Time for us Moms! Group



  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Jenn - Yoga really is so important in P90X. Try to get through it, but if you need to come out of a position, then do so. I struggled for a long time with it (particularly what comes after the chair salutations!) but I feel great after Yoga because of all the stretching in the last 45 minutes. The Fountain of Youth DVD that I keep talking about is great because he holds Warrior 3, Standing Splits, Half Moon for like half the time. The abs part is much less too. I'm glad you are liking it. It really is a fantastic program. LOL My little one likes to crawl underneath me during downward dog so I can't do my push-up or swing my leg through. Nice....

    Trying to have a productive day today. LOL It's always so much better when I get my workout done first thing in the morning. Pushed in Legs and Back today. I'm sure I'll be somewhat sore tomorrow, love that DVD. What do you mamas have planned for today? I have to meet with the boys' teacher, which means I have to get all of their work samples together. We've already been back to the orthodontist to get the wires back on. The boys are working on writing reports, so we have to swing by the library to get books. At some point I need to figure out what we are having for our family birthday dinner on the 11th. Whatever comes your way, I hope you ladies have a great one!
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    I try to do kettlebell, but I'm always afraid I'm going to swing and hit the baby in the head... I've been trying to do it after she goes to bed, but lately I've been having to go to study groups and such. This morning I actually got up and took a shower (I usually take them at night) and did my hair before work. It was nice. :o) Ah, the little things.

    So we didn't end up going to dinner last night. Hubby was napping when I got home from class, and by the time he woke up, it was too late. I was bummed, and more important I was HUNGRY! I'd eaten so little for lunch to accommodate the dinner calories, I was grumpy hungry. So I started crying. ha!

    Today has been good though. I'm on track for the day with calories, and I've been on my feet all day walking around, so I feel like I'm burning more calories than normal while at work.
  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Hey Ladies! Sorry I've been gone so long. Matt made it safely home from A-stan a week and a half ago. Before that I was in crazy clean mode, and had sick kids for 3 weeks straight. I WAS 2 lbs away from my goal weight of 134 when Matt came home, but right now I'm at about 139, thanks to making my boy all of his favorites and eating them with him, lol. I just lowered my goal weight again to 128 I think, because when I was 2 lbs away at 136 I still had love handles. Don't know that they are going anywhere though. That and my Mum tummy seem to just be stuck. Hope ya'll are doing well with your goals. I'll try to keep up and check in daily from here on out :)
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Kaitlyn - Sorry your dinner plans didn't work out, I probably would have been grumpy too. I have the same problems when I do videos with weights, I'm always dodging kids so one of them doesn't get a weight to the head. Makes more of a workout I figure :smile:

    Heather - Welcome back! Glad to hear Matt made it home safely and that you've been able to enjoy some good time with him.

    Lisa - Why do they take the wires off to clean your boys' teeth? What are they writing reports on? My boys have to write book reports on a mystery, so we're taking a trip to the library tomorrow.

    I'm going to try and get in NMTZ again tonight. Hubby has a hockey game and told me I could do "the devil woman" by myself :laugh:
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Kaitlyn - LOL, Gabriel grabs my weights during the day, moves them around and holds onto them to do push-ups. I don't like working out at all by my children. I need to be focused and I can't be when they are running in and out of my space. I would have been bummed about dinner too!

    Heather - yay! So happy Matt made it home. You can lose it for sure. Cardio and weights. I know that in order to have the tummy I want, I have to get to a certain body fat %. Doesn't matter how low my weight goes if I don't decrease the body fat overall.

    Cori - LOL at the devil woman comment. They take the wires off for a couple or reasons. They can't take X-rays with them on and the boys were due for X-rays. Also, it's just so much easier for the hygienist to clean with them off. The girls floss their teeth at the end of the cleaning and wouldn't be able to and I'm sure it's just easier for them to see the plaque and calculus - which unfortunately my boys have (it's hereditary). Ben is trying to write a report on the Blue Angels, hopefully he can do it since all we could find were books on Military Airplanes. Othello chose hiking. There weren't any children's books on that subject, so I ended up getting him some regular books about it. He has his subtopics chosen, so hopefully we can look in the table of contents or index for what we need rather than him having to read the entire book. They started their 1st novels today too for school. Ben is reading A Wrinkle in Time and Othello is reading The Sign of the Beaver. I like book reports, but I don't think that composition lesson is for a couple more units.

    I was dreading my meeting with the teacher. LOL I was so behind in updating Othello's assessments and attendance. But, it was nice. She loves the boys and told me that most 4th graders don't write like my boys do. That was nice to hear! She also confided in me that she has the same hatred of having to teach for standards (we were discussing the state testing) and even said that as long as the boys grasp the longer multiplication and long division, that she doesn't see why they have to do it over and over again and they can use a calculator. They need a bit more practice before I think they are ready for that, but yay! :D So nice to hear. It took a bunch of stress off of me today and I am absolutely thankful.

    I've got my class tonight and I can't wait. I am ready for some good cardio tonight. :D Have a great one!
  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Cori-funny :)

    Lisa- I wonder what the magic body fat number is for me. I have lost quite a bit of body fat and gain lots of muscle. I'd have to get the exact numbers from my trainer. It's weird though my stomach looks like saggy skin. There isn't much fate behind it anymore. It's just a flap of skin basically. The love handles are FOR sure love handles though. I adjusted my goal again. My hubs and I are each aiming for 15 lbs right now. I should really check to see where that puts my BMI at though.

    Want to know the highlight of my day? I bought a shirt that ACTUALLY fits, and it makes a huge difference in how I look. It doesn't sag in strange places anymore. Like my old boobs, or my old gut. All my old shirts seemed to have retained the memory of my old shape. Doesn't matter how much I wash them they are stretched out in weird places.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Heather - since you're up for ditching the love handles, Lisa came up with a great 90 day challenge. We're taking our weight times 20 and aiming to burn that many calories a week. We post our updates Sunday with a check in of how many we burned vs our goal and the new weeks weigh in. LOL at your clothes remembering lumps and bumps of the past, guess that would be the "ghost of past fat" :laugh: My goal weight is more of a general memory of what I weighed when I was the size I want to be - not really concerned with the weight if I can get back to that. I'm afraid I may need a tummy tuck to actualy get there, or I may be rolling up my belly flap like a garden hose :blushing:

    Lisa - So you don't think I'm totally nuts for asking about taking off the wires, I've got braces and just had my cleaning about a week ago. It took over an hour to clean around all my "jewelry" and that got me thinking maybe it's something I could ask about. I miss that just from the dentist clean you just don't get with a mouth full of metal :wink:

    So the boys have decided they want to do Boy Scouts and hubby took them to pick up their shirts and badges and whatnot...$85 later they walk out of the store! I sure hope they like it since I'll have to pay for all the badges they earn on top of that! The weekend is amost here! Funny, I used to look forward to the weekends so I could lounge around and do a lot of nothing, now I like that I can get in an extra workout or get in some activity with the family. That is a much better reward to me than the pounds I've lost.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Heather - Definitely join us in the challenge! One of my friends who I really look up to as far as fitness has told me that she thinks it won't be until I am in the midteens before I see my 6 pack. She is at 10.5% I think she told me a month ago. I have C-section scar tissue that may make it so that I never have a flat tummy. I can feel the muscles underneath though! :) It's crazy how are clothes do retain memory. So glad you got to get a new shirt.

    Cori - It took us about an hour to get the boys teach cleaned and X-rayed, I think. I never even considered that they would have to do it, but about 7 months ago I was going through the bag of info they gave us from the ortho's office and it said to give a call to have the wires taken off when you are having your cleaning. Taking the wires off takes literally just minutes and putting them back on takes a little longer, but it's not too bad. How long have you had your braces on? Oh goodness, don't you love the activities and the added costs? I hope they have fun though! That was just like me this week - boys' monthly gymnastics fee ($103) and then the annual insurance and membership fee ($80 each). Oh well, as long as they like it and this gives them great exercise and confidence, I'll pay it and take them. :)

    The handle to our toilet upstairs has been broken for about a month. The connector between the handle and the chain inside was plastic and it snapped. I bought a handle, but it was the wrong one and long story short, today I finally found my receipt and bought the right one (which was also $6 cheaper, I digress). We had been flushing it with a coat hanger - hubby had bent it so it hung over the side and it was connected to the chain on the inside. LMBO MacGyver. There is something rewarding to me about being able to fix the toilet or do anything else "handy". So, that was my hurrah today. I finally stopped procrastinating on it and just did it. :)

    What's everyone's plans for the weekend? We have a wedding to go to tomorrow. Last wedding we went to had pretty much a taco truck type of food (they got married in mexico) and so we had plenty of good eats with grilled chicken and carne asada. I have no idea what this one is going to be. : / I don't even know them actually, but it's a guy that my hubby works with. Should be interesting. :) If the boys start feeling well (runny noses) then maybe we'll head up to Gilroy Gardens this weekend and ride some rides. I guess I have to go to work at some point too. LOL Have a great Friday!
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    OMG, you guys. I'm going crazy over here! Journey is 16 months. I don't know what's up with my sweet baby, but lately she's not happy. ever. She doesn't seem to be teething, but I can't really tell if she's hurting from pain under the gums that I can't see. She's not sick. She wants to be held constantly, then put down, then picked immediately back up, etc. And she doesn't seem to be happy unless she's eating animal crackers. All day long, I hear her asking, "Cookie?". I don't know what going on with her, and I don't know how to make it better. She's just not happy, and I'm at my wit's end! Any insight?!
  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Sure I'll join the challenge, that means I need to find a calculator. I'm no math genius here :)

    Bristish- I feel like an idiot I've been gone long enough I forgot your name. SO Sorry. 16 months is an interesting age all 5 of mine have hit it differently, but they all changed a lot around then.

    Lisa- It feels nice to be able to fix things, doesn't it :) I was so proud of my remodel all by myself. Have a nice time at the wedding!

    Cori- I've been wondering the same thing about a tummy tuck. Although I don't think I'd ever really get one. I hit my goal size back a few months ago, but that darn flap just ain't budging. In fact I'm one size below my goal size, and it's still looks McYucky. I hope you end up with better results than me. I have terrible skin elasticity.

    Ok 2780 is my weight times 20. Don't know that I burned that this week since I wasn't trying, but I'll add up what I've got so far anyhow in a bit. We did a family hike today so that will help. I actually kind of low balled the calorie burn and only put 60 mins instead of the 3 hours we were really out since we didn't "hike" the whole time. We played in the waterfall for awhile too. Hope ya'll have a great weekend.
  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    I'm at 2256, but like I said I really low balled our hike, so maybe I'll up it to 90 mins. I'm sure we walked that long, but I didn't want to eat that many calories today ;) Plus on here some times it over estimates things. We may do some kettlebell yet tonight. But next week I'll make sure to try and hit my calories. Oh wait I also never logged 2 kettlebell workouts with Matt. It wasn't on here to log. I should really be good even if it doesn't look like it :)
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Lisa - woohoo for being handy! Both hubby and I are pretty lacking in fix-it skills, lol. Hope you had a good time at the wedding! I've had my braces about 18 months. Who knows how long I'll have them - as my orthodontist says I have old, stubborn teeth. I finally broke down and got them because 2 of my baby teeth finally needed to be pulled (yep - I still had 8 baby teeth at 30) and it was braces or implants. I went with the cheaper option lol

    Kaitlyn - My kids all went through a whiny, clingy stage around then. It'll pass - maybe not fast enough for your liking though :laugh: Sounds like she might have some teeth trying to push up too, my kids liked to chew on otter pops. Hard enough to put a little pressure on the gums but melt pretty quick.

    Heather - Glad you decided to join in the challenge! McYucky, I like that, lol. I think I could handle the flabby skin, it's the muscles being all freaky that bothers me. I don't really care about getting into a bikini, but I'd like my clothes to fit better. On top of the 3 c-sections I've had 3 hernia repairs done so my tummy is just a hot mess :laugh: I tried on some pants last weekend, and everything but my tummy fit into a size 3 sizes smaller than where I started, darn belly :mad: I do the same thing when we hike, or walk around - I usually only use part of the time when I log the exercise.

    Today was a long day, I've been studying for my test on Monday all day. It's my daughter's birthday - so tomorrow we've got her party (just family coming for cake and ice cream). Finally got enough done I'm geting ready to head out for a walk. I was really hoping to hit 45 lbs lost by tomorrow - but TOM decided to rear it's ugly head so that isn't happening. I think I'll still be close - guess we'll see in the morning.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend - they go too fast!
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Sunday challenege check in

    Previous Week Weight: 217
    Calories to Burn: 4,340
    Actual Calories Burned: 5,861

    Current Week Weight: 213.8
    Calories to Burn: 4,276

    I did it ladies - 45 lbs lost!
  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Cori CONGRATS!! That is wonderful girl! I'm so happy for you :)

    Previous week 139
    Calories to burn 2780
    Calories burned 3006

    Current Week 137
    Calories to burn 2740

    So we are church skippers today. I have 2 with yucky runny noses. They seem to be feeling alright though. They are acting nutters. I'm also making homemade apple pie for my neighbor for her birthday. I added a slice in my journal, with a scoop of ice cream and it's SCARY. I either need to workout on my rest day, skip the pie, or eat light all day. Hmmmmm choices, choices. Maybe I'll eat half a slice of pie and then I can at least still eat a little dinner :)
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    Last week I weighed in at 114.5.

    Calories to burn 2300
    Calroies burned 675...I may have worked out one other day and didn't record it...but probably not. I had my TOM and even getting out of my own way during this time makes me feel successful. :) So...I call it a wash.

    Weight today...113

    Hopefully that sticks...I don't post it on my profile until it is the same 2 days in a row because of the fluctuation...so hopefully it will be the same tomorrow!

    I was able to run sans children and dog this moring...second time this week (AWESOME)! I was able to run 3.0 miles in 27:15...my best time yet! Hurray!
  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Well here's my bummer for the week. My nice scale was broke, so I've been using an old school dial type. Well Matt was able to fix my digital scale, so here's my new stats

    weight 140.2
    calories to burn 2804
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    OMG, you guys. I'm going crazy over here! Journey is 16 months. I don't know what's up with my sweet baby, but lately she's not happy. ever. She doesn't seem to be teething, but I can't really tell if she's hurting from pain under the gums that I can't see. She's not sick. She wants to be held constantly, then put down, then picked immediately back up, etc. And she doesn't seem to be happy unless she's eating animal crackers. All day long, I hear her asking, "Cookie?". I don't know what going on with her, and I don't know how to make it better. She's just not happy, and I'm at my wit's end! Any insight?!

    I remember Gabriel going through a similar phase - without the crackers. :) All I can say is it's a phase and it will end. There were a lot of "No, Mommy can't pick you up right now" from me though.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Lisa - woohoo for being handy! Both hubby and I are pretty lacking in fix-it skills, lol. Hope you had a good time at the wedding! I've had my braces about 18 months. Who knows how long I'll have them - as my orthodontist says I have old, stubborn teeth. I finally broke down and got them because 2 of my baby teeth finally needed to be pulled (yep - I still had 8 baby teeth at 30) and it was braces or implants. I went with the cheaper option lol

    Kaitlyn - My kids all went through a whiny, clingy stage around then. It'll pass - maybe not fast enough for your liking though :laugh: Sounds like she might have some teeth trying to push up too, my kids liked to chew on otter pops. Hard enough to put a little pressure on the gums but melt pretty quick.

    Heather - Glad you decided to join in the challenge! McYucky, I like that, lol. I think I could handle the flabby skin, it's the muscles being all freaky that bothers me. I don't really care about getting into a bikini, but I'd like my clothes to fit better. On top of the 3 c-sections I've had 3 hernia repairs done so my tummy is just a hot mess :laugh: I tried on some pants last weekend, and everything but my tummy fit into a size 3 sizes smaller than where I started, darn belly :mad: I do the same thing when we hike, or walk around - I usually only use part of the time when I log the exercise.

    Today was a long day, I've been studying for my test on Monday all day. It's my daughter's birthday - so tomorrow we've got her party (just family coming for cake and ice cream). Finally got enough done I'm geting ready to head out for a walk. I was really hoping to hit 45 lbs lost by tomorrow - but TOM decided to rear it's ugly head so that isn't happening. I think I'll still be close - guess we'll see in the morning.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend - they go too fast!

    Cori - you are the only person I know who had baby teeth at 30 besides me. I have one on the bottom and one on the top and I am just waiting until they fall out to have implants. :) If I had 8 though, I would have gotten braces. Cheaper for sure! edit: LOL I just realized you only had 2 pulled. What do they think will happen with the other 6? I don't think mine will last much longer, the roots are gone on both of them, they are just wedged between my other teeth. The reason the boys have the braces at 8 is because they both had missing adult teeth bilaterally that is the same molar on top that I have my baby tooth. So, instead of them having to make the choice when they are older, we just had the baby teeth pulled and are moving the back molar forward. :)

    Happy birthday to your daughter!
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    OMG, you guys. I'm going crazy over here! Journey is 16 months. I don't know what's up with my sweet baby, but lately she's not happy. ever. She doesn't seem to be teething, but I can't really tell if she's hurting from pain under the gums that I can't see. She's not sick. She wants to be held constantly, then put down, then picked immediately back up, etc. And she doesn't seem to be happy unless she's eating animal crackers. All day long, I hear her asking, "Cookie?". I don't know what going on with her, and I don't know how to make it better. She's just not happy, and I'm at my wit's end! Any insight?!

    I remember Gabriel going through a similar phase - without the crackers. :) All I can say is it's a phase and it will end. There were a lot of "No, Mommy can't pick you up right now" from me though.

    I agree....Jacob went through the same thing...no crackers though. I think it is a phase as well. Maybe give her another option..."I can't pick you up right now, but we can go for a walk." Even if you go outside 8 times a day for 15 minutes...sometimes I think they get "out of sorts" when they are bored...I know Jacob still does...
    Switch it up....let her ride in the stroller, or let her walk/explore what's outside/sit on the steps draw with chalk, blow bubbles....anything to take her mind off of up up up and cookies :) It's a tough phase...but I know you can do it!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Cori - yay! Congrats!

    Heather - I don't know what is going on with all the colds going around.

    JP - that's a great time running! Nice getting to do it alone, huh?

    Previous week 159
    Calories to burn 3180
    Calories burned 2500 (we only did half a workout at both fit club workouts)

    Current Week 159 (grrrr)
    Calories to burn 3180

    All right - I'm not actually that depressed about the weight. As long as it's not going up right now because I am a little too distracted to focus on my eating. I am totally loving the muscle definition though. I feel super strong. Can't believe we are on our 3rd week of another round of P90X. I was curling 15s this morning and doing 17.5 for a lot of shoulder exercises. :)

    My twins have been sick since Friday. Started with runny noses and now they have full blown coughs. I have given them everything I can think of. Sigh. Colds suck. Had a migraine on Sunday. Didn't get to go to the wedding because my in-laws were in Bakersfield watching my niece and we had no one to watch 3 kiddos (2 who were sick). So, hubby went alone and had fun. Oh well.

    Despite the sickies, yesterday we still had our family party to celebrate the September/October birthdays. I don't think I got on my computer but once. It was nice! I have been motivated over the weekend to re-decorate the house. So, I cleared out the closet under our stairs and moved the boys' bookcase and books down there so they have a little library/reading nook. A piece of furniture that they have in their room was emptied on Sunday and I spray painted the drawers and doors yesterday. Once hubby and I move the 20 gallon fish tank off of it, I will spray paint the rest of it and have it go in my homeschool corner. :) We're going to separate the bunk beds finally and reorganize their room. I love this website: www.ana-white.com My father-in-law is going to drop off his nail gun this weekend so we can get to work building some furniture. Woohoo!

    I will say, the chocolate cake I made last night - while certainly having a "healthy" taste to it, was delicious. I made it with all whole wheat flour, plenty of sugar though, and organic strawberry jelly between the layers. I ate a little this morning and ended up dumping the rest of the cake. Hubby didn't want it and the boys don't need it. It needed to go bye bye for my sake; that is one thing that I can pick at mindlessly all day if it is there. : /

    Well, I am here. Just surrounded by a cacophony of coughing. Their birthday is on Saturday and their party on Sunday so they need to get better!
This discussion has been closed.