All females are HOTTER in the Gym



  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
    I'm sure most women are hotter at the gym...core body temp goes up during workout....wait are you referencing something else? Wrong thread never mind...
  • trevpimp
    trevpimp Posts: 170 Member
    Now this stuff annoys me. I look like **** when I am exercising, yet people always expect women to look like a perfectly made up version of themselves. I have sweat dripping down my face. Even when I was skinny, way back when, I looked like **** exercising. I don't want people to be judging the way I look when I go to the gym. No offense, but people with OP's attitude are the reason I avoid gyms.

    You should live life with a little bit less stress. Not everyone is after you lol
  • trevpimp
    trevpimp Posts: 170 Member
    The ladies who don't want men to look and admire them in the gym really need to boost up their confidence and relax. It's life people admire others. I definitely don't judge women in the gym.
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    I look awful in the gym, red faced, sweaty, hair scraped back, blotchy. IDGAF though, I look ugly in the gym to look great outside of it :ohwell:
  • phred_52
    phred_52 Posts: 189 Member
    Whether female or male, the gym is for working out to accomplish a goal. Call me odd, but I don't give it much thought or even look. I normally avert my eyes, just seems rude to gawk, if that is what some may do. Don't matter the size of the women.
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    I go to the gym to definately work out and I guarentee I am always sweaty but I am enjoying it and I did get that compliment from one of the guys much younger at my gym that he saw how hard he was working at when he wanted to quit one day I motivated him. We do notice others in the gym male or female and yes it does motivate me too when I am seeing someone working hard regularly or seeming to enjoy it. It is normal to feed off each other for motivation in some manner at times if in or out of the gym
  • Tropicalfirestorm
    Wrong. You avoid the gym because you let this bs affect you.

    I know you will probably be offended by this, but if you actually understand the lesson you will have a better life.

    That's the same thing my boyfriend said. It's not like you can "turn off" caring about how others think about you. I'm 23 and by now I'd like to think I've realized that letting how other people think hugely effect your life can only lead to a terrible time... but at the same time it doesn't help someone loose weight if they work hard and fast and are feeling good, then they got off the mat and hear someone say "ugh, look at that hippo." That takes it's toll.

    Seeing people look at you and judge you is uncomfortable when you are trying to change yourself, not inspiring. For me anyways. Even if they judge you positively. "her tits look amazing in that shirt," ect. ect. It's just make me feel uncomfortable and get me out of my own mind.

    It's understandable what you are saying, but you talk as if you are the only person that expereinces these things. Do you think guys have it easier? Do you think "hotties" have it easier? Do you think bodybuilders have it easier? If you think they do, then there in lies the problem. You need to first realize that when people judge you or say *kitten* about you, it has little to do with YOU. It has more to do with them and their insecurities. They are jealous, unhappy, insecure, trying to compensate for something, etc. Maybe you can't "turn it off" but you have the power to choose how to react. And if it truly "takes a toll" to where you are avoiding things that you enjoy in life, then I suggest you talk to a therapist because you are only 23 and before you know it you will be pushing 30 and thinking "damn, I wish I didn't let what others think of me dictate how I live my life because I missed out on so much because of it."

    And I know what you are probably thinking by now and you are right, I don't know what it's like to be you. If you are going to use that excuse, then you will never get to where you want to be.
    Er, I wasn't thinking that. The hard things I've had to deal with in my life have very little to do with my self image and more to do with much harsher stuff (family, roof over my head, ect.)... and everyone deals with this...So... being "me" isn't really relevant to the conversation.

    and I am more than aware that everyone deals with this. Do you know how many times I've heard a guy say "wow you eat like a real woman. I like women like that" to the average body typed girl, ignoring the girl who works out and has a salad in front of her and is trying to make her body look good by eating right and takes that statement like the unintentional stub it is, and ignoring the fat girl who eats like a real woman and has to deal with the consequences of eating like a woman? Or how many times I've seen an average or fellow fat girl say "I'm glad I'm not skinny, I don't look like a ten year old boy." And then that woman proceeds to ignore the uncomfortable look on their "skinny friend with the A-cup's" face?
    And I'm a 90's child. I still remember a dating show where a girl went with a date with two guys, one who was quite muscular... and the girl and other guy made fun of the buff guy the entire show because "we hate people like him."

    I often think of things from other people's perspective. Please don't presume to know my thoughts. It doesn't change the fact that a person shouldn't have to deal with that. And yes, maybe I was stupid (still am) to take walks at 12 in the morning in Chicago, but I choose a safe route, and I am more likely to accomplish my goal doing this than by going to a gym and being judged.
  • Power_Man77
    What the bros the bro? Don't tell me I didn't look good doing those squats yesterday.
    IMO, the gym should be used to try and look your best and get to your goal. People shouldn't worry about other people judging their looks, or stroking someone's ego.

    As a fat girl, this attitude is the reason I avoid gyms. People say "everyone is too busy working out to care about how you look." And then I read a post like this, and realize what those people say is bull. blech.

    Wrong. You avoid the gym because you let this bs affect you.

    I know you will probably be offended by this, but if you actually understand the lesson you will have a better life.

    Let the congregation say AMEN
  • cstoney2013
    cstoney2013 Posts: 167 Member
    I go to the gym to definately work out and I guarentee I am always sweaty but I am enjoying it and I did get that compliment from one of the guys much younger at my gym that he saw how hard he was working at when he wanted to quit one day I motivated him. We do notice others in the gym male or female and yes it does motivate me too when I am seeing someone working hard regularly or seeming to enjoy it. It is normal to feed off each other for motivation in some manner at times if in or out of the gym

    True this
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    Now this stuff annoys me. I look like **** when I am exercising, yet people always expect women to look like a perfectly made up version of themselves. I have sweat dripping down my face. Even when I was skinny, way back when, I looked like **** exercising. I don't want people to be judging the way I look when I go to the gym. No offense, but people with OP's attitude are the reason I avoid gyms.

    And then if you do look made up (i.e., wearing makeup) at the gym you get judged for that too. There's no winning.
    Haha I'll admit that if I saw another girl wearing make up I'd probably be jealous of how made up she is and constantly be thinking "how dare she! does she expect to work up a sweat with mascara running in her eyes! Vain *****." Sorry, I can be an *kitten* in my own mind sometimes. Also, I'd probably really believe she didn't intend to actually work out, if she were wearing make up. Sorreh.

    I often work out at the end of my day. Not going to wipe off my make up before I get there. I'm still working my *kitten* off in the gym and go there with every intention to work out.

    ^^^^^ THIS

    What is all the judging about women at the gym with makeup on? I usually go after work and almost always have makeup on. Jeeze I didn't just put it on to come to the gym, but I'm not going to wash it off just to work out. Besides ever hear of water proof mascara? works wonders.
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    I often think of things from other people's perspective. Please don't presume to know my thoughts. It doesn't change the fact that a person shouldn't have to deal with that. And yes, maybe I was stupid (still am) to take walks at 12 in the morning in Chicago, but I choose a safe route, and I am more likely to accomplish my goal doing this than by going to a gym and being judged.

    No, you are less likely to reach your goal with your attitude. Obviously, you don't want my advice (perhaps you didn't ask for it so my fault). And you're right, I don't know what you are thinking. But I used to have a similar attitude as you do and you will NEVER succeed with your attitude. Hopefully one day you will be learn this, but your stubbornness makes me doubtful.

    Anyway, don't bother replying as I am beginning to suspect you are a troll. Good luck caring about what others think of you!
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    What the bros the bro? Don't tell me I didn't look good doing those squats yesterday.
    IMO, the gym should be used to try and look your best and get to your goal. People shouldn't worry about other people judging their looks, or stroking someone's ego.

    As a fat girl, this attitude is the reason I avoid gyms. People say "everyone is too busy working out to care about how you look." And then I read a post like this, and realize what those people say is bull. blech.

    Wrong. You avoid the gym because you let this bs affect you.

    I know you will probably be offended by this, but if you actually understand the lesson you will have a better life.

    Let the congregation say AMEN

  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    The ladies who don't want men to look and admire them in the gym really need to boost up their confidence and relax. It's life people admire others. I definitely don't judge women in the gym.

    Why would you assume women don't have confidence if they don't want a bunch of strangers staring at them? Maybe, just maybe they are there to work out. Talking about young ladies being hot at the gym IS a judgment. According to you, it's positive, according to women who aren't interested in catching a lot of attention, it's a deterrent to gym attendance.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I fully admit that if I were at a public gym I'd be 'mirin the ladies and the men... and I'm straight and married. It's just what it is... everyone is there to improve their body in some way. I enjoy the human form and love seeing in action.

    So for the ladies freaking out that anyone would be looking... it's not just men... and it's not just cuz they want you in bed.
  • cstoney2013
    cstoney2013 Posts: 167 Member
    The ladies who don't want men to look and admire them in the gym really need to boost up their confidence and relax. It's life people admire others. I definitely don't judge women in the gym.

    Why would you assume women don't have confidence if they don't want a bunch of strangers staring at them? Maybe, just maybe they are there to work out. Talking about young ladies being hot at the gym IS a judgment. According to you, it's positive, according to women who aren't interested in catching a lot of attention, it's a deterrent to gym attendance.

    Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by anxiety in situations where the sufferer perceives certain environments as dangerous or uncomfortable, often due to the environment's vast openness or crowdedness. These situations include, but are not limited to, wide-open spaces, as well as uncontrollable social situations such as the possibility of being met in shopping malls, airports, and on bridges. Agoraphobia is defined within the DSM-IV TR as a subset of panic disorder, involving the fear of incurring a panic attack in those environments.[
  • Blondiegrl11
    Blondiegrl11 Posts: 458 Member
    Seems to me, it was a compliment. The fact that you're at the gym at all is a tribute to the fact that you care about your health and or how you look. Sexy
  • danger2oneself2
    danger2oneself2 Posts: 340 Member
    The ladies who don't want men to look and admire them in the gym really need to boost up their confidence and relax. It's life people admire others. I definitely don't judge women in the gym.

    Why would you assume women don't have confidence if they don't want a bunch of strangers staring at them? Maybe, just maybe they are there to work out. Talking about young ladies being hot at the gym IS a judgment. According to you, it's positive, according to women who aren't interested in catching a lot of attention, it's a deterrent to gym attendance.

    Don't attack us for being human when the fact is the only problem would be your insecurities (which I sympathize with) but don't turn your personal problem into a an entire gym's problem....that's just pathetic and childish...If you can't handle people looiking at your then that's what home gym equipment is for
  • Stump_Likker
    Stump_Likker Posts: 2,059 Member
    Personally I pay no attention to anyone, male or female, while at the gym. But if you feel the need to take an eyeful, go right ahead. I work construction with guys so I'm totally used to it. Who cares?