Who's Up For A Challenge!



  • I'll join!

    Current weight is 198
    Goal weight by the end of the month is 190
    15 Week goal weight is 170
  • bestjuneever
    bestjuneever Posts: 33 Member
    I would definitely like to join!

    CW: 255
    GW in 15 weeks: 225
  • mbcaldwell123
    mbcaldwell123 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm late but I'm in!!!

    Starting weight 255
    9/30 250
    End of challenge 240
  • abbylbrown23
    abbylbrown23 Posts: 344 Member
    Hello this is actually the first post I am doing on MFP because I seriously need motivation to get to the gym at 5am every morning. Count me in to play!!

    Starting weight as of today: 264
    End of September Goal: 259

    Anyone looking for friends feel free to add me, I need all the encouragement I can get, also great at encouraging others. Thanks!!

    Good luck to All! :)
  • cinyb
    cinyb Posts: 70 Member
    First off I'd like to say I hope you all are doing great. Second we have 64 people participating in our 15 weeks challenge which is awesome and I hate to have to do this but in order to keep track of things easier joining is now closed. I can't wait until Monday to see how everyones doing. Keep up the great work :)
  • PdJeweler12
    PdJeweler12 Posts: 3 Member
    I didn't put my goal weight at the end of the 15 weeks, and I would like it to be 135.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    Start: 160 lb =(
    Month Goal: 153 lb
    End Goal 135 lb

    Here we go!
  • Good Morning!!

    My starting weight is 233.8. Goal is 230. Good luck everyone!
  • chokalte
    chokalte Posts: 27 Member
    Good Morning all Wishing everyone a fantastic day. I received my new dvds in the mail and will be doing the Firm 500 calorie work out when I get home this evening, hopefully I will not collapse while doing it.
  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    64 people is awesome!!!!
    Came home from work last night and got sick as soon as I hit the door. Woke up this morning still sick. Headache, tummy hurts, and fever. Had to cancel my Dr. appt for my back. Just woke up again and still queasy.

    Not sure if I am going to work or not.

    Everyone keep up the good work. I will be back at it as soon as I feel better.
  • midnight_storm
    midnight_storm Posts: 33 Member
    Hey all! Sorry I haven't posted besides my starting post. I've had kind of a lull after this past weekend. I worked out both days, but then on Monday(when I went back to work(babysitting), I kind of skimped on the exercising.

    I'm not sure if I will reach my goal for the end of September because I haven't worked out for a couple of days and I kind of splurged the other day, but I am still going to try to make it! I still have time!

    My week goals(basically until the 20th, when I get paid and also have the weekend off) is this:
    -Exercise once a day(30 minutes), when I get home from babysitting, and before anything else, besides making sure my cat has enough food and water)
    -Drink plenty of water, which shouldn't be hard, since I drink 2 glasses(which my glass is 2 cups water, plus ice) in one sitting, and then bring the 3rd with me to do whatever. So in one trip to get water I drink 6 cups of water. But the past few days I haven't really been drinking water. I NEED TO DO IT.
    -Eat right, and review my eating plan so when I get paid I can make healthier choices and have more variety.

    Let's go guys! We can do this!
  • deslaine
    deslaine Posts: 12 Member
    Hi my starting weight is 164
    My goal weight for the 9/30
    Is 159
    Please let me Join????
  • I need the motivation trying to get off my 2 week slump
    9/9/13 SW: 196
    9/30/13 GW: 190

    Question how do i bump this post so i can find it faster at a later date?
  • Sorry hit the quote button. Unsure of how to delete my post. I would like to join this challenge if
    its not too late.
    Starting weight 9/12 245lbs
    Goal weight 9/30 238lbs
  • dfwgal1
    dfwgal1 Posts: 192 Member
    I want to join too!

    Starting weight: 115 lbs 09/12/2013
    Goal weight: 106 lbs 10/12/2013 (My birthday! :smile: )

    Good luck to all the other participants!
  • cinyb
    cinyb Posts: 70 Member
    Day 5 I hope everyones week is going great. I have today off so I'm going to head to the grocery store later on after my date with my Turbo Jam dvd. Gotta plan out what to eat for the next week and lunch at work for Saturday and Sunday cuz I have to work both days : /. Hope everyone is hitting their goals this week too. I did for the most part except for yesterday when I was in a hurry to leave for work and forgot to grab my lunch out of the fridge but I still managed to eat alright even though I had to get take out. That was my little hurtle for the week. Anyone else have a hurtle this week and still managed to keep on track ? Well I'm glad so many of you have joined this challenge and I'm very excited to see the results with Monday's weigh in :) Hope all is well ttys
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,988 Member
    I need a challenge to get me going after an injury. CW 222 Goal for Sept 30, 217. Thanks for getting this started. Sue in SD
  • annamorrison90
    annamorrison90 Posts: 33 Member
    Hello all! I am down 2.5 pounds since the beginning of September. If anyone needs a fitness pal, please add me with a message. :) Love to join you in your journey.
  • KathyAnn1970
    KathyAnn1970 Posts: 6 Member
    can i join still??? on the 9th i was 254

    gw 249
  • cinyb
    cinyb Posts: 70 Member
    can i join still??? on the 9th i was 254

    gw 249

    Yep you can. I posted earlier that the post is closed but people are still joining which is ok I'll just unclose it lol :)