What does your day look like? Fitting in exercise...



  • playitagainsam
    playitagainsam Posts: 84 Member
    For me...it all came down to realizing just how much I wanted to be healthy and lose weight...it was something important to me and I had to make room for it in my life, just like I have to make room for my other obligations. I'm a single guy working full time at a very demanding and stressful job and I have no kids, but I have a 90-year-old grandmother who still lives in her own home and a 67-year-old mother now living with me...both have health issues and I am the only one to take care of them. With that said...here's what my days are like:

    Monday - Friday:
    5am - Wake
    6:15am - Showered, dressed and out the door with protein shake in hand
    6:30am - Arrive at my 90-year-old grandmother's house to make sure she is Ok, help get her up and get breakfast for her.
    7:45am - 1pm - WORK a.k.a. HELL! My job is extremely stressful and I HATE it!
    1pm - Run hom for lunch. Make sure mother who now lives with me due to health issues that started up about 6 months ago is doing ok...has taken her medications and has at least eaten breakfast. Make lunch for both of us. Throw laundry in the washer and/or dryer, eat lunch, make any necessary phone calls...head back to work
    2pm - 5pm - more HELL...um, I mean WORK.
    5pm-6pm - Leave work and head home (I only live 5 mins. from work, but I usually never leave work at 5pm)
    Somewhere between 6pm and 6:30pm - 7:30-8pm - work out
    8pm - run to Grandmother's house again to make sure she is OK...has eaten dinner and is ready to get into bed.
    8:30ish - Come home and start dinner or begin to finish dinner - jump in the shower.
    9pm - eat dinner, check laundry
    9:30 - 10:30 - clean up from dinner, misc chores around the house
    10:30 - 11 - check email, do any needed paperwork. Go to bed.

    6am - Wake, shower
    7am - head out the door to grandmother's house with protein shake in hand
    8am - 2pm - Varies...yard work (4 acres), cleaning her house, paying her bills, working on her misc. paperwork.
    2pm - 4pm - come home...do my yard work, cleaning, laundry, etc.
    5pm - 9pm - continue with housework at my own home as needed, quick run to store if needed, dinner, check on grandmother again.
    10pm-11pm - hang out and head to bed

    6am - Wake
    between 7 & 8 - head out for work out - approx. 1 1/2 hours
    10am/10:30 am - head home - shower
    Noon - head out to grandmothers to check in on her.
    2pm - shopping for either my house or my grandmother
    By 5pm - random chores needing done at grandmother's house
    6pm - back home. Dinner.
    7pm-10:30pm - some free time, misc. laundry, anything that I can get done that hasn't been done and needs to be done!
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    I sacrifice the cleanliness of my house.

    THIS! Mother of 2, full time employed here. I work out early, and have added weights at night. My usual week (notice I arrive home at 7:15, have to be out the door by 7:50 to get my son to school - that's tight in the morning. I premake my breakfast, and all lunches, and I eat and do makeup in the car.)

    5:00 - wake up
    5:45-7:00 - boot camp m/t/th/f, kettlebells at home on W
    7:15- home, hubs goes to the gym, Il get ready for work
    8:00- take son to school, pick up hubs, go to work
    9-5:30 - work
    5:30-8:00 - pick up kids, dinner, HW, family time
    8:00-9:00 - gym for weightlifting, m/w
    (Thursday nights I play in a kickball league)

    Weekends - usually my only workout is a long run one day, the other day is my sleep-in.
  • KB5711
    KB5711 Posts: 21
    I also have two little girls and work full time so I struggle with this as well! I was going to the gym two nights a week and then Saturday mornings and taking the girls to the gym daycare which worked out ok but cost extra money and I didn't get to spend much time with them on those nights. Two weeks ago I started going in the morning before work and although it really sucks getting up that early I've found that it greatly reduces my anxiety about trying to fit everything in between work and bedtime. I'm also getting more workouts in because I've been going every morning and feel great about having it done for the day! I lift weights M/W/F and do cardio T/TH. My typical day looks like this:

    4:35 - Wake Up, get ready, head to the gym
    5:00 - Start Workout
    5:45 - Head Home to get ready for work, get kids up and ready and out the door
    7:00 - Leave the house, drop kids off and start the dreaded morning commute
    8:00 - Work
    4:30 - Done working yay!!!
    5:15 - Pick up girls and go home for dinner, chores, family time, next day prep
    10:00 - Hit the sack so I can do it all again :smile:

    I lay out all my workout clothes, shoes, hrm, water, everything I need before bed so I don't have to think about anything when I get up and really just need to make sure I get my a** out of bed! So far it's working and I feel fantastic!
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    As far as exercise goes, I always do it as soon as I wake up so I have the rest of the day to get all the rest of my %#$# done :tongue:
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    5:30: Alarm goes off
    5:50: Actually Get Up
    6:00: Shower, do hair
    6:30: Eat Breakfast, make lunch
    7:00: Work
    9:00: Eat snack
    11:00: Eat lunch
    1:00: Go for a walk (40 min) OR go home and clean (my actual lunch hour. I eat while I work.)
    3:00: Eat snack
    5:30: Leave work
    5:45: Work out (1 hr) OR go for second walk (40 min) and run errands.
    7:00: Eat dinner
    9:00 Go to bed

    I know not everyone can do the late dinner. I prefer it because I tend to get hungry at night, and it helps keep me satiated. I'll either go for two walks, or I'll go home during lunch and clean so I don't have to do it after I workout.

    I always go straight from work to the gym. If I try to do anything in between, I won't actually go.
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    5:15 am - wake up; shower, get ready for work
    5:45 am - wake up teenage daughter for High School
    6:00 am - breakfast - make for me and daughter
    6:45 am - leave for work
    7:00 am - meet up with carpool for work
    7:00 - 8:15 am - driving to work (LONG drive)
    8:15 - 4:00 pm - WORK
    4:00 - 5:00 pm - long drive home
    5:00 pm - pick up daughter at High School from Cheer Practice; drive home
    5:30 pm - make daughter dinner
    6:00 - 7:00 pm - work-out (I have a gym in my home)
    7:00 - 7:30 pm - I eat dinner
    7:30 - 9:00 pm - hang out with daughter and husband (or schlep daughter to football games to cheer, or other sport)
    10:00 pm - bedtime
    lather, rinse, repeat....................
    weekends - schlep daughter to friends' houses, sport events, malls, etc.............
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    i HATE that people say its about priorities - 2 full time working parents with 1hr commutes both ways to work and 2 school aged kids with sports and homework every night.... yup those ARE priorities!!! We are very active as a family - skiing in the winter and biking in the summer BUT making it to the gym for extended cardio and weight lifting is something that i CAN NOT do and for everyone who says i can if i WANTED TO then try a day in my shoes and GOOD LUCK!

    trade you shoes! two full time working parents, full time school, two boys in soccer and hockey and karate, youngest is 12 weeks old, and on Saturdays I volunteer at the mobile spay and neuter clinic. It is about priorities, for me kids do come first but I don't use them as an excuse to not take care of myself as well.
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    230 am -wakey wakey! Feed the dogs, make hubby's lunch, pack mine into my bag (made the night before)
    330am-2pm work
    215 home, let dogs out, listen to phone messages, return calls, quick fruit or veggie snack whilst checking MFP
    3pm work out
    4 or 430 (depending on day and workout) house cleaning, reading and returning email and puppy cuddles
    530 get dinner started
    6pm dinner is on the table
    645 pm dishes and other cleaning that i can manage
    730pm rest my weary bones and unwind before bed
    8 (my goal but usually doesnt' happen) bed so i can start the whole thing over again tomorrow.....

    I have had to realize not all things need to be accomplished TODAY, RIGHT NOW, IMMEDIATELY. There are things that can wait until later or the next available time slot so i can fit in a workout, a race, meal planning, cooking for the week ahead. I have to make time for my HEALTH and what it takes to improve it.
  • WJS_jeepster
    WJS_jeepster Posts: 224 Member
    I'm struggling right now because I NEED sleep. I always have. I can make it for a few days on 6 hours a night, and then I will just shut down and get sick. I'm at my best on 9-10 hours a night, but can live on 8. Unfortunately, that really makes it hard to "make" time to excercise. Oh, and believe me - the housecleaning went a long time ago.

    I am a single mother of 3.5 year old twins, have 2 dogs and work full time. Daycare has a rule you can't leave the kids there for more than 10 hrs/day, and my commute takes 30-45 minutest each way. In order to get my hours in at work, I have to work through lunch and eat at my desk, or I'd be over the 10 hour mark each time.

    Here's our schedule:
    6:30 wake up, dogs out, kids usually wake up too.
    6:30-7:30 feed dogs, kids, get dressed (herding turtles time)
    7:30 out the door to take kids to preschool.
    8:00 kids at preschool
    8:45 arrive at work
    8:45-4:45 work (eat lunch at desk and work thru lunch)
    5:30 pick up kids, head home
    6:15 home, feed dogs, make dinner (usually heating up previously made food, so not much time savings to be had there)
    7:00 play time, bath, stories
    8:00-9:00 sometime kids to bed. They take forever to get to sleep (just like me).
    9:00 quick 20 min dog walk, dishes, paperwork, etc. This is often the only time I have to myself in the house.
    10:00 start prep for bed, lay out clothes and backpacks for next day
    10:30 bed.

    So - I could do something during playtime, but they are at the age where they can play for about 5 minutes before a crisis occurs. I do have time between 9:30-10:30, but I can barely keep up with maintenance, bill paying, etc as it is.

    Is this just something I have to wait out until the kids are older? I used to run every morning from 5:30 - 6:30 before I had kids and I LOVED it. Now I just hate the fact that I have so little time. Maybe the kids will be a little less needy (HAH) as they get older?
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    Can your hubby do the morning stuff with the kids? Get them ready, drop them off? Then you can get up early and go to the gym and get ready for work there.

    As for me, I go to the gym at 5:00 AM and get home before everyone is up, but I am a freaky morning person.
  • FitCanuckChick
    FitCanuckChick Posts: 240 Member
    i HATE that people say its about priorities - 2 full time working parents with 1hr commutes both ways to work and 2 school aged kids with sports and homework every night.... yup those ARE priorities!!! We are very active as a family - skiing in the winter and biking in the summer BUT making it to the gym for extended cardio and weight lifting is something that i CAN NOT do and for everyone who says i can if i WANTED TO then try a day in my shoes and GOOD LUCK!

    Sorry I don't agree - as you described it above my situation is no different than yours. I make my mental and physical health a priority becasue I realized that I am a better wife and mom when I make time for me. I workout before my kids are even out of bed. My husband does in the evenings on his way home from work. We all chip in to get household work done. We are a happy, healthy, cohesive well oiled machine. One difference maybe is that my kids are only allowed 1 weekday activity and 1 weekend avtivity. But, that is a choice - I was an overscheduled kid and got stressed for it and I don't want that to be my kids. But, we could fit exercise in even if they had activities 7 days a week.

    Its all about prioritizing, organizing, scheduling and team work as a whole family.
  • peterjasper
    peterjasper Posts: 41 Member
    Great thread. Makes me want to get up half an hour earlier so I can go to the gym before work. Come to think of it I am going to start next week. :-)
  • emc0n0
    emc0n0 Posts: 13 Member
    Ooooh another tip. I have a free app I downloaded called 7 minutes. It gives you a mini work-out in seven minutes and its pretty good. Ofcourse, 7 minutes should not replace a full workout but on those days you absolutely can't make time all you need is 7 minutes.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    i HATE that people say its about priorities - 2 full time working parents with 1hr commutes both ways to work and 2 school aged kids with sports and homework every night.... yup those ARE priorities!!! We are very active as a family - skiing in the winter and biking in the summer BUT making it to the gym for extended cardio and weight lifting is something that i CAN NOT do and for everyone who says i can if i WANTED TO then try a day in my shoes and GOOD LUCK!
    You don't have to go to a gym to work out. Many people have the same commitments you do. I like to do DVDs at home or jog outside. Done in 30-60 min.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I have completely hit a slump when it comes to exercise. I keep making excuses that I'm busy and too tired to add daily exercise into my day. I know I'm only BS'ing myself because there are TONS of people who have much busier schedules than mine but manage to get their workouts in. I have 2 small children who rarely sleep through the night so I never get a full nights sleep.

    My typical days looks like this:
    Wake up, get ready for work and get kids ready for daycare
    Go to work until noon
    Pick up the kids
    Nap time for the kids while I clean the house/organize/manage bills
    Make dinner
    Have quality family time
    Get kids to bath and bed (that takes anywhere from 1-2 hours, ugh, mentally exhausting!)
    Clean up the house (again)

    So ... how do you all do it? Have energy to go through your busy days but still get to the gym, do homework outs, etc ...

    I'd love to hear from others to get motivation and help me to tell myself to 'suck it up! this is life, just do it!'

    Looking at your day, I would use nap time to work out. You can do housework later. And I'd work on shortening bed/bath time. Shouldn't take 2 hrs!!!
  • Angelicvirtue
    Angelicvirtue Posts: 2 Member
    Maybe you could get a workout before picking the kids up from daycare.
  • jolodo
    jolodo Posts: 24
    bump for later
  • kajunkutey
    Hmm well,

    3:50 up for gym
    4:00 to 5:00 workout
    5:00 to 6:00 get halfway ready for work
    6:00 to 7:00 get kids ready for school
    7:00 to 8:00 ready for work pack snacks and lunch
    9:00 to 6:00 work
    6:00 to 8:00 make sure everyone eats and
    8:00 on is bed time lol
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,100 Member
    I'm lucky. I'm a nanny full time *(triplet first graders) and part time babysitter (once or twice a week) since my part time is while the kids are at school and schedualed out normaly a week or two in advance so I just put the gym into my phone around that.

    I get the kids on the bus and then go to the gym. One day a week I also do heavy cleaning of the work house and normally my part time is thursdays so that is tue/thur and then gym mon-wed-fri works well 75% of the time. I don't stress though if a kids sick or whatever and I miss a day as it is life.
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    Well I guess it is a lot busier with kids, and as I've never had any, I can't really relate or give you any good advice I'm afraid.

    But my day goes something like this.

    Wake up at 7.30am.
    Walk to work (20 minute walk) for 8.30am
    Work from 8.30am to 5pm
    Walk to the gym from work (40 minute walk) for 6pm
    Gym class from 6-7pm
    Ether walk home from gym or get a lift if I go with a friend home
    Shower and have dinner with my fiance (we take turns cooking)
    Wash up (take turns)
    Chill in front of the tv for an hour or two
    Sleep (I get 7.30-8.30 hours sleep usually)

    Again, I know that with having kids, this isn't really possible.