15 lbs by Thanksgiving - Who is with me!?

Here's a little about me...I had my first baby at the end of January and joined MFP shortly there after. But I didn't get "serious" until last month when I stopped breastfeeding. I have lowered my calories to 1260 and I consistently exercise 5 days a week. I feel like I have those two things down for the most part. But the next hurdle for me is staying on track Saturday and Sunday. My biggest weakness has been the weekends and I am not seeing the results I want because I sabotage all my hard work.

We have a trip to Mexico planned for Thanksgiving week and I'd like to lose the rest of this baby weight (17 lbs) plus some. I also want to be realistic. I have 9 weeks until we fly out. I think a loss of 15 lbs is completely doable. And when we get back from our vacation I'll focus on losing more.

What I am asking for here is for friends who are motivated (exercise regularly), share their diary (I like getting tips/ideas from what other people are eating/drinking) and it'd be a bonus to have some friends who would like to join me in the journey of losing 15 lbs by Thanksgiving :-)

Please add me! I'd love and appreciate the support!

