All 5'3-5'4 ladies! Needing Motivation & Support



  • albionjen
    albionjen Posts: 86 Member
    Hi there!

    I'm 5'3 and currently about 68kg (150 lbs) I started out this year at 89kg, which is close to 196lbs. I lost a bit of weight before mfp, so doesn't all show on the ticker!

    My target is 64kg (about 140lb), but probably I will change my goal to 60kg (just over 130lbs) as I think that would be a better weight for me. Once I hit 64kg I'll be happy and mainly just go for strength and fitness after that, not obsessing over weight :)

    Well done on committing to making a change. I'm sure with the help of mfp you'll make it work for you.

    My main tip is to realise this is not a diet, you need to change the way you live your life for it to work long term. I used to come from from work flop in front on the tv and have a huge dinner. Now I go out for a run after work, which I really enjoy, and then have a normal sized dinner. Not a drastic change but one which has made a huge difference to my well being.

    Good luck!
  • ikylilgrl
    ikylilgrl Posts: 9 Member
    Hey, I'm 5'4". I've lost 12 pounds so far since early July. Which for me is VERY fast. For me it's just all about paying attention to what I put in my mouth and tracking EVERYTHING. It's impossible for me to meet my calorie goals for the day without severely cutting back my soda intake. I've successfully broken my soda habit which has helped tons. I still crave it, and I even let myself have one now and then, but I'm not drinking several every day like i used too.

    Right now i'm working on trying to really plan ahead with my schedule. If I know I'll be going out to eat or eating a high calorie meal I try to make sure I eat lighter at my other meals and even better if i can get a walk or run in to help combat the extra calories. I still have quite a ways to go to meet my goals, but I know I just need to keep plugging away and not get impatient.

    I NEED to lose at least another 45 pounds, ideally i'd lose at least another 20 pounds after that. I log in every day and would love to have more accountability partners on here if anyone wants to add me.
  • SaberEsPoder
    SaberEsPoder Posts: 130 Member
    5'4" and currently 171, sounds like we are in pretty much the same boat! We can do this :D
  • reds_1
    Hey! I'm 5ft 4. Highest weight was around 260. 6 weeks ago I was 251. Now i'm 234, looking to get under 200 as quickly as possible with an overall goal of seeing 145/150 or there abouts.
  • superspork2
    superspork2 Posts: 99 Member
    Hello! I am 5'4" and I started MFP in April at 165 which was the most I have ever been. My goal weight right now is 140 and Im currently at 148/147 ish. I've officially been at a plateau for over a month and everything Ive been doing that was working is no longer doing much for me. So i'm defiantly looking for more support. I just started Insanity again, which I had tried before and didnt really commit to, and I want to see if that helps me push forward. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • superspork2
    superspork2 Posts: 99 Member

    I am 5'3" and I currently weigh 173 lbs. My goal is to get to 140 lbs. I have been trying to kick this weight loss into gear but still wanting to drink and eat out, though I didn't eat out except 1-2 times a week, however I drank a lot of wine on the weekends. That wasn't working for me, so I cleaned up my eating drastically and now the weight is coming off. I cut out alcohol for a while just to kick things into gear.

    Some people can eat out and drink and loose quite fine, but unfortunately I am not one of them.

    Feel free to add me and good luck on your progress!!!!!

    Ive been trying to find a balance of drinking and staying on track as well.. its not easy. I stopped drinking for a few months and thats been helping my weight loss but now I'm trying to find a middle ground. It sucks. Good luck to both of us! *cheers* :drinker:
  • kathleenjoyful
    kathleenjoyful Posts: 210 Member
    You're very welcome to add me here as a friend, as are others from this thread. My diary is open, too. I'm 5"4 and currently weigh 194lbs (88kgs). I started at 241lbs (109kgs) just over a year ago. I've been learning as I go, with a lot of advice and ideas from people on this site. I follow the "Eat More To Weigh Less" philosophy so eat upwards of 2000 calories a day when I exercise, based on a Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) of around 2800-3000. I'm losing about 1lb (0.5kgs) a week, which is healthy and sustainable. Once I figured out how many calories I burnt in a day and that I could actually eat more, a lot fell in to place. For me it is important to eat enough and have enough energy to do A LOT of exercise. I do cardio (HIIT and solid state), I do Pilates, and I lift weights. Definitely lift weights and do core work along with your cardio, my body has changed dramatically in the year I've been back at the gym! I worked consistently and I worked hard, and it is paying off. I'd like to get to 176lbs (80kgs), then try for 165lbs (75kgs). I don't follow any special diet, I just eat food that I like and in moderation. I don't drink a lot of alcohol apart from on special occasions.
  • asbjrc427
    asbjrc427 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 5'3" and started MFP about a week ago at 182. My goal weight is 130. I gave myself a "no wine" goal for September so I can get off to a good start. I'm doing 30 Day Shred as my main exercise, but I'm also throwing in other random workouts from youtube as well (a kettle bell one, in particular, is kicking my butt). Feel free to add me (anyone). It's very motivational for me to see people the same height with similar weight goals succeeding!
  • jadamonet
    jadamonet Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 5'2.5". I usually just write 5'2" , but it actually matters here since I didn't technically make the cut lol. Long story short, I went from about 160 to 270 fairly quickly because I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease (dx 08/2005) that required me to take a lot of different steroids/immunosupressants and weight gain was a side effect. When I started chemo in 2009 I had to start eating low carb and got down to 200 in 3.5 months. I eventually became lax with it because I was losing too much too rapidly; I have a muscle disease, so it's not like I was actually exercising or anything. I was around 185 after finishing my last dose of chemo in 2011. My baseline weight this year has been around 175/180. Now that my disease is under control, I want to be healthy. I'm 167 pounds and my goal weight is 140 pounds.
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    I'm 5'4", 136lbs. I was 164 last March (2012), did 3 months of a cardio program and lost inches and weight steadily, averaged a lb per week I think? Then I added in a weight program, lost more. I got lazy around Halloween until about this past April (went from 140'ish to 145'ish) so I started regular cardio again, then stopped again (just lack of motivation), recently added in more weights, and now weights is all I do for the past 3 weeks. I'm down to 136, and I'm more interested in gaining muscle definition than I am losing weight really.

    I know I need to increase my calories because I'm always hungry. What I did was cut out all soda, breads, and most sugars. I'll still "cheat" but it's easier for me to eat better now. Add me if you want!
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    I'm 5"3, used to be around 113 - 115 pounds. 2 years ago ballooned up to 139 lbs. Now I'm hovering around 132 - 133 lbs. I really want to get back down to around 120 lbs. My main obstacle is the occasional binging relapse... working on that.
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    43, 5'3, started at 180 about 4 weeks ago, currently 172 - goal weight is 140. but I've given myself 6 months to do it. If it takes longer then that's ok. And the goal weight isn't exact as I'm a lifter and so I'm more interested in changing my body shape.

    It''s really interesting seeing how we are all the same height but we have drastically different goal weights - much luck to you all, hope you get there in the end!
  • soullightprisms
    When I started in April my weight was 300. I have lost 40 pounds so far. I was in accident and my leg was injured and I was unable to do much a very long time. The weight just kept going up and up. My goal is not so much to lose, but to be healthy for my kids. I just moved to the beach and have been swimming and walking alot the last week.
  • tedens711
    I am too 5-4' and weighing in at about 163. Recently lost 11 pounds, from my highest weight of 174. Yea me! My goal weight is 145 by my 40th b-day, 12/17/13. Could use some encouraging friends, add me.
  • kbeardmore22
    kbeardmore22 Posts: 283 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'4 and started at 168. Have lost 8 lbs on MFP for about 2 months now. I absolutely love MFP, love my friends that are SO supportive and have a whole new outlook after just 8 weeks. Feeling great, working out at least 5 x a week 2-3 times w/ weights and the rest cardio. Feel free to add me if you like. My goal is to get to 135. Good luck, you can do it!! :wink:
  • virjenmarie
    virjenmarie Posts: 22 Member
    Hi everyone!!! I'm 5'4 175 pounds down from 278 but my highest 295. But I didn't start logging until the middle of my journey. I have lost 103 pounds on mfp and I still have 20 to go before skin removal surgery in Feb. I eat about 1300 to 1500 calories a day and I am currently carb cycling. I mostly lift heavy but from time to time I do cardio. Add me if you like friends always welcomed. Good luck on all of your journeys.
  • Frankii_x
    Hi lovely,

    I am 5ft4 and I weighed 199lbs when I first started I'm now 171lbs and wanting to get to 144(ish)lbs :)

    I'm a runner and currently doing T25 but would love to be friends on here! Send a FR my way :)
  • hollyelise68
    hollyelise68 Posts: 96 Member
    I'm 5'3". I am just starting on MFP. I am doing a Bod 4 God Bible study and we are put on teams and compete to lose weight. I weighed 198 in jeans. I am now about 193 in jeans after two weeks. I'm doing the Couch 2 5K and Body Revolution, with some pilates and a nightly walk with my husband. MFP has been awesome for me to track my food and see where I need to tweak and get more protein or less sugar.

    My goal is to get to 120. That was my normal weight until I went all lazy and gave up for awhile.
  • rintin88
    rintin88 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm 5'3" and currently 138. My highest a couple of years ago was 150. I've been stuck gaining and losing the same 5lbs the past year and can't seem to break the 135lb mark. Everytime I would get on a roll with healthy eating & exercise, life would happen and stress would derail my hard work. Now I'm working on turning to yoga instead of Ben & Jerry's when overwhelmed with stress :) I'm getting married in 8 months and its my goal to get down to 125. I'm also currently doing T25 and mixing in some weightlifting 3x a week using workouts from Chalean Extreme. I was doing Insanity and running 3x a week two months ago but I tore a ligament in my ankle doing a diamond jack in Insanity and have had to keep things low impact while it heals and gets stronger. My injury taught me that when Shaun T tells you to keep your form perfect, LISTEN! I try to follow a paleo/primal diet because I have a gluten sensitivity and it significantly helps to reduce my insomnia. Love MFP and the support it provides. Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • jklgoal2013
    jklgoal2013 Posts: 1 Member
    I am roughly the same height and weight as you, and have the same goal weight in mind. I am just getting back on the horse again after several failed attempts at weight loss. I am currently at my highest weight EVER and I am ready to lose these extra pounds for good. I have a 19-month old son, and I've found it almost impossible to maintain a regular exercsie and health eating lifestyle being a working Mom. I am certainly in need of motivation and support. Sending you a friend request.
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