What foods/drinks/habits have you given up for your 'diet'?



  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Bread and butter/spread

    and eating after 8pm.
  • james6998
    james6998 Posts: 743 Member
    Pop, processed foods and most importantly, eating until i was stuffed, wow don't miss that feeling one bit.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    In my case, it isn't so much about what I've given up as it is about what I have added, such as increased awareness of nutrition and better eating habits, but mostly increased exercise.

    And I haven't given up run on sentences either.
  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    I haven't really given up on anything 100% but the following I consume in much much much lesser quantities:

    - bread
    - pasta
    - pizza
    - mayonnaise
    - diet coke

    In general, already before I started at MFP, I only very occasionally ate fried foods and fast food. And, for example, I really really don't like things like potato chips; don't taste good to me.

    My choice of drink has been plain water for ages, so no changes there. Also, I have been drinking unsweetened coffee and tea for almost my entire life.

    Chocolate and ice cream, that I refuse to give up!

    Hm, looking at this, not much of a sacrifice and I feel much better.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Um. I sit on my couch less?
  • josyk7
    josyk7 Posts: 34 Member
    I haven't given up anything! I eat everything in moderation!!
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member

    I've greatly reduced the quantity of food I eat, but not necessarily the type of food. In all honesty I don't drink pop, I rarely eat candy or chocolate.

    Now ask me what I've added to my diet:

    More veggies and fruit
    almond milk
    hard boiled eggs

    I eat fast food a lot less often, but still have it from time to time, I just make room for it. I decided that restricting myself from all the things I love would only eventually lead to failure once I hit my goal, so instead I'm trying to create a lifestyle that allows me to enjoy the things I love. A happy dieter is a successful dieter! :happy:
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    Fast food
    Mac and cheese
    Hamburger helper
    Non-whole grain pasta's, breads, etc.
    Fried foods
    Frozen convenience foods
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
  • nmensen18
    I've given up all soda - and anything carbonated for that matter. I mainly only drink water, coffee, unsweetened tea, and milk.
    I also measure EVERYTHING, especially any condiments, dressings, coffee creamers, etc.

    I still eat at some fast food locations, even McDonald's, but I get a Happy Meal or I plan ahead to know what my calories are. Many times, I just got the sandwich and skip the fries.

    I also stopped ordering anything in a medium or large size (unless its water!) - so if I do splurge, its a "small" of something.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I do not like it when people say they habe not given up anything. If we did not make changes, we would stay the same. Personally, I gave up sodas, milkshakes, cheese danishes, blizzards, big macs, and iced sweet tea. I know tea is healthy, but not if you have to add lots of sugar to tolerate it. I gave up big portions. I gave up eating the whole bag of chips for a snack. I made swaps. Instead of eating spaghetti made with regular noodles, sauce made with ground beef and pork, and breadsticks on the side, I now eat spaghetti made with whole wheat noodles, sauce made with lean deer meat or ground turkey, and a salad on the side. I also gave up my sedentary lifestyle, and I am constantly moving. I have given up the old me for a new me!

    Sorry to say, some of us just haven't given up things. I had that pizza you see there yesterday, I had a bacon cheeseburger yesterday, I'm going to have chicken curry today for lunch, maybe another burger for dinner...I don't give food up. Seems silly.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Nothing really...I eat a lot less "junk" than I used to and I eat a whole lot more of the "good stuff" than I used to, but I still indulge occasionally and if I want something I have something knowing that I just need to fit it in which means I'll probably have to give up something else that day.

    I guess I could maybe say fast food...I've only had it once in the past year or so an dit turned my stomache pretty good.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Foods: nothing
    Drinks: nothing (although I have cut down on alcohol a little, without really thinking about)
    Habits: eating too much, snacking through the day (although I do snack in the evening after dinner) and being sedentary (I do alot more exercise and I try to walk around/stand up a lot more during the day too)
  • Islandgirl74
    Islandgirl74 Posts: 170 Member
    No heavy eating after 8pm.
  • msneave
    I eat 90% superfoods and 10% whatever I feel like eating including pizza, burgers, fries, chips, chocolate, cookies, and alcohol. I don't believe in deprivation diets or obsessive compulsive eating. I tried that for a long time and it didn't work very well for me. I do limit my intake of unhealthy foods each week though and when I have those foods I make sure the portions are very small.

    A few foods I have cut way back (that made a huge difference in both my weight and bodyfat) are ALL dairy, animal proteins, wheat products. I have a green smoothie for breakfast every day made with dark leafy greens, fruits, chia water and green superfoods powder (this has probably made the biggest difference in both my health and weight/bodyfat).

    For lunch I have quinoa with more veggies or on days when I need more protein I'll make a veggie omelette for lunch or have wild caught tuna or salmon on greens. I have a lara bar or nuts and fruit as mid afternoon snack and for dinner 3 oz organic chicken, beef or fish and more greens and other veggies plus I always have some type of starchy carb like potatoes, wild rice, quinoa, or soba noodles. I also have a small piece of chocolate most nights.

    It isn't necessary to go on torture diet to lose weight. Adequate calories, daily exercise, healthy foods most of the time is what gets the weight off and keeps it off for life :drinker:
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I gave up putting Potato chips in my tuna fish sandwiches. That's it. Everything else I've just been mindful of what and how much. I still have a beer with my pizza, but a beer and 2 slices instead of a six pack and 5 or 6 slices.

    I still have ice cream IF I have the calories left in my budget for it, if I dont, no ice cream for me. And if it's MY ice cream I have to make a fair amount of room because I don't skimp on cream or sugar because if I'm making the effort, I'm making good ice cream. I just generally make it for occasions where other people will be around so I can have my couple scoops and be done...
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    not given up but cut back on fast food. my bad habit of mindless eating is more controlled. drinks were never much of a problem. portion control and moderation is what I do.
  • kri5tle
    What I am doing is not a diet. So, I agree...I didn't give anything up. What I did do was become more conscious of where my food is coming from. I no longer eat red meat or anything processed. I did not ever drink diet pop, so that is not an issue. I also do not drink, so I did not have to give up alcohol. I drink water except for coffee and tea.

    I will still eat ice cream, chocolate and cake. I have stopped baking for fun, and will only do it on special occasions where I am taking it out of my house. That way I only have a small portion at the event, and it does not come home with me! I cannot have a cake sitting in my house...has anyone else learned the magicalness of BREAKFAST CAKE?!

    I also no longer eat white bread, but I still eat bread (rye). It is all about planning and being prepared really.
  • YvonneCT
    YvonneCT Posts: 41 Member
    Nothing really, what has changed is portion sizes and how often I eat certain things.

  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    I wouldn't say I've given up anything, either, except bad habits. I exercise more moderation - I eat less quantity-wise, substitute a lot higher quality in general so that I don't ever have to be hungry. I eat a LOT more variety, so if anything, I've gained options. I surely think more about what food I eat and when I do it, but I don't feel like there is anything that I would have eaten before that I would not eat now if I chose to at the time.

    I wasn't ever a pop drinker, but my beverage list is pretty much the same as it ever was.....water, coffee, and whiskey. :)