Things People Say When You've Lost Weight



  • feelin_gr_8
    feelin_gr_8 Posts: 308 Member
    I think in an odd way, it's sometimes really their compliment to an awkward subject. Saying someone lost weight means they were unhealthy and obese... And I think we're maybe too sensitive sometimes. It reminds me of a friend who got so mad when people told her during her first pregnancy that she didn't look very far along. For most people, this would be a compliment (i.e. I'm not a fat, waddling blob), but for her, she was sad because she wanted the cute baby bump.
  • phred_52
    phred_52 Posts: 189 Member
    Anyone else get stupid comments from people trying to "help"?

    Why do people "have" to be sooooo dang sensitive, geesh. Are we all still just little children. My mama dun gud razin meh :wink:

    The only stupid comments I get, some may consider it help, don't know, don't care, but many tell me I'm insane to do 10hrs/week on the treadmill. Just do or live with what you're happy with.

  • squall88c
    squall88c Posts: 69 Member
    It bugs me too when people say I'm wasting away.
    I just smile at them.

    But usually these thoughts cross my mind during the smile.
    -Yeah, my fats are wasting away.
    -Yeah right, why don't you & me go shirtless in front of a mirror & see who's wasting away.
    -Really now?! Why don't you match my pull ups & pistols rep per rep.
    -Wanna see my abs?
  • aszwarc
    aszwarc Posts: 200 Member
    New tape worm?
    That's another one I want to try when I'm feeling snarky, "My secret is that I have a new pet tapeworm." :laugh:
  • hollymartin90
    hollymartin90 Posts: 57 Member
    haha the one that gets my the most is coming from my mum shes like ur getting too thin...(bear in mind she is tiny 5 foot 2 and size 8)while i am no longer big or chubby or whatever i still would be considered 'curvy' and have a way to go...or if people say u lose any more weight u'll be anorexic umm no anorexia is a serious mental illness not a condition of thinness!
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    I lost 118lbs 5 years ago and I got loads of both positive and negative remarks from all sorts of people who thought they knew what was right for me. The woman who was my weight loss counsellor said that this was a great response...
    "Thank you, I respect your opinion however I do not share it"
    I tried it a few times and it totally cut people dead.
    Good luck, do what you know is right for you and remember they are probably first and foremost jealous.
    Jules xx
  • mikee007
    mikee007 Posts: 94 Member
    Your Right !! and can say you look amazing !!!!! Go Julessssss Mxx
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    Have you done something different to your hair? :)
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    my favorite is I love your new hair style! I've lost 85 pounds,this was at 50 pounds down,told hubby I was getting a shirt that says "I've lost 50 pounds,have'nt changed my hair!"

    LOL I know this one! I'd lost about 30lbs and was hitting the gym 5 or 6 time a week and was sick of having my hair scraped back all the time so had it cut short. The number of people who I'd not seen for a while telling me they loved my hair and it really suited me was ridiculous! If I knew all I needed was a hircut it'd have been so much easier! Plus if my hair looked that bad before I wish someone had mentioned it LOL
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    most people have been very supportive, but my own ex-SIL posted on my FB that I looked borderline anorexic. I was livid, if you are 'concerned' then call me, text me, email me but don't post on my %#@%*@#P( facebook wall.

    When I reminded her that I was eating healthy, active, and within healthy BMI and body fat % along with support of my fitness friends she shut her mouth.

    I was soooooo mad about the comments, she eats crap, does NOTHING to get active and makes every excuse as to weight gain but decided to go at me because I took control of my life and set a different example for my child.

    Anyway I now ignore her comments, and focus on how I feel, I am off BP meds (something my doctor told me I would never be able to do), all my medical problems that had plagued me my entire adult life are now gone, I rarely get sick, I can keep up with my daughter and 5 daycare kiddos with extra energy to spare. So when people say nasty things out of jealousy I think of this and in my head I say screw them and put on a smile and say "thank you I feel amazing"
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    I do love the what's your secret, and when I tell them healthy eating and working out they say "oh I was hoping it was a pill or shake because I don't want to do that"

    same SIL from the post above.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    When I tell people I've lost weight logging calories they never believe it. They say weird things like, "Hmmm...well whatever you're doing it's working" with side-eye.

    WTF lol
  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member

    The reply to this is simple! "The pill called getoffmylazyassandworkforit!" :D

    Does that come in powder form?
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Outside of my doctor, exactly two people have commented that I've lost weight and one of them was my sister. I would like it if someone said something, even "stop it before you starve" or "have you talked to a professional about eating disorders?"
  • teeduran
    teeduran Posts: 54 Member
    LOL Brilliant!!!
  • jodynolte
    jodynolte Posts: 243 Member

    The reply to this is simple! "The pill called getoffmylazyassandworkforit!" :D

    Love this! :love:
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I had a conversation with one of my oldest friends when I still had a personal trainer. It went something like this:

    Me: So my trainer asked me today about what my fitness goals are and body fat % and things.
    Her: Oh?
    Me: Yeah, she asked me about getting down to 16-18% versus getting down to 14-16% where more elite athletes were.
    Her: WHY would you want to get so low! That's so unhealthy!
    Me: Um, I don't think it's necessarily unhealthy. I never said I wanted to do it, I just said she asked about it.
    Her: That's way too low! Women need more body fat than that. Why would you want to go to such extremes and be in the like top 2% of people?
    Me: I didn't say I did...

    We still haven't really recovered from her little mini explosion. That was nearly three years ago. I realized, months later, that she's just not good with change and she has a very sedentary lifestyle and is pretty overweight herself (she routinely gets people who ask her if she's expecting) and I think my focus on fitness made her feel scrutinized/judged.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I had a conversation with one of my oldest friends when I still had a personal trainer. It went something like this:

    Me: So my trainer asked me today about what my fitness goals are and body fat % and things.
    Her: Oh?
    Me: Yeah, she asked me about getting down to 16-18% versus getting down to 14-16% where more elite athletes were.
    Her: WHY would you want to get so low! That's so unhealthy!
    Me: Um, I don't think it's necessarily unhealthy. I never said I wanted to do it, I just said she asked about it.
    Her: That's way too low! Women need more body fat than that. Why would you want to go to such extremes and be in the like top 2% of people?
    Me: I didn't say I did...

    We still haven't really recovered from her little mini explosion. That was nearly three years ago. I realized, months later, that she's just not good with change and she has a very sedentary lifestyle and is pretty overweight herself (she routinely gets people who ask her if she's expecting) and I think my focus on fitness made her feel scrutinized/judged.

    I'm sorry that you haven't recovered from that. It's not as if she was concerned about you having a BF% in the ideal range. She was concerned about you having a BF% in the range that is considered underweight. You might be an athlete, and have goals beyond just being healthy, but it sounds like your friend is not an athlete.
  • leannerae40
    leannerae40 Posts: 200 Member
    I've heard a few:

    "You're half the woman I used to know!"
    "You'll blow away in a strong wind."

    Here's what I know is coming, which I think will help. I'm still at an unhealthy weight, but it's really starting to come off, and my commitment has doubled. I'm going to start getting the, "I think you're too thin." comments shortly. Everyone I know has only seen me obese. I find these types of forums helpful to prepare myself for replies and not let it derail me. I especially like, Thanks, I don't share your opinion and the new pill that sweeping the nation, "gotoffmya$$andworkedforit" pill (extra strength).

    I've also been very open and honest with everyone about my weight, the journey itself, etc. It's going to be pretty hard for people to tell me I'm anorexic when my goal weight is 25% body fat (which puts me at 199 lbs) and they ALL KNOW IT. I'll work on the body fat percentage after that point so I'm ripped. When your body composition changes that much, someone is always going to have something negative to say - here's hoping that I'm able to handle it diplomatically and not punch someone right in the yapper!

    Thanks for the great tips.
  • BobcatGirl110
    BobcatGirl110 Posts: 364 Member
    I feel fortunate after reading all of these posts....I live in a small town and I run. I run all over town and honestly not sure anyone would ask me how I did it because it's hard to miss that I run. And as the weather turns colder they will see me run in the snow too I do hope :)

    At work people don't see me exercise so it's the only time people comment and/or notice and my answer is simple..."I run a lot". I don't think a conversation has ever moved much beyond that. They ask your secret and you say "I run a lot"...They ask how you did say "I run a lot". I guess when you are truly doing for yourself the "discussion" is kinda short. You are only discussing it if someone actually asked about it....and the "I run a lot" kinda moves the conversation right on to other stuff :) Otherwise I don't say how much I've lost, I don't say how much more I have to go, I don't say anything other than "Thank you" for the compliments and "I run a lot" for the how-did-you-do-it comments. By the way...always smile politely when you say you run (or you lift, or you bike, or whatever it is) and when you say "thank you" politely cause you've done something awesome guys!
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