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Starting a KETO Diet next week! Need advice and support



  • JaxDemon
    JaxDemon Posts: 403 Member
    This is the same as the Adkins diet, correct? If so, my friend did it and lost oodles of weight, and then gained it all back after she went back to regular eating.

    Also, losing weight won't tone you up unless you exercise.

    No, keto is not exactly the same, it doesn't have phases like Atkins & is much lower in carbs. Also anyone will gain there weight back when they stop a diet.

    Agreed. If viewed as a lifestyle vs a 'diet' then there won't be any issue about re-gaining weight no matter which diet you choose. It's just a tough row to hoe, Atkins is less stringent & a good deal of the time, folks can get the same benefits without having to resort to very low carbs.

    In the interest of full disclosure, there's a bit of a dark side to keto. There are no cheat days, if you cheat & eat high fat WITH starchy or sugary carbs, you WILL gain fat (not water/glycogen). Eating low carb will make you more sensitive to carbs (though this is a temporary phenomenon) and if you decide to carb up again or that the lifestyle is not for you, increase carbs slowly and incrementally until you find a figure that works for you.

    There are lots of benefits to keto as well, I can only speak from personal experience here...I feel fantastic, have lots of energy, sleep really well and drop weight and maintain effortlessly.

    I'm not trying to talk you out of it, just that it's not as easy as it sounds. Truth be told, if I hadn't dismissed the idea of limiting carbs & laughed at the idea of carbs being the big bad boogeyman, I would've lost my weight and gotten healthy a WHOLE lot sooner than I did!!!

    Here's another good site with lots of info"


    No cheat days on keto? SInce when lol. I have a cheat meal every week in fact it's encouraged to carb up/cheat or whatever people want to call it. The only issue is the next day you feel like you are drunk but that passes.

    No, no cheat days for me, it makes me feel like crap, besides, I'm diabetic.....nope....no cheat days for me.
    It's just not worth it for me :drinker:

    If I could, I would though!!!!!:laugh:
    In a NY minute I would,:blushing:

    Ah right I can understand that then. Lad I speak to on a forum was diagnosed with Diabetes he's on Keto now and it's helped his diabetes no end. Still some great foods to be had on keto though. Are you ok to have stuff like Sugar free jelly? I love that stuff lol.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Hi, so I am a female 5'1 117.5 pounds petite build and I have decided to give a Keto diet a try. I am a senior in college. I would like to lose 12-15 pounds. I am nervous but excited to see how my body reacts. I am looking for advice and what to expect when on this diet. What things did you eat, what was ur exercise plan. Did you have any side effects? Any thing else you would like to let me know would be great! thank you

    Are you sticking with keto forever? A keto diet will cause about 10-12 pounds of water weight loss. So you'll start keto, shed water, hit your goal, get excited, go back to normal eating, and gain right back to where you started. Just spinning your wheels.

    Keto is no better for fat loss than any other method. Stick to the method that you can sustain, eat a reasonable deficit, and see success.

    Keto is fine if you want to maintain it forever.

    Keto is also great to shed water before a contest, or to make weight before a fight.

    Keto is also great if you have over 100 pounds to lose and/or have insulin regulation problems.

    If none of these situations apply to you, keto will not be any more effective than any other diet.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Ah right I can understand that then. Lad I speak to on a forum was diagnosed with Diabetes he's on Keto now and it's helped his diabetes no end. Still some great foods to be had on keto though. Are you ok to have stuff like Sugar free jelly? I love that stuff lol.

    Absolutely! The Polaner SF stuff is my saving grace. I can only tolerate a small amount though because maltodextrin jacks up my BG something awful, but just that teeny taste is enough to keep me sane :laugh:

    You're right about there being lots of great foods on Keto though, it's effortless for me because I'm btw the devil and the deep blue sea, which is why I don't know if I could do it for weight loss.

    I guess also since I can't tolerate more than 10 g of carbs per meal, with the exception of fresh veggies, and the lack of cheat meals, I find it can be a bit stringent.

    Yay for cheat meals :laugh: :drinker:
  • SJRockz
    SJRockz Posts: 12
    What do you do on the KETO diet??
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    What do you do on the KETO diet??

    this will help

  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
    I love being on KETO! I've been on it for 2 weeks and I have yet to suffer any workout :)

    My carbs are always below 30g a day , My protein intake is high along with my fats. I make sure I implement healthier fats and keep my saturated fats on check. My body is responding great, I've lost 5lbs in 2 weeks and I still lift heavy and I'm going harder then ever in the gym. Yes you do lose a little bit of water weight in the beginning however, My salt intake is higher on keto and I drink a gallon of water a day sometimes 2. You get thirsty a lot on KETO. On my refeed days I keep my carb intake at no more then 400g of carbs, that's just what works for me and I refeed Friday night till Saturday, 24-30hr period. I'm back on Sunday hitting under 20g. I also feel better because my sugar intake is below 20g. Read up and do your research, try it out and see if it works for you. It's not for everyone. Good Luck

    There are a lot of benefits being on KETO for example here's one article
  • I started keto with just 10-15 lbs to lose, and have included a cheat meal + dessert one day a week. After a month, I'm down about 5 lbs, and I haven't found it hard to follow at all. Check out the keto group here and also reddit.com/r/keto.

    Only 5 lbs in a month? You were doing something wrong! You should have lost that in the first week.

    The reason people gain he weight back is because they go back to eating like fools. If you learn how to eat right and stay on the maintenance phase you will not gain any weight back and will be able to regulate gain/loss.
  • Love Keto.

    What to expect: 3-7 days of feeling like crap as your body adjusts and some cravings until you have switched.

    After that period: Increase in energy, Cravings gone. Weight loss in 1st 14 days will be good as it's mainly water with some fat and muscle.

    Keto is very powerful tool to use in cutting the fat away and using fat stores as your fuel is good. I've been following a very strict keto diet done by Dave Palumbo. I still lift weights and have not suffered in terms of lifts not being as much etc..

    Just to chime in, I did Keto for two months and this guy is correct. The effects really depend on the person, but the essential reasons why the Keto diet is popular is because 1) Lots of fat so you feel full constantly and don't overeat, 2) High amounts of protein so it's very possible to build or maintain muscle mass, 3) You feel great. If you have no energy on the Keto diet and it isn't during the process of your body adjusting to ketosis then you are most likely UNDEREATING. If you under eat while doing Keto you will feel like crap, same will happen if you miss or skip meals. The Keto diet isn't a gimmick diet meant for miracle results in a short period of time, rather it makes it easier to eat properly.

    Ironically, I get acne when consuming greasy food normally yet while I was on the diet I ate tons of greasy sausage links, Jimmy Dean's sausage, etc and my skin was clear as day. The only reason I didn't continue the diet was because I do not live alone and eating specific foods for certain ratios is quite hard when there's no room in the fridge. To be honest, I miss the diet a lot.

    Another thing to keep in mind is that the diet is mostly fat and that if you cut on the fat then you'll get mediocre results at best.

    Oh, and take vitamins if you don't plan on eating any vegetables!
  • barneszilla
    barneszilla Posts: 4 Member
    Here's an amazing guide to Keto:- http://josepharcita.blogspot.co.uk/2011/03/guide-to-ketosis.html

    There is a lot of misinformation by the above posters. Keto is ideal for shedding just a few pounds, its also a great diet for life.

    Don't cheat - there's no point. And definitely do not cheat in the first 3 weeks of induction.

    The Keto diet is the most muscle sparing diet around, on a normal 'Glycolysis' diet (i.e. eating Carbs) your body burns Carbs, then Muscle, then Fat. On a Ketogenic diet, your body is fueled by Fat, it is very muscle sparing for weight loss. I've gained about 15LB's of muscle in 3 months, and lost about 30LB's of fat, without the need of 'Carb Ups' or 'Cheat Days'... just lift hard, eat well and stay happy

    Do it! Keto is awesome and the community is great.
  • polluxy
    polluxy Posts: 31
    Low-carb posts get so much negativity.

    I've done a ketogenic dieiet (it's not too different from how I normally eat, but I do take carbs much lower). I've not lost any lean muscle, haven't gained weight back after stopping keto, and have seen increased exercise performance. Your liver will always replenish your muscle's glycogen stores via gluconeogenesis, and once you are adapted to using fat as your primary energy source, you can workout for much longer without "hitting the wall" when your liver glycogen is gone.

    The brain can run on both glucose and ketones. I actually feel much clearer (after a suitable adjustment period) when in ketosis. The only process in your body that absolutely requires glucose is red blood cell production, and you get enough to keep that going via the carbs and protein you eat while in ketosis.

    Atkins is a ketogenic diet, but a ketogenic diet is not Atkins.

    A well-planned ketogenic diet is completely safe as long as you are not Type I diabetic or lack the gene necessary to produce fat metabolism.

    Just thought I'd clear up a few misconceptions. ;)
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    My reasons for going on this diet to better my body. Decrease body fat and tone up my body to feel more confident in myself. I would like to lose weight too. My final goal is 105... I know decreasing bad carbs in my diet affect well ...

    Everyone is different. I chose to lose the keto in favor of higher intensity due to goal changes. I am focused on athleticism now.
  • djfldjfl
    djfldjfl Posts: 26 Member
    keto can be great short-term. Do NOT get addicted to it. It damages your body long-term. Also know in advance that your breath is going to stank while your body is in ketosis.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I am permanently ketogenic but I focus on healthy, whole foods. It's not a "diet" and it's useless used as a temporary "diet".

    Furthermore, you do not need to lose weight. Please stop. Go get healthy and strong, not THIN.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    keto can be great short-term. Do NOT get addicted to it. It damages your body long-term. Also know in advance that your breath is going to stank while your body is in ketosis.

    ^wow, what a load of bs. I do not advise a "keto diet" for the OP because the motive does not appear to be health, but it ticks me off to see the above. You don't get "addicted" to a ketogenic lifestyle; unless one can be said to be addicted to being healthy. And it is NOT dangerous... Any "diet" can be dangerous when the goal is to get as thin as possible rather than as healthy as possible.

    My breath does not stink because after 15 months of a ketogenic lifestyle I no longer have gum disease. And that's just one of many health problems that have been resolved.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    My reasons for going on this diet to better my body. Decrease body fat and tone up my body to feel more confident in myself. I would like to lose weight too. My final goal is 105... I know decreasing bad carbs in my diet affect well ...

    You will lose muscle as well as fat. The only way to tone up (as you call it) is to lift heavy weights. And you will not have any energy to do that.

    My diet is considered low carb and I have tons of energy being a long distance runner. I am also quite tone and don't life heavy.
  • GeekMeister
    GeekMeister Posts: 41 Member
    Keto "diets" work just fine as does anything that ultimately lowers your calorie count. I've been on a Keto diet since July and have lost 40lbs. I would debate anyone who says I've simply lost water weight and muscle. The fact of the matter for me is that I have lost a bunch of fat. If you do any serious research at all, and I'm by no means an expert, you will find that this is a valid method for losing weight. I've only "cheated" twice but then I'm fine with eating this way. I attribute most of my weight loss to lowering my calorie intake and exercise. I credit this "diet" for teaching me how to do this without going insane. I can tell you that I have more energy now than I've had in a very long time. I run every day for approximately 2 miles or so and I do not find that this way of eating has any impact on my performance. I also lift weights and I do not feel like I can't do that either. My experience with a keto diet is contrary to what a lot of people that warn against it out here say. Again, I'm not a scientist or in any way shape or form an expert on the process but when I see people say "you'll just lose water weight and then gain it all back" I call BS. If I was on a low calorie or a low fat diet and then started eating the way I used to I'd gain it all back that way as well. Whatever works to change your habits whether its low carb or something else will be on you. Personally, I recommend exercise...and as much of it as you can fit into your life...to give you long term success in maintaining a weight you are comfortable with. Exercise will allow you to have a more liberal selection of foods after you've gotten to your goal. Just my 2 cents. Good luck in whatever method you choose!
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    If you want to lose 10-15 lbs and 'tone up', you should eat at a small deficit and do strength training.

    It sounds like what you actually want to do is body recomposition, which is a process that involves eating at maintenance and building muscle while slowly reducing fat.

    It is beyond me why anyone would look at a diet designed as a treatment for epileptic children who are resistant to anti-seizure meds and say "YES! That's my ticket to weight loss!" But, shrug.
  • keto can be great short-term. Do NOT get addicted to it. It damages your body long-term. Also know in advance that your breath is going to stank while your body is in ketosis.

    It does nothing to harm your body. That is just a silly comment. Keep sugar free gum for the breath!
  • If you want to lose 10-15 lbs and 'tone up', you should eat at a small deficit and do strength training.

    It sounds like what you actually want to do is body recomposition, which is a process that involves eating at maintenance and building muscle while slowly reducing fat.

    It is beyond me why anyone would look at a diet designed as a treatment for epileptic children who are resistant to anti-seizure meds and say "YES! That's my ticket to weight loss!" But, shrug.

    Another silly person who doesn't know what they are talking about.
  • SaraAxm
    SaraAxm Posts: 30
    A well-planned ketogenic diet is completely safe as long as you are not Type I diabetic or lack the gene necessary to produce fat metabolism.

    Ketogenic diets are excellent if you're T1 diabetic. people need to learn to differ ketosis from ketoacidosis which only occurs when you have a high blood sugar (which is basically impossible to get on a ketogenic diet).

    I have myself successfully been able to remove all my bolus insulin (and only taking long acting) when on a ketogenic diet.
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