


  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    I had the most energetic workout in a long time after I ate 2 poptarts. They are good for that if nothing else. And they taste good.
  • Lovinmetotally
    Lovinmetotally Posts: 3 Member
    They aren't for taste. The reason people who lift heavy eat pop tarts as PWO( post workout) meal, is they spike the insuline, which they also will drink their protein shake while eating the pop tarts. The insulin spike allows a window (anabolic timing) for the protein to be more fastly and effectivly absorbed into the muscles. Hence if you are building muscle you want all the protein you intake to be absorbed effectively,
  • Mikemax125
    They aren't for taste. The reason people who lift heavy eat pop tarts as PWO( post workout) meal, is they spike the insuline, which they also will drink their protein shake while eating the pop tarts. The insulin spike allows a window (anabolic timing) for the protein to be more fastly and effectivly absorbed into the muscles. Hence if you are building muscle you want all the protein you intake to be absorbed effectively,

  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    I used to eat 1 pre workout and 1 post workout (strawberry). 100 calories for each pastry from what I remember. It's just straight up carbs for the most part. They taste better cold too
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Oh man I haven't had a poptart in more than a decade, but now I'm totally going out to buy some!! What aisle of the grocery are they in?? (seriously, it's been that long...)
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I would buy them when dieting and eat a half a pop tart because they are cheaper than the Special K Fruit crisps and taste nigh identical.

    Special K Fruit Crisp: 100 calories 7 grams sugar
    Half a strawberry pop tart: 100 calories 8 grams sugar

    Portion size and 1 gram of sugar are the difference between a "junk" snack and a low calorie diet snack.

    Congradulations on being able to open up the pack and only eat half of one pop tart. If I open the package, I just know it will be 400 calories I need to burn at the gym.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    They aren't for taste. The reason people who lift heavy eat pop tarts as PWO( post workout) meal, is they spike the insuline, which they also will drink their protein shake while eating the pop tarts. The insulin spike allows a window (anabolic timing) for the protein to be more fastly and effectivly absorbed into the muscles. Hence if you are building muscle you want all the protein you intake to be absorbed effectively,
    Incorrect, you don't need carbs to spike your insulin, protein does that sufficiently. Also the anabolic window is a lot larger than most make it out to be, it's not some magical 30 minute time limit to get all your nutrients in after a workout. People eat poptarts because they want to eat poptarts.

    To answer the OP it probably started with some beef in the youtube fitness community over "clean eating" and IIFYM/flexible dieting.
    Poptarts are basically IIFYM's poster food as it's considered unhealthy by most (it was also the main food product that started the whole debate).
  • theryan244
    theryan244 Posts: 65 Member
    They aren't for taste. The reason people who lift heavy eat pop tarts as PWO( post workout) meal, is they spike the insuline, which they also will drink their protein shake while eating the pop tarts. The insulin spike allows a window (anabolic timing) for the protein to be more fastly and effectivly absorbed into the muscles. Hence if you are building muscle you want all the protein you intake to be absorbed effectively,
    Incorrect, you don't need carbs to spike your insulin, protein does that sufficiently. Also the anabolic window is a lot larger than most make it out to be, it's not some magical 30 minute time limit to get all your nutrients in after a workout. People eat poptarts because they want to eat poptarts.

    To answer the OP it probably started with some beef in the youtube fitness community over "clean eating" and IIFYM/flexible dieting.
    Poptarts are basically IIFYM's poster food as it's considered unhealthy by most (it was also the main food product that started the whole debate).

    ^Truth.^ Ian McCarthy BRAHHH.
  • ravieira
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,653 Member
    Bumping because the guy who invented pop tarts, William Post, died.

    I'm pretty sure it wasn't a pop tart that took him out. 😀
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,095 Member
    I wondered what had prompted a bump after over a decade of inactivity.

    I wonder if William ate his own product- if so, he outlived one posters prediction of life span of pop tart eaters by almost half a century.

    Anyway thanks for the bump - am passenger on road trip and enjoyed 10 pages of high horse and outrage B)
    And sure enough up popped my favourite piece of idiotic advice about not eating ingredients one cannot pronounce.
    Always makes me thankful I don't have a lisp and can still eat my spinach. ;)
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,653 Member
    I wondered what had prompted a bump after over a decade of inactivity.

    I wonder if William ate his own product- if so, he outlived one posters prediction of life span of pop tart eaters by almost half a century.

    Anyway thanks for the bump - am passenger on road trip and enjoyed 10 pages of high horse and outrage B)
    And sure enough up popped my favourite piece of idiotic advice about not eating ingredients one cannot pronounce.
    Always makes me thankful I don't have a lisp and can still eat my spinach. ;)

    This was the first thing I thought of when I saw the news.

    I wonder if the guy who invented Snickers is still alive. We had an epic thread about someone who ate his calorie allotment all in snickers bars as an experiment.

    Oh god, I HATE the "don't eat anything with ingredients you can't pronounce" rule.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,943 Member
    edited February 15

    My biggest issue is that they LIE ABOUT THE PORTION SIZE (by implication if not in fact)
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,095 Member
    Road trip just from town we live in to Adelaide, capital city of our state.
    Takes about 4 hours.
    What better way to while away the time than reading old MFP threads B)