What foods/drinks/habits have you given up for your 'diet'?



  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    I haven't given up anything. I may have a soda once a month if that. like others have said its all about moderation
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Absolutely nothing.

    Same here :)

    Ditto ditto
  • simsburyjet
    simsburyjet Posts: 999 Member
    Pretty much gave up all candybars and soda..
  • pierremignon
    pierremignon Posts: 172 Member
    I find sodas truly disgusting right now. Just the thought of drinking Coke makes me want to hurl my guts out.
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    I don't get fast food as nearly as much as I used to. Since I decided to eat a mostly vegetarian diet, there are not a lot of options at fast food places. I can no longer go to mcdonalds or taco bell on the way home from work and binge. I actually googled taco bell veggie options and there are like 3 choices. LOL boring.
  • russellbrand69
    russellbrand69 Posts: 132 Member
    No much, but:
    - Crisps (what Americans call "Chips"). Used to eat a packet everday with my lunch - just can't have them now. I miss them occasionally, but it's OK - I really, really don't want to eat them - nutritionally they're crap, so not worth eating.
    - Fast food. I never ate too much of this, but I haven't had a chinese takeaway, delivered pizza, chips and a veggie burger from the chipper (like big fries) etc. in 8 months - it was bad for me, made me lazy, and I never even enjoyed it that much - always seemed like it was going to be nicer than it was when I was eating it. The anticipation of it was always the best part!
    - Sandwiches from the deli. Delicious, and I used it have it once or twice a week for lunch, but I always got so tired about 3pm in work, it was terrible. I worked out the calories for my standard egg salad, cheese and lettuce sandwich with mayo and a packet of crisps at at least 600 calories, probably a bit more, and it made me tired rather than give me energy! Now I bring a bean and spinach salad and go for a 30 min walk - I never get an afternoon slump in work anymore (it is 3pm as I am typing this)!

    What I haven't given up: going out to a proper independent local restaurant for a sit down 2 hour meal. I go out twice a week for dinner (Italian, Middle Eastern or Japanese usually), and have a starter, main, split a dessert if I'm in the mood, and drink 2 glasses of wine. It makes me happy, it's social and fun, and stops me going mad! I love it and really savour what I am eating.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member

    I plan on being healthy for the rest of my life which for me means I eat ALL the things. (in moderation) :wink:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The lazy habit. Diet is easy when I exercise regularly. Activity was the only change I needed.
  • echelonokie
    There are things that I don't buy for the house simply because they are stronger than me and we both know it. LOL. I don't buy Oreos for the house anymore. If I crave them, I go buy a snack pack of like..4, then I don't have to worry about them calling my name. Another recent revelation, I can't resist Hot Fudge Sundae Poptarts. They are my Achilles heel
  • Carmella9
    Carmella9 Posts: 171 Member
    Chocolate :( everyone says 'ahhhh just eat it in moderation' NOT HAPPENING, so just decided to give it up altogether and crave it A LOT less now (been about 3 months) and gave up McDonalds 6 years ago :) oh and chicken Korma (been 8 months!) vowed to not eat it until i got to 9st 7! (still going strong!)
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Ice cream and flavored chips. Both are trigger foods for me, once I start eating them or even know they are in the house, I can't leave them alone until they are gone. So about 2 months before my weight loss surgery, I stopped eating them and 2 years later, still am not eating them. It might be different now, but I'm not willing to find out it's not. Not worth it to me. BTW, this is a choice, so I don't miss them or feel deprived in the least.
  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    I haven't given up anything, per se. However, I have moderated my intake of various things, alcohol probably being the main culprit!

    I do plan on drinking again, I still eat Subway occasionally, I have at least one cheeky snack a day, chocolate at least once a week. I eat crisps, chips and pretty much everything I always did.

    I just eat it all a little less a little less often!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    While I try not to give up anything in total, I stopped drinking 3-5 32oz Mt dews a day. I have had one here and there and can only stand a couple sips now. :sick:
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    I haven't officially cut out anything, but I've definitely noticed that I ask myself whether some things are worth it because they're so many calories. Some have been cut out almost entirely, and some are for special occasions when I have planned the rest of the day around it. Things that have pretty much fallen by the wayside:

    * Desserts (ice cream, cake, pie, etc) - If I need something sweet I'll usually opt for some fruit after dinner. I still keep some ice cream in the freezer if I need a treat, but a half gallon has lasted me a month and a half.
    * Doughnuts
    * Pasta
    * Potatoes
    * Chips
    * Eating out - Chinese food in particular. The amount of calories in what I thought was fairly healthy is astounding.
    * Chicken wings - There's like 160 calories in two wings, which is sad.
    * Fruit juice - Apple juice has just as many calories as Mountain Dew.

    Pop is probably my biggest weakness. I hate diet soda, and I've always had a pretty bad pop addiction. I've cut down to about one can a day though, and have even gone without a couple times that it didn't fit into my calories for the day. Still, I'm pretty proud of one a day.

    As I said though, I haven't officially cut any of the above out. I just eat it less, and in moderation when I do. Now I'm kind of craving potatoes.
  • SToast
    SToast Posts: 255 Member
    I made huge changes to my diet. Not to be "on a diet" but because, along with loosing weight, I wanted to live a more healthy life all around. I guess a lot of people on here always ate healthy but not me. I ate more like the OP it seems. Actually I didn't drink much soda until after I got married. Hubby's family is addicted and I got into the habit. So more to the point...

    I quit drinking soda. I only drink coffee once in a great while (didn't drink a ton before)
    I cut waayyy back on my sugar intake (some days I do better than others)
    I've upped my water intake by about 800% (I was lucky to get one cup per day down)
    I've tried to up my fresh fruits
    I've tried to up veggie intake even if I have to hide them from myself in sauces or omlets, etc
    I've cut my carbs in half
    Upped my protein by at least double
    I've always been sensitive to salt so I still keep away from salty processed foods.

    Is my diet perfect now? No way. But it's better than it was. The thing I miss most? Chocolate grahm crackers with cream cheese frosting. I can't even have the stuff in the house because I know what will happen. People say "well you can have a treat now and then" but I would eat the whole can of frosting in one sitting. It's better that it's not around to tempt me.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    I gave up foods that I don't really like. I was never crazy about soda, chips, or popcorn, so I don't eat them, even if they're there. I try to spend every calorie I've got on something that tastes good to me.

    then you really didn't give up anything. It's a fact, you said you were never crazy about them. So what was the point?
  • neraulia
    neraulia Posts: 45 Member
    after my body adjusted to eating better foods, the junk foods just made me feel sick, so I naturally stayed away from them

    This. Though I'm kind of stuck on the "junk foods make me feel sick" now step, and need to do better with the logical next step of avoiding them!
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    Carmel latte from dunkin donuts. I take a few sips of my kids. Yummy, but a waste of calories
  • aldale
    aldale Posts: 118 Member
    I do not like it when people say they habe not given up anything. If we did not make changes, we would stay the same. Personally, I gave up sodas, milkshakes, cheese danishes, blizzards, big macs, and iced sweet tea. I know tea is healthy, but not if you have to add lots of sugar to tolerate it. I gave up big portions. I gave up eating the whole bag of chips for a snack. I made swaps. Instead of eating spaghetti made with regular noodles, sauce made with ground beef and pork, and breadsticks on the side, I now eat spaghetti made with whole wheat noodles, sauce made with lean deer meat or ground turkey, and a salad on the side. I also gave up my sedentary lifestyle, and I am constantly moving. I have given up the old me for a new me!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Absolutely nothing.

    Edit to add, there are things I don't eat because I don't see the point of them, but I didn't eat them when I was fat(ter) either. Soft drinks, fake sugar, fake-low-fat anything, anything fried in poly unsaturated oil.

    Anything else, I eat, just in moderation.

    THIS!! Every thing else is not sustainable, IMO.

    And on two days a week I only eat 500cals. All other days are totally normal TDEE days. Works for me. :wink: