Girls with 100lbs or more to lose!



  • MsNYCteach20
    MsNYCteach20 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello ladies...I'm trying to lose 120 lbs. my poor ankles and knees cannot take all the pressure anymore...I have a renewed sense of purpose but I still fall from time to time. Feel free to add me, looking for all the motivation to live a clean and healthy life and not just sit on the sidelines of life anymore.b
  • Hi everyone.

    My name is Holly, and I'm looking to lose 130 lbs before I evaluate how much further I'd like to take my weight loss. I'm thinking that I want to weigh between 130-140 lbs.

    My highest weight has been 286 lbs. I've been trying to make slow changes so they can become permanent lifestyle improvements.

    Feel free to add me. I look forward to getting to know you and supporting you on your weight loss journey.
  • carie_hunt
    carie_hunt Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to the message boards, and was 310 at my highest in 2010. I had another baby in 2011 so I just recently started back up with losing weight. I am now 241 and it is slow with the exercising for me as well as I had a knee surgery gone bad experience =( I do walk and do light aerobics.

    Feel free to add me (anyone, really LOL) as I could really use some pretty heavy support. =) I would LOVE to just back down to my pre-1st baby weight (back in 1997!) of 175lbs... from their I want to go to 150 =)
  • lislynhar
    lislynhar Posts: 7 Member
    Anyone can add me too- I have to figure out how to add friends. I'm 47 and my starting weight was 268, current weight 249 and goal weight is 160ish. I started getting serious about diet on June 20th of this year and I've been adjusting and playing with different strategies to find what will work best for me long-term, concentrating on eating really healthy foods. I started getting serious about exercise on August 1 and started Power90- I'm very out of shape but making improvements faster than I would have thought and really starting to enjoy the exercise- there are things I still can't do (jumping jacks, running lunges, etc) but I don't beat myself up over it- just keep trying and one day I know I'll be able to do them. I gained this weight over the last 17 years and have tried to lose before but this time is different- I believe I have the right frame of mind this time and I've stuck with it longer than any other time. I will be successful and it helps to know that others in my situation have been successful too.
  • Hi everyone. I'm Heather Rae, I just celebrated my 28th birthday, and I need to lose around 163lbs. I can't believe I let myself get this big. When I went to see a dietician and was only 1.4lbs away from 300 something snapped inside me. I cried and cried and cried. The dietician was very helpful and she was very realistic with me. She recommended sticking to 1800 calories or less for now, and limiting carbs. I'm newly returning to MFP and I need support and friemds who understand what it means to have such a long journey ahead. Any friend requests would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone!
  • ArizonaKitten
    ArizonaKitten Posts: 21 Member
    I sent you a friend request. I am starting over today and have more than a 100 lbs to lose. :smile:
  • walkerkt00
    walkerkt00 Posts: 32 Member
    I have similar goals. I was able to lose the weight after the first pregnancy but gained 50lbs with my second! Working to lose that and more, and finally be at my goal of ~135 in roughly a year.
  • New here too! Add me if you like!!
  • Hello!

    I am brand new to my Fitness Pal and am looking to lose at least 100 pounds. I am starting at 319 and really need to make some friends to get some support! Please add me! :)
  • New to MFP and Anyone can add me too! I want to share my diary but still trying figure out all of this.
    But here is some info i will share.
    Start weight 254
    Lost 20 pounds
    Fell off the wagon
    Trying again to lose weight.
    Current weight 234
    Goal weight is 160 by June 2014
    Is this goal realistic? Need your support!
  • Hi everyone!

    I'm new and have 124 lbs. to lose, so feel free to add me!

    Best of luck
  • You guys can add me, if you like. I am making this a "step at a time"....but my doctor, and all the charts would like me to lose 100 lbs.
  • Hi, I'm in Australia.. My highest was 91 kg (200 pounds), currently 87 (191) and going for 57 (125). I'm 157 cm (5 ft 2). Choosing Low GI options and using Fitbit for step counting. Would love to have some more MFP friends!
  • 19amm82
    19amm82 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello all!

    I am looking to lose a total of 125 pounds altogether. At my last doctor's appointment, I weighed 275 pounds. I'm 31 years old and 5'7 1/2" tall so I definitely fall in the severely obese category on the BMI chart.
  • Hi everyone. I am fairly new to this website. I have turned into an avid logger at this point. I used to weigh 365 pounds two years ago. I moved to Arizona with my sister for 9 months and the heat + no money for food, ended up with me weight roughly about 275. I lost only one pant size. Recently I weighed myself and found out I had gained 20 pounds, with me weighing 294. I guess 20 pounds in a year isn't as bad as the 165 pounds I had gained in less then two years! But I am starting to run every day and eat healthy. I'm helping my little brother too. So if anyone needs some help or anything, I'd gladly help. I'm down to 186 now and I plan to keep losing. :bigsmile:
  • Hi, I've only been in here a couple of weeks. I started my weight loss journey in August, after stepping on the scales and frightening myself into action. 261lb. I've had a good start, but have a long way to go. I feel better already and am looking forward to the day when I feel healthy and my ankles and knees don't hurt so much. I've also recently invested in a Fitbit, which I've found helpful and fascinating.

    I welcome any support and encouragement. Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • annamorrison90
    annamorrison90 Posts: 33 Member
    I weighed the most at 215 pounds. I lost 5 on my own over 6 months and then I lost 11 pounds in a month with MFP and have 50 to lose. I am out of the 200s!!! I have secured my place in Onederland! I am a very encouraging and supportive MFP. I've been taking MFP very very seriously and my hard work has paid off. I'm losing about 2 pounds a week and looking to keep it up. I would love to continue my weight loss journey with any of you as friends.
    KIMBERLYV123 Posts: 22 Member
    You can add me : )
  • We can do this. DRINK that WATER..........:drinker:

    Darla from OHIO
  • jnwalker511
    jnwalker511 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey I have lost 40 but still have a long journey ahead. Feel free to add me for support! I could also use some !