lose 10-20 pounds by thanksgiving support group



  • 9/29/10 - (9/30/10 - 9:15 PM) - 145. I give up.

    Please don't give up. I know that you have been going through a rough time and I can understand how you you just feel like you need to give up. We are here to support you.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    did anyone find a cause to support this weekend?

    i gave money to 'race for the cure' and the leukemia and lymphoma society. :) it feels so good to be generous!
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    Whoo! I missed last week's post - sorry! I gained.
    But did my 1/2 marathon 2 days ago, and apparently it did the trick
    getting me going in the right direction again.
    Wish I could do one every weekend if that's the case - actually, NOT really . =)

    Oh, and I didn't give money to a cause - but I donated blood at the American Red Cross - does that count?

    8/18 - 261 (start weight)
    8/25 - 256
    9/1 - 254.5
    9/8 - 255.2
    9/15 - 254.4
    9/22 - 252.2 (-8.8)
    9/29 - 253.5
    10/6 - 250.8 (-10.2)
    10/13 -
    10/20 -
    10/27 -
    11/3 -
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 - Goal is 237
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Oh, and I didn't give money to a cause - but I donated blood at the American Red Cross - does that count?

    that totally counts joy! great cause!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I'm starting over. I just didn't stay on the ball and everything is being reset - including for here. It's not quite Weds. where I'm at, but I'll forget to do it tomorrow.
    Highest weight: 145
    Starting Weight: 145 (10/1/10 for this round!)
    10/5/10 (11:15 PM) - 141.6 (Loss: 3.4)
    10/12 (goal: 139
    10/19 (goal: 137)
    10/26 (goal: 135)
    11/2 (goal: 133)
    11/9 (goal: 131)
    11/16 (goal: 129)
    11/23 (goal: 127) - Final Weigh In:
  • dindivt
    dindivt Posts: 21
    Im a little late to the game but would love to have a check in and the motivation to do so. Im trying to get down to 150lbs by 2/1/11, I want to take a vacation to somewhere warm and sit on the beach wearing barely anything and need to look good doing it. Thanks, Candy

    Current weight 10/6/10: 216
    11/24/10 (final weigh-in, GOAL 192)
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I have to re-submit.

    Highest weight: 145
    Starting Weight: 145 (10/1/10 for this round!)
    10/5/10 (11:15 PM) - 140.4 (Loss: 4.4)
    10/12 (goal: 139
    10/19 (goal: 137)
    10/26 (goal: 135)
    11/2 (goal: 133)
    11/9 (goal: 131)
    11/16 (goal: 129)
    11/23 (goal: 127) - Final Weigh In:
  • start weight: 180.0
    8/18 - 179.8 (-)
    8/25 - 180.0 (+)
    9/1 - 168.8 (-)
    9/8 - 173.6 (+) Blarg!!
    9/15 - 173.6 Yeah!! No gain!!
    9/22 - missed week
    9/29 - 178.2 (+) CAN'T SEEM TO GET OUT OF THE 170s - need to try harder!!
    10/6 - 177.2
    10/13 -
    10/20 -
    10/27 -
    11/3 -
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 160
  • I won't be posting my weight this week because I'm not at home on my normal scale but I would say I probably gained 1-2 lbs. because I was on the road this weekend and couldn't avoid some foods and didn't get all my workouts in. Started this week off on a bad note too but this morning I got a great workout in and I refuse to ruin it by eating bad! I really need to find some motivation to stay on track. I feel good about where I'm at but I do want to continue to lose and I can't continue indulging like I have since friday.

    8/24 - 135.2
    9/1 - 129.5
    9/8 - 130.8
    9/15 - 128.4
    9/22 - 129.0
    9/29 - 127.4 (mini goal 127)
    10/6 - Not weighing in but I'm guessing I'm at 129
    10/13 -
    10/20 -
    10/27 - mini goal 125
    11/3 -
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 120
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    01/01/2009 Heaviest Weight 209
    03/01/2010 Started mfp 180
    08/18/2010……… 158.0 ………2 week mini goal 156
    08/25/2010........... 157.6 (-)
    09/01/2010........... 156.2 (-).......2 week mini goal 154
    09/08/2010........... Fell Off Wagon
    09/15/2010........... Gained over 10 pounds
    09/22/2010............166.6 (+).......2 week mini goal 164
    09/29/2010............165.5 (-)
    10/06/2010............164.7 (-)........2 week mini goal 161

    Missed my mini goal by 0.7 lbs so I'll just have to catch up in the next two weeks. However, I'm feelin good about it:wink: Started a new exercise routine today. Also did a bod pod yesterday so I know where I stand on body fat. Not good right now but I'm hoping my new exercise routine will whip me into shape. Hope to have good news next week. See you all then.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    8/18 - 238.4
    8/25 - 235.4
    9/1 - 234.4
    9/8 - 229.2
    9/15 - 226.6
    9/22 - 224.8
    9/29 - 218.8
    10/6 - 216.8
    10/13 -
    10/20 -
    10/27 -
    11/3 -
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 218
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    8/18 - 149.4
    8/25 - ?
    9/1 - ?
    9/8 - 153.6
    9/15 - 148.2 (bye bye vacation weight!)
    9/22 - 150.0 (dang it!)
    9/29 - 146.4
    10/6 - 146.8
    11/3 -
    GOAL WEIGHT (by this date): 137

    Up 0.4 but thats A-okay with me because my stomach looks sooo much less bloated than it did a month ago and my pants are ever so slightly less tight haha.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    great job everyone! i forgot to weigh myself this morning. i remembered after breakfast and several glasses of water so my number is a bit skewed (probably the real number is in the 127's). oh well. :) hopefully that just means a big drop next week.

    start weight: 130
    8/18 - 129.3 (-)
    8/25 - 129.2 (-)
    9/1 - 128.7 (-)
    9/8 - missed (hub's gramp's funeral)
    9/15 - 128.2 (-)
    9/22 - 126.6 (-)
    9/29 - 127.2 (+)
    10/6 - 128.0 (+)
    10/13 -
    10/20 -
    10/27 -
    11/3 -
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 120
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    cgerman, you are so consistant! keep it up!

    muth3rluvx2 - i think your goals (2 pound loss each week) look really aggressive. i don't want to discourage you, but i think you might be setting yourself up to feel frustrated when you don't acheive them. :( it is more realistic to see .5 to 1 pound losses for someone who can not exercise much and is eating the minimum. reading your blog and other posts leads me to believe that you are struggling with both these areas. again, i don't want to discourage you! i am just concerned.
  • My name is Jackie. I'm 25 years old and an ex-track runner. I know I'm really late, but I was only released for execrising by my Dr. at the end of last month. Was in a car accident back on Dec. 21 of last year. Haven't been able to work out since. I gained about 7-10 lbs since then.
    I would actually like to lose about 12 lbs by Christmas. I have been watching what I eat and started exercising. By Thanksgiving I would love to have lost 10 or 12 lbs. It may not be that much, but I am looking forward to seeing some kind of results.

    10/6 - 132
    10/13 -
    10/20 -
    10/27 -
    11/3 -
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 120
  • hi Jackie and welcome to the group!!

    cgerman- great job! Keep up the good work!

    start weight: 145
    8/18 - 144
    8/25 - 143
    9/1 - 141
    9/8 - 140
    9/15 - 139
    9/22 - 137.5
    9/29 - 137
    10/6 - 135
    10/13 -
    10/20 -
    10/27 -
    11/3 -
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 120
  • dindivt
    dindivt Posts: 21
    Im a little late to the game but would love to have a check in and the motivation to do so. Im trying to get down to 150lbs by 2/1/11, I want to take a vacation to somewhere warm and sit on the beach wearing barely anything and need to look good doing it. Thanks, Candy

    Current weight 10/6/10: 216
    11/24/10 (final weigh-in, GOAL 192)

    Im reposting because I am apparently a little slow and neglected to put in next Wednesdays check in date in the list. So I will also be posting my "hopefully" weight loss on 10/13/10 :smile:
  • Hi guys, I'm Rachel, and i would love to lose 10 pounds by Thanksgiving! I've been having a problem with over eating and sabotaging myself every time I had a success thinking that indulging in sweets wouldn't matter... terrible idea. Well, for almost a year i have been doing this, and finally I want to really get back to where I was before and start fresh.
    This past week I've been exercising everyday and eating right so, I'm on the right track and it's not as hard as I thought. But I can't wait to see how this week paid off cause weigh-in for me is tomorrow! :/

    Start Weight- 109.5
    GW- 98
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    welcome to the new members!

    if anyone wants to do a challenge this weekend, it is: TO WRITE 3-8 POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS ABOUT YOURSELF (true now or true about the future) AND REPEAT THEM TO YOURSELF EACH MORNING. i will post the challenge on thursdays after the weigh-in. it will be a random idea and you can chose to participate or not. if you do, have fun giving yourself a compliment! :)

    my will is strong and i can do anything i put my mind to.
    my body is healthy and working out is fun.
    i deserve to be thin and happy with myself.
    i choose to eat only what my body needs and stop when i am full.
    i am surrounded by abundance so i can release things/food/people i don't need.
    happiness and gratitude are my constant companions.
    i am pleased with my hard work and effort.
    i have the energy level i want.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I like this challenge. One I should do more often and will actually BE a challenge to come up with 8.

    Wow.... this IS hard...

    I'll get back to you all on this one!
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