Things People Say When You've Lost Weight



  • brendacs21
    brendacs21 Posts: 180 Member
    Back in 2007 i was about 140, still considered overweight for my height and i was still working on losing about another 15 lbs.... anyway i bumped into people i hadnt seen in years and the last time they saw me i was about 180 or so. i kept getting asked if i was ok, if i was sick etc. i felt i looked the best i had in years,, but to them i looked sick because i wasnt as big as i used to be!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    They mean it as a compliment.

    Would you prefer to say, "I'm about halfway to my goal..." and have some respond, "You sure that's going to be enough?"
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    It really bugs me when I am at work or with friends and I get comments like "You're wasting away!" and "You don't need to lose anymore weight, you look good". I know they are trying to be supportive, but it really irritates me. I am only half way to my goal, I am still considered obese, and telling me to stop is the opposite of being helpful.


    Anyone else get stupid comments from people trying to "help"?

    I find that stuff totally dishonest and manipulative. They think they mean well but they actually don't. Because the reality is that it undermines your will to continue.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    They mean it as a compliment.

    Would you prefer to say, "I'm about halfway to my goal..." and have some respond, "You sure that's going to be enough?"

    They're always welcome to keep their personal comments to themselves. How does that saying go? "Your opinion of me is none of my business." and to hear the lies. You know it's lies, you see. It's just lies and you have to pretend to be thick enough to believe them, and that's an insult to your intelligence.

    If they want to be nice they could say 'wow, you're looking better!' Which might even be TRUE.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    My MIL tells me I lost weight so othe rmen would perve on me... I've been with my husband (ie her son) for 18yrs :| She fails to understand that I did it for me, my health and to ensure I'm here fo rmy family. Oh and she's just been diagnosed with diabetes.. on top of her crazy high cholesterol, and had her gastric band removed as 'it doesn't work'.
  • miadhail
    miadhail Posts: 383 Member
    "What's your secret?!"

    Urgh. And after telling them that it is all dedication, healthy eating and exercise, they just raise their brows in disbelief.
  • aszwarc
    aszwarc Posts: 200 Member
    I get the old, "You've lost weight! How much have you lost?"

    And most of those people don't take "a lot" or some other vague response for an answer. I'm usually so shocked by the question that I don't remember my planned canned response, which is, "I can't believe you would ask me that question." Because it really is nobody's business exactly how much I've lost.

    Another one that's popped up fairly frequently is, "Did you lose it on purpose?" or "Have you been sick?" Which, as a friend pointed out, is also incredibly rude.

    Then there's "You can stop now" or "You're starting to look gaunt" or "You're wasting away." And the one my boss uses, which I also hate, is, "She's half the Ann she was." No, I'm 65% of the Ann I was, not that it's any of your, or our customers', business.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    I get embarrassed when people comment on my weight loss. Makes me want to hide somewhere.

    When people want to know how I have done it I just say Im eating less and exercising more. I dont go into the nitty gitty, cause I find they lose interest if I bark on about heavy liftiing lol
  • aszwarc
    aszwarc Posts: 200 Member
    "What's your secret?!"

    Urgh. And after telling them that it is all dedication, healthy eating and exercise, they just raise their brows in disbelief.

    Also related: How did you do it? What plan are you following? and What did you do? But nobody ever believes me when I say "counting calories and watching portion sizes." They all want some magic formula or miracle pill

    And sub-related to that are the people who then see me eating things like ice cream or bread and say, "I thought you couldn't eat that on a diet." To which I respond, "I'm not on a diet."
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    What people have said to me so far:

    NOTHING! :sad:

    I'll take a "What's your secret" any time...
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    Yep, when I lost before my husband kept asking me if I was done yet. He is saying it now "don't get too skinny, I don't like bones on women." Like that is a problem right now, I am at 219!!!! I got one today, they were like " oh I can see it in your face already". Guese I had a fat face 5 weeks ago, ugg. Just take it with a grain of salt. Some people don't have mouth filters.
  • fuzzball01
    fuzzball01 Posts: 105 Member
    My one boss told me today she hated me for being so thin. She is like a size 2. She is telling me all the time how wrong it is and it must be nice and I shouldn't lose anymore. I have also had a co worker ask me what I am taking. Its called busting my butt and I am still considered overweight and I am 5'2 at 140 pounds
  • Ugh yea, I hate when people tell me I'm skinny enough. At one point in life, I had lost weight and was at my ideal goal weight. It was a very healthy spot, but I guess because people don't like change, they told me over and over again, "You need to eat more!! And stop eating salads!! Thats an unhealthy obsession! need to fast from salads!"

    FYI I love salads....I grew up on them...I eat them because primarily, I like them. Secondly, because they are good for me...I don't eat them to avoid calories and starve myself. My freshman year in college, I had a salad every night for dinner. I'd eat other meats, fruits, breads, exc throughout the day, but all my friends saw were the salads :( It was my way of ensuring I got all the food groups and a balanced diet. It was kind of funny that girls who starved themselves through the day picked on me for the salads and not eating enough...I think it was there way to prove to everyone that they were ok (so people wouldn't suspect that they'd been starving themselves through the day)

    Can you guess what I did?? Yup, I tried to eat more because of what people were telling me and because they were picking on me for my love of salads.

    Can you guess what happened?? Yup, I gained weight...too much and too fast. And thats why I'm on here now...IGNORING WHAT OTHER PEOPLE SAY. =)
  • Usually that mean," I wish I could lose weight" " I want to lose weight, too"
    I got that after I lost 10 lbs.
    That is better than the ones that sabotage you, ( I have been both of those people, and did not mean to harm or sabotage. it is just a mindset that you have to break off.)
    We all have them, things our parents say, that we will NEVER say, and then we do.
    Maybe say something light and friendly like, "wanna 'waste away with me?'
    Or " If being healthy is 'wasting away' then, YES, I think I'll go for it"
    Congrats! and
    Go for it!
  • Schlackity
    Schlackity Posts: 268 Member
    I work with a girl who frequently makes food at home, then brings it to work and offers it to me. When I decline, telling her that if I don't know exactly what went into it, then I can't log it very well and that's off limits for me. She then proceeds to give me endless amounts of grief - it lasts over the course of the work day - about how I'm a picky eater and nothing anyone else makes is good enough for me. She says all this in a teasing tone, but it's still sort of annoying because she just won't let it go. This same girl tells me that I'm really losing a lot of weight and that she wants to lose weight too. She even asked what the name of the site was where I logged my food and she joined, and then promptly didn't bother to log in again.

    I think people sometimes ask how the weight came off because they're hoping for an easy answer, but the truth is, there is no easy answer. And when they say something that they mean in a nice way, it doesn't always come across that way because maybe they're a little jealous or don't want to lose a food buddy.
  • You are 100% of the Ann you use to be.
    Losing weight and getting healthy, does not mean losing yourself.

    I have been guilty of using some of those comments. A friend of mine said this, 'you are not identified by how
    much weight you lose, or don't lose. Stop answering the numbers game."
    Anybody had success with that? People mean well, but after awhile, you get tired of answering that.
    A lady at work would just say, I haven't reached my goal yet. Or I am halfway there.
    My daughter is 3 months in from have Gastric By pass and has moved quickly, but is afraid of hitting a
    plateau. She needs some light, fun comebacks, so she can enjoy the ride.
  • sav299
    sav299 Posts: 1 Member
    All kinds of things, like what others said on here. One that really bothered me was, "You need to eat a hamburger!!!".
  • that is because Everyone wants a quick fix.
    I had that happen to me and when I told him eating
    healthy and exercising, he said,
    " I was afraid of that!"
    It isn't about you, it is about them.
    Congrats! You have amazed people, beyond belief!
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    People usually ask me "HOW I lost weight" and "HOW long it took me" For some reason most that I encounter seem to be in a race... quickest results and easy way out. There are those that tell me they can see a difference and good job.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I lost 25kgs twice in my time - both times I was asked how much I lost & I got 'wow, as if you needed to lose that much' Well, clearly, I did!

    My Dad always used to tell me I was getting to thin & now it's I'm too fat. Can't win!
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