Starting P90X 9-26-10!



  • Hi all! A friend of mine gave me the P90x videos after she used them, but I have no idea what order to use them in, or what Classic or Lean version is.. Can anyone help me out?

    I run and weight lift almost every day but I need to mix it up. I was hoping to start the P90x program tonight...Thanks!!
  • vanzeem
    vanzeem Posts: 107
    If you search the internet for the schedules you should be able to find them. I found the lean one yesterday.. but i don't remember the site.
  • I'm the exact opposite of you with regards to insanity vs. p90x plyometrics... I find that Plyo is way harder in that #1 it is longer and it is tougher on the leg muscles. Insanity certainly is harder cario-wise, but not nearly as tough for 'squating' over and over like in plyo. All in all both are great workouts.

    I have been doing P90x for 3 year now, and I have found the perfect workout combining both P90X and insanity. I think for those having trouble sticking with P90X, just get in the habit of doing the workout, even if at 70%. it's better than quitting and gets you in the routine. Then, gradually increase it and your intensity.:

    Week 1: P90X as normal + abs
    Week 2: p90X upper body workouts only (chest/back/arms...2 workouts) + 3 insanity workouts + abs
    Week 3. p90X as normal + abs
    Week 4. p90X upper body workouts only (chest/back/arms...2 workouts) + 3 insanity workouts + abs
    Week 5. recovery no workouts except walking + stretch. I need this down week to keep sane!

    This gives me the continued muscle workout of P90X, but also a break and better cardio. Plyo is my nemesis if you do it right and not bend at the waist it kicks my butt!

    I use the Bodylastic bands and I love them. Just ordered the family set and love the new orange bands. Now my whole family can workout with their own bands at the same time. Good luck all!
  • Hi! I just joined MFP and am doing P90X. My husband and I are on week 6. So far I've lost 8 lbs and he's lost 9. But overall we both feel amazing!

    I would love to post here, and get ideas for food prep. and how to incorporate a run into this workout.

  • test
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Well I think I'm going to have to stop, I went to the ER tonight because my right foot was in so much pain I couldn't even walk on it, Seems I strained the tendions in the foot so they Dr said to stay off of it as much as possible and no more working out for a while. I don't know if it was a pose I did while doing Yoga or just working it in general I can tell you one thing, i won't be doing yoga again any time soon.

    Anyway, I'm out. I'm super bummed, but I can't wait to see how everyone does. I'll start up again once i'm feeling better.
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Here's a website with the workout schedule

    Hi all! A friend of mine gave me the P90x videos after she used them, but I have no idea what order to use them in, or what Classic or Lean version is.. Can anyone help me out?

    I run and weight lift almost every day but I need to mix it up. I was hoping to start the P90x program tonight...Thanks!!
  • Melora
    Melora Posts: 65 Member
    Did Shoulders and Arms this morning!! Still feel the burn two hours later. I do think I will get heavier weights for some of the sets.
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Sooo maybe I"m not out. My foot is feeling 95% better this morning! YAY!!! I'm taking the day off today as my rest day and will return on Saturday with legs and back. I'll see how my foot is feeling then and if I"m doing well I'll continue on with the program. I will say one more yoga for me. LOL
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Sooo maybe I"m not out. My foot is feeling 95% better this morning! YAY!!! I'm taking the day off today as my rest day and will return on Saturday with legs and back. I'll see how my foot is feeling then and if I"m doing well I'll continue on with the program. I will say one more yoga for me. LOL

    Yeah, I'd have issues with a couple of the Yoga poses on my knees. The next day they'd be real sensitive. Like the one where you sit on your bended leg & twist your back so you're looking behind you. It's great for my back but terrible for my knees. I have to be real careful how I'm placing my legs so as not to strain the knee at all - or else I REALLY feel knee pain the next day.
  • vanzeem
    vanzeem Posts: 107
    Well... i was going to start this morning, but i slept INCREDIBLY good last night and didn't get up in time. guess i'll have to just do it tonight!! :laugh:
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Well... i was going to start this morning, but i slept INCREDIBLY good last night and didn't get up in time. guess i'll have to just do it tonight!! :laugh:

    Yay for good sleep! I need to start getting up early to do my workout becaue I don't have time all the time when i get home from work. :)
  • vanzeem
    vanzeem Posts: 107
    I don't have time at night either. Plus it makes it hard for me to settle down if i do it at night. Kids aren't going to bed too good tonight... not sure if it's going to happen.
  • glamazon
    glamazon Posts: 10 Member
    I did my first day of P90X. I was going to do the "lean" program, but decided to go with the "classic".

    The back/chest and ab ripper X both kicked my butt. I did super light weights (5 lbs.). I also cannot do full pushups, so I did all pushups from my knees for all the different types. I'm sure I'll get stronger and be able to do the regular type in no time.

    I'm wondering for those of you without a pull-up bar what do you do? I did get the exercise band that came with the program, but I don't have anywhere up high to tie it to. I used my weights and tried to simualte what they did with the bands. I would love any other ideas.

    I'm also wondering how everyone is recording their workouts in the Exercise log. I did not see P90X listed for exercise.
  • i love doing p90x and i am doing the lean program too. However the Yoga dvd bores me so I swap it with the plyometric video. The workouts are hard regardless so whats the difference-right?. Good luck! stay with it!
  • vanzeem
    vanzeem Posts: 107
    YIIPPEE!! I'm actually getting the workouts in! (it's really amazing considering one of the girls is sick with the flu..) i need to work on the diet a little better, but i think now that i'm moving more i'm not going to want to waste calories on junk. How's everyone else doing??
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    i love doing p90x and i am doing the lean program too. However the Yoga dvd bores me so I swap it with the plyometric video. The workouts are hard regardless so whats the difference-right?. Good luck! stay with it!

    Your body needs at least one day of rest, especially just starting out. When I first started P90X I tried Yoga X once and then went jogging on Thursday mornings instead. However, I still did X Stretch on Sundays. Now I do yoga and of course I love to get in my X Stretch. So, I still would recommend that you give yourself a day each week to get in a good stretch routine.
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Hey guys, I was thinking of starting P90X on 4th Oct! Can I still join, even though I am 1 week late :smile:
  • Hey I will join ya I am starting P90X tommorow..
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Finished up my first week today and I'm loving it!! Can't wait to start week 2 tomorrow. My foot is feeling great and i'm down on the scale which is always a plus. Hope everyone is doing well and had a great weekend!!
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