Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning MFPERs!

    I am so busy at work I just realized that it is autumn my favorite time of the year. Temps dropping football started hockey on the way, and Halloween right around the corner.:happy:

    I need to get some exercise in even if my foot still hurts, tonight I start again! free-jumping-smileys-388.gif

    While I was looking for the post I made of how to post a picture RobinsEgg beat me to it.:blushing: I am putting mine in too:laugh:

    Susan- I use photobucket because I already had an account setup (free) with them.
    Here are someone else’s instructions that sound just like how I do it.
    Hosting the Picture

    1) Go to an image-hosting site (for example, photobucket or tinypic- photobucket requires making an account). Upload your picture. To do this, click the button that says "Browse" and choose your photo from there. When you have selected your photo and clicked "OK", click the UPLOAD button.
    2) Wait until it is completely loaded and shows you a bunch of different codes. We're going to use the URL that's called IMG (or Image) code. Highlight the entire code, right click, and click "copy".

    Placing the Picture on MFP
    1) Get onto your favorite board or wherever you would like to post the picture, and start your message. Now, right click inside this typing/text box, and click "Paste", The code that you coped earlier should show up. You may notice that the code looks something like this: (without the spaces)
    There will be [URL xxx[ IMG ] http://i48.tinypic. com/qqebzq.jpg [ /IMG ]xxx [ /URL ] surrounding the [ IMG ] http://i48.tinypic. com/qqebzq.jpg [ /IMG ] in photobucket so get rid of the URL code on both ends so you have the line below without the capitals for img and /img.

    [ IMG ] [ /IMG ]

    Well, that's all fine and dandy, except that we can't have those capital letters in there.

    2) Take the code that you have down, and change the capital IMG to lowercase img (on both ends of the code), so that it looks something like this: (without the spaces)

    [ img ] [ /img ]

    3) Write whatever else you feel like writing in the space, then click the Post button, and you're done!!

    Quote of the day: - “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life. It goes on.” ~Robert Frost

    Have a healthy day


    P.S. Susan- Cyrus is only 10? Wow! He will be taller than you real soon:laugh:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Susan - great pictures - you mentioned Cyrus was handsome but WOW he is really a looker! DOUBLE WOW :love:
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Well, Tuesday wasn’t quite as productive as I thought, but I did get my kitchen floor swept and mopped. Emma’s room is clean and I got my meals made like I had planned. But I forgot that my husband had to work early, so I wasn’t able to fit in going to the gym between work and getting Jacob to and from saxophone lessons. The worst part was I had planned my food around going to a Zumba class….lots of calories!!! Oh well.

    Today was a scheduled rest day as I have choir practice. In fact, just finished supper and going to be heading out soon. Supper was /would have been great. I made a pork loin in the slow cooker with lipton onion soup mix, cranberry juice (was suppose to be red wine but didn’t have any), soy sauce, minced garlic and pepper. Oh my was it good. I served everyone up and had to quick run to the cleaners before they closed. When I got back…it was gone. I had maybe an ounce of it (it was a 1.5 pound loin so I should have gotten plenty!!!) Next time, I’ll make sure I ‘reserve’ some for myself if I can’t eat it with the family.

    Saturday – this is a full day of activities – parade in the morning and Pumpkin Patch in the afternoon. I should get plenty of steps in. NOT AS MANY STEPS AS PLANNED, BUT STILL MADE THE PARADE
    Sunday – rest DONE
    Monday – Water Aerobics DONE
    Tuesday – Zumba NOT DONE
    Wednesday – Rest DONE
    Thursday – Zumba
    Friday – Weights

    Robin – glad your first day went well. It does take a bit to get into a new routine. Hope you love it!

    Kaye – the outdoors is why I have a gym membership (ok, I enjoy the variety too). If it’s too hot, I sweat. If it’s raining, I melt. If it’s too cold, I stay home. I’m not a big outdoor person to begin with but then when you add in the extreme weather conditions we have in Bismarck, I just know it would be an excuse for me all the time. Glad you got a walk in.

    Susan – glad you got a clean bill of health, always a relief. I was a music minor in college and was always jealous of bigger schools that actually had band. I played piano all the way through college but I’m not very good. Music is prevalent in my family so I’m glad that Jacob has some of that talent. My goal, especially because he loves sports so much, was to make sure he was well rounded (I forced the first three years – but this is his fourth year and going strong!! ) Love the pictures and I’m sure if I went to college there I probably would have just studied at that one spot – it’s pretty. How tall is Cyrus? He looks tall. If he’s anything like Jacob, he’s loving the fact that he’s sneaking his way up to being taller than Mom.

    TOPS – sorry to hear about your daughter.

    Naceto – That’s too bad about your dog. I’m not a huge animal lover, but married one and they certainly grow on me. Our miniature chahuahua was just diagnosed with congestive heart failure so we know our time is limited. Hopefully the vet can figure something out for him.

    oh my -- look at the time...gotta run. Hope you all had a great day and an even better evening!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Goal179 - welcome to this thread - you couldn't have found a better thread for support and motivation. Stop by often and comment as you see fit. I hope you're logging your food - its the first piece of advice I give every newcomer.

    Marca - what a whammie your daughter has been hit with the diabetes diagnosis on top of her pregnancy and PCOS. Glad you're going to be the HEALTH POLICE in your famliy from now on! :bigsmile: You'll be good at it. See you've already discovered that neat trick about the thyroid medication. Way to go! And amazing that you're running so much!

    Eeyeore - I don't know about the cost of insurance on a dependent other than to suggest that OMG that's a lot of money!

    Naceto - praying for Buddy because he's one of Gods creatures too! Stick with the comfort food until the crisis has passed...

    Kinnurse - glad your back home and logging! Hope you see a loss really soon! :love:

    Kah - just enjoy yourself at the employee celebration.... if you go over, you'll burn it off with all of your various exercises, I'm sure.

    tlh - what you call an unproductive day is an exhausting day to me! WOW you get so much done with your kids!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Susan--love the pictures. I really enjoy getting better acquainted with my friends here through pictures.
    Robin--Glad the volunteer work went well. Hope the change in meds works really fast for you.
    Nicole--so sorry about your little dog. I hope that all will be well.
    tlh--I don't think that I would like the weather in Bismark much either. I grew up in Eastern ID in a little community that is a mile high. Winter over there lasts way too much of the year. Its much more mild here, though we do have some winter. I can beat the heat by walking in the evening. Except for summer most days you can put on a jacket or a good coat and get in a walk. Our average rainfall falls into the desert category, so it isn't usually a big problem. There isn't a gym here that I can join, so I just have to make the best of it.
    Its been a bit of a crazy week with the scale. I have been using Karen's plan of weighing daily and only reporting a new low. Well, this week I have averaged .5# down every day. I know it won't keep going, but its nice while it lasts. I needed to wear a belt with my pants today so I dug out the belt I bought this summer. It was barely long enough. Now its in the last notch (five notches).
    Wednesday wish: That we can continue to help each other along and enjoy the journey.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    naceto- Sorry about your furbaby. I hope the vet can help and keep him pain free. Sending you hugs and positive thoughts.

    Robin- Glad your first day went well and you made a great first impression. You will adjust to being back in the working world. Good luck with traffic tomorrow.

    Susan- Cyrus is handsome. Love the pictures of you and him.

    Kelley-Thanks for the advice on the training. My trainer does have a plan for Monday so now I just need to decide what I am going to do. I think we will be doing some yoga and other post race workout items.

    Gorilla- Good luck with your 5K this weekend. I can not wait to hear about it.

    Today, I worked really late with a co-worker. The good news is that we are now planned threw the end of next week and copies are made as well. It was a 12.5 hour day but a very productive day. I missed a meeting tonight because of it but at least work was accomplished and now I can accomplish other things during my planning period tomorrow.

    Wish-That I could only teach one grade this year. I am getting tired of teaching 2 grades and it is overwhelming. I also wish that I complete this 5K in better time than I am expecting. OH-NO--I think a competitive spirit is starting to come out in me. This could be a good thing if i put the energy to good use and don't let it get the best of me by pushing to hard from the start of the race.

    Exercise Goals for this week
    Sunday- Bike- 7.6 miles around the neighborhood. Out on my own today and on city streets. DONE
    Monday- Trainer workout and 5K prep DONE
    Tuesday- Gym row and bike DONE
    Wednesday- Rest maybe bike after work before a meeting or working late DONE
    Thursday- REst after work meeting
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- Deep water aerobic, 30 minute swim or rest
    Sunday- 5K

    Happy Fall everyone. May the days be nice and the air crisp and clean.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thanks guys! Cyrus is off the charts. He's actually just 11 right now and wears a men's size 13 shoe. His dad was 6'5" and my dad is 6'4" plus his grandfather on his dad's side was over 6'6". He's projected to be at least 6'4" if not taller. His uncles both played football one at Georgia Tech and one for Tennessee. They were BIG boys. Cyrus has the height like his dad, but not the width like his uncles. I'm trying to keep him active and eating as healthy as I can. I know he's going to be a big boy, but trying to help him grow the healthy way.
  • Helenavee42
    Wednesday wish: That I had more money so I could throw my sister a sweet 16 party like I never got.

    i don't have much to say tonight. I'm tired, emotionally and physically.

    Have a goodnight,
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Thanks all for the good thoughts for Buddy the pooch. My heart just breaks for him right now. I tempted him to lift his head for a treat today... he even searched for more after (of course he got as many as I could get him to eat). This is a major improvement as I was holding his head up to feed him a bite of kibble at a time, just yesterday. He can't move his legs, but is better at responding with his eyes when we talk to him. We are just praying it is temporary weakness. We'll know more Friday.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Hello everyone... Well this morning I got up bright and early and ran 5K around the neighborhood track. 4:20 am is not the best running time but it does the trick. There is one part of the track that goes under trees and turns.. it was so dark with just little bits of light filtering through the leaves the first lap I had to stop! LOL That corner even messes up my GPS on the Nike + app... The official 5k split was 28:40 but I do not trust it.. I think I still came in under 29 minutes though.

    Sunday is the Tunnel Towers Race It is a run for all the first responders who died on 9/11 at the WTC. The Initial goal of the race was to provide all of their children with college funds and that has been reached. So the past couple of years the money has been going to severely wounded soldiers returning from war. The run has around 30,000 people, and follows the footsteps of Stephen Siller a NYC fireman who on 9/11 was getting home from his shift in Brooklyn to see the towers burning... He put on his gear and ran the 3 miles through the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel and died in the tower.

    It is an amazing event... firemen run it in full gear, last year some of the wounded soldiers walked it with their new legs for the first time... as your running through the tunnel people cheering them on, chanting USA.... it really is an amazing thing... Then as you run out of the tunnel into Manhattan the road is lined with cops and firemen in full dress uniform holding banners of the responders who died that day... and American flags everywhere.

    It is an incredibly moving event and this is the third year I am doing it with my sister. It is not a fast run, times in the tunnel everyone slows to a walk, especially if you are passing a soldier and his entourage. They do not even give you a timing chip... but I do make a point to run it best I can. First time I ran it, it was my first 5K and I trained SO hard to get ready for it.

    Oh.. and it is followed by a huge party in Battery Park City with bands, free food tons of give aways... but I normally head to do some bar hoping and watch the football games with a big cold beer... well several of them. LOL

    Robin- Glad the first day of the new gig went well... keep working hard and stand out!

    Susan- Good fats are SO important! Fat Free sucks! Add in some Avocado, cook with olive oil, BACON!!! You will be amazed how well it will help you lose!

    Tlh- I hate when my workout plans get disrupted! Better planning and a back up plan are key things to have ready! When is your first lifting session?

    Lauriek70 - What is the 5k time you are shooting for? What have your practice runs been?

    Helena- Sweet 16 parties are a waste of cash! LOL (Yes spoken like a guy who thankfully has two sons) Chin up! Kick some @$$ today!

    Naceto- Still hoping for Buddy to perk up!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Gorilla~I know all about that race, amazing event – with this morning’s run, sounds like you are right on target for a great finishing time. BACON – good!!! :bigsmile:

    @Laurie~That’s the kind of stuff my trainer and I would do, along with some lighter weights. I would go by how you feel. You’ve been logging your runs and practicing for your 5k, I think you’re going to do great!

    @Susan~I agree with Gorilla, time to ditch the fat free. That stuff is horrible for you, real food is best. There are so many preservatives and additives in fat free foods, not to mention they contain a ton of sugar to make them edible – choose low-fat real food, your taste buds (and body) will thank you. :wink: Great pics of you and Cyrus! Yep, Cyrus is going to be tall – I can relate, I come from a family of tall people as well. Cyrus is seeing the changes you are making to live a healthier lifestyle, its stuff that will stick with him so I think he will follow in your footsteps.

    @Nicole~I’m glad Buddy seemed a little better last night, I’ll continue to keep him (and you) in my thoughts and prayers.

    @Robin~Glad your first day went well. Hooray that your message got through to your doc and he agreed to adjust your meds!

    Thursday Truth~Well, I learned yesterday you don’t tell your trainer you had BBQ for lunch, what an exhausting workout I had with him last night. :laugh: Actually, all-in-all I didn’t blow things yesterday – I came in under calories, without my workout. It was a busy, but fun day – today its back to the norm around here.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, arc trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest day (although I clocked nearly 5 miles on my Fitbit) DONE!
    Wednesday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Gym, ellip/row
    Saturday~In honor of Gorilla’s and Laurie’s 5k’s on Sunday, I will do a 5k also – gym or outside
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Gorilla - your portrayal of the Tower Tunnel Race is quite moving. In fact, I had to copy it and send it on to several friends of mine who are runners who I know will be moved by the story. I don't think all that many people will remember specific details and I don't want people to forget what happened that day. I know you live with the memories every day and sometimes it must be tough for you, but then again you are the toughest of the tough! :bigsmile:
    I'm glad you got a great run in today!

    I'm off to WORK again today - what fun!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nicole--hugs to you and Buddy--hope he's doing better soon! :flowerforyou:

    @gorilla--I absolutly want to do that 5k!! Not sure if I could swing it next fall, but maybe...

    @everyone talking about doing or cheering on a relay tri--would it make more sense for us to all meet to do gorilla's 5k together? Then more of us could participate--especially since it isn't a timed race. I'm not saying we should forget about the tri--but maybe we can plan to do the NYC 5k next fall and then plan the sprint tri for 2015. Thoughts?

    No time for more personals right now--grading, as always. :grumble:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody!

    RobinsEgg- Glad your meds got adjusted! Today should be a better day at work since it is not the first day and you have a better idea of the job and the other workers there.

    Gorilla- Tunnel to Towers 5k sounds like an awesome event – good for you for running it!

    I hope to get my new CPAP machine today after work. My machine went belly up. I had to have a new sleep study done for the Rx because it has been so long since the last one (when I was 400lbs.). My old Rx was 22 it is now 12 after the Saturday night sleep study. If the Dr. faxed the Rx to the CPAP machine place I will get it today, if they did not I’ll have to wait. My insurance covers Apria again this time so I can dump Preferred Homecare which had me so pissed off because of the way they treated me. Hopefully I will never have to deal with them again.
    Last night was my Father-in-laws birthday so we had to go to Carrabba's Italian Grill for dinner. I had grilled chicken with spinach and brocilli and no bread! I had a house salad also but it was not very bad and my day ended UNDER! I made it back to the 260’s this morning!

    Quote of the day:- “Choice, not chance, determines destiny.” ~E.C. McKenzie

  • Helenavee42
    I bought Deputy a Halloween costume and he looks super cute in it! He actually doesn't mind wearing it either. I think it's because it kind of feels like a harness.




    Thursday truth: I really need to go to the grocery store. I need to plan my meals. This week has been busy and I'm trying to work with my schedule. I think the days I go walking at the park I need to take my clothes to work and change before i leave and swing by my house to grab Deputy and my sister and then drop off my co-worker at home. This would save time and gas.

    Last night on my walk my friend and I decided to take a trail at the park and still do our normal 2 loops. Turns out the trail was much longer than we though. One loop around the park is 1 mile. We ended up walking the trail and just finishing one loop around the park and went nearly 2.5 miles. I am definitely going to be doing the trail more because normally by the end of my walk my right fibula is hurting but last night I was completely pain free! It was a super great feeling. I think it was because the ground is softer. I also feel like I got a better work out because the trail wasn't just a flat surface but had ups and downs. Deputy loved it too.

    Gorilla: Normally I wouldn't want to throw her a sweet 16 but with everything that's been going on with my mom she deserves something special.

    Naceto: I really hope your fur baby gets better.

    Marca: I hope you teach her to keep everything under control.

    Robin: It sounds like your first day was a success.

    Susan: Wonderful pictures of you and Cyrus!

    Have a wonderful day,

    ETA: Fixed picture
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Thanks all for the encouragement!!! My daughter had started on MFP before pregnancy but quit ... she has gotten back on so she can more easily track her carbs, sugar, and protein... I am REALLY glad she did!!! As soon as she starts changing up her diet she will start feeling better. The hardest thing for her was that, as an LPN, she KNEW what she should be eating after they discovered her blood sugar was high but to get an accurate look at what was going on, she had to eat as she usually does... HORRIBLY!!! LOL!!!

    I went to see my Dr. today and everything is great!!! Since April (my last regular check up with him) BP which was borderline is now perfect, pulse has dropped about 15 BPM, my weight is down 27 lbs. and I am taking about 1/2 of the as needed meds for vertigo!!! Seems weird to look forward to getting on the Dr.s scale!!!

    TOPS tonight... I am hoping to lose 2x as much as I gained last week!!! I have worked really hard at getting the nutrition back where it should be and the weather has turned off cool so swelling is gone so I think I can do it!!! After TOPS is another run!!! Can't WAIT!!!

    Helena: I love walking or running off road!!! As a matter of fact running on pavement or sidewalks KILLS me!!! But that may be because I am still REALLY heavy!!! LOVE the costume!!!

    Tom: Great job on improving your health SO dramatically!!!! I bet you felt REALLY good about that!!! AWESOME job keeping it under even on a special day!!! Good health is an EVERY day thing!!!

    Skinnyjeanz: It all sounds great to me.... getting there may be the issue for me!!! But I would DEFINITELY join you all from here...

    Robin: It is SO awesome that you are having such a good time volunteering!!! That is where my heart lies too!!! Lately I have been too busy to volunteer much but am definitely going to get back to it SOON!!!

    Kah: Gotta love a trainer who is willing to kick your but into shape!!! LOL!!! High 5 to you for staying under on a special day too!!!

    Gorilla: I will be thinking about you on Sunday!!! Running for a great cause is like getting a BONUS for living a healthy life!!! Health is reward enough but then you get to use it to help others!!! We did a Patriot Day 5K on the 15th... It was so moving and WE are all the way in Missouri!!! Make yourself PROUD!!!

    Naceto: I hope things are improving at your house and if not that you receive the peace to seal with what is. We have a lot of animals (mostly useful/working animals) and though I resolve to NOT let myself grow attached, I still do. Prayers!

    Susan: That is a seriously handsome boy you have there!!! At first glance he looked just like my son-in law.... he is 26 but SMALL!!! LOL!!! Glad you guys got some good, healthy family time in with your super busy schedule!!! BTW, you will feel LIBERATED from fat free!!!

    Laurie: I will be thinking of you on Sunday too!!! Do NOT try to train hard THIS week.... I did that instead of using the week before the race to maintain and had a worse time on race day than the ones at home!!! And you make YOURSELF proud too!!! Can't wait to hear your time!!!

    Kaye; You are doing SO well!!! I can tell that your total quality of life has improved dramatically... partly because of the replaced knees but mostly due to all the hard work you continue to put into a healthy life!!! I want to be YOU when I grow up!!!

    Th: I often long for the days of a noisy, hectic household full of children!!! I definitely enjoy the perks of a mostly grown family but I LOVE the little ones!!! Your pork loin sounds GREAT!!! Can you share the recipe?

    Charlotte: KUDOS for maintaining away from routine!!! And DOUBLE kudos for getting back on track so quickly!!! Hope your daughter is feeling lots better!!!

    Eeyeore: All I can say is that new drivers are EXPENSIVE!!! I have gone through 5 now!!! I always required my kids to pay the increase in monthly premiums when they got their license. My hope was that if the extra premiums from a wreck or ticket were to come from their pocket then they would likely be more careful!!! It seems to have worked and I have VERY responsible adult children to boot!!!

    My Thursday truth is that I feel a lot of responsibility for my kids bad health habits even though 3 of them are in the medical field and have learned the right way. I have always been a from scratch cook, making meals that always included plenty of veggies.... as well as plenty of fat, starch and sugar!!!! Pancakes were a cheap and easy alternative to cereal for us!!! Now things are changing and they have all been warned!!!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Marca that is really a nice compliment. I think you are ahead of the game because you are getting things under control at a much younger age than I am. Your description of your cooking sounds just like me. I have always been a scratch cook, very conscious of the food groups and balanced diet. However, raising 7 children on a very tight budget quantity/cost ratio was very important.
    Thursday truth: I felt really good about yesterday. I had calories left over and didn't use any exercise calories. Today is another story. It was just a hungry day, and I have used all of my exercise calories.
    Have a good evening. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Gorilla-The 5K sounds great. Good luck to you. Realistically, I just want to run the whole thing and finish it. I hope to do my 5K in 40 minutes or less, provided my knees hold up. The most I have run straight is 2.75 miles. I spent more time this summer training for the 5K by running 2x a week- 1 was a mile or short run, 2- was the long run the last couple of have been over 2 miles. Then throw in a day of running drills. I am ready as I am going to be, this week I ran for 1 mile on Monday then no more until Sunday. Needless to say that I hit a wall with running at the end of August and had to fight through it, it was so bad that I did not want to run anymore I wanted to swim or bike.
    Gorilla- Maybe you could suggest a couple of hotels in the New York area that we could explore for next year's 5k run. You might have some additional company for the run next year.

    Karen- I like the idea of us meeting in New York next year and doing the 5K. You are right that many more people could participate. Count me in. We will need to book hotel room early and decide where we will stay.

    Helen- Deputy looks very cute in his costume.

    This has been another busy week. I have eaten late two nights in a row but at least it was soup and salad, then soup and sandwich. Tomorrow, I will most likely eat out again since I am climbing and not coming home first unless my friend is driving. Today, my knees are bothering me and I am not sure why. Hopefully, it clears up before Sunday, I think it is related to Monday's workout. A trip to the chiropractor is in order.

    I am fed up with my 7th grade class and their behavior. To many of them have trouble with disrupting class by calling out, engaging in side conversation, and generally disrupting class. I told the counselor today that it will end up being him or me and it won't be me. This class has 31 students and about 3-4 students disrupt the entire class. They need lots of hand holding and short step directions with no break in the routine. I feel sorry for the other students who want to be there and learn something. Others in this class, don't care about their work and it takes consistent reminders for them to complete their work. Sorry, I just had to vent. Yes, administration knows about my concerns and I will speak with the principal tomorrow about it as well. This group is extremely frustrating and they come at the end of my day so they are even more wound up since they travel together all day.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--sorry you are having behavior issues with your 7th graders--that stinks. :grumble: I hope you get it figured out soon so it doesn't continue to affect the rest of your students. I think we should plan to do the NY 5k with gorilla next year. We can book hotel rooms as soon as we know the date for next year's run--maybe book 2 or 3 rooms that we can always cancel if people can't make it?

    @gorilla-Yes, I 2nd laurie's request for some hotels that would be in a good location for the 5k next year.

    @kaye--It's often a good idea to zig zag your calories so you don't have the same net every day. Shakes up the metabolism so your body can't predict how many calories you will consume (which can slow down metabolism).

    @marca--getting there will also be an issue for me, but if I have enough notice, I can probably swing the plane ticket. Hope our daughte does a good job managing the diabetes. You can only take so much of the blame --at some point we all grow up and become responsible for ourselves. The important thing is you are helping your kids get healthy now. :drinker:

    @helena--OMG--deputy looks too cute in his costume!! Gunner doesn't mind wearing "clothes," but he hates anything on his head.

    @tom--hope the new CPAP comes quickly. Congrats on getting back into the 260's!!

    @robin--hope the 2nd day at work goes well! :flowerforyou:

    @susan--great pics of you and Cyrus!!

    I know I missed a bunch of people, but I will catch the rest of you on the next round of personals. :flowerforyou:

    Thursday Truth:
    I'm feeling completely overwhelmed at work this week. I swear, I think I have a bit of time to grade essays, and then I realize I have 10 other things to do. I was literally on the verge of tears Tuesday b/c so much was going wrong--technology in classroom not working, copier down, etc. The good news is that tomorrow I don't have students b/c it's an institute day; however, that means all day meeting with even less time than usual to get my own work done. I hope our session is at least something of value. Feeling very pessimistic about it.

    The good news is my weight, which was creeping up and up over the the past week, have started moving back in the right direction. I also got in my workout yesterday--did my core work and lifting (including bench press and deadlifts) and also did HIIT on the stationary bike.

    I know it looks like I got nothing done as far as grading, but I actually graded 73 journals over the last 3 days. Now I just need to get my remaining AP essays done by next Tuesday. :noway:

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE + gym (lifting and HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + cardio (at gym or run outside) NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE PLUS GYM (lifting and HIIT) DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym (lifting and HIIT) NOT DONE
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift + run 5k)
    Sun--walk gunner + cardio (at gym or run outside)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 13/73 AP essays
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi All, Good day today. Its my one full day off this week. I managed to get up at a half decent time and got outside. Hadn't cut my back lawn in about a month so figured it was time. Got both the front and back cut and put away my garden furniture as well. Would love to think that we might have some nice weather still but I just don't get enough time to sit out on my swing this time of year so figured I'd put it away early. Also managed to trim a bit of my front garden back. Still need to tackle my back perennial garden but will have to wait for my next w/e off. I even managed to take a nap this afternoon. That doesn't happen too often but I really needed it. I've got to work all w/e so won't have time for naps or gardening. But, I'm back on track with my food and hoping for a loss this week.

    Robin - Congrats on the first day. I know you'll do great. You've got such an amazing personality, you'll shine.

    Gorilla - Wow, the run sounds amazing. Best of luck this w/e and don't drink too many cold ones unless you're throwing in so. me ice water between them.

    Susan - The photos were great. Looks like you were having a great time.

    Skinny and Laurie - Hats off to both of you and all the other teachers out there. I don't know how you do it. Regardless of the age of the students, its a tough job. I know it must be extremely frustrating sometimes but as in nursing, every once in a while, you'll get an unexpected thank you and it makes it all worthwhile. Hope you get some of those moments soon.

    Enjoy the end of the week everyone and have a great w/e. Don't forget to pick up that glass/bottle of water and enjoy.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Charlotte