How did you gain the weight?



  • Ilysandrew11
    Ilysandrew11 Posts: 133 Member
    I Started working at a bar 7 years ago...a lot of beer and red bull shots. I got pregnant and lost some weight but I gained A LOT with the drinking,
  • Stump_Likker
    Stump_Likker Posts: 2,059 Member
    I was assaulted and became afraid to leave the house for pretty much a whole year. Sat around eating and feeling sorry for myself.
  • millionairesstv
    millionairesstv Posts: 55 Member
    I gained weight as a combination of discovering I had fibroids then I used it as an excuse until my stomach started to over hang and I said - NO MORE.

    when I became focused I found mfp and have not look back since.
    I have lost a few pounds now and feel so much better.

    I am booked next year to have an op to remove the fibroids. In the mean time I will continue to exercise and keep fit inorder to maintain ideal health conditions.
  • auteurfille22
    auteurfille22 Posts: 251 Member
    I just got into really terrible habits. Family dinners as a child became associated with very bad memories for me (I was yelled at for eating too slowly, for getting up to get more food, or for accidentally finishing something that my dad wanted (this was when I was like 6 years old)). So as I got older, eating became a very secretive sort of thing. I would eat hardly anything at meals, and then I would sneak piles of food up to my bedroom and hide it under my bed or in my dresser. Then, once my parents went to bed, I would pig out on it before going to sleep. That habit never really changed. I started sneaking food all throughout the day, and stopped really having meals at all. My mom stopped cooking for my brother and me once I got to be around twelve, and only cooked for my dad, who to this day eats dinner by himself when he comes home from work. So my diet basically consisted of tons of junk, pasta, chocolate, and frozen meals (which were probably the most low-cal healthiest thing; at least they had some vegetables!). I progressively gained weight as this went on.

    But then I started going to summer camps, and one in particular served AMAZING food. To me it was amazing to think that people actually ate meals like this, with balanced portions of various real foods. I had always thought that was only done on holidays or in restaurants. To eat like that every day, every meal was entirely new for me. A few months after that, I decided that I wanted to make a change, not only to be thinner and more attractive but to be able to eat foods like that; foods that I had previously seen as "special" for only a few days of the year. And now the weight is falling off. I still don't eat nearly as well as I do at camp, or as well as I'd like to, but it's a lot better than what it used to be and I'm slowly training myself not to be so secretive about eating and to sit down at a table and have meals rather than erratic all-over-the-place eating.
  • paulasuscas01
    paulasuscas01 Posts: 73 Member
    I started my weight gain freshman year of college and it all went downhill from there. I have been gaining a little more and more every year. It doesn't help that I work at a movie theater where popcorn and soda are never in short supply. But now, I've finally reached my breaking point and am fed up with always having to buy bigger clothes and not feeling confident in anything. It's time for a change.
  • xkaylaxmichellex
    xkaylaxmichellex Posts: 18 Member
    I never cared about what/how I ate. My entire family is overweight/obese. I wasn't happy. I learned that something had to change. I'm now 45 pounds down and in a healthy weight range while the rest of my family is overweight/obese. I've tried my best to help out as much as possible and they don't seem to want to put in the effort to change. I won't give up though, but whatever happens, I WILL stay healthy throughout the entire journey!
  • fuzzball01
    fuzzball01 Posts: 105 Member
    I gained all my weight when I quit smoking then gained even more when I quit drinking
  • Yanagibashi
    Yanagibashi Posts: 58 Member
    I think it started with depression in my late teens. I had a horrible relationship with both my parents at the same time. I was very stressed out as a student in a very academically challenging university. I had given up athletics to focus on studies. I relied on food to soothe the emotional pain. Food was there to comfort me when the rest of my family were being jerks or when I had huge, virtually impossible deadlines coming up. And then I graduated and got a job and some money. Why not celebrate with a little fine dining and a few drinks with my friends? And this repeated when each one of them had a success in their life. And then I moved to another country where I didn't know a lot of people or speak the language fluently (yet). Food's language is universal! And then I moved back and was unemployed and lost my grandmother, the only family that I felt loved me no matter what. And then I moved to a new state where I didn't know anybody and was very stressed out with my new job. And then here we are. Working hard to undo all the damage that unhealthy coping with my challenges did.
  • iheartmy1dog
    Something happened and it caused me to stop living my life. I was scared to go out and so for over a yr I pretty much stayed inside and did nothing and lived off of delivery.

    That's in the past now tho! I'm getting my life back now! :D
  • FatOldBat
    FatOldBat Posts: 3,307 Member
    Self-indulgence, sloth & denial.
  • emalinemartin
    emalinemartin Posts: 131 Member
    My first boyfriend - we were always on the road so we ate a lot of fast food.
    We broke up, blah blah blah.
    Emotional binge eating out of depression and stress.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    flaming hot cheetos
  • Britebabs
    I was a lucky one.. Was lean all through my youth, my 20s and 30s (i smoked during most of that time...not too good for the heart or lungs, but pretty darned good for the waistline). Then came my 40s: menopause, quit smoking, went back to college..and ate my way through formal education. The way i gained weight during those years almost makes me think that each fat cell held a little bit of knowledge... Alas, that's not the way it works. I'm still dragging around those extra pounds and now I really FEEL it: in my knees...ouch!
  • cbattles516
    cbattles516 Posts: 39 Member
    Simple. Beer. Budweiser and Heineken. Six pack + a day. That's an easy 1000 C extra/day before the pizzas, pulled pork, etc. Not that you asked, but how am I losing it? Gave up beer? Hell no! Cut back and switched to Beck Premier Light @ 64C vs 150C. OK, it tastes more like water than beer, but beggars can't be choosers. Also the occasional full flavored beer after exercise when I have extra calories to use. Find I sleep better without all the alcohol too!
  • bcz2011
    Babies and bad knees
  • tommienana
    tommienana Posts: 13 Member
    after having 2 boys & years of stress i have found myself close to 40 pounds over my weight . I am only 4' 11 .
  • Nacima26
    Nacima26 Posts: 28 Member
    from a variety of things, the 3 prime ones: stress from 4 years of university, staying up studying and pulling all-nighters. the dissolution of a toxic 5 year relationship, and the stress of being underemployed after graduating from university.
  • Smccabe8
    Smccabe8 Posts: 129 Member
    I worked retail through college, full-time, so I was running around a store 8 hours a day, plus walking to campus and classes. I graduated, got a desk job, and gained 20 lbs. Eek.

    I wasn't prepared to gain weight, because I always thought I had an awesome metabolism. Turns out, I had a normal metabolism, and a super active job. Being at a desk is not super conducive to losing weight.

    But I am officially tracking calories and signing up for workout classes. And possibly C25K. 20lbs by December would be awesome!
  • janer4jc
    janer4jc Posts: 238 Member
    time and genetics and not paying enough attention to either one
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    I was 13 when I lived in a very little food in a household of 10 people to 12. At this time we were all broke and i practically ate 2 slices of bread for most of the day. My nan and pop brought me down to live with my mum and then I was living in a household of 6 people and I was given the opportunity to eat.
    I am and always was a fussy eater and when we finally had a place of our own I was a size 8 and was dog sitting for my nan every friday night and she would buy me a tray of sausages. I felt obliged to eat them, she never froze them so it was then or bin sort of thing. So for 6 months I had a competition with myself "how many sausage sangas can I eat." ! sausage and 1 slice of bread.

    After a few months I was challenged to eat 9 sangas.

    I was 13 and didnt know how much I weighed and then I was 14 and chunky size 16 and hell I still didnt notice. I was 16 and I was bulding out of size 18 pants and I still didnt notice I was fat. It was when I started tafe at 18 a friend said I was the fat one and she was the skinny one and it shocked me, I went home and looked at myself. WOW.

    I got into habits that I had to break and this was that time. I was adamant I would get skinnier then my friend and prove all the people who ever dissed me wrong. (Still work in progress, I fell off the wagon after losing 21 kilos and I was stuck so I put it all back on......TAKE 2. )
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