Cooking for a boyfriend on a bulk.

My boyfriend and I live together and I cook for him fairly often, the problem is that he's only used to his mom's cooking (Italian, quite bland and boring for the most part since she doesn't have a grand repertoire of recipes) AND he's a vegetarian.

He is underweight and has tried many things to try to bulk up, however he has not tried taking any of my advice food wise and I have been endlessly researching the topic for him. I can cook very well and am more than confident that any high-calorie recipe will not be a problem for me. Of course, the problem still remains that he is for the most part unwilling to try foods that are not what his mom would make.

How do I make him more open to trying new foods without breaking his vegetarian diet?

Also, if you would by chance anyone knows of any sort of vegan/vegetarian protein supplement, that would be really helpful!


  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    He must cook for himself then! What guy doesn't like a nice home cooked meal !

    Seriously make him eat Ramen noodles while you enjoy a hearty meal .
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    Beans are a good source of protein. Also, lots of ice cream.

    Normally I would recommend bacon. Tell him he's missing out of food that makes his soul smile by being vegetarian.
  • lessthan60
    I couldn't do that! Plus he won't eat food from the Asian supermarket.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    He's a grown *kitten* man- make him take care of himself.

    That being said milk and ice cream are great gainers.
    Normally I would recommend bacon. Tell him he's missing out of food that makes his soul smile by being vegetarian.


    Bacon and beer are proof that someone somewhere wants us to be happy. NOM NOM NOM. All my veggies are sauteed in bacon renderings. DELICIOUS. Even my picky *kitten* boyfriend eats my zucchini.
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    why are you trying so hard to "make" him do something he truly doesnt want to do? he knows where the kitchen is, doesnt he?
  • lessthan60
    Beans are a good source of protein. Also, lots of ice cream.

    Normally I would recommend bacon. Tell him he's missing out of food that makes his soul smile by being vegetarian.

    He doesn't eat meat unless he hunts for it himself. Kind of pointless considering he doesn't have his hunting license.
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    He's a vegetarian and a momma's boy. I would say get rid of him.
  • lessthan60
    He's a vegetarian and a momma's boy. I would say get rid of him.

    All Italians are momma's boys.
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    why are you trying so hard to "make" him do something he truly doesnt want to do? he knows where the kitchen is, doesnt he?
    ^^This^^ My boyfriend didn't know how to cook when we first got together because his Mother didn't *trust* him in the kitchen. Once I gave him free reign to play and experiment, I'm sitting back and seriously enjoying the concoctions he comes up with now!
  • lessthan60
    why are you trying so hard to "make" him do something he truly doesnt want to do? he knows where the kitchen is, doesnt he?
    ^^This^^ My boyfriend didn't know how to cook when we first got together because his Mother didn't *trust* him in the kitchen. Once I gave him free reign to play and experiment, I'm sitting back and seriously enjoying the concoctions he comes up with now!

    I don't have the right mind-set to consider that to be okay. If it were up to him he would eat pasta for lunch and dinner every day.
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it and I'd quit cooking for him. He's a big boy.

    Or you could try some type of incentive.
  • Labouffecestbon
    Labouffecestbon Posts: 182 Member
    why are you trying so hard to "make" him do something he truly doesnt want to do? he knows where the kitchen is, doesnt he?
    ^^This^^ My boyfriend didn't know how to cook when we first got together because his Mother didn't *trust* him in the kitchen. Once I gave him free reign to play and experiment, I'm sitting back and seriously enjoying the concoctions he comes up with now!

    I don't have the right mind-set to consider that to be okay. If it were up to him he would eat pasta for lunch and dinner every day.
    Let him!
    He doesn't sound fun to cook for.
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    Beans are a good source of protein. Also, lots of ice cream.

    Normally I would recommend bacon. Tell him he's missing out of food that makes his soul smile by being vegetarian.

    He doesn't eat meat unless he hunts for it himself. Kind of pointless considering he doesn't have his hunting license.
    Take him to a hog farm and hunt for pigs. Problem solved.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Crap like this is why I will never, ever live with a boyfriend. My honest advice is move out and give him some room to learn how to take care of himself. Normally on these threads, I would say "He's a grown man. Stop trying to make him eat things he doesn't like." But your boyfriend doesn't sound like a grown man to me. And he's not going to become one if you keep doing ridiculous things like researching what to feed him.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Can't fight the genes you were born with. Some will be thin no matter what they do. Case in point my dad. 6 ft and 140 pounds, soaking wet. All his life.

    Cook what you like and if he wants to eat it he is welcome. Other wise he can fend for himself.
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    Can't fight the genes you were born with. Some will be thin no matter what they do. Case in point my dad. 6 ft and 140 pounds, soaking wet. All his life.
    I don't quite agree with this, my brother was a bean pole his entire childhood. My mom had to force feed him milkshakes to keep weight on him. He is now well over 200lbs of nothing but solid muscle. Kind of looks like Thor actually. He has done this by eating at a calorie surplus and lifting heavy. Genes scmenes,
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    why does he have to try new foods? bulking up is about eating more food, not some wide variety of new shish. and for skinny guys that have a hard time bulking, the way to get them to eat more is for them to eat the foods they like more. no one is going to stuff their face with foods they don't like. he just has to find a way to get 3 snacks in along with larger portions of his regular meals.

    and if you want this relationship to go anywhere at all, you should stop bringing his mom into every situation, *especially* if you have negative shish to say about her. There is no reason in the world i needed to hear not one, but TWO criticisms of his momma's cooking in order to give advice on this subject.
  • lessthan60
    Can you all please stop telling me not to cook for him? not everyone enjoys the thought of not taking care of the man you live with. Also how dare some of you say he's not a man, being a picky eater has nothing to do with manliness, nor does asking your woman to help you with gaining weight have to do with being a man or not. I am just more informed on weight loss and exercise topics than he is, it's only normal for the more experienced person to help them out.

    My original question, in case you're all misunderstood, is how to make a picky eater try new foods that will help him bulk up. Of course on the realm of the internet everyone has to jump to conclusions.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Add an extra tablespoon of olive oil to whatever you make. For protein use hemp seeds. You can throw them into anything - tomato sauce, salads, cookies. Here's some decent recipes for them -
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    why are you trying so hard to "make" him do something he truly doesnt want to do? he knows where the kitchen is, doesnt he?
    ^^This^^ My boyfriend didn't know how to cook when we first got together because his Mother didn't *trust* him in the kitchen. Once I gave him free reign to play and experiment, I'm sitting back and seriously enjoying the concoctions he comes up with now!

    I don't have the right mind-set to consider that to be okay. If it were up to him he would eat pasta for lunch and dinner every day.

    and the problem with that would be......?