All 5'3-5'4 ladies! Needing Motivation & Support



  • beckers_99
    beckers_99 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi all, I'm 5'3 and currently weigh 148.2. I started our at 175.4 and my goal is around 140 pds, which I think looks good on me as I lose a lot of weight in my face. Looking forward to toning up and feeling good.
  • Don't burn me at the steak, and if you do please let it be a nice filet with bleu cheese on it.

    I'm a guy. I'm 5'10" or 5'11". I saw this thread on the side of my page under the list of links that might be interesting, for some reason. I have been heavy since..well..since I can remember anything. the chubby kid, but as i got older it just got worse and worse. I am also working on becoming a psychologist, I have my bachelors completed thus far.

    I just wanted to say a few things. First off many guys are not obsessed with a woman's weight. I have seen guys heavier then me with model like girlfriends. I have seen women that are much heavier then what I have seen mentioned in this thread with boyfriends that most women would find rather attractive. The most important things are personality, confidence, and self worth. The key is to find such without relying upon hitting your target weight, or fitting into a particular type of dress, or having a certain kind of body.

    That is not to suggest that anyone here is losing weight because they are lonely, or that they need someone in their life. However, social interaction is a significant part of our lives. So it makes sense that many people are looking to lose weight because they want to increase their social acceptance. There is nothing wrong with that, so long as one understands that it is part of the reason why. I know many of you are doing it for yourself because you feel better when you weigh less. But I also see comments suggesting that it is hard to lose weight, not just the actual execution of a meal plan, or exercise, but the overall process can be difficult. It is made harder when we are feeling negative about ourselves with regard to our level of social acceptance.

    What I am trying to say is for everyone who is having a hard time, who is frustrated with the process to take a step back. Take that step back and look at the rest of your life and realize that weight loss is not a cure all. Also, there are things that are worth far more then seeing -1 pound on the scale. So if you are stressed out, or find yourself hitting that point even for a moment, take a look at the big picture of your life and hopefully the stress you are feeling seems like but a joke because of how small the issue is. When you remove the stress and the urgency you can see that losing the desired amount of weight is not the most important thing in your life. When that happens the process becomes smaller, less stressful, less urgent, less defining of who you are. Hopefully you will feel as though you dropped some heavy weight that was mentally keeping you back that was making the transition from your high weight to your target weight much smoother and gentler. If you eat a bit more then you planned, it will be nothing to stress about, just something to factor into your math and adjust to compensate.

    I'm a guy, but I know at times I have blown my diet and then got frustrated and just said the heck with it and scarfed down a bit more then I should have. Then getting lax on what i was supposed to be doing because ...well, who the heck cared? I know what it is like to have women flirting with me, feeling my arms out of nowhere, or putting their hands on my shoulders as they pass by and far more direct actions, it is far better then wondering if I'm to fat for a girl to even consider talking to me as more then a friend. I know what it is like to be in a room full of gym rats with a negative body fat rating and feeling out of place. I've been through all the negative. Taking things serious but not elevating it to a life or death scenario without a real reason is the best way to go about things. Stressing over little mistakes won't help, but learning from them will.
  • lauranneuk
    lauranneuk Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 5'4, started at 266, am now 203 with a goal of 130. I joined the gym last week as didn't Have the confidence before. I'm still the fattest in the room but I don't care. I'm lapping those on the sofa and I try just as hard as everyone else there so let them look is what I say. I'm currently struggling not to slip into my old under eating habits. Like another poster on here I seem to have this dangerous over eat/under eat thing. I never really seem to just eat. I'm trying my hardest though. You're welcome to add me, would love to help motivate and support :)
  • Hi, this is my first ever post here but I've been lurking ever since I restarted MPF 6 weeks ago. The success stories keep me motivated and I have a peek everyday to see the photos and the stories. Now when I saw this thread I couldn't just read and run. :)

    I'm 5'4" and, at my heaviest, I was about 230lb. That was when I decided enough is enough - around July last year. I slowly reduced portions and dropped slowly but then stopped for some reason. Then, again, around the same time this year, I decided to rejoin MPF - as in, start logging. Since the 1st August I have been logging everything that goes into my mouth. I have played with calorie intake, bringing it up and down and found that around 1800 is best for me at the moment - even though I rarely go that high. On my first check-in I was 212lb and I am so happy that this week I dropped to just below 200 - 199.7, hurrah! My goal weight is 141lb so a long way to go but I'm not giving up this time! I'll keep watching this thread with interest.

    Highest weight: 230
    Starting weight: 212
    Current weight: 199.7 (I could say 200 but I'm so happy to be under that I won't!)
    Goal weight: 141

    Edited to add: my ticker has my highest weight as starting weight. Sorry I'm a metric person and work in kg :)
  • traveller7
    traveller7 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'4, 18 years old and from the UK. My highest, and starting weight on MFP, was 150lbs. Not massively overweight but not where I wanted to be.

    Starting stats:
    Weight - 150lbs
    Bust - 38 inches
    Waist - 32 inches
    Hips - 42 inches

    Current stats:
    Weight - 132lbs
    Bust - 36 inches
    Waist - 29.5 inches
    Hips - 39 inches

    My main focus is measurements and the 'look' I want (Obviously how I look at the end is partly genetic but my diet and the types of exercises I do will hopefully help). I'm aiming for about 35-26-37 and a kind of ballerina-esque look if possible.

    My goal weight is about 112lbs. My original goal weight was 125lbs, but being quite close to it now I think that I can drop it a bit lower. Also, partly because my mum said that she used to weigh about 105lbs and we both have quite small frames, I decided that my ideal weight might be on the lower end of the BMI. But my mum wasn't completely healthy to weigh that as she used to smoke and drink a lot of coffee, hence why I'm not aiming that low. 105lbs would be slightly underweight according to the BMI, although I did find a BMI for children and teenagers which suggested that 105lbs would still be ok considering my height, age and sex. And honestly, being a few pounds underweight is probably not going to kill you, especially for smaller-framed people. I think it's when you are seriously underweight that there is a problem.

    As for my diet and exercise routine, I eat about 1200 to 1500 calories a day, depending on how much exercise I do. I mainly do walking, swimming (haven't had a chance to do this yet though - will do when I start at university in a few weeks! :smile: I also do Pilates, the New York City Ballet workout and high intensity interval training (after which I do about half an hour of stretching).

    Your so similar to me!
    I weighed in in April at my heaviest ever at 154.5lbs, I am currently hovering around 135lbs so a 20lb loss so far but want to be around 112lbs.
    I am 5"4 and from the UK too.
    I have lost inches but have hit a bit of a slump at the moment not lost anything for a month not sure why not really doing anything differently!
    Walking and swimming are my main exercise things, I have that workout dvd but not used it for ages also got Davina and a yogalates one too. Just finding the time.
    Determined to get to goal by Christmas though!
    Feel free to add me as a friend on here keep each other going!
  • Joebob8
    Joebob8 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm 5'3, 122 pounds. My goal weight was 115 but I've been lifting heavy and realized as of yesterday that if it into a size 2 so I'm thinking perhaps I'm done. Years ago I was 192. I am very accustomed to being the fat girl even after so much time has gone by. I'm more than happy to help anyone who has questions or needs support. My two tips for today:

    1. Don't wait to " tone up". Pick up the weights NOW. And make sure you get someone to show you proper form.

    2. Figure out a diet you can live with forever. Because thats what you are going to have to do.
  • I'm 41 years old, 5' 4" I'm celebrating 40 pounds gone forever!!! I'm been doing a lot exercise, walking and watching what I eat. I will post pictures soon.
  • midnightisolde
    midnightisolde Posts: 60 Member
    Your so similar to me!
    I weighed in in April at my heaviest ever at 154.5lbs, I am currently hovering around 135lbs so a 20lb loss so far but want to be around 112lbs.
    I am 5"4 and from the UK too.
    I have lost inches but have hit a bit of a slump at the moment not lost anything for a month not sure why not really doing anything differently!
    Walking and swimming are my main exercise things, I have that workout dvd but not used it for ages also got Davina and a yogalates one too. Just finding the time.
    Determined to get to goal by Christmas though!
    Feel free to add me as a friend on here keep each other going!

    Yeah, I've hit a bit of a slump as well, but mostly because we went on holiday to Barcelona a couple of weeks ago.
  • daniellexcara
    daniellexcara Posts: 114 Member
    hiii i'm 20 years old and about 5'3.5 I have had the most trouble getting past the 140 mark. Right now im honestly like 150 because I had a rough summer. Im back on track now, being in college. I would like to get to 125, even 130 would be okay with me since I like to think I have a decent amount of muscle.

    ADD ME. i love the motivation and also motivating others <3

    Also, i aim for about 1500 cals a day, usually more since I work out about 4 times a week. I do about 35 min of cardio then 30 min of weight lifting :)
  • For social setting change what you drink, when I go out I drink Rum and Diet Coke or Red Wine. Lowest in carbs and calories. I try and eat extra healthy and low carb that day to compensate. I have a happy hour once or twice a week. Just plan for the calories, and try not to get to out of control, and you will be just fine! Make it part of your life that you can live with. Cheers.
  • msdutter
    msdutter Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5'4/5" and am 210. I started off last summer at 235 pounds. I've gotten down to 193 recently, and then putzed around and gained back up to 210. I am getting married in April, and I want to get down to 185 before then. I am really going to try to push myself, and keep myself motivated to lose the weight.
  • I'm just under 5'3, I think my highest weight was around 172lbs (78kg), maybe even a bit moe. I am about 144lbs (65.5kg) now. The biggest change has definitely been moving to another country, starting University and living on my own (= cooking my own meals!). I started dancing for the sheer joy of it. I go to the gym a couple of times a week during term time, now about 6 times a week (since I have no dance classes to keep me busy when Uni's not on). Hoping to get down to about 132lbs (60kg). I stopped keeping a food diary after a few months because it didn't feel like it helped anymore, but do watch what I eat. I've been on a plateau for a fair while now, but I think it was mostly due to being at home during summer (mum's and grandma's cooking, you know what I mean? :P), travelling all over the place, going through hard time emotionally and being sick. Hoping that the last 5.5kg will drop now that I'm back to my routine though!

    Good luck to everyone in reaching their goals!
  • brown46545
    brown46545 Posts: 81 Member
    Very sexy. Your figure reminds me of the girl on Mad Men (who is very curvy AND sexy!). Love that dress - it looks fabulous on you!

    I'm about 10 lbs lighter than you and do not look this good!

    (I'm new and obviously don't know how to quote! This response was to the redhead in the Black Market White House dress)
  • brown46545
    brown46545 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm 5'3" and weigh 135. I started a month ago but didn't weigh myself. I'm not so fixated on the weight, but my size. I started at a tight 10 and want to get back down to (my normal size) 4. I just started weighing myself a couple weeks ago and have lost 2 lbs. It isn't going to be fast!
  • jojo4613
    jojo4613 Posts: 18 Member
    I am 5' 3-3/4". I usually claim the last 1/4" inch, but my hubby likes to remind me I'm not quite that tall. I've been up and down the weight rollercoaster since my teens. Never really heavy, but always watching that scale. I battled to lose weight after my second child was born, coming home from the hospital at almost 190 pounds and taking 6 years, yep, to finally see that weight come off.

    When my oldest turned 15, I hit a depression that I walked 5 miles a day to deal with and which robbed me of any appetite at all. I forced myself to eat, but dropped weight like crazy. I entered my 40s at my smallest size in a decade and a half. But, when the weight came back, it meant business. My daughter went through a difficult period a couple years ago and I ate my way through the pain. I attempted to lose the weight with proper diet and exercise (weight training and intervals), but 3 months later found myself UP an additional 10 lbs, nursing an injured wrist, and dealing with some health issues. I put everything weight lifting related on hold for a while to let my body heal.

    In the meantime, I was hit with a massive headache that lasted 10 days and drove me to the doctor's office, a place I don't like to go. While there, I discussed my difficulty in losing weight even though I was working out and eating right (I even brought a copy of my diet!). He told me it was most likely my age and then offered to write me a prescription for a diet pill. In desperation, I took it, telling him my appetite had never been my problem. Maybe WHAT I ate, but not how much.

    Due to blood results from the first doc, I was sent to a specialist, an endocrinologist (I'm fine. Whatever was wrong is no longer evident.). But, I decided while I was there to ask him if my weight problem could be related to my thyroid. He told me that though the thyroid could be part of a problem, the amount of weight a person gains from that is generally not the real problem. He counseled me to track my calories and keep them at 1200 (he didn't believe me, either when I said I didn't have much appetite). So, I started tracking them and I restarted my weight lifting and intervals.

    Long story short (sorry, I got carried away). I took only 10 of the appetite suppressants before I bailed on that plan. They did nothing to my appetite, because I don't eat out of hunger. I tracked my calories and started investigating. I decided that 1200 was too few and increased my calories (most days my calories were falling below the 1200 mark, so increasing them helped eliminate that problem). I'm still trying to figure out where that should be and it may take some time. Currently 1470. I weighed 171 in late May/early June and am at 157.5 currently. Goal is 130-135, depending on what my body says when I get closer.
  • Eli_Xx
    Eli_Xx Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 5' 3" and started at 207.8 a month ago and now at 198.2. A long way to go but at least going the right way (:
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
  • Kasmira0004
    Kasmira0004 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm 5'3.5" and 143lbs. I started out at 209 after my back to back pregnancies. I'd like to be between 110 and 120lbs so I don't have much more to go considering!
  • Ramatang
    Ramatang Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 5'4 and I started at 117KG (258pounds).. I currently weigh 78KG (171pounds).. I still have a bit to go but I feel great and I now think I'm starting to look great.. I'm not sure how to add photos here but I have some in my profile :)
  • jpalocy77
    jpalocy77 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm 36..5'2 and 142lbs..i started march 1st at 171.. My goal is 130 lbs.. I have always been overweight my whole life that I can remember... always a size 13..and occasionally a size 9. I started to take my life seriously this year..and started a regular exercise routine..first with DVDs at home (jillian michaels kicks butt) and now I've taken on running/jogging intervals at 4am! I used to keep track of my calories to the T..but I kind of stopped doing it.. I know what I should and shouldn't eat by now..and kind of take it on a whim.. It got too trying and frustrating to account for everything to not see a single lb drop. I have been on a plateau since June1st.. up and down 5 lbs. NEVER dropping below 142..EVER and its frustrating! I am now between a size 6-8 and my chest and waist have dropped DRAMATICALLY.. I take a more natural approach of eating now, no white wasteful candy bars and occasional treat..but not 2 to 3 candy bars a day!! tons of whites..flax and chia seeds! :) Hopefully I can break this 142..and get to where I want.. but I am in it for the long haul so I am learning to be patient and just keep challenging myself! Good luck! if I can do it..i know ANYONE can!
  • Feel free to add me! Anyone! I'm 5'4 with about 75lbs to lose. I'll for sure need motivation!
  • carelis84
    carelis84 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm 5'3" , my highest ever was near 200 in 2003. I dropped 50 pounds and kept it off since 2005, but have been struggling with the last 15-20 pounds. I would like to stay around 120-130, but want to lose the body fat. I would like to look and feel strong! I just added my progress pics from 140-128, and there isn't much difference in my opinion.

    My thing is emotional eating. I always ate for comfort when i was growing up, and continued into adulthood. I'm in this crappy cycle where if i feel bad about myself, i eat, then i feel worse about myself, so i eat some more.... -_-

    No more! I can use all the support and encouragement of you ladies! Rock on, sistas!! :D
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    I'm 5'3 and currently 141. Thinnest- 122 Heaviest- 200. Goal is 125 then I'm gonna "lift heavy". Anyone can add me if they like :)

    My stats are pretty close to this. I'm 5'3.75 (hey I count it! lol) and at my heaviest was 294 (EEK!), lowest was 112 or so. I'm currently 137 and working on getting to 128, then 125. At 125 I'm slowly working into maintenance mode and lifting heavy as heck :)
  • mrsg2006
    mrsg2006 Posts: 120 Member
    I am 5'3" and currently I weigh 142.
    I am trying to focus on lowering my body fat percentage and building lean muscle mass.
    I would like to be in the 130-135 range.
    Feel free to add me!
  • BobcatGirl110
    BobcatGirl110 Posts: 364 Member
    Wow...this is the group of friends for me :) I'm 45...5'3" on a good day....I started at 204 in February and I'm down to 151 now and my original goal was 140. The loss is getting slow now that I'm in my "home stretch" but if all is successful I might lower my goal once I hit it but will worry about that when I get to 140 :) I'm happy to support, encourage, and learn from anyone who is similar to me in stats :) FR me and we can do this together !
  • kiwigal41
    kiwigal41 Posts: 1,059
    i'm 5'3".....43 years old.....I started at 172lb and at my lowest I was 116lb.......I've starting lifting and I also let things slide just a little and now i'm at 126.8 as of this morning.......the muscle I've been building accounts for a bit of the gain but I also know that I need to get back into the "teens" with the ultimate goal is to be around 115lb with quite a bit of lean profile pic was taken if you need inspiration, there it can do it!!!!!:)....feel free to add me.....i'm on here every single day!!!!
  • liz11599
    liz11599 Posts: 220 Member
    Hey there :) I'm between 5'3" and 5'4" and have been on MFP for a few years now. Lost alot and was in the best shape of my life up until last fall and that's when my body said ENOUGH and I went into a painful flare up due to rheumatic issues. Sadly, I gained a lot back, but today I'm back...and ready to tackle the mountain again. I'm starting with small goals and decided not to pressure myself if I miss logging in everyday. Just as long as I know I've done something to improve my health today.

    You can do this!
  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 331 Member
    I am 5'3 and currently way roughly 60kg (132lb). I started at at 74kg (162) last may. It took me a while to get to my goal weight as I am 41 so the metabolism has slowed down a bit and I have lots of distractions going on in my life so I don't tend to focus closely on weight and exercise.

    What I did do is lift weights at least twice a week for the past year which has totally transformed my body composition and body confidence.
  • jackie2866
    jackie2866 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi All:
    I am 5'4" and now around 165. My highest ever!!! Even when I gave birth I was ten pounds less than that - lol!
    My goal is around 130-135.
    How many calories are you all trying to stick to?
    1,200 is sometimes a bit hard, but if I add exercise in it is more doable.
    PS - I absolutely love my wine!
    Add me if you like
  • Im 5'3 1/2. Way back in the day i don't even know my highest wight. I think it was about 175-180. Then i went all the way down to 105 a few years ago. Then up to 129. Now i'm 116 (as of this morning!) heading for 113. I have a somewhat small frame though. But its totally possible. And 10 times easier with MFP. I pretty new but its making my wight loss this time around just a tad bit easier.
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