How do you pick your target weight?


As the topic suggests, I'm having trouble selecting a target weight. Having a target is important to me for motivation purposes - as well as a time limit. I really need deadlines and targets.

Anyway, I'm currently 69kg or 151 pounds. I was originally thinking of a target of 65kg, however when I input my height and target weight into BMI calculators, that puts me on the very upper edge of normal.

58kg (127 pounds) puts me roughly in the middle of the normal weight range however that just seems so tiny.

The last time I was around 58kg was when I was in high school and still had some growing to do.

So what does everyone think?

Current stats:

Height: 163cm - 5 foot 3
Age: 28
Current :69kg or 151 pounds

I'm 6 months post partem if that makes a difference.


  • 13words
    13words Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 162cm and 25, and my target is 59, mainly because I think it would be fantastic to be under 60! No other reason really!
  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I picked a weight I was once comfortable with and thought I looked (and felt) good at. I'm 188 lbs right now and would like to weigh 135-ish lbs.
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    It all depends where you feel fit and healthy, i have been in my adult life from 170 all the way down to 115 (5'4)
    I started here again at 152 and set my goal at 130 because I feel I looked ok at that weight.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    at your height of 5'3", 127 lbs is a good goal i think. break it down into steps if necessary. your first goal is 145lbs, 140, 135, and so on until you reach a ht/wt ratio you feel comfortable at.

    or, keep your aim at 143 lbs - as long as you're happy, healthy, and comfortable - what does anything else really matter?
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    107 for me, Female, 5' 3"
    I am using Dr. Joel Fuhrman's guide for my ideal height. He does emphasize being on the leaner end of your weight range vs. in the middle.

    Here is his formula from his book, "Eat to Live":

    For Men: 105 lb for the first 5 ft; 5 lb for each inch over 5 ft

    For Women: 95 lb for the first 5 ft; 4 lb for each inch over 5 ft

    I have always hovered around 125+ with enough to spare so I am excited as I am working my way to the lean version of me.
  • MikaMojito
    MikaMojito Posts: 680 Member

    I don't think the BMI is all that accurate really.

    The target weight I've picked is actually still slightly above what the BMI classifies as normal weight. The thing is: when I was at my slimmest at 63kg and 171cm, I wasn't able to eat anything much anymore. For me, food is important and if I can't enjoy nice food, I'm not a happy puppy. I'm also very broadly built with very wide hips, shoulders and big boobs, so I carry weight very well. I want a weight at which I feel healthy but still lets me enjoy food without having to work out every day. At ca 75kg, I will count as being slightly overweight but I know which size I'll be and I think I'll be able to fit into a reasonably size of clothing. But it should be possible to keep that weight without taking the fun out of food.

    My suggestion: stick with 143lbs and try to keep that for a while, if you feel uncomfortable, then set a new target. And just as an aside: there is evidence that suggests it's healthy to be at the upper part of the healthy-weight scale because in that area you're not putting too much pressure on your joints but still have reserves in case you get ill. Of course, there's evidence suggesting the opposite, too ;-) Just get to the target weight and see if you feel happy.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    I was at the top end of the healthy range. Once I get down to the first quartile I'm going to stay put by changing my diet/exercise plan to maintenance. :-)
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member -- This helped me to look at REAL and UNAIRBRUSHED pictures of people at my height and different weights help me get an eye for where I want to be
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member
    107 for me, Female, 5' 3"
    I am using Dr. Joel Fuhrman's guide for my ideal height. He does emphasize being on the leaner end of your weight range vs. in the middle.

    Here is his formula from his book, "Eat to Live":

    For Men: 105 lb for the first 5 ft; 5 lb for each inch over 5 ft

    For Women: 95 lb for the first 5 ft; 4 lb for each inch over 5 ft

    I have always hovered around 125+ with enough to spare so I am excited as I am working my way to the lean version of me.

    laughs insanely at the thought of being 131lb - at 5'9" - I havent been that light since I was in primary school. Honestly - the total generalisation of 'this is what you should be' is both funny and so annoying. I am now 12 stone - or 168lbs. If I get much thinner I will look like a carthorse that has been starved... not a look I think is very attractive and I would have to STARVE to get to that suggested weight.

    Please take all such advice with a large pinch of salt - and go for a weight that is healthy but obtainable as we all know that if it means starvation, deprivation and excessive exercise, 99% of us will give up very quickly.
  • albionjen
    albionjen Posts: 86 Member

    Current stats:

    Height: 163cm - 5 foot 3
    Age: 28
    Current :69kg or 151 pounds

    You should double check your putting the right height into the BMI formula. 5'3 is 160cm not 163cm, I know because I'm 160cm tall.

    As for goal weight, there is no need to go lower than you would be happy with. BMI is not the best tool to use the decide this, as two people with the same BMI within the healthy range could easily have very different body type! E.g. If a person is more muscular they will look smaller size than someone of the same weight who is carrying more fat. I originally aimed for 64kg, which is top end of healthy but probably I will make a second goal of 60kg as I think I'll look better and be able to run easier with a few more kg lost.

    In my opinion BMI does have its uses, when you are very overweight it is a useful measure of how the degree of overweight might impact on your health. (I started at BMI of nearly 35, which indicated to me that my weight was soon going to damage my health if I didn't take action)
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member

    laughs insanely at the thought of being 131lb - at 5'9" ...I am now 12 stone - or 168lbs. If I get much thinner I will look like a carthorse that has been starved... not a look I think is very attractive

    Seems a little harsh and judgmental. Other people's goals, and the way they want to look is up to them, as long - as they're in the healthy range there's really no need to be critical.

    And you wouldn't have to starve to get to that weight, that's just incorrect. You could eat really well and eat whatever you like and get there.

    Who are you to say what's attractive.
  • hollymartin90
    hollymartin90 Posts: 57 Member

    As the topic suggests, I'm having trouble selecting a target weight. Having a target is important to me for motivation purposes - as well as a time limit. I really need deadlines and targets.

    Anyway, I'm currently 69kg or 151 pounds. I was originally thinking of a target of 65kg, however when I input my height and target weight into BMI calculators, that puts me on the very upper edge of normal.

    58kg (127 pounds) puts me roughly in the middle of the normal weight range however that just seems so tiny.

    The last time I was around 58kg was when I was in high school and still had some growing to do.

    So what does everyone think?

    Current stats:

    Height: 163cm - 5 foot 3
    Age: 28
    Current :69kg or 151 pounds

    I'm 6 months post partem if that makes a difference.

    you could put your target weight at a weight u felt good at in the past,and upper end of normal is still normal so you could put 65kg as a starting target weight u can always change it if you get there and still wanna lose!
  • hollymartin90
    hollymartin90 Posts: 57 Member
    107 for me, Female, 5' 3"
    I am using Dr. Joel Fuhrman's guide for my ideal height. He does emphasize being on the leaner end of your weight range vs. in the middle.

    Here is his formula from his book, "Eat to Live":

    For Men: 105 lb for the first 5 ft; 5 lb for each inch over 5 ft

    For Women: 95 lb for the first 5 ft; 4 lb for each inch over 5 ft

    I have always hovered around 125+ with enough to spare so I am excited as I am working my way to the lean version of me.

    laughs insanely at the thought of being 131lb - at 5'9" - I havent been that light since I was in primary school. Honestly - the total generalisation of 'this is what you should be' is both funny and so annoying. I am now 12 stone - or 168lbs. If I get much thinner I will look like a carthorse that has been starved... not a look I think is very attractive and I would have to STARVE to get to that suggested weight.

    Please take all such advice with a large pinch of salt - and go for a weight that is healthy but obtainable as we all know that if it means starvation, deprivation and excessive exercise, 99% of us will give up very quickly.

    whats 131 pounds around 9 stone?im 5 ft 9 and around 10 ish stone ,ill admit 131 may be on the light side but dont think would look 'starved'! everyones different though I guess lots of other factors besides height and weight (like body frame size and shape so yeh bmi isnt always the best way to work things out)
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    It should depends most on how you feel and how you think you look.

    Take account of body shape and frame. I initially wanted to be 10st. But I would be far too thin for my liking (I'm 5ft 8inch) so I'm opting for 11st instead :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Depends a lot on your muscle mass. Just pick a medium weight for now and you can always readjust later.

    I had 130 first, middle of the healthy range, then figured it would be too low as I have a large frame, and switched to 140. Now I'm 16 lbs away and realized it would probably not be enough, so I switched back to 135... but might switch back as I get closer. You can always adjust.
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    Target: I bunged my stats into a BMI thingy, made that my official target.

    Reality: Laughed my posh shoes off when I read the number. I am fully aware I will never make that target, so will stop worrying about weight when I get into size 12 clothing.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    It's what I was in my late teens/early 20s and on the low end of my healthy BMI range, so I think it's attainable.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    That's why it's a range and not a simple number. We all have different body composition so the number on the scale is not set in stone. Those tables are based on public health data and what "they" think is the best weight for optimal health. I like this web site because it shows many of the different formulas and tables and explains what's good about them and what their shortcomings are... Bottom line, you'll know when you get there.
  • IMO, a number has no real meaning. How do you want to feel? How do you want to look?

    For me, I picked an arbitrary number of 205 (male, 6') because thats what a lot of the 6' tall MMA fighters fight at. Then I set my goal to get me about 75% there (always read to set hard, but attainable goals)

    My plan is to hit my first goal and reassess how I look and feel and adjust my diet and exercise plan at that point towards my next (probably arbitrary) goal.
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    I'm not starving getting to 107. I just switched my focus towards eating way WAY more greens, veggies, fruits, a cup of beans/lentils a day, whole grains (not whole grain bread) and a generous serving of nuts/seeds. Steadily losing, have the energy for high intensity workouts I enjoy, and have about 12 pounds to go.

    I am in China frequently for business, and being here as I am now always reminds me that in the states, our "averages" are on the heavy side, even the "ideal" weights most people shoot for. But here, there are lots of women my height with similar frames (average) that are probably closer to 107 pounds than 125, and they LOOK FABULOUS. They don't starve to be this thin, I eat many meals with them when here and observe they're eating a lot more vegetables every meal. They look healthy, they have energy, they look attractive. Seeing the women in middle China where I am It is almost like being in the site another poster mentioned, mybodygallery, and seeing what you could look like at the lighter end of your BMI range.

    FYI, I design patio furniture, and it's embarrassing that it is literally referred to in the factory as, "Fat American" testing when we have to repeatedly drop big bags of coal in chairs to mimic an American's fat toosh stressing chair frame over time.
    Generally--what we've become comfortable as "average" is still "fat" to the majority of the world.
    107 for me, Female, 5' 3"
    I am using Dr. Joel Fuhrman's guide for my ideal height. He does emphasize being on the leaner end of your weight range vs. in the middle.

    Here is his formula from his book, "Eat to Live":

    For Men: 105 lb for the first 5 ft; 5 lb for each inch over 5 ft

    For Women: 95 lb for the first 5 ft; 4 lb for each inch over 5 ft

    I have always hovered around 125+ with enough to spare so I am excited as I am working my way to the lean version of me.

    laughs insanely at the thought of being 131lb - at 5'9" - I havent been that light since I was in primary school. Honestly - the total generalisation of 'this is what you should be' is both funny and so annoying. I am now 12 stone - or 168lbs. If I get much thinner I will look like a carthorse that has been starved... not a look I think is very attractive and I would have to STARVE to get to that suggested weight.

    Please take all such advice with a large pinch of salt - and go for a weight that is healthy but obtainable as we all know that if it means starvation, deprivation and excessive exercise, 99% of us will give up very quickly.