Lose 5 pounds a month OCTOBER 2010 CHALLENGE



  • evelee
    evelee Posts: 1
    i'm in.
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Check in time....sorry I have been so MIA lately but I can't see to catch up with myself and I am always behind getting things done lately.

    10/1 - 185
    10/5 - 182.5
    10/12 - 180.5

    Down 4.5 for the month and only .2 away from no longer being obese. I will make it this week so I guess I need to set a new mini goal.

    Great job everyone!!!!!!
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    Weigh in todayyyyy :bigsmile:
    Lost two pounds! :noway:
    Down from 154 to 152 :drinker:
    Can't believe I'm nearly out of the 140's! :love:

    Sorry for the smiley abuse :D
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    Weigh in todayyyyy :bigsmile:
    Lost two pounds! :noway:
    Down from 154 to 152 :drinker:
    Can't believe I'm nearly out of the 140's! :love:

    Sorry for the smiley abuse :D
  • anna441
    anna441 Posts: 253 Member
    I have lost 2 lbs since my last weight in on 9/28...so excited...
  • trendely87
    trendely87 Posts: 29 Member
    oct.1: 133
    oct. 12: 131.5

    Yay finally
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I haven't seen a drop, but I see that this is going to be a maintenance then drop and maintanence then drop month.
  • dindivt
    dindivt Posts: 21
    Checking in;
    10/5/10 216lbs
    10/12/10 214lbs

    Feeling more and more motivated to work out and eat better, every little bit helps towards my goals!
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    I have been VERY busy today and I ate like crap, but was still under my calorie goal. I worked out and for some reason today it was really hard. I'm hoping that I'm not really sore tomorrow. I have to get up early and take a friend to an appt. and tomorrow night I have bowling. Looks like another busy day! I have my fingers crossed for a better weigh-in this week. I have been exercising my butt off! Will check-in again tomorrow.
  • lovinyoutwo
    lovinyoutwo Posts: 37 Member
    I would like to join....i'm in
  • I would like to join, with me just restarting my diet from a 4 month stop, I should be able to kick my metabolism enough to lose 5 lbs this month. :) Not sure what I weigh now but plan on buying a scale in 2 weeks...when I get paid next, lol Anything I need to know...like, check-ins or posting certain things? Last thread I was in had me list a goal at the beginning of the week and something that I accomplished that i was proud of at the end of the week
  • Oooh, I forgot to check in after my last weight in!

    SW: 153
    W1: 154
    W2: 150
    GW: 148

    On track so far, though week 1 was rough! Going to check back in this Friday. See you all then and good luck!
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    I would like to join, with me just restarting my diet from a 4 month stop, I should be able to kick my metabolism enough to lose 5 lbs this month. :) Not sure what I weigh now but plan on buying a scale in 2 weeks...when I get paid next, lol Anything I need to know...like, check-ins or posting certain things? Last thread I was in had me list a goal at the beginning of the week and something that I accomplished that i was proud of at the end of the week

    No strict rules here...make it your own. check in once a week or so and let us know how you are doing. There are weekly challenges posted by BMK that are optional but a great motivator and can be lots of fun if you look at it right. Post whenever and discuss whats on your mind. You found a great group of people.
    Good luck!!!
  • Oct. 1 165
    Oct. 8 163
    Oct. 15
    Oct. 22
    Oct. 29
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I hope you all are having a much better day than we are...

    We just found out that Nick's Grandpa has a staff infection, UTI, and Pneumonia on top of everything else. He is not to leave the hospital for quite awhile and they are thinking that he may not make it to Christmas. Please keep us in your thoughts. I'm really praying that everything turns around. Nick is taking this really hard so I don't plan to be around posting much. He said we'll still attempt our St Louis weekend for our anniversary, but we have been told to keep our phones close in case anything changes. *hugs*
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Dawnsolwick, I'm crazy excited for you!! Congrats on the awesome work!

    Bru- I'm so sorry. I wish there was more I could say than I'll be thinking of your family.

    Everyone else... You ALL are my inspiration! Keep it up and let's make October SKINNY!!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    welcome once again, to all the new comers....nice to see so many new faces wanting to get healthy

    sounds like mostly everyone is off to a great start.....stay strong to those holding steady, will keep my fingers crossed for a better weigh in next time .....

    Bru,, I will be thinking of you and your family....ruff I know!!!

    Good night all, going shopping with my mom (and unfortunately my 3y/o will be with us) but plan on a fast paced shopping day as always with us...will be eating poorly for lunch....but I need to do this often with my mom...that's our thing....anyway will just workout harder....maybe get my P90x in tomorrow evening........good night!!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    October 1 179.6
    October 7 182.6 Up 3 pounds. Hopefully retaining some water. I have had a stress filled week and not made very good choices. Time to get back on track

    October 13 180.4 back down 2.2
  • Grrr. Hit a plateau!
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    wow....today I'm down to 187! I even weighed twice to be sure! I had the day off yesterday and was lazy and relaxed all day. Well, not exactly true...I made phone calls to people who have applied to work at my new store in OKC. I ate breakfast, (unbalanced..low protein) a snack (low protein) and a big supper of pot roast with potatoes carrots and onions, so lots of protein. I was still under calories. Maybe I just needed a day off! It's not my regular check in day so I won't log it. Hope it stays at that until Monday!
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