How often do you weigh yourself?



  • Every morning. But I only count every tuesday.

    If I don't keep a check on my weight I tend to get a bit lazy :)
  • Once a month or less.
  • 9jenn9
    9jenn9 Posts: 309 Member
    Every 2-3 weeks, but only if I feel a difference in the way my clothes fit. Weighing too often makes me a little nuts. Logically I know weight fluctuates daily (or even hourly), but it still bums me to see the scale go up. So I wait. Really, the weight trend over time is what matters to me.
  • Grafakos
    Grafakos Posts: 22 Member
    2-3 times a week typically.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Every few days, because I like seeing the graph jump around.
    I don't do it after a big restaurant meal though because I feel the typical higher sodium causes excessive water retention.
    Sometimes I'll re-weigh after a long sweaty cardio session, just for the fun of seeing a big dip.
  • ramsx1991
    ramsx1991 Posts: 142 Member
    Every morning. Keeps me on track.
  • stryla
    stryla Posts: 29 Member
    I weigh almost every morning after I wake up. But I only offically track weight once a week.
  • Random times throughout the week. I record my weight once a week. If you can handle the natural fluctuation of weight throughout the week, I don't see a problem with weighing more than once. If seeing the numbers go up and down will affect you in a negative way, I say stick to weighing in only once a week.
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    1x in the month maybe
  • Once a week, but If I feel lighter for some reason, I'll weigh myself. Definitely before the week begins, in the morning making sure I have an empty stomach and then mid-week, in the afternoon.
  • Banya7
    Banya7 Posts: 11 Member
    I weigh daily and here's why: If I weigh myself only once a week I would allow myself too many cheats within that week with the reasoning that "oh I have 5 days until I weigh in, this will be off by then" etc. If I'm accountable everyday I find I rarely allow myself any cheats. It took me a long time to figure this out but it's been working great for me!
  • lisar420
    lisar420 Posts: 4 Member
    Every Saturday morning for me. I do step on during the week, but my weight fluctuates drastically during the week that it can be quite frustrating if I let it get to me. The number on the scale can definitely mess with your mind!
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    I used to weigh once a week, but now it's more like every 2 weeks, since my weight loss has slowed the closer I get to goal. I get frustrated. LOL Once I am in maintenance I will weigh daily I think.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Every day. Weighing daily helps me see the fluctuations after sushi, after wine night, when I ovulate(d), with PMS, etc. etc. etc. Helps me see trends, and thus not stress over the daily ups and downs.
  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    Every day. I log in my weight if changed at 7 day intervals.
  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    Once a week - first thing on Monday mornings :smile:
  • burlingtongrl
    burlingtongrl Posts: 327 Member
    Twice a week. This way I always see a loss and this keeps me going.:happy:
  • DianneP6772
    DianneP6772 Posts: 272 Member
    Every morning before coffee and breakfast. And then before and after exercise. I just want to be sure that this weight i lost - is really lost! I still can't believe it when i see i am 25 lbs down! Really - I can't!
  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    i used to do it everyday but it determined my whole daily mood and what i ate and controlled my life pretty much so now its either once a week, or when i notice a little change in the mirror and want to know if its just me being positive, or a real change
  • I weigh every few weeks.