I tried going IIFYM today - here are my results



    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    yeah i did choose to eat extra for a couple reasons. One of which lately I've been thinking of what would happen if i added in a few things that i forbade (so that i woudln't feel "deprived" or something and if i could handle it now). im still feeling like im treading in water full of sharks because i know myself,, i have food addictions, though under control, but still i really dont know what would happen if i let myself enjoy things like i put aside for awhile. I guess i have to actually try it and see what it does.

    Your Thursday diary was a decent example of how your days should look EXCEPT you need to drink water and plenty of it. Also, in looking back in prior days, it appears you skip dinner a lot. :frown: You just joined in June and you've lost 38 lbs - to me, that's nothing to complain about. I'm not sure why you would want to go messing up a trend by your IIFYM experiment. 2 desserts does not equal moderation. By now, you should be settling into some sort of healthier semblance of eating habits. What you've been used to eating is what got you to where you are. It sounds like you realize your weaknesses, so you can choose to stay away from those, or have them around to set yourself up for failure.

    In order to succeed here, you're going to have to make some changes - and it's a lifestyle situation - not just a diet. I've had my weight off for over a year and a half and part of the reason for that is that I continue to show up here and attempt make healthier choices. I continue to have struggles with food - but I'm not going back to where I was. If you're serious about getting yourself in a healthier place, then this site has the tools to help you succeed. There are lots of people on here who've lost much more weight than I.

    Also, exercise is your friend. By getting a little exercise in daily / routinely, then you make a little room for treats here and there.

    Good luck to you! I hope you get it figured out.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    A lot of people here say "eat everything in moderation"

    I think you are confusing "eat everything in moderation" with "eat anything you want".

    Any diet that says you can "eat anything you want" is pretty much lying. If you don't maintain a calorie deficit, you aren't going to lose weight. Now there are some foods that you can eat a LOT of and not get a lot of calories. Celery, for example.

    But by and large, you can gain weight eating anything if you don't watch how much you eat.

    The whole reason we log our food is so that we can be aware precisely how many calories we are putting in our bodies, because it's critical.

    If you are following macros, you are tracking even more nutritional information about what you eat.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Have not read the whole thread, so this was probably covered. Were you ignoring macros before?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Went back to look at your diary. Personally I think that Thursday was a closer approximation of IIFYM than yesterday. You had a mini candy bar and 2 cupcakes, and the rest of your day was nutrient dense and fit your macros pretty closely (although I think your protein is low.)
  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
    IIFYM is for people who have got their diet and training regime in strict order. It is for people who have jumped the first few hurdles and are trying to find a way to allow themselves to step back a bit. It's not for you. that's cool. No worries.

  • judilockwood
    judilockwood Posts: 134 Member
    Think I'll give this one a miss.. sounds so complicated and strict. Getting by fine counting calories, working out and letting the macros sort themselves x
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    IIFYM is for people who have got their diet and training regime in strict order. It is for people who have jumped the first few hurdles and are trying to find a way to allow themselves to step back a bit. It's not for you. that's cool. No worries.

    Definitely this! I think it takes time for you to get to know your body and understand its different responses to foods, exercise, etc. I cut out all the fast food greasy type foods and as much added sugar as possible, if not entirely. After eating healthy portions and foods, I can tell you I truly feel a million times better. Eating added sugar makes me nauseous and fried foods from restaurants are always too heavy now for my stomach.

    Moderation, planning, self control; these are key to start off with. Make small goals; hit macros, incorporate exercise, be consistent.
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    Sounds like you ate whatever you wanted yesterday and then decided you were going to say you "did IIFYM". From your posts you've admitted that you didn't have any understanding of what IIFYM was before you decided to eat this way on yesterday.
    I'm happy you've gotten some information on it now, but be clear, you were NOT following IIFYM. Quite literally, your choices did not fit YOUR macros.

    You were curious about eating this way and many of the posters have given you great information and even some good examples so that you can see how they are able to do it.

    Might I suggest next time you're curious about a particular way of eating, you do the research, post the question on the forum for better understanding BEFORE you try something you don't understand?

    Ah well. At least you were able enjoy your treats. Even if it didn't fit your macros.

    Good luck
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    IIFYM is for people who have got their diet and training regime in strict order. It is for people who have jumped the first few hurdles and are trying to find a way to allow themselves to step back a bit. It's not for you. that's cool. No worries.

    Definitely this! I think it takes time for you to get to know your body and understand its different responses to foods, exercise, etc. I cut out all the fast food greasy type foods and as much added sugar as possible, if not entirely. After eating healthy portions and foods, I can tell you I truly feel a million times better. Eating added sugar makes me nauseous and fried foods from restaurants are always too heavy now for my stomach.

    Moderation, planning, self control; these are key to start off with. Make small goals; hit macros, incorporate exercise, be consistent.


    If eating in a certain way, or eating certain foods, does not allow you to hit your macros, then do not eat that way/eat certain foods. The whole point is that you should not arbitrarily cut out certain foods/food groups for no reason. If you have a reason, then cut them out. If you cannot portion control a certain food, then restrict that food. If you can, then there is no reason to restrict that food/food group (baring medical conditions).

    I find pre-planning key to IIFYM - so I can actually hit my macros.

    If you find that moderation and/or trying to track macros is causing you to go over your calories (and macros), then don't do it. You have been provided explanations and links in the past explaining IIFYM, but it seems as though you still do not grasp the concept.

    Leaving this here again for you: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/817188-iifym
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Good morning! After yesterdays splurge i still lost .2 pounds. (2 ounces)

    I read all the posts since going to sleep for the night, and i want to say to you all thank you!

    These things were bugging me and i needed to get cleared up - i.e. what IIFYM means (yes i know i've wrestled with this before, i guess its semantics) - i may be "doing" IIFYM but that word "means" something to me which means "overeat" .. I believe i AM doing IIFYM on days like Thursday where i fit in two mini-cupcakes but did not cause me to go over my MFP aka IIFYM nutrients. I think that word IIFYM and what i thought the concept meant, just didn't sit well with me, because to me - IIFYM meant overeating whatever, and i need to keep in my mind more of a disciplined approach with a different word.. in a way we are both doing the same thing, but using a different word that sits better in my mind. I know it sounds crazy but its what that term means to me because of what i thought it meant. yes words can have impact, i.e. just call someone a 5 letter word beginning with B and you will know what i mean..

    I think that thread I got involved in got me stirred up to wondering about what is going on? its the one where the guy threw out his junk food and people gave strong opinions both to him and me and this got me thinking really hard about what some of you all said in that thread. I got the impression some of you "IIFYMers" were eating more than I perceived you all to be. And some said i was depriving myself and I didn't think so. so i ended up thinking very hard about what was said, and what it meant to me. I got the impression that my current approach to weight loss was going to be disastrous, I didn't think so, but well one thing led to another and there i went Friday testing things out.

    I needed to clarify you guys who eat all that food, what are you REALLY doing, and i found out. its not what i originally perceived it to be.

    Also i need to plan first before eating that treat, rather than eat it and record it after and then oops.

    The good news is that even though i ate that 2-bite brownie, and baklava, today i dont crave it.. so i believe I am getting cravings under control.

    if you dont mind, I'm going to check your diaries, next time I see a proud ice cream eater, what is he/she really doing? I bet its not a cup of ice cream a day but more like a little bit.

    I also wanted to know in this thread how you all deal with treats, because that is the current issue I have now, can i bring back some treats that i gave up in the beginning and how do you handle eating sweets so that maybe I can use some of your successes with them. And am i ready to bring them back? Not quite i have learned.

    Well today is my high school reunion - cant plan for it in advance, so i hope to survive it!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Good morning! After yesterdays splurge i still lost .2 pounds. (2 ounces)

    I read all the posts since going to sleep for the night, and i want to say to you all thank you!

    These things were bugging me and i needed to get cleared up - i.e. what IIFYM means (yes i know i've wrestled with this before, i guess its semantics) - i may be "doing" IIFYM but that word "means" something to me which means "overeat" .. I believe i AM doing IIFYM on days like Thursday where i fit in two mini-cupcakes but did not cause me to go over my MFP aka IIFYM nutrients. I think that word IIFYM and what i thought the concept meant, just didn't sit well with me, because to me - IIFYM meant overeating whatever, and i need to keep in my mind more of a disciplined approach with a different word.. in a way we are both doing the same thing, but using a different word that sits better in my mind. I know it sounds crazy but its what that term means to me because of what i thought it meant. yes words can have impact, i.e. just call someone a 5 letter word beginning with B and you will know what i mean..

    I think that thread I got involved in got me stirred up to wondering about what is going on? its the one where the guy threw out his junk food and people gave strong opinions both to him and me and this got me thinking really hard about what some of you all said in that thread. I got the impression some of you "IIFYMers" were eating more than I perceived you all to be. And some said i was depriving myself and I didn't think so. so i ended up thinking very hard about what was said, and what it meant to me. I got the impression that my current approach to weight loss was going to be disastrous, I didn't think so, but well one thing led to another and there i went Friday testing things out.

    I needed to clarify you guys who eat all that food, what are you REALLY doing, and i found out. its not what i originally perceived it to be.

    Also i need to plan first before eating that treat, rather than eat it and record it after and then oops.

    The good news is that even though i ate that 2-bite brownie, and baklava, today i dont crave it.. so i believe I am getting cravings under control.

    if you dont mind, I'm going to check your diaries, next time I see a proud ice cream eater, what is he/she really doing? I bet its not a cup of ice cream a day but more like a little bit.

    I also wanted to know in this thread how you all deal with treats, because that is the current issue I have now, can i bring back some treats that i gave up in the beginning and how do you handle eating sweets so that maybe I can use some of your successes with them. And am i ready to bring them back? Not quite i have learned.

    Well today is my high school reunion - cant plan for it in advance, so i hope to survive it!

    I actually had 2 cups of ice cream yesterday. :drinker:
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    aha,, i knew it :)

    If you dont mind, can ilook at your food diary to see how you work it in?
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    I'm definitely not a "macro pro", but I try to hit my macros every day. I've been physically and psychologically successful with the IIFYM way of thinking because it requires me to do a bit of planning and think about food in terms of nutrition and fuel rather than emotion, and it gives me the ability to eat anything I want, as long as it fits. IIFYM gives me a real sense of control, and that is really important for me. I no longer eat food recklessly just because I want to, or because I'm bored or sad or happy. Now I eat it because it's what I need to give my body in order to reach my goals.

    That's not to say that I no longer enjoy food, because I do. In fact, I think I appreciate food more now than I ever have, and I definitely eat A LOT. I usually have dessert every day; however, my idea of "dessert" has changed. Yes, sometimes it does end up being ice cream or cake. But I'm also more likely to make more nutritious substitutions or eat something like (my current favorite) greek yogurt, nutella, and strawberries as a treat. I also eat pizza quite frequently, but I do tend to go for a veggie pizza with thin crust. That's not to say I wouldn't ever eat a super cheesy deep dish pizza... but I like pizza, and making lower calorie, lower fat, lower carb pizza choices allows me to eat it more often. Some days I might have a large salad for dinner, and some days I might go eat some french fries and most of a humongous burger. It just depends on what I have room for in my day. Or I might still eat that burger even if I don't have room for it, because I've come to realize that one" bad" day won't undo my progress. And I no longer have to feel guilty about any of the food I eat because I now have the knowledge I need to be successful, and as long as I apply it, I know I'll reach my goals. :smile:

    If "moderation" or "IIFYM" are tricky words for you mentally, maybe "balance" is a better one. I personally could never stick to a "diet" because I think of diets as being restrictive and unpleasant. But I know I can stick to a balanced, portion-controlled way of eating forever because I don't have to cut anything out.

    It sounds like you're already pretty much aiming for IIFYM and just prefer to think of it a different way. You certainly don't HAVE to eat a brownie in order to have successful or sustainable weight loss. And if you find that you're perfectly content not indulging in a portion-controlled treat or find it necessary to forgo that type of treat because of food issues, that's totally fine. I think what the IIFYM-ers are trying to convey is that you CAN have that brownie if you WANT to. As long as it fits your macros.

    As long as you're giving your body the proper fuel and nutrition it needs for long-term health and sustainability, just do what works for you. :smile:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    We should have a thread, Open IIFYM Diaries. :heart: Like I said, back on that other thread you're referring to, it was seeing their diaries that convinced me that I can do this! Feeling deprived always made me quit before. Anyway, mine is open, browse away. But I am still learning/tweaking, so don't take it too seriously. :laugh: I always fit in dessert, but it's usually frozen yogurt, angel food cake and fresh strawberries rather than something really calorie dense like cheesecake. And I exercise for at least an hour everyday, that way I get to eat more good stuff and treats.:drinker:
    Edit for spelling.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    aha,, i knew it :)

    If you dont mind, can ilook at your food diary to see how you work it in?

    Here is an example of fitting things in - even with a low intake:

  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Hi all - thank you for all your posts which i read them all and commented on some. It was a "wait a minute whats going on here" kind of moment.

    I really needed to hear you all clarify what you do eat and how to handle treats. I know some of you may have gotten annoyed because from time to time i do bring up things that are bothering me.

    but you all have been a huge help and help reassured me of how to proceed. I misjudged some of what i read and you all helped me see what is happening.

    thank you for your patience and i hope i have never steered anyone wrong with my posts i have made here.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    heres the menu for tonight's celebration - i believe it is doable -

    Skewered tomato, mozzarella and basil, cheese quesadilla. Fresh greens salad, bread and butter, angus pot roast, chicken mordela, baby red potatoes, carrots and beans, pasta and dessert
  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    My diary is open so you're welcome to look at it and ask me any questions. I'm not perfect but I do try and hit my macros every day. I tried eliminating everything "bad" from my diet when I followed the Jump Start Your Metabolism plan. I went for months and didn't lose anything because eating "clean" without counting calories is not going to make you lose weight.

    It wasn't until I got a handle on the right number of calories and the correct number of grams of fat, carbs and protein that I started losing again. I also got consistent with my exercise routine but I factor my exercise calories into my 1600 calorie cap so I don't eat them back. I don't worry about sugar and sodium either. I don't have any health issues that make that necessary for me. I added diet soda back in my diet because I really missed it. It's zero calories, helps me when I'm craving something sweet and I don't believe that a little artificial sweeter every day is going to kill me. I also worked back in chips and ice cream. If I'm going to eat this way for the rest of my life, and I am, then I have to change my relationship with food. But, I also know that it's dangerous for me to have an entire cheese danish in the house so instead, I rely on individual serving sizes of things. I allow myself to eat ONE and only after I have planned the rest of my day. I like sandwiches so I have one and a serving of chips every day for lunch. I add avocado because it's a good fat. I buy Boarshead lower sodium roast beef because it's not full of nitrates and preservatives. I eat chips with flax seeds or that are whole grain. I eat high fiber tortillas and high fiber lower calorie pasta. I have an ice cream bar for desert most nights.

    The point I'm trying to make is that you can eat what you like as long as you're smart about it. If you have trigger foods then common sense says that YOU need to steer clear of those. What get's people so angry is the fear mongering that goes on here. "Sugar is toxic", "processed food is evil", "salt is the devil", blah, blah, blah. Most people know that a diet made up mostly of lean protein, vegetables, fruit, whole grains and healthy fat is the best way to eat. That doesn't mean that you can't eat that AND have something that's less than stellar in the nutrition department IF IT FITS YOUR MACROS after you've met your other nutrition goals.
  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    heres the menu for tonight's celebration - i believe it is doable -

    Skewered tomato, mozzarella and basil, cheese quesadilla. Fresh greens salad, bread and butter, angus pot roast, chicken mordela, baby red potatoes, carrots and beans, pasta and dessert

    It's great that you're planning ahead but you know what. Don't stress about the food. It's your high school reunion! Go and have a good time. If you over indulge today, you can make little adjustments over the next few days to compensate. It's not what you eat in one day but more what you over a weeks time that really matters. Just have fun.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Hi - I think i am finally "getting it".

    So you don't eat back your exercise calories? I have been doubtful of doing that, based on I am so large anyways, i don't think i will starve by not doing that.

    Maybe one day i will be able to embrace that, but for now, im just dealing with the treats thing as something to get ahold of.