Starting P90X 9-26-10!



  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Hey guys, I was thinking of starting P90X on 4th Oct! Can I still join, even though I am 1 week late :smile:

    Sure!! Join whenever you want!
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Hey guys, I was thinking of starting P90X on 4th Oct! Can I still join, even though I am 1 week late :smile:

    Sure!! Join whenever you want!

    Thanks :) I havea few questions actually regarding the diet. What sort of a diet are you following, would it affect my results if I don't take in a high protein diet?
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    I'm actually not one to ask about the diet since I"m not following it, I am eating my own foods but in my calories goals and sticking to a decent amount of protein and watching my sodium intake. That would be a good question to ask on the main fitness and exercise board on the P90X meal program, a lot of veterans will be able to give you their take on it.

    Good luck!
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Down 1.5lbs this week!! SWEET!!! Can't wait to start Week 2 tonight. How is everyone feeling?
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Down 1.5lbs this week!! SWEET!!! Can't wait to start Week 2 tonight. How is everyone feeling?

    AWSOME!!! I'm starting week 3 today... I'm pumped!!! It has been going by so fast already... I feel like it was just yesterday that I was all nervous about starting!!!
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Hey guys, I was thinking of starting P90X on 4th Oct! Can I still join, even though I am 1 week late :smile:

    Sure!! Join whenever you want!

    Thanks :) I havea few questions actually regarding the diet. What sort of a diet are you following, would it affect my results if I don't take in a high protein diet?

    I'm not sure if you don't follow it... so far I've lost 1.8 pounds in two weeks and I'm following the high protein phase. I'm doing the portion approach, I'm finding it easier to follow. Up until this weekend I had been following it almost perfectly, however I slipped up a little this weekend (I knew I was going to) but I'm back on track today. Wednesday is usually my weigh in day, I'll see if my weekend effected my weight loss at all. I wasn't too bad this weekend, but it wasn't perfect, so I'm not sure yet.
  • Melora
    Melora Posts: 65 Member
    I did the Kenpo DVD today and tomorrow will be X Strech to end week one. I have lost 1 pound thus far. I am not following the eating plan though. I'm staying within my calories. My biggest problem is counting my calories. I dont have a HRM so I'm a little concerned I'm not eating enough. I did get some protein powder to have after my workouts with skim milk.

    I really am enjoying it!!! Thanks everybody for their input!!!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I did the Kenpo DVD today and tomorrow will be X Strech to end week one. I have lost 1 pound thus far. I am not following the eating plan though. I'm staying within my calories. My biggest problem is counting my calories. I dont have a HRM so I'm a little concerned I'm not eating enough. I did get some protein powder to have after my workouts with skim milk.

    I really am enjoying it!!! Thanks everybody for their input!!!!

    You should get a hrm as soon as you can. It's great to do this with as much information that you can get. That way you can look back at a week or a day and know what to tweak. Wal-mart carries them cheap. Three cheers for your first week!!!
  • bopper
    bopper Posts: 352 Member
    Do any of you find the Yoga X to long? I have done it on schedule but I would honestly rather do something else. Would that be ok>?
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    Yoga is way too long but unfortunately there's not a good substitute for it. If you don't want to do the full 90 minutes I would recommend just doing part of it (maybe 60 minutes) instead of doing something else.
  • Jstr21
    Jstr21 Posts: 4
    Just started my 2nd attempt at P90X today. Doing Lean as well. My first run wasn't completed due to complications with my workout buddies (one was my ex, we broke up at the end of week 8).

    Finished the first day today, forgot how much fun it was. Looking forward to the first round of Ab-Ribber X...
  • Jstr21
    Jstr21 Posts: 4

    Yay! Good for you, you totally ROCK!!
    I make fruit smoothies and add in protein powder. Just one serving........Is that good? What is your drink exactly?

    I was told that the ratio for a recovery drink is 4:1 carbs to protein. If you have that thats good. We have been using Endurox R4 fruit punch flavored drink. it tastes pretty good and we were able to get it at GNC (fairly reasonable price!) It says to use 2 scoops but most of the time we use just 1 and it works great. I can't imagine doing these workouts without it.

    Thanks! :)

    Yeah, I always eat breakfast first! And drink lots of water throughout the workout. I need to remember to have my rice protein every day. It's so gross! LOL!

    Another quick and easy substitute for the Recovery drink is a glass of low-fat chocolate milk. It has everything in it the recovery drink has. Got that info from the P90X forums.
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    I would love to join you all in this thread. This is my second round of p90x. My first round I got through all three phases and lost a lot of weight. However, I don't think I was p90x worthy. So, I did a round of Chalean Extreme to get into shape to for this second round. I am 60 years old and I think I can actually do P90x now that Chalene has got me into shape. I look forward to hearing from all of you as we work our way through this great program. I'm starting on Wednesday 6 Oct. See you guys around mfp. BRING IT:laugh:
  • mrsjrich
    I started P90X on 9/27. I'm doing Classic so my husband and I can work out together. I'm also not a fan of Yoga, so I do it on the Wii instead of the DVD. So far so good. After 1 week, I'm down 3lbs!
  • TonyaJ83
    TonyaJ83 Posts: 155
    I'm so happy to see the group growing! Don't forget to befriend everyone so you can support each other on the "wall" & view food diaries, etc.

    As for Yoga. The first attempt at P90X, I swapped it for the CardioX. I thought it was boring and too long. But this time, I figure that Tony has it in there for a reason. It's doing something to your body that none of the other workouts do. So I want to do it. I feel good about accomplishing it. But for now I'm just doing 60 min. If I want to increase in the future, I will. But do what works for you! :)

    I am not following the meal plan. I am vegan and only eat natural foods. Mainly organic. I stay within my calories and take extra protein powder in the morning in a smoothie or soy milk.

    I'm doing really good with it so far. Day 10 tomorrow. Already doing some exercises that I couldn't do at the beginning. 3 pounds down and my jeans are not longer tight.
  • penne356
    I want to start P90X but I don't have a pull-up bar so should I start regardless and add other moves in place of pull-ups? Any suggestions? And I don't like resistance bands :(
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    I'm so happy to see the group growing! Don't forget to befriend everyone so you can support each other on the "wall" & view food diaries, etc.

    As for Yoga. The first attempt at P90X, I swapped it for the CardioX. I thought it was boring and too long. But this time, I figure that Tony has it in there for a reason. It's doing something to your body that none of the other workouts do. So I want to do it. I feel good about accomplishing it. But for now I'm just doing 60 min. If I want to increase in the future, I will. But do what works for you! :)

    I am not following the meal plan. I am vegan and only eat natural foods. Mainly organic. I stay within my calories and take extra protein powder in the morning in a smoothie or soy milk.

    I'm doing really good with it so far. Day 10 tomorrow. Already doing some exercises that I couldn't do at the beginning. 3 pounds down and my jeans are not longer tight.

    I agree with you on the yoga. Did anyone get the bonus dvd Tony Horton One on One: Fountain of Youth? It's a 48 minute yoga that you can use in place of the 90 minute yoga. It's not as long but it's just as hard.

    Happy things are working out for you!! Congrads on being able to do more of the moves and your jeans fitting looser!! Keep it up!!!

    Just finished Plyo.... still kicking my butt!! Day 16 = Done!!

    Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • Melora
    Melora Posts: 65 Member
    I want to start P90X but I don't have a pull-up bar so should I start regardless and add other moves in place of pull-ups? Any suggestions? And I don't like resistance bands :(

    I dont have the chin up bar either. I use the bands, but so far I have only seen it on one of the videos. I say go for it and do chest press or push-ups in place of the bar. And maybe go to a playground to try and do them when you get a chance.
  • blondi9905
    Here's a website with the workout schedule

    Hi all! A friend of mine gave me the P90x videos after she used them, but I have no idea what order to use them in, or what Classic or Lean version is.. Can anyone help me out?

    I run and weight lift almost every day but I need to mix it up. I was hoping to start the P90x program tonight...Thanks!!

    thank you
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    Starting p90x tomorrow!!!! Got a bod Pod done today so I can have an accurate place to start from with my body fat. NOT GOOD 22%:blushing: I'm confident p90x will change that in a hurry. I've rescheduled a bod pod for 2 November. We'll see how phase one works??? :tongue: