Three weeks on my fitness pall not lost a single pound

I am so depressed today. I weighed myself today after three weeks on intensive calorie counting, excercising and obsessing and I have not lost a single pound.

By my caculation, I should have lost atleast 16000 calories or 4.2 pounds but have lost nothing, zilch, naughta.

Can somebody please help me , what am i doing wrong?

Or is my body is somehow efficient enough to get more calories out of the same food? should i just do what works for me that is low carb diet.



  • madimolly
    madimolly Posts: 11 Member
    Make sure you are logging everything you put in your mouth, you bite it you write it! I have found on weeks where i think i should lose a lot but haven't, that it was due to sneaky mouthfuls off other peoples plates, from the fridge etc.. it really does add up! Alternatively you may have your calories set too high or there may be an under lying medical condition?
  • salsera_barbie
    salsera_barbie Posts: 270 Member
    What % do you have your macros set to? Have you calculated your TDEE to know how much to set your calories at?
  • italiangirlinva
    italiangirlinva Posts: 16 Member
    How many calories are you eating every day and how did you determine that amount? I'm wondering perhaps if you are eating too little and your body is in starvation mode and therefore holding on to what's it got. Also, how much water are you drinking? And how many calories are you exhuming per week in exercise?
  • stinkinstone
    stinkinstone Posts: 34 Member
    Look at the group eat train progress. Take a look at this.

    Don't give up. You will make progress if you stay the course.
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    I am so depressed today. I weighed myself today after three weeks on intensive calorie counting, excercising and obsessing and I have not lost a single pound.

    By my caculation, I should have lost atleast 16000 calories or 4.2 pounds but have lost nothing, zilch, naughta.

    Can somebody please help me , what am i doing wrong?

    Or is my body is somehow efficient enough to get more calories out of the same food? should i just do what works for me that is low carb diet.


    In the last couple weeks, you were over in cals by nearly 600-1,000 on several occasions. Maybe after a month of hitting or being slightly under your calorie goal every day, you can reassess your progress.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    My guess is that you are eating more calories than you think. Are you weighing/measuring out your portions? Also, I see a lot of homemade things in your diary. Are you entering those as recipes and logging the individual ingredients or are you estimating those calories?
  • retrobyte
    retrobyte Posts: 169 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. Forget the scales - how do your clothes fit? Since you are exercising I'm betting you have lost some body fat and added some muscle.
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member

    i peeked at ur diary....Well, good thing is....u actually enjoy eating and intake caloric-wise is pretty good and u are working out. I'd cut the carbs back, you love bread like me and i'd add more fresh veggies and keep fruits to a minimum. Keep that water up to half your weight in ounces and watch sodium!

    Are u doing weight training? If so, u may be gaining muscle too, so make sure u measure and get body fat% to get full picture!

    Keep it up,your body has to adjust. But without knowing your height, blood type, weight, full body comp. hard to know if you are I taking enough and if the foods u are eating fit your body type properly. U may want to talk with a nutritionist at some point too. But give it time!:)

  • TheCriz76
    TheCriz76 Posts: 83 Member
    Make sure you are logging everything you put in your mouth, you bite it you write it! I have found on weeks where i think i should lose a lot but haven't, that it was due to sneaky mouthfuls off other peoples plates, from the fridge etc.. it really does add up!


    Weigh and measure everything, you might be actually be taking in more calories then you think by just guessing as to the size/amount you are eating.

    When I first started as well, I went about a month without seeing a loss and now have been losing steadily since then for that reason. Weigh and makes all the difference in the world.
  • divacowgirl
    Hey there! I listened to a celebrity trainer yesterday and he said you should go more by the fit of your clothes than by pounds. If you have been working out your body is shifting, fat is turning into muscle and muscle weighs more than fat.
    My experience, I am losing but very slowly. I have however gone down 3 clothing sizes. Good luck to you!
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hey there! I listened to a celebrity trainer yesterday and he said you should go more by the fit of your clothes than by pounds. If you have been working out your body is shifting, fat is turning into muscle and muscle weighs more than fat.
    My experience, I am losing but very slowly. I have however gone down 3 clothing sizes. Good luck to you!

    Muscle does not weigh more than fat. 1lb of fat is the same weight as 1lb of muscle.
  • doIlhands
    doIlhands Posts: 349 Member
    I just looked at your diary and you're logging things like 1.2 slices of toast, 1.3 eggs, .6 of a banana, .6 of a slice of pizza, ect. Are you weighing these foods? they look like ridiculous portions.
  • doIlhands
    doIlhands Posts: 349 Member
    Hey there! I listened to a celebrity trainer yesterday and he said you should go more by the fit of your clothes than by pounds. If you have been working out your body is shifting, fat is turning into muscle and muscle weighs more than fat.
    My experience, I am losing but very slowly. I have however gone down 3 clothing sizes. Good luck to you!

    Muscle does not weigh more than fat. 1lb of fat is the same weight as 1lb of muscle.

    Anddd it takes a long time to gain muscle. A woman eating at a surplus and training like its her job would be lucky to gain 10lbs of muscle A YEAR.

    EDIT: just realized op was a male. oops.
  • retrobyte
    retrobyte Posts: 169 Member
    Hey there! I listened to a celebrity trainer yesterday and he said you should go more by the fit of your clothes than by pounds. If you have been working out your body is shifting, fat is turning into muscle and muscle weighs more than fat.
    My experience, I am losing but very slowly. I have however gone down 3 clothing sizes. Good luck to you!

    Muscle does not weigh more than fat. 1lb of fat is the same weight as 1lb of muscle.

    You are factually correct. What I was trying to explain that muscle is more dense than fat, so a lump of fat weighs less than a lump of muscle of the same size. So, it's quite common for people who are exercising to not lose weight, but to "become smaller". I figured most people here would understand what I meant by that comment.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    If you want to lose weight you have to eat less calories. It looks like you have been in maintenance mode.
  • divacowgirl
    thanks for clarifying, sorry my wording offended!
  • DebBee83
    How many calories are you eating every day and how did you determine that amount? I'm wondering perhaps if you are eating too little and your body is in starvation mode and therefore holding on to what's it got. Also, how much water are you drinking? And how many calories are you exhuming per week in exercise?

    I agree. Your body may be in starvation mode if you are not consuming enough calories or not eating back the calories that you burn exercising.
  • salsera_barbie
    salsera_barbie Posts: 270 Member
    Hey there! I listened to a celebrity trainer yesterday and he said you should go more by the fit of your clothes than by pounds. If you have been working out your body is shifting, fat is turning into muscle and muscle weighs more than fat.
    My experience, I am losing but very slowly. I have however gone down 3 clothing sizes. Good luck to you!

    fat doesn't turn into muscle. fat goes away as you build muscle.
  • hussain79
    Guys and Gals,

    I am 34, Mal, and 218 pounds. I am at 1000 calorie deficit (2 pound per week) and in three weeks i was over by 500-1000 calories only 3 days (as i was not able to excercise in those days)

    I am logging everything that goes into my mouth. I am obsessed about it that's why you see 1.2 bread and .6 egg. I count everything that reaches my stomach. With home made things I count all the ingredients e.g. if i took potato-cabbage cooked in oil (pakistani food). I count oil, potato and cabbage separately to be exact.I even put excercise calories as net calories as opposed to gross( i subtract 100 from whatever treadmill shows).

    I drink water like a fish. My wife actually makes fun of me in this regards. During normal days when i am not weight watching, i drink 10-12 glasses but during weight watching, i go upto 16-18 glasses to supress hunger.

    Is it possible that i have some medical condition which is stopping me from loosing weight. Because i suffer from hot flashes and weakness occassionally during following a diet plan.
  • thesifter
    thesifter Posts: 107 Member
    Hey Man , sounds like you are having a rough time of it, Don't be down, keep looking up, most people can shift weight using your approach , sometimes it does take a wee bit longer for your metabolism to kick in , keep at it and you will see the results. Read the recommended posts above , they are invaluable, you can do it dude, Good luck.:happy: