Official Nightshift thread!!!



  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    YAY! Congrats!! I can't WAIT until I loose 10lbs. :) You must be SO proud of yourself!!!!

    Sounds like you have a VERY tough workout schedule ahead! Good for you! I always feel really good when I workout, but I'm the exact same as you when it comes to actually GETTING myself there!

    But 10LBS!!! What motivation!!! Awesome.

    (ps I don't know about anyone else, but I love the sore feeling I get after a good workout. I did the spinning bike yesterday and my hamstrings are really sore... everytime I stand up or sit down it reminds me what a good workout I had yesterday... that probably makes me crazy haha!)
  • Lovey14
    Lovey14 Posts: 10 Member
    this is a Great Idea
    I work 7p-7am as a police dispatcher and it is so hard on my body. First off im sitting all 12hrs, unless i take my break and go for a walk, and its so draining since im a full time mother as well so i have a tendency to eat just to stay awake and trust me its never anything heathly. The conflicting sleep schedule is horrible i dont have a specific time for sleep..after taking my daughter to school, cleaning washing and what ever else i need to do then i go to sleep but still have to get up and get my daughter from school at 3 so you can guess how much rest i get.
  • suzie1983
    thanks is so hard to have a sleep schedule...i too sit all night...only difference is my job sent us to work from home...but still im not motivated to clean or anything while i stay up and do it during the my classes...its like i never get sleep which i know is totally not healthy...grrr this sleeping and trying to be healthy...

    something totally unrelated
    did anyone see this cast on the onion about shifting your fat,18030/

    i do desire a better body but i dont think having a huge hole in my back or sticking my arms thru piping is my idea of fun...
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    i've been sore from my TurboFire core workout for over 24 hours now! kinda sux but i love it.. i feel like i really worked. i need to work strength training into my routine, but i'm loving the cardio so much. i bought that Randy Coture tower thing that goes on the back of your door, but i've just been too lazy i guess to actually start using it. also, on the back of my bedroom door is where i have about 6 hooks of accessories lol. :tongue:

    i just saw the posts about sleep being interrupted... boy oh boy do i know how that is...i've been working my shift for 3 years now, and still people don't seem to realize my hours and manage to text me in the middle of my nap time before work.. i should prob make it a rule to put the phone on vibrate, but i don't want to miss something important if it comes up i guess..even if i don't manage to fall asleep, as was the case tonight, i still like the have that quiet time in bed just to not feel exhausted when i get to work. i wish people could work our shifts for a week and then they'd realize the challenge of it!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    My husband has P90X and the workout are ok, but they are not my thing. The only one I love is legs and back, it doesn't feel bad in the middle of it but 24 to 48 hours later it my legs hurt. I have to plan doing it around days I know that I don't have to move to far. :laugh:
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Just caught the rest of the thread ---- OH MAN - when I first started on nights I'm surprised my boyfriend and I didn't break up over it!!! haha I would get home and go to bed around 7am, I would then peel myself out of bed around noon to spend time with him only to hear him say, "hey lazy-butt, you gonna sleep all day?!" I just wanted to throttle him and say "YES I am going to sleep all day because I worked all night!". Phew, luckily that all ended when he started working nights.

    I guess I'm kinda out of the ordinary, I get plenty of sleep, I always feel tired, but I get plenty of sleep. (Except on the days I have an apt, or a lunch date with friends etc...) I work 2100-0700 I have conditioned myself to go to bed pretty much right after I get home, so right around 8am, I usually sleep until around 1600. For the most part I stay on my schedule even on my days off, which has helped SO much. I use to switch back and forth, that was hell, I don't know how you all do that.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    much agreed with the schedule Meg! i have one, and when i don't get to stick to it, ugh i get cranky lol. sometimes it's hard b/c i'll get asked to go to dinner with friends sometimes before work, and most of the time i just want to say no simply for the fact that i'd miss out on quiet time haha.
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Anyone else working tonight?? I hate working weekends... they are sooooo slow... the time stands still it seems. I have been doing good other wise... two months and 25lbs gone :)
  • AsMama
    AsMama Posts: 12
    Oh insomnia how I despise you! So tempting to eat at this hour. I grabbed a glass of water and keep filling it. I start my weekend option next shift. Hopefully having a schedule and maybe some sleep. I will back in the game. I eat so poorly when I work 3 twelves in a row. Whatever is fast and easy. But on the up side my husband promised to start working out with me. Lets hope he follows through.
    Has anyone ever gone to overeater's anonymous?
  • Jessifer123
    I'm here tonight too!

    Lean - great job on the loss :smile:

    AsMama - I totally understand the eating at this hour, in fact thats what i'm doing right now haha but I grabbed a lean cuisine from the freezer (I try to keep them here at work for just in case). No i've never tried overeaters anonymous.

    Hope everyone is having a great night!!!
  • Lynz888
    Lynz888 Posts: 17 Member
    yep. I'm work status tonight too.

    On a side note, I'm looking at mfp and eating at the same time. WTH!
  • bessie78
    bessie78 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm also working tonight!
  • suzie1983
    im working...i work every weekend...while everyone else is having fun i am tied to a desk and computer and the stupid phone....
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I here this weekend too, blah. My husband was being difficult last night, before I came in. I think he was in the mood to start I fight, so I am glad I am here.
  • kmc3986
    kmc3986 Posts: 18
    Am I the only one who has this problem?? I gain weight when I work through the night. I was off for 6 days in between shifts and steadily lost. I go back to 3 nights in a row....still under my calorie allotment...and I gain weight. Now what???
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Lynz- lol... i look at mfp and eat all the time... I eat tons of small meals so i am always eating... still manage to be under calories everday... of course I have been wroking my butt off at the gym so I have tons of calories I can eat. i usually only eat between 1600-and 1800 though... I just dont have enough time to eat back all those calories unless i start eating junk... which aint gonna happen.

    I will be working tonight if anyone wants to chat.
  • nicu0227
    It was slow last night for me at work as well....We only had 6 babies...made for a long nite...but it makes up for the busy nights...(.to have a slow one every once in a while).....but I am proud of myself that I didn't eat out of boredom:yawn: ..."Babies Steps"
  • nicu0227
    Karen...I absolutely understand...but I see you and you look great!!! I can see the changes...In the words of Dori from "Finding Nemo" JUST KEEP GOING>>>>JUST KEEP GOING>>>>JUST KEEP GOING!!!!! (even though she said swimming):laugh:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    i am completely opposite!!! while i am at work i do very well with my eating but when i switch back to days on my days off i have a problem staying under my calorie goals!!! i think i just dont keep busy enough...either that or i am up for too long!! any ideas?
  • kmc3986
    kmc3986 Posts: 18
    I'm all out of ideas..... Thanks, Drea for the nice compliment. You're my BFF. Speaking of looking great, you're my inspiration. I am so proud of you for going to the gym and making time for it. I had a hard time staying up today....on MY DAY OFF. Had to give in to a I will be up most of the night catching up on my favorite programs. Stay with me Dre....we will do it.:heart::glasses: