question : will eating clean help me to lose weight faster



  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    Does eating clean have some advantages over just simple calorie counting?

    As long as you are getting all your essential nutrients I doubt it. You can lose weight eating only twinkies... Wether or not you want to is up to you.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    just once it would be great for a discussion on the subject to not have people distort arguments, reduce points to absurd/extreme conclusions, or branch off into mini battles. once.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    just once it would be great for a discussion on the subject to not have people distort arguments, reduce points to absurd/extreme conclusions, or branch off into mini battles. once.
  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    Does eating clean have some advantages over just simple calorie counting?

    As long as you are getting all your essential nutrients I doubt it. You can lose weight eating only twinkies... Wether or not you want to is up to you.

    This is 100% true, however twinkies are quite low if not entirely devoid of the nutrients our body requires. It's not impossible but quite likely you will find it very hard to consistently stay in a caloric deficit eating only twinkies to satiate your hunger.

    When you eat "Clean" (notice the quotes) you're eating more nutrient dense foods that tend to be more filling for a number of reasons including the sheer solid volume of the food. This in turn makes adherence to eating in a caloric deficit much easier.
  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    Clean eating is better for your overall health. There is no argument about this, and if you argue, you're just being a douche.

    OK, I'll be a douche: In about a year and a half, my resting heart rate has gone from ~120 to 51, my blood pressure is in the low end of normal, I'm off my BP meds, my blood work is "absolutely perfect" (doctor's words, not mine) and I've lost over 300 lbs — all while eating "unclean" foods. So by what standard, exactly, is my overall health worse because of the "unclean" foods I eat?
  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    I did mention IIFIYM, but of course everyone wants to ignore that part.

    Because that part has nothing to do with your "eating clean is better for your health" nonsense!
  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    Does eating clean have some advantages over just simple calorie counting?

    As long as you are getting all your essential nutrients I doubt it. You can lose weight eating only twinkies... Wether or not you want to is up to you.

    This is 100% true, however twinkies are quite low if not entirely devoid of the nutrients our body requires. It's not impossible but quite likely you will find it very hard to consistently stay in a caloric deficit eating only twinkies to satiate your hunger.

    When you eat "Clean" (notice the quotes) you're eating more nutrient dense foods that tend to be more filling for a number of reasons including the sheer solid volume of the food. This in turn makes adherence to eating in a caloric deficit much easier.

    Absolutely... I was just pointing out that it can be done. I would not want to myself, nor could I imagine anyone else would, but you could do it.
  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    Clean eating is better for your overall health. There is no argument about this, and if you argue, you're just being a douche.

    OK, I'll be a douche: In about a year and a half, my resting heart rate has gone from ~120 to 51, my blood pressure is in the low end of normal, I'm off my BP meds, my blood work is "absolutely perfect" (doctor's words, not mine) and I've lost over 300 lbs — all while eating "unclean" foods. So by what standard, exactly, is my overall health worse because of the "unclean" foods I eat?

    I guess the "health" part is relative. After a loss of 322lbs, your health is far better then it was before. Could it get better by eating "clean", maybe but not necessarily. IMO, if you feel good, look good and health markers are good... Full speed ahead.
  • linalovekitty
    I eat clean and the only 2 major weight loss benefits ive experienced are 1. sodium (since i gave up processed foods and most restaurant food in favor of homemade whole food, i find myself less bloated and a couple of water lbs less on the regular) 2. clean eating enables me to eat less while feeling fuller

    but at the end of the day its all about cals
  • ellew70
    ellew70 Posts: 222 Member
    In terms of calories in and calories out.. no, that's just math

    I've found, however, that when I eat clean I can eat larger portions and be more satisfied and less likely to binge. It also means that I have lower sodium, so I retain less water.

    So for me, it helps, but its not absolutely necessary if you can control the portion sizes. And... when you hit maintenance, you can continue to control portion sizes
  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    To me it all works, just a matter of how you want to get there...
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Not unless you eat less clean calories than you would have eaten in dirty calories.

    ^^ This
  • Lichent
    Lichent Posts: 157 Member
    In terms of calories in and calories out.. no, that's just math

    I've found, however, that when I eat clean I can eat larger portions and be more satisfied and less likely to binge. It also means that I have lower sodium, so I retain less water.

    So for me, it helps, but its not absolutely necessary if you can control the portion sizes. And... when you hit maintenance, you can continue to control portion sizes

    clean eating is the way to go, there is quality calories and junk calories, we fill up on quality foods now We dumped the junk, detoxed our cupboards and eating lots of veggies and fruit and good quality meat. We feel so much better with so much more I mean more energy, and we are geting lighter on the scales every day we do not miss the nasty sweet stuff.
  • redbev306
    You'll probably just feel better if you eat clean.... or even clean-ish.... which is what I tend to do. But weight loss will be comparable.
  • Jesstruhan
    Jesstruhan Posts: 331 Member
    Not sure about losing weight any faster but you may feel a WHOLE lot better.