How did you gain the weight?



  • tatianna68
    tatianna68 Posts: 90 Member
    Three heriated disks, hysterectomy, menopause, desk job, it all added up. Once I realized none of these were good excuses I got off my butt and got back into shape.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    It was a slow process for me, gaining 5 or 10 lbs a year from age 35ish to 46ish. I just didn't put a stop to it when I should have...instead I floated along denial ("not just a river in Egypt!") thinking I wasn't that big. When the scale hit 220 and my size 16s were getting too tight, I had to face reality.
  • swaistle
    swaistle Posts: 119 Member
    Same as OP! Too comfy with relationship :/ unfortunately i did become obese :/ also i think it was the transition from teenager to young adult where i had to feed myself and since i never got much treats as chip shops and pizza, i went overboard and had them loads :/
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    Same here, I got comfortable in my relationship. It stopped becoming all about trying to look good for guys, because I finally had one. Gained almost 40 pounds. So did my fiance.
  • neffeybaby
    i've been fat most of my life
  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    Stress coupled with poor eating habits (no food all day then binging at night) and no activity levels, then add some real joy of cooking in there and BOOM BABY!

    I find when the stress level goes down, I lose weight, unless it was severe emotional stress in which case the reverse happens.

    I've had weight issues pretty much all my life. Food was a demon and a reward in my house growing up, and I carried that along with me into adult hood.

    Bottom line, too much in, not enough paying attention, and not moving for my body's sake.
  • JL2513
    JL2513 Posts: 867 Member
    It was a very gradual weight gain through a number of years. I was always chubby, but the more rapid gain came about halfway through high school. Five pounds this year, five pounds another was so gradual and I always tried to not think too much about it. I always thought I'd work it off later when I had more time and more motivation. Thankfully, I snapped out of it this year :D
  • jollyjoe321
    jollyjoe321 Posts: 529 Member
    Mhm, gained it as I just like eating, best way to describe it
  • holagatita
    holagatita Posts: 1,785 Member
    I gained weight when I got pregnant with my first kid. I gained 60lbs and after i had him had a hard time getting rid of it. I just had my second 5mos ago and Im working on getting down to a "normal" range not really what i was in the beginning (I have hips and boobs now).
  • loveiskind1025
    It was my mistake but I fell for a guy who constantly whistled at other girls when I was in the car. It really brought down my confidence. Add to that a mix of antpsychotics that I took for a weeks that made me overweight within a week. I have quit all medication I was taking and am down to 137. I still feel like why should I bother.. But I want to get down to 120. My ultimate goal.
  • anewlife4me8610
    anewlife4me8610 Posts: 91 Member
    I have pondered this over and over in my does a girl who was given a shot at the jr olympics just out of high school while on my swim team, or the girl who LIVED to play center on her basketball team, or the girl who played softball for 8 years growing up just all the sudden wake up over 400 lbs?
    I was so active as a young person...I was never a thin person, I was always thick but I was NEVER fat. I am 41 years old now, and looking back, I see I starting gaining my weight after my second child was born. I stopped walking and started driving, I stopped waitressing and got a desk job....I stopped playing sports and started laying around....I gradually put on lb after lb and then just gave up on who I was. When ever I wanted to lose weight, I did it...quickly...but never enough to really bring myself back down to a healthy weight...maybe because I just didn't want to apply myself all the way? I guess now looking back, I had no reason other than just lack of dedication and will....Now I have that and my body is fighting me with every lb.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Eating fast food for breakfast (when I did it breakfast), lunch, and dinner for over seven years.
  • amcsouth
    amcsouth Posts: 283 Member
    Honestly, I just love food :heart: I was also never taught proper nutrition!
  • new_bella
    new_bella Posts: 199 Member
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Eating anything that was not nailed down...not exercising...not caring that I was doing it. Yeah, I could blame it all on my worthless ex but in the end I was the one stuffing my face instead of getting rid of him. I was putting weight on before him.

    So it was a lot of things. Poor self image, being told my whole life from family that it was genetics and I was predestined to be heavy, medications, lifestyle, depression from losing my son.

    Now, I feel so much better. I am determined to keep it off and it's been 2 years in maintenance with no regain.
  • Mini_horse_lover
    Mini_horse_lover Posts: 178 Member
    At first it was when I was seven and was put on a pill to save my life. I was in severe liver failure but thats another story.
    Anyway I put on 40kgs in a year.
    I was always pretty sick after that and so I pretty much gave up on everything,
    I was bullied everyday and I went to food for comfort.
    I didn't exercise much at all either..
  • midnight_storm
    midnight_storm Posts: 33 Member
    I grew up over weight. I was skinny for about 3 years, when I lived with my father, but once I returned to live with my mom, I became overweight again. It wasn't that one of them is the better parent, it was because my mom was less strict and the cupboard and fridge was more accessible, and my father abused me and literally scared the **** out of me, so I only ate what I was given(plus, there were kids my age living in every house on the block, so I played a lot more there(I didn't want to be in my house)).

    I've also had a really big appetite. My dad always got pissed at me when I would order a 12 inch sub from Subway, and then eat the whole thing. I used to be able to go up at a buffet at least 4 times, piling the plate up high.

    While I could still eat a 12 inch in one sitting, I usually order 6 inches, or save half of my 12 inch. Buffets, I usually eat korean style, totally maybe 2 plates of food, and then I'm usually stuffed.
  • kutterba
    kutterba Posts: 107 Member
    Oh, I fell in love and we "celebrated" every day! I mean really GOOD food, just way too much. I was shocked when I saw a picture of myself...theN I stood on the scale - ALMOST 200 POUNDS! Now, that would not be bad if I were 6 feet tall, but I am 5'3" - so I wondered what to do? Every day was stil a celebration. Then, I got sick - not from the weight, a virus with a high fever & nausea for a month. Lost alot of pounds. Some I gained back, but but have kept off 20 and still working at it. Now my Dear Husband has joined me by walking every day - usually together. Still 20 to lose -
    :heart: TOGETHER. :love:
  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    When I was pregnant, I didn't watch my weight, I gained a lot. After instead of dropping it I ate what I wanted and almost 15 years later I ballooned from 11-12 size to 28-30. This was my own fault for not changing any of my lifestyle before, but that started to change this year. I started April at 355, and now 290 since my last weigh in.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Binge eating and not getting off the sofa, basically. Eating in secret; cramming chocolate bars in my mouth between lessons or school and home; and buying armfuls of Greggs pasties and shoving them in my gaping maw in my car. Wash, rinse, repeat - most days.
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