Negative effects of weight loss - your experience?



  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    People think its ok to break out the 'I cant believe you were so fat' stories. I might be smaller, but my feelings are still the same.

    Exactly. Or the people who tell you to do some fad diet, eat a certain way, don't lose too much weight (usually said by people who are obese), etc. It's not their advice goes on deaf ears, but half the time it's unsolicited & usually about crash dieting.
  • rlotze
    rlotze Posts: 29 Member
  • 2012loseit
    2012loseit Posts: 37 Member
    i'm not happy about losing breast... im not small so i'm going to end up with the tennis ball in a sock effect!! YUCK (hubby has already been put on notice that i will be having surgery and he will need to sell body parts for me to be able to do this lol) Also the excess skin i will have around tummy will also be getting fixed...
  • Amen to that!
  • Celuwen
    Celuwen Posts: 80 Member
    I feel the cold a lot more. It's something I hadn't ever considered, but I used to run overly hot and rarely wore a coat, now I'm the opposite. I'm sure I'll readjust as time goes on.
  • iechick
    iechick Posts: 352 Member
    Because I'm less padded (ha), some chairs which seemed comfortable before I am uncomfortable sitting on ;p

    Yes! It hurts to sit on bleachers and un-padded chairs now lol.

    I also went from a B cup to an A cup-that kind of sucks :grumble:
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    Clothes, the replacement is damn pricey.
    I'm ALWAYS cold, even in summer.
    People expect me to eat like a rabbit and complain when I don't. Typically these are the same people who complain that I only spend time in the gym.
    Ex-friends <
    that by itself speaks volumes.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    The clothing issue is huge for me - even with Good will and inexpensive stores, it's just not in my budget right now.

    Another negative effect - People commenting on my weight loss, but not in a positive way, more in a worried way since the last 5-10 pounds that I've lost have been extremely noticeable since I am short... This has been more recent and I'm not too sure how to handle it yet.
  • ToFatT0B3S1ck
    ToFatT0B3S1ck Posts: 194 Member
    I must have had it bad. I lost all of my friends and my husband of 8 years because of my weight loss.
  • MattLBennett
    MattLBennett Posts: 24 Member
    The only physical negative is that a hernia which i got when i was heavy and had a bad cold got A LOT worse with the wieght loss. I think the fat used to hold it in most of the time but now it's gone it's a real problem. Weird to be much fitter but unable to do some things as easily as when i was fatter.

    Anyway going in tomorrow to get it fixed so should be all on the up and up.
  • I've been fat most of my life (I've had two one-year periods when I was "normal" weight, due to "dieting" efforts.) I'm a big personality, but generally do not actively attention seek.

    When I get smaller, I attract more attention than I'd like. Especially from males. It used to annoy me, frankly. I dislike being hit on or catcalled very much...I am not a piece of meat and I do not answer to sounds like a cat. I'm not looking forward to it happening this time around, because I'm not single and I really do not need to feel uncomfortable while I'm out and about. It's starting to happen now and I'm like ughhhh. I realize this sounds vain. It's starting up again and I think it's one very small reason I gained the weight back. Not this time!

    People treat you differently when you're smaller. I've seen it personally.

    Also, there's some emotional component with weight loss when it comes to me. A previous poster mentioned that their body image never really caught up. I've experienced this twice. I always looked in the mirror and saw the fat me. Only when I gained weight back did I see my "skinny" photos as "skinny".

    Telling me "you used to be SO big" doesn't really help. I lived in that body for 25 years. I don't need to be told that.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Since I have less fat on my face & neck, my wrinkles are no linger plump & I look older :cry:
  • bdeezy3396
    bdeezy3396 Posts: 89 Member
    ended up getting kidney stones - Dr. thinks it was relate to my weight loss. Hurt like hell, but a pain I was willing to bare!!!!!
  • AllyCatXandi
    AllyCatXandi Posts: 329 Member
    People think its ok to break out the 'I cant believe you were so fat' stories. I might be smaller, but my feelings are still the same.

    It honestly is really starting to bother me :/

    And the cold. That too. I swear I nearly turned into a block of ice this winter :tongue:
  • LuvDarkChocolate
    LuvDarkChocolate Posts: 145 Member
    Wow everyone that has are all amazing. I think we need a group hug.:happy:

    Oh yes btw I'm hoping that soon I will be able to say that my butt bone hurts due to lack of padding real soon:wink:
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    People thinking that if they compliment me on my loss ("You look good!") then that gives them the right to ask how much I've lost. And then not being satisfied with a vague answer like "a lot." It's embarrassing enough that I got to the point that I needed to lose as much as I have. I'm sure not going to give specific numbers out.

    Wardrobe - I went from size 18/20 in November to 6/8 now. And, OMG, the cost of sports bras as I've changed sizes.... :sad: I actually need to replace all 4 sports bras I have right now, but can't afford it at the moment so I'm making do.

    Sports bras are ridiculously expensive! I've started buying mine on sale at Target -- about $15. They're not great, but good enough imo.
  • RacerX_14
    RacerX_14 Posts: 578 Member
    Having to buy a new wardrobe!! I went from 38" pants to 32's.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    A spouse who became very jealous that he did not have the self control to do it himself. Although we had other issues this is one reason why we are now in the middle of a divorce.
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    My main problem is my immediate boss, who's skinny as a rail, yet apparently having a slimming contest with *her* boss, who's also at the lower end of normal.

    She's terribly insecure anyway, but what she's been doing lately is nothing short of harrassment. She orders my uniform several sizes bigger than I ask for, then claims she doesn't believe I've lost over 25 lbs because "it doesn't show" and makes me "prove it" when I tell her my clothes size by showing her the tag - then orders stuff that's too big anyway.

    what a b***ch! hope you are looking for another job
  • Taking biotin really helps with this.