When do you have your cheat day? :)



  • LeslieN65
    LeslieN65 Posts: 127 Member
    I just have a day whenever I feel like it to eat whatever..be it once a week or once a month....and most every time I am still at or under my goal.....today is football and pizza....as long as I reach my exercise goal today, then no worries:-)
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    My cheat days are when my husband is off work. His days off rotate so my cheat days rotate. However, that being said, I should define "my" cheat days. I usually don't follow my calorie goals per day but rather per week.I know what days I'm going to be over so on the other days I stay under for it all to even out. So if I hit my weekly calorie goal then is it a cheat day? I'm not sure.
  • ixmardukxi
    I have a small cheat meal every couple of days, i manage to fit it to my macros so everything's good :P
  • KD0BIK
    KD0BIK Posts: 44 Member
    Like others have said, I too don't have an official cheat day. I've tried that with other diets, but I found I was having too many cheat days and not enough diet days. I'm treating what I'm doing (low carb) as a lifestyle and not a diet. I've learned how to continue to eat low carb even when I'm forced to eat out.

    As for cheating...again I don't have any official days for that. I just make everything fit into my daily goals.

    I just returned from a two week vacation where I didn't eat low carb. After all...it was vacation. So I guess you might say I worked really hard keeping to my low carb lifestyle, met my weightloss goals and then rewarded myself with two full weeks of cheat days. However, I kept my exercise up (walking) and covered over 112 miles of walking in the 14 day period of time.

    I'm now back to my low carb lifestyle and will continue until Thanksgiving where I will allow myself some dressing and cake. :-)

  • nicoleisback
    I ended up cutting out cheat days, as I found the things I was wanting on these days (fast food junk) ended up making me feel sick after 1-2 weeks of relatively clean eating. My 2 indulgences which I have daily are apple juice and chocolate. With the juice I have just cut down from 6-8 glasses pre MFP to 2-3 max a day, and with the chocolate I now buy a block of quality dark chocolate with different flavours (sometimes fruit, sometimes coconut, even mint on occasion) and allow myself 2 squares of this a day, 4 if I burn over 400 calories in exercise. The dark chocolate makes it harder to eat a heap at once because it gets bitter, but it is still enough to give my sweet tooth a treat
    Both of these fit easily in to my daily goals (except for sugar, I should really work on that), and I am steadily losing weight.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I don't do cheat days ( hate that term), I don't see any point in it. I eat what I want to and make it fit into my calorie goal for that day. I don't eat fast food very often, but I do eat fried chicken, pizza, and chocolate.
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    Like the others, I generally make the math work. But occasionally they just happen. I don't really plan them.
  • Wreckyard
    The only time I really have a cheat meal is when we have a family dinner, which is maybe once a month. It's hard to find something that'll fit into my goal with all the high calorie/unhealthy food they make. It's so good, though!
  • kristidem
    kristidem Posts: 160 Member
    I don't plan for a cheat day. Life sometimes throws food opportunities at me, that I carefully consider and decide on. Occasionally at work we celebrate birthdays with cake; if it's got the nice sugary frosting I have a piece (or just scoop up the frosting stuck on the board). If I go to the movies, I eat an entire small popcorn with butter, though that usually ends up being a meal replacement. Today I'm taking my son to our town's celebration and I'll eat some snacks. I log it all, then get back to normal the next day.
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    I don't set a day - it gets chosen for me. Which works better. If I know there's a dinner or party outing I am excited about - that's the day. If not, I may not have one. I base it on what is coming up. Everyday can't be one though LOL. I still log what I ate and it's often not as bad as expected.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hey guys, so I am sure that most of you have a cheat day every while and then but when do you have that day and what do you eat for it.
    I am currently going to the gym 4 days a week and my cheat day oscillates between once per week or once per 2 weeks, it also consists of having 1 medium Domino's pizza as a meal for the whole day (eat nothing else) :P :P (Yea I know I know but it is tasty XD).

    What do you guys think? please include any kind of advice as well :D

    I'm not on a diet so I don't have cheat days. I eat what I want in moderation, log it in, and go from there.

    As to what I think, eating one meal consisting of a medium pizza is not healthy on any day at all. There is nothing wrong with having pizza, but why a whole one?
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    My "off" days revolve around events with friends and family. Bdays, parties, vacations. I haven't had one in a while but am going out for sushi next week with my SIL. After that it won't be until I go on vacation at the end of the month.