Slim Fast

amywishart98 Posts: 23 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Was just wondering what everyone's opinion or experience is with slim fast?


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I'd rather eat real food. I dont see any advantages to relying on a processed overly sweet sludge.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I'd rather eat real food. I dont see any advantages to relying on a processed overly sweet sludge.

  • mtnhiker1
    mtnhiker1 Posts: 114 Member
    Marketing ploy! It is a great name and a good way for a company to get your money.

    The Company is selling an idea and an emotion not results.

    I agree with others here. I prefer real food.
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    I'd rather eat real food. I dont see any advantages to relying on a processed overly sweet sludge.
    Amen sister. I'd much rather rely on nutrient intake from goods foods rather than a smart marketing ploy.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    I'd rather eat real food. I dont see any advantages to relying on a processed overly sweet sludge.


    "but it's so easy and fast!"

    I see that often as a comeback. If people don't think enough of themselves to take the 2 minutes to put milk+protein powder into a blender bottle, then that's on them.
  • CharlotteAnneUK
    CharlotteAnneUK Posts: 186 Member
    Using Slim Fast and working out twice a day I managed to go from a size 16 to a size 8!

    I'd have slim fast for Breakfast and Lunch and whatever I wanted for dinner - A whole large pizza if I wanted it. But I had NOTHING ELSE, no snacks, nothing.

    It was great, but I would NOT recommend it if you want to loose weight for life or tone your body. I lost all that weight and looked worse than I did larger. Skinny and Gaunt were the comments I got and it did not take long to start putting the weight back on.

    A proper diet and exercise really is the way to go. Its a quick fix and even the company picked up on the fact you need a little more, hence the slim fast snack bars
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Just have real food. Less of it, but real food.
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    IMHO, you learn more through proper dieting which will help keep the weight off in the longer run; you become more educated. Knowledge is power...
  • coral_b
    coral_b Posts: 264 Member
    Tried it once on a fad diet, before my wedding, lost the weight- gained it straight back! Also I felt bloated, vile and hungry.
    I still have some powder left, but now, the only thing I use it for us is to add a small bit to protein shakes as it makes it creamy without adding milk. x
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Nutrition-wise I would say it's inferior to a glass of milk, an apple and a multi-vitamin. *
    Have a good read of the label and you might be surprised what a poor choice it really is.

    I've known people lose weight with meal replacements but none of them have kept the weight off long term.
    IMO it's just a short term measure that actually delays learning a healthy and sustainable relationship with food.

    Smaller portions and/or smarter choices of real food that you actually enjoy is the way to go.

    (* = not recommending that as an alternative by the way!)
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    Just drink chocolate milk. It tastes better and it's more fun. Probably about the same calories and nutritional value.

    All you are doing is restricting calories. Why do you need a silly over-priced can of chemicals to do that? Just eat less food.


    All Slimfast is a can of flavored milk with vitamins added to it (for your "nutrition"). You'd be cheaper off getting chocolate milk and taking a multi-vitamin. Or better off, eat a bowl of (good) cereal with milk for the same amount of calories and nutrition.

    I've tried SlimFast before and ended up nothing but hungry. And irritable because I wasn't allowed to have real food. And always disappointed because it tasted like the can it was in.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    Agree with all of the above.

    Its all a marketing ploy. You drink the shakes, you lose weight. You start eating food again but you haven't learned portion size or healthy eating. Weight comes back on hence you start the shakes again. Vicious cycle.
  • Rai007
    Rai007 Posts: 387 Member
    u will just starve yourself !!
    no gain only pain
  • ritalvsfer
    ritalvsfer Posts: 27 Member
    Temporary solution to an issue! Learn how to eat healthy lean protein and veggies! Your body will thank you for it!
  • dawnsi5
    If you are looking for a meal supplement, try whey protein. Walmart sells a big container for $15, I needed a kick start when I decided to loose some weight, so I started with a protein shake for breakfast, a small snack, fruit, veggies, salad for lunch and then a small portion of dinner with lots of veggies. It worked for me. My hubby did the same except he ate his meal at lunch and had a shake for breakfast and dinner. I have dropped 2 sizes and he has dropped 3 sizes since July. The weight has come off slow and steady just like I want it to. There are days I don't do the shakes, but this week I gained .4 of a lb so so I decided to go back to the shake for breakfast. I have a NutriBullet and put the mix in with water and ice and it taste close to a chocolate shake, but really fights off the hunger. Good Luck!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    you are better off eating real food and just creating a 500 calorie deficit, and losing weight that way.

    I find that when I am in a pinch and use a protein shake to replace my lunch, I am freaking starving about two to three hours later..

    so ditch the slim fast and save your money...
  • LauraElectric
    LauraElectric Posts: 51 Member
    I watched an excellent documentary about diets such as Slim-Fast, the conclusion they came to is that they very very rarely succeed in the long-term because they are a gimmick that does not change your attitude towards food. BUT the genius part is this: when it doesn't work, and you put the weight (and often more) back on, the company (Slim Fast or whoever) can blame the consumer for 'not doing the diet properly.' Often the consumer will also blame themselves and try again, putting more money in the companies pocket and starting an endless cycle of diet-gain-shame-diet-gain-shame-diet.

    I will occasionally grab one of the pre-made drinks if I am out and about, need calories and don't have time or space to eat (although I would rather have a sandwich!) but it is not a long-term lifestyle IMHO.
  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    I've never used Slimfast but I have used Optifast - I am going to guess that these are approximately the same.

    I lost 5kgs (10lbs) in 5 days - it was the worst 5 days of my life, but I kept those 5ks off - and they are still gone.

    That must have been 5 years ago.

    I still drink the shakes, I had 2 today, I love the new flavours they have just brought out - 5 years ago I was only drinking chocolate ones.

    I think they are yummy and I like the idea that they have lots of nutritional value but I doubt I'll ever use them as recommended again.

    Too painful.
  • sleepyotter
    sleepyotter Posts: 76 Member
    I didn't try the "Slim Fast Diet," but I have tried the snack bars and the shakes intermittently in conjunction with the diet I was already trying to improve. I don't think it did any particular damage, but I don't really think it helped much, either. I did drop a few pounds (probably from the other changes to my diet), but eventually I swapped out the shakes for a real whey protein fix, and I think I made more progress that way.
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