Week 6, "H20" Lose 20 Pounds by Halloween Challenge.



  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Today's weigh-in day for me. Came in at 186.6. That's a pound up from last week. Phooey - but expected. I was really off the wagon for three days last week with both food and exercise. It shows!

    Itll be ok Pinky.. Gotta dust those knees off and get back up.. :) Atleast its only a pound up.. and that could be water weight? Maybe?
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I promise I'm around, just super busy creating new things, for those of you on fb, I'm sure you've seen them..

    Keep going everyone!!! <3

    We know your around Bru.. I know youd never leave us.. <3
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Today's weigh-in day for me. Came in at 186.6. That's a pound up from last week. Phooey - but expected. I was really off the wagon for three days last week with both food and exercise. It shows!

    Itll be ok Pinky.. Gotta dust those knees off and get back up.. :) Atleast its only a pound up.. and that could be water weight? Maybe?

    Thanks for the encouragement, April. I'm not going to worry about it too much. I made hubby get on the scale to do a little cross-referencing and it was reporting a higher than normal number for him. And when I got on the WiiFit tonight, it reported a lower weight than I was last week. I never get the same weight from the Wii as the bathroom scale (Wii is consistently about 2 lbs. heavier).

    So that is a big batch of WTF?!, but I'm going to just move on. Did 30 minutes of Free Run and 12 minutes of Free Step, so yay! Dusted those knees off. :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Yesterday I was nervous about today's weigh in. Last week I was at 243.2. Today 243.5 - so a 0.2 lb gain. But I'll take it as part of my learning experience about how not to have a fun weekend....food food and more food.

    Goal for next week is to lose what I gained this week plus another two. Going to keep up with the extra water for another week and continue taking the dogs for a walk and working on the video I'm doing...I say doing very lightly.....
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    Ok I didn't weigh in yesterday I forgot, so here it is.

    My weight as of Aug 31 was 206.8
    Sept 26 - 202.
    Week 6 - Sept 29 - 201.52

    loss - 10.08/20 9.92 to go
    goal for my bd 190 - 11.52 to go
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    Ok I am VERY brain dead due to three hours sleep :yawn: I was confused because my home page says 24 lbs lost and my ticker said 25! I didn't know if I truly reached it or not until I look up my stats for weigh in. I forgot that I still need to lose .5 lb to reach my first 25 lbs. :frown:

    So no jumping for joy YET. Hopefully tomorrow I will have reached my first 25 lbs. :drinker: Didn't weigh in yet and have eaten already so will wait for tomorrow.
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    Weighed in yesterday. 143! It's coming off slowly, but at least it's coming off.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Way to go everyone!! Keep up the good work.. :) I woke up this morning, NOT wanting to do anything, BUT I didnt listen to what my mind wanted. I did what my body wanted.. and THREE hours later of HEAVY cleaning Im done, and I have a CLEAN house!! Woo hoo!! Go me.. And I Burned 1200 calories in the process.. Which is cool.. I gotta get around and eat soon..

    I would like to CONGRATULATE EVERYONE:
    In FIVE weeks WE'VE lost a total of
    Total pounds lost for the group: 323.3
    Average lost: 5.9 pounds
    Active members: 54

    Way to go everyone.. Keep up the hard work..

    Our top Loosers are:

    Top losers:
    1) Flotus87 - 17.6
    2) mollybeslimmer - 13.6
    3) ang696 - 12.0
    4) cenedria235 - 11.8
    5) lovemepurple88 - 11.0

    Way to go.. And Way to go everyone else.. It doesnt matter whos top or whos bottom.. what matters is that you are trying, and you are transforming into a better you..

    I received a comment on facebook today that I wanna share with everyone.. Its from my cousin Amanda..

    "April, I just wanted to tell you what a great job you are doing on your food diary and watching what you eat... I looked at some of your pics from a while ago and you can really tell that you have lost weight! Way to go! Now if I can get motivated some...lol"

    Now if that doesnt make me feel good nothing ever will.. Im happy to see I am encouraging others to work on themselves.. :) Its amazing.. I just wanted to share that with everyone. If you are struggling always remember you CAN do this and you ARE worth it.. Dont let ANYTHING slow you down.. <3
  • Didnt realize that I posted earlier on "week 5's" week so here I am updating for this week......

    Been out in and out of town lately but I do have updates....
    Went in to Dr's for my follow up and was in total shock! I mean total shock!! I asked his assistant to look again to make sure she was looking at the numbers correctly but there it was...I lost 7 pounds of fat! 3.5 pounds in weight and have brought my BMI from 47.1 down to 43.2. I still wouldnt have believed it if my hubby wasnt in there with me! I just stood there in awe of these numbers...I am like there is no way!! I am only 12.2 pounds away from my Halloween goal! I am on the right track and even though I am still in shock I am sooo proud of myself.....Still need encouragement though so please stop by my page and drop me a line =)
  • LittleMissAngi
    LittleMissAngi Posts: 243 Member
    Its been a difficult week for me food wise. Not good choices but still under my goal. always over on sugar.... hmm..... Did manage to get in a LONG walk yesterday and some cleaning today at the office, hopefully that will count for something! I will try my best to drink water more, I really need to get off these coke zero's... Ive had like 6 today. :-(
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    I keep trying to talk my DS into moving there. But he's a teen and I don't want to pull him out of high school. I hate the winters here though. We have been to WDW in Fl twice now. I keep telling DS we should go to Disney in Cali to see the weather there. He's a no go! Die hard WDW fan.

    I sooo want to go to DIsney for the Free Dining next summer. I could go for two weeks for other trips that have been 10 days~ :drinker: Now that's a reason to go!!!

    Did I mention most of my REAL reason for wanting to get into shape is so that I can walk around disney pain free and for long periods of time without hassle? :embarassed: I refuse to do Disney in a wheelchair. Fat nor Fibro will take my Disney away from me!! Well also I want to be healthy so I can work enough to pay for a trip once a year!!! :bigsmile:

    Keep that shed clear for me, you just never know. LOL

    I will check out the article. Thanks for posting. Gosh I wish I lived closer to the magic.:cry:

    On a side note, I had a huge cheat day, running around, no food, starving, craving junk, so had KFC for supper. :embarassed: Was soo wanting french fries, but had poutine, well why not go all the way, right. and I added a snacker sandwich. Couldn't have a big one since I had poutine. It was really good and hit the spot but felt like I did something really wrong after. There goes my half pound into probably up by one or two. So here I sit at 12:49 am and am walking for an hour to combat some of my errors. :grumble: Next time, I will stick to o ne thing on cheat day and a small thing!
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    Hi, i joined in sept but aug 28 weighed 198
    Sept 3 was 194
    Sept 10 was 188.4
    Sept 17 was 184.0
    Sept 24 was 180.2
    Today Oct 1 is 176.2

    i love the pumpkin but can't get the code to work so imagine it...

    Good luck every one!
  • HornsUp
    HornsUp Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in too. I started on August 29th at 217. I weigh "officially" on Saturday mornings, but occasionally throughout the week to check where I am before/after specific workouts and after meals when i feel uncomfortable. Last weigh in on September 25th I was 198. 19 Down, 23 to go. I could live at 180, but I really wanna hit 175. Can't do 20 by Halloween, but I'd love to be 188 by then. Lets do it.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hi, i joined in sept but aug 28 weighed 198
    Sept 3 was 194
    Sept 10 was 188.4
    Sept 17 was 184.0
    Sept 24 was 180.2
    Today Oct 1 is 176.2

    i love the pumpkin but can't get the code to work so imagine it...

    Good luck every one!

    Fantastic loss, congrats! For the pumpkin icon I'm pretty sure you have the code right, just need to make the IMG part all lower-case letters. :)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    weighed in yesterday and I'm now.,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.., (<thats my drumroll :laugh: )

    202.6 :drinker:

    FInally going in the right direction!!! :love: Now my next step... 'ONE'derland!!!
    SW 207.8
    Wk 2: 205.8
    Wk 3: 204.8
    Wk 4: 204.8
    Wk 5: 204
    Wk 6: 202.6

    Thats a 5.2 difference. I originally said I was wanting to lose between 10-15lbs instead of the full 20, so I'm not too far off from my goal, as long as I don't have another 3weeks of massive sodium issues!!

    Keep up the good work everyone. I'm still around, mainly as a lurker while I keep up on real life orders *hugs*
  • LittleMissAngi
    LittleMissAngi Posts: 243 Member
    how do I get my ticker thing to show up when I post on here?
  • LittleMissAngi
    LittleMissAngi Posts: 243 Member
    how do I get my ticker thing to show up when I post on here?

    figured it out. haha! Yay!
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    So I started this challenge at 220 and today I'm 210.8! Woohoo!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    weighed in yesterday and I'm now.,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.., (<thats my drumroll :laugh: )

    202.6 :drinker:

    FInally going in the right direction!!! :love: Now my next step... 'ONE'derland!!!
    SW 207.8
    Wk 2: 205.8
    Wk 3: 204.8
    Wk 4: 204.8
    Wk 5: 204
    Wk 6: 202.6

    Thats a 5.2 difference. I originally said I was wanting to lose between 10-15lbs instead of the full 20, so I'm not too far off from my goal, as long as I don't have another 3weeks of massive sodium issues!!

    Keep up the good work everyone. I'm still around, mainly as a lurker while I keep up on real life orders *hugs*

    Way to go Bru.. :) We both got back into the right direction.. I <3 it!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    So I started this challenge at 220 and today I'm 210.8! Woohoo!

    way to go.. Keep up the good work..
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