healthy lifestyle. When you think of it in that way, you will have success for as long as you choose. Your body will thank you!!

  • roxym5
    roxym5 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Jen,
    I buy the product from my friend here in US MA but she is not really helpful explaining the products well. I exercise at least 3 hours per week and I am always hungry I am not sure why I can loose weight. It seems as if my metabolism is blocked.

    Should I count the calories why I am in Herbalife, if so how much calories should I use. I want to lose at least 10 pounds.

    I am not sure if my nutrition is the right way to get to my goal. I love the shakes and the protein bars. :-D
  • magi65
    magi65 Posts: 2 Member
    hi i am on day 3 struggling a bit because not really clear what i am allowed. i have 2 shakes and a meal and i think i am allowed 2 snacks?? i have to say i am hungry but i have gone from eating like food was gonna dissapear if i didnt eat it.
  • b0nnyd0g
    b0nnyd0g Posts: 84 Member
    I don't really get the idea of 2 shakes and a 'healthy meal' with no other tracking. If I could do 'healthy meals' I would not need to be using Herbalife !! I love the product and have 2 shakes but I track, track, track the calories and then I know what I have left for my healthy meal and any snacks. Out of 1200 calories that I allow myself, it is a good meal and a light snack but would certainly go well over sensible calorie allowance if I did not track :)

    If you are struggling, look at some diaries of people using Herbalife (you might need to friend them first) to get some great ideas
  • Hi guys...
    Im on day 1 of herbalife today... ive about 1.5-2stone to lose.
    Had vanilla shake this morning and although taste wasnt bad I found the texture was very chalky/powdery. And that was after mixing it really well in my smoothie maker....are all flavours like that?
    Also found it filled me up so well that I didn't need one at lunch time. Just had some fruit.
    Goin to mk a nice 500calorie meal this evening.
    Does it matter if I only have one shake a day???
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Hi guys...
    Im on day 1 of herbalife today... ive about 1.5-2stone to lose.
    Had vanilla shake this morning and although taste wasnt bad I found the texture was very chalky/powdery. And that was after mixing it really well in my smoothie maker....are all flavours like that?
    Also found it filled me up so well that I didn't need one at lunch time. Just had some fruit.
    Goin to mk a nice 500calorie meal this evening.
    Does it matter if I only have one shake a day???

    it depends on what your other meals are, sometimes I just have one a day but those days I usually just have one shake and one meal. It would depend on what your other meals are
  • A herbalife store opened in my local town and was wondering if you guys suggested it? is it really worth it? it looks to be expensive so i dont wanna be wasting money!!
  • b0nnyd0g
    b0nnyd0g Posts: 84 Member
    Its worth it to lots of us who are using Herbalife as part of our calorie tracking plan :)
  • roseblooms4
    roseblooms4 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I have just started the herbalife program it will be a 1 wk this Friday. I was told to have a protein snack between Breakfast shake and lunch shake and another between lunch and dinner. I think things are going well but to soon to tell. Keep in touch with me I would love to know how you are doing also.:smile:

    Iv been on the shakes for 4 days now. Having 1 for breakfast and 1 for lunch. Snacks are fruit in-between shakes, and dinner is a jacket potato with tuna and salad. I don't feel as bloated as before but am not seeing any results on those dam scales! If anything have put on 1lb :-(. I have exercised twice within these 4 days as well. Has anybody else had the same slow start? Or am i doing something wrong? Any help or advice is appreciated....Thanks
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member

    Iv been on the shakes for 4 days now. Having 1 for breakfast and 1 for lunch. Snacks are fruit in-between shakes, and dinner is a jacket potato with tuna and salad. I don't feel as bloated as before but am not seeing any results on those dam scales! If anything have put on 1lb :-(. I have exercised twice within these 4 days as well. Has anybody else had the same slow start? Or am i doing something wrong? Any help or advice is appreciated....Thanks

    seriously 4 days? LOL
  • I love Herbalife!! Are any of you working with your weight loss coaches? I joined the business side of Herblife this year because I needed the discount and I offer the discount to most of my clients! Do any of your coaches do anything like that? Anyway I do most of my business online, Facebook and by text and phone. I have lost over 80 lbs on it and now only have 50 left to my goal.

    For the person worried after 4 days results vary. What kind of exercise do you do? You should make sure you have fruit and protein or veggie and protein for your snack and a well balanced dinner. I do have sample meal plans if anyone wants one message me. I used the exercise videos for my exercise so you may want to talk to your coach about it.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I haven't done it but my mother in law is - I think she has a banana & a shake for breakfast & then I'm not sure what she has for the rest of the day but she has lost 9kgs (19 lbs). I know she's pretty much given up chocolate & for exercise, no idea. I dare say if you are having 2 shakes a day - you can afford to have healthy snacks.
  • I like how a lot of the reviews on this thread come from members whose single forum posting is a strikingly positive endorsement for this *product*.