calling all non-moms!



  • absolutely love your idea!
  • Hello everybody, I have a hard time making time to work out. How about a goal of least working out days next week?:happy:
  • qpray01
    qpray01 Posts: 7 Member
    I think that is a great idea. I too struggle with the gym and exercise but my goal is to hit the gym at least 4 times next.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I'd love to be part of the group as well! I just started on MFP a few days ago and I did the measurements today. I'm definitely excited to have a supportive group to share this road with.

    Neck 13.0 on 09/29/10
    Waist 42.5 on 09/29/10
    Hips 46.0 on 09/29/10
    Arm 14.0 on 09/29/10
    Calf 17.0 on 09/29/10
    Thigh 26.5 on 09/29/10
    Bust 41.0
    % Body Fat 38.0
    Weight 200.3

    lol do you figure out your fat %? i'm only meauring my neck, waist, chest, hips and thigh...i don't want to know what the rest of my body is doing :laugh:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Morning ladies, and possibly gentlemen....i completed another workout last night, that's three days in a row! my goal is 4 but i'm hoping to do 5. I have to admit i'm feeling a little beat up and tired legs are killing me! i ate like i've never seen food yesterday and came in 150 calories below my maximum...which isn't to bad for me...the secret is a bowl of cereal as a bedtime helped put another 150 calories onto my chart. I also asked the super hot guy at the gym if he eats back his calories and he said yes and then some...but he's ripped and beautiful so i wouldn't suggest eating more than your budget...Monday is my weigh and measure day so i'm keeping my fingers crossed that i'll see some sort of difference. Have a great day!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    hi everyone! hope your day is going well so far! back from the gym with psycho lady - my term of endearment for our crazy instructor! she is nice, encouraging and scary all rolled into one! but when we're in her classes, she is so involved it feels like personal training, and she won't let you give up. she rocks, and today's workout was insane. i know i blasted a ton of calories!

    just wanted to let everyone know today's blog is up if you haven't seen it yet. we're throwing out gems (successes) and deltas (thing to work on) for the month of september since today is the last day of it! can you believe?! if you're interested in following challenges and such, you can subscribe to it. here's the link again:

    our first official challenge will start monday...i'm hearing a lot of clamor for good recipes and 'keep me accountable for working out', so we'll probably go along those lines for our first. have a fabulous day and make sure you sweat! ~stacy
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I want to join. Already posted on the blog, but I didn't want to lose this thread.

    My name is Erica. I'm trying to get in shape and tone up my jiggly bits. I lost 4 pounds in my first month on MFP and hope to lose an additional 6 or at least gain some muscle. I am trying to become a mom, but as I've been doing that for 9 months with no results, I'll just join this group until that happens.

    Actual SW: 146?
    SW when joining MFP: 139.9
    CW: 135.8
    GW: 130
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    I'm in! I'll check the blog when I get home later tonight! But yes!!! Definitely in the "losing weight I did to myself" boat as there has not and will not be any childbearing going on here!
  • nsulli
    nsulli Posts: 18
    kpopa, way to go on your gems - 5 lbs in the first month. I'm impressed with your dedication.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Ok people, where's your weigh ins and measurements? your track records and weight lifting sets? i thought we were going to monitor? I'll jump on the blog and see if we're doing it on there:ohwell:
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    I have to admit I got lost! I am not sure what we're up to! xxx
  • I'm in! Not sure if there is a difference between post-pregnancy weight and regular "I like to eat everything under the sun" weight. I'm thinking the challenges, particularly lifestyle and cooking for a family are different though. I'm new to MFP so it would be great to become part of a group since I don't have many friends who are interested in doing what I'm doing.

    Big love to all the Mom's who are facing the challenge of raising kids and trying to get fit!

    Good luck =)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I have to admit I got lost! I am not sure what we're up to! xxx

    I had weigh in yesterday and lost 2lbs, but i didn't measure...i measured on wednesday just to peek and nothing's changed...i did three different cardios yesterday instead of just two, and i have to admit, i like the "just two" better lol I'm having a hard time getting my heart rate up, but i'm buring tons more calories, so i'm thinking i might have to up the resistance on my are you feeling lately?
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    my weigh in is tomorrow, so i'm keeping my fingers crossed. we had a birthday and a funeral this weekend, and both came with a lot of food. of which i partook. so we'll see! i have yet to do my measurements, but i will do them tomorrow, since it's the first weigh in of the month. kind of anxious to see how that goes, too! all you people already you so every week or every month? does it matter? i'm thinking maybe we can use this topic board for stats since that is ongoing, and the blogs for our challenges since they change up? does that sound good? happy tuesday everyone!
  • You should start a blog called non-moms so we can track and reply easier to what we are doing as a group?
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    there is one...look on page 5, chanstriste13 posted it
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    hey again! here is the link again for the blog:

    it's up and running!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    by the way, gillian, congrats on your 2 pound loss! that rocks!
  • mlh612
    mlh612 Posts: 311 Member
    I'm in with my honorary membership :laugh:
  • qpray01
    qpray01 Posts: 7 Member
    I have to say that I have been doing well for the past couple of weeks. I just don't want to fall off because usually around week 3, that's when I slow down, but hopefully with this group as a motivator, I will not.
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