September Weight Loss Challenge (Open)



  • vickish76
    vickish76 Posts: 80 Member
    SW 9/4 143
    CW 9/11 142
  • emilycarr71404
    emilycarr71404 Posts: 176 Member
    My September challenge was to try and stay in my calories every day. So far, I have had mostly good days.

    September SW 217
    September GW 205
    Currant Weight 210.8

    I didn't expect to lose so much my first week doing the challenge, but I did so I had to lower my September goal weight. I don't expect such huge losses to continue and that is why I put my end goal weight at 205. I don't want to kill myself trying to go lower if my body decides to slow down the weight loss.
  • Kristinepage222
    Kristinepage222 Posts: 14 Member
    Week One Update: I have logged on and recorded every single food I ate! Also held out and waited the full week before weighing myself, only to be disappointed with no change on the scale!! Ugh! How frustrating!! Hoping the results show through next week...
  • C_Stretton
    C_Stretton Posts: 201 Member
    Week 2 Updates:

    SW: 147.7
    GW: 143
    9/6/2013: 146.0
    9/13.2013: 145.6
  • oreyna
    oreyna Posts: 88 Member
    Count me in Guys!!! I weigh in on Fridays...

    Starting weight- 248.4 lbs (8/30/13)
    Goal weight- 239 lbs (9/27/13)

    Personal goal(s)- Try to walk at least 3 times a week and keep eating clean!!!

    9/6/13: 240.8 (Very Excited!!! Hope Everyone Kicks *kitten*!!!)
    9/13/13: 239 Goal Met!!! (New Goal 235)

    Anyone feel free to add me!!! I will give support and could always use some as well...
  • friloux88
    friloux88 Posts: 25 Member
    Good work everybody!
    I havn't seen any loss yet, but I'm very happy that I'm sticking with it, logging everything, staying under my goal and avoiding temptation! woohoo
  • friloux88
    friloux88 Posts: 25 Member
    Also, make sure you tare your scale! haha :) I'm down 5 lbs.
  • I definitely need a group challenge like this to get back on track:

    SW: 134
    Goal Weight for September: 127
    Personal Challenge: Eat within my 1200 calorie limit at least 5 days a week.
    Weigh in's on Monday..
    Feel free to add me as a friend!:wink:
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    SW: 165
    GW: 161
    Self Challenge: Nutrition consistency (calories, intake of carbs/protein/fats)

    >Week of 9/1
    SW: 165
    GW: 161
    Weight: 166 > I went up. From late night snacking and wine intake through Labor Day weekend.

    Self Challenge: Nutrition consistency (calories, intake of carbs/protein/fats)
    Improved my protein, working on carbs.

    >Week of 9/8
    SW: 165
    GW: 161
    Weight: 165.4 > Went down. No late night snacks, Yeah!
    Self Challenge: Protein good, Carbs up & down, need to get fats leveled.

    *Strong allergy issues put me under the weather since last Tuesday ( 9/9). DH started feeling off, too, and we came home early from Niagara Falls. My weekend (9/13-9/15) is all about nutrition, rest, light calisthenics and stretching to gear up for a re start on Monday. Maybe I’ll make my September goal which now includes getting to the 140’s. If not, I won’t cry over spilled milk but clean it up and move forward.

    >Week of 9/15
    SW: 165
    GW: 161
    Weight:164.4 > Went down
    Self Challenge: Protein good, Carbs improving, Fat up & down and mainly higher than I need.

    *9/17 is my Professional Weigh-In and Nutritional consult at GISFW.

    >Week of 9/22

    *Traveling for a wedding (9/19-9/22)

    >Week of 9/29
  • heis4u2004
    heis4u2004 Posts: 176 Member
    9/15/2013 update
    Progressing toward goal(160 pounds) for September.

    Current weight 161 Body fat 34.3%
    Zumba, running and some other ymca classes.
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    I'm up for the challenge!

    Starting weight for September: 187.5 lbs.
    Target weight for end of September: 179 lbs.
    Challenge: Walk around Salem Lake (7 miles) once a week, no matter how much homework or housework I have to do! :tongue:

    Current weight: 186.7
    Challenge: Salem Lake walk completed on 9/1 and 9/7...2 down, 3 to go!


    Current weight: 185.0
    Challenge: Salem Lake walk completed on 9/1, 9/7, and 9/14...3 down, 2 to go!
    Since this walk is 7 miles, I typically do some sprinting through some of it. On Saturday I ran a 5 minute sprint...this might not sound like much to you runners out there, but it is a new record for me. I can't wait until I'm able to run a full mile without stopping! :happy:
  • 16/9/13 144.5. Yay! I lost 3.5 lbs!!! So chuffed! My target is 142.5 for the end of September, but 140lbs in total- then look in the mirror and decide! I'm 5 7.5, so quite tall x
  • donnace7
    donnace7 Posts: 147 Member
    9/2: 178
    9/7: 176
    9/16: 174.5

    Goal by EOM: 171

    Personal challenge for this week - get past this pinched nerve.
  • friloux88
    friloux88 Posts: 25 Member
    great work everybody :) glad to hear lots of people are sticking with it and seeing success! :)
  • Hi everyone. Sitting at 368 today. Making progress.
  • Kristinepage222
    Kristinepage222 Posts: 14 Member
    SW: 162
    GW: 158
    Personal Challenge: Weigh myself only once a week (Monday). Track food daily and eat healthier snacks in the evening :smile:

    I weighed-in on Monday and I was down 2.4 lbs! It was a very welcome loss as I had no change the week before. I have been getting up at 5 am to walk before I get ready for work. I've also been eating less in the evening. Happy to report I'm staying motivated dispite this challange being 2 years old! Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • MyLovesMyLife
    MyLovesMyLife Posts: 424 Member
    weight check in 203.6 down 2lbs :)
  • oreyna
    oreyna Posts: 88 Member
    Count me in Guys!!! I weigh in on Fridays...

    Starting weight- 248.4 lbs (8/30/13)
    Goal weight- 239 lbs (9/27/13)

    Personal goal(s)- Try to walk at least 3 times a week and keep eating clean!!!

    9/6/13: 240.8 (Very Excited!!! Hope Everyone Kicks *kitten*!!!)
    9/13/13: 239 Goal Met!!! (New Goal 235)
    9/20/13: 238 Slow and Steady!!!
  • jessieleah
    jessieleah Posts: 204 Member
    Starting weight: 214
    GW: 204

    Current weight: 207! I might actually be able to do this. :)

    I forgot to check back in until today, though ahh.
  • Kristinepage222
    Kristinepage222 Posts: 14 Member
    SW: 162
    GW: 158
    Personal Challenge: Weigh myself only once a week (Monday). Track food daily and eat healthier snacks in the evening :smile:

    I weighed-in on Monday and I was down 2.4 lbs! It was a very welcome loss as I had no change the week before. I have been getting up at 5 am to walk before I get ready for work. I've also been eating less in the evening. Happy to report I'm staying motivated dispite this challange being 2 years old! Keep up the good work everyone!!

    Weighed-in today and I'm thrilled to be down another 1.8lbs. Today weighing at 158.2. I have been keeping up with early morning walks, I did have fast food on Saturday, but managed to even things out on Sunday.
    Hoping to surpass my goal of 158 by the end of the month!! Woohoo!