Apple, Pear or Hourglass MUST KNOW NOW



  • I stopped working out because I can no longer afford my gym membership and I wasn't seeing results. :/ I want a workout regime that works for my body type. However, I changed my diet and strangely, I lose weight when I add carbs into my diet and retained my weight when I went low-carb.

    I've lost weight, however I still look sloppy and have no *kitten*. I always felt I was apple shaped but in my previous post, people said I looked more like an hourglass or a pear. So idk!
    Post #2 a few pounds thinner.

    Problem areas: cellulite on my stomach and back of thighs, inner thigh fat, love handles and the fact that my back literally goes straight down into my butt there is no curve.

    Personally you look like a straight body type to me. You waist isn't much smaller than your hips. I found this article on Women's Health that I though looked interesting, maybe it could help you too!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Eh, I don't know. I think you have a lovely figure and I see a curve in your butt! Not flat at all. If you aren't happy I'd suggest a heavy lifting routine (which requires a gym) and continuing on a calorie deficit to lose more body fat.
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    U have a cute figure. Your bottom looks awesome! U are a definite hour glass shape. But you have one hip that pulls up. So your shape may look funny to you. But it is a normal process we all have when our body ages. Stop worrying about what shape you are. There are so many ways you can improve. That doesn't mean you need to.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Stupid question, but I've always thought I was an hourglass but now I'm not so sure. My bottom is slightly bigger than my chest, but my waist is still significantly smaller than my bust or hips. I'm still quite overweight, but I'm a 48-37-50. Would that make me more of a spoon?

    Is the fat coming off evenly from all over? A lot of women lose fat disproportionately from the top down, which can make them temporarily pear shaped along the way.
  • Now I'm more confused than ever as everyone has answered differently... but I'm going to go with ruler because my waist is less than 9 inches smaller than my bottom half but I do have a waist. It's just because I have these ugly ripples in my stomach that I absolutely hate that made me think I gain most of my fat on my tummy. However, I gain my weight evenly so that would put me in the rectangle category.

    Does anyone know any good excercise to tone loose. flabby rippled skin on the tummy?
    (I swear I have no kids and my body has ALWAYS looked like this)

    And a good regiment to build an *kitten*? (my butt looks like Miley's and that's not a good thing)

  • This also seems accurate. No matter how small I get, I still feel wide.

    Also, with the right clothes I can hide the sloppiness. I have mastered the art of delusion without wearing girdles and corsets. I have a shape in the front but when I turn around its like "Where did it all go?!"
  • I'd say hourglass cus ur soo much more in proportion than me ,i consider myself a pear (even though I dont have a small bust)as my bottom half is so much bigger than my top.but I dont see what body shape has got to do with workout style??

    I'm amazed at how many people don't know what hourglass entails. An in proportion top and bottom do not an hourglass shape make; it's about waist/hip ratio (at least 9 inches in difference) as well as a bust/hip measurement that is roughly the same.
    Yep, this post is driving me insane. I wasn't sane before, but I've definitely been shoved off the edge now.
    If you don't know, don't say. And if you're one of the many women who lie to be nice, just stop. Everyone loves an hourglass, but telling her she's one isn't helpful because it isn't true! Gawd :explode:
    She's a rectangle. K? Rectangle.
    Like a million others said, your waist has to be AT LEAST 9 inches smaller than your bust. 9+ is a big difference.

    9+ inches is a very big difference, and I'm not sure if people just fail to realize that or aren't aware of the requirement or just have some weird negative association with non-hourglass figures.

    I myself am a pear (8 inch difference from bust to waist, 10 inch from waist to hips) and I'm happy that way. I don't need to be lied to about my shape, nor would I lie to anyone else. Great bodies come in every shape.
    Exactly! Just because one's waist goes in a little bit doesn't make that person an hourglass.

    And there's nothing wrong with NOT being an hourglass. You're in the majority of the world's female population (92% of women) if you aren't one.

    I'm an extreme hourglass (12-inch difference) and if you look at photos of me where you can see my proportions, it's VERY obvious.

    I agree. I don't need the lies. If I'm trying to get in better shape, I don't want lies.
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    Even I thought I am an apple as I hardly have a hip.. but I have a defined waist.. Can you guys help me with determining?

  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    Even I thought I am an apple as I hardly have a hip.. but I have a defined waist.. Can you guys help me with determining?


    Can't post pics :'(
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Even I thought I am an apple as I hardly have a hip.. but I have a defined waist.. Can you guys help me with determining?


    Can't post pics :'(
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    Thanks.. where was I going wrong in posting?
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Thanks.. where was I going wrong in posting?

    First you have to put the IMG as img.

    Second the link was wrong. Next time click on the picture then 'copy image URL' and use that. And then you'll be set. :bigsmile:
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member

    And a good regiment to build an *kitten*? (my butt looks like Miley's and that's not a good thing)

    Squats, bridges and step ups with heavy weights.
  • TitaniaEcks
    TitaniaEcks Posts: 351 Member
    "Apple", "pear" or "hourglass" are only rough estimations... obviously humans don't fit neatly into 3 simple shapes. For example, I am an hourglass with scant *kitten* but large breasts, but my hips are wide, which creates the hourglass silhouette from the front but not from the side.

    You're shaped like you're shaped, and if you want to change it then there's weights you can lift, but that can only go so far. Deal with what you're dealt and make it look as good as it can, and don't expect the impossible or you'll never be satisfied.
  • melting_glass
    melting_glass Posts: 105 Member
    I'd say you look like an apple shape, if I had to choose from the three.
  • Even I thought I am an apple as I hardly have a hip.. but I have a defined waist.. Can you guys help me with determining?


    Can't post pics :'(

    See what I mean? I'm so jealous of all you girls that don't look sloppy. I have so many friends who are bigger than me in size and weight but they look more firm. I look disgusting! Your stomach and thighs are much less flabby than mine. I want to know how to look less sloppy without losing my shape and becoming waif thin. I'm only about 110-115 pounds but its a very disgusting 115.
  • TitaniaEcks
    TitaniaEcks Posts: 351 Member
    See what I mean? I'm so jealous of all you girls that don't look sloppy. I have so many friends who are bigger than me in size and weight but they look more firm. I look disgusting! Your stomach and thighs are much less flabby than mine. I want to know how to look less sloppy without losing my shape and becoming waif thin. I'm only about 110-115 pounds but its a very disgusting 115.
    That sounds like a sketchy statement to make... Unless you're under 5' tall, there's no way any shape you might have at 115 could accurately be described as "disgusting". Sure you don't have body dysmorphia?

    If you feel flabby, hit the gym and tone up!
  • What I mean disgusting is by the cellulite and flab. I have friends who are my size or larger and they have soft non-rippled bodies.
  • Sashoi
    Sashoi Posts: 295 Member
    I would say rectangle , but as others have said nothing wrong with that. I myself have weird measurements for someone that is 276lbs lol .... 38,33,52 so I would be a spoon or a pear.
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