Official Nightshift thread!!!



  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I usually do really good with my eating on my work "week" EXCEPT when there is food left in the break room. Currently there are two boxes of cookies back there that have been calling my name.

    I just keep telling myself nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
  • Hey, this is a great idea! I too am the overnight nurse. I am actually one of the only 2 people who work overnights in our entire clinic ,which is huge. However I get to work in my own home, in my jammies if I please. After 22 yrs of being a nurse, this is HEAVEN. BUT, I have gained 55#, which is making me crazy. I hope to get a lot of great information and encouragement from everyone here at MFP. It has been great so far, so hello to everyone and thanks for all of the great information.
  • Hey, this is a great idea! I too am the overnight nurse. I am actually one of the only 2 people who work overnights in our entire clinic ,which is huge. However I get to work in my own home, in my jammies if I please. After 22 yrs of being a nurse, this is HEAVEN. BUT, I have gained 55#, which is making me crazy. I hope to get a lot of great information and encouragement from everyone here at MFP. It has been great so far, so hello to everyone and thanks for all of the great information.

    Hi and welcome :flowerforyou: I read your post from the other day and tried to reply to it...but my computer wouldn't let me :mad:
    Glad you found your way over to the "official nightshift thread" :smile:

    Hope everyone is having a great night!!!
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    hey fellow vamps!!! went to a wedding this went great! coulnt log for 3 days, but im pretty sure i stayed under cals. hows everyones wk so far
  • I like this thread :)

    I am a (nearly) night shift nurse... I did my first day shift in forever today, have another one tomorrow. I think I find it harder to be good on days than nights... partly because I took a baby for cardiac appointment and didnt get back till 1pm so didnt eat anything till then. And I made a banana cake for our cup of tea time :smile:
    Still stuck to my calories tho :smile: Back to nights at the weekend then a week off, YIPPEE :happy:
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    ooh banana cake sounds yummy! today i went to costco and got a bunch of bananas for $1.32!! i was astounded lol. i always forget how much food i have from that place, so i need to actually eat what's hanging out in my cabinets before buying more! i need a new cereal to munch on. i don't like it with milk.. any suggestions besides cheerios?
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I like Special K (regular) with a banana on top. I am also a huge fan of Frosted mini wheats, I mix it 1/2 and 1/2 with unfrosted mini wheats to reduce the sugar.
  • i really liked the special k yogurt and berries one...till i learned i was allergic to it...couldn't figure out why my tongue was swelling up after eating it...then i read the ingredients...but its so yummy as long as your not allergic to cinnamon
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Haven't checked this thread in a few days... nice to see some new faces here... welcome to fight against daylight and gravity
  • My favorites lately have been Special K Vanilla Almond and Kashi Honey Sunshine, but I eat it with skim milk or vanilla almond milk...not sure if they would be the kind of cereals you would want to eat plain. I used to eat frosted mini wheats straight from the box, but that gets me into trouble lol.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    yeah i think i'll go with the frosted mini wheats.. i keep seeing the commercials and they make me want them lol.. thanks guys!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hey all,

    Getting ready for a string of night shifts, followed by swing. Just got back from using the elliptical at my apartment gym until the lights went out on me (they close at 11pm), which earned me an extra 450 cals to play with. Now I'm eating some leftover BBQ roast beef and greens.

    I am bringing kale salad with galeo's dressing (about 70 cals total!) as a snack, but also treating myself to coffee and bringing in community chips. When i crave chips i try to bring them into work so i dont eat them all myself. It's so hard to get through the night shift without naughty snacks, so try to leave room for them or slap them on the next day's tab :embarassed:
  • howardrw
    howardrw Posts: 80 Member
    Welcome to the midnight shift everybody......

    I have been working some form of a midnight for over 7 years now.

    This shift did help me get through school - getting my B.B.A.

    But due to the economy, I am still struck on the shift, but it is not that bad working this shift.

    When I have some free time, I do work on various projects at work.

    What is helpful also is that there isn't any types of food around that would cause me to fall off the wagon.

    I have also gotten use to working out before I leave for work so that at least I got my workout in.

    But it is tough at times, especially when there is a family function going on, but you have to work that night.

    Glad to see this thread and hope to stay in touch with all of the midnighters......

    Take care and stay on course - your diet plan....
  • kmc3986
    kmc3986 Posts: 18
    What is galeo's dressing?
  • I've been working the night shift for 7 or 8 years now, and let me tell ya! You never get used to it. LOL! But I do have a question for you veteran night shifters....Do you start your day when you wake up for work? I mean for logging your info for MFP? And if so, what about the weekends/days off? I mean I typically try to stay on my night shift schedule but sometimes I just can't. Thanks for reading! Good luck everyone!!
  • Beautifylgirl
    Beautifylgirl Posts: 55 Member
    Ok so I have been SUPER bad this weekend. I mean Friday/Saturday not that bad mainly cause I slept all day Friday so I could be a "real" person on Saturday but forgot that I had to work an extra night shift Saturday so pretty much didn't eat a whole lot for 2 days. Then Sunday I ate pretty good. Monday though OMG, I made steak, and potatoes and cressant rolls, and cookies and ate cheez-its and drank like 6 cans of diet pop. OMG I felt like a COW when I woke up this morning. So today I've had a Chicken Caeser salad 1/2 in half, 1/2 with a large pita and 1/2 just with a little bit of dressing, 1/2 piece of Starbucks Lemon loaf, 16 oz Java chip frappachino oh yah and 3 cookies. Cookies was the 1/2 awake oh look food! thing, bad idea I had a MAJOR sugar high.
    I just put 2 alarms on my phone. 1 for when I get off to take the dog for a 1/2 hr walk and the other for a 1/2 hr walk when I get up and get ready for work. I am going to shed this weight if its the last thing I do!
    Stupid waterweight really messes with your motivation btw!
  • kmc3986
    kmc3986 Posts: 18
    That's always been my question as well. I usually work 2 - 3 twelve hr. shifts a week. Sometimes I work one at a time, with a day or two in between, sometimes 2 in a row or sometimes 3 in a row (killer). I try to stretch my calories through the day and night, startimg the next day with what I eat before I go to bed and throughout the next day/night till morning again. I don't know if that's the right thing to do. Some people count their calories through midnight and then start the next day's allotment. I wish I knew the best way so I could continue to lose. Does anyone else have an answer?:explode: :explode:
  • What is galeo's dressing?
    I was going to ask the same thing...Maybe we could try it when we work together.....
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Hi all - its been a bit since I've been on too. Good to see that everyone is doing well. I feel like I have a slight hurdle to jump. I've been on the site for about a month and I have seen results that I'm thrilled with but, its turning mental... I want sweets, I want to snack and I want to over eat. But I'm trying to stay stong. I don't want to go back to my old lifestyle. So, I'm feeling optimistic that I can keep the the healthy eating ball going. I think I'm mostly I'm burnt out with eating the same things. Its tough to work nights - I work at least 10 hours, depending on my OT schedule sometimes its up to 15 hours. So to bring hearty meals that can easily reheat in a microwave is challenging! I think my mission this week is to go to the library and do some major photocopying of recipies! :)

    MissBarb - my diary is open if you want to see how I log food. I log it like a normal person - from when I wake up at 3ish in the afternoon until I go to bed around 8ish in the morning. On my days off I keep it the same, even if I adjust my schedule to more of a dayshift. I still log the food from when I'm up until when I go to bed. The way I see it my "midnight" is noon haha.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    welcome back megjo! yeah i was a bit naughty with the sweets this week. i'd been doing well, and not even wanting the bit that was sitting in the house, but then one day... at least the few i had were the fun sized lol. plus it wasn't even TOM, that's next week, ugh! i think it was a momentary thing, b/c now that i've gotten back into the swing, i haven't been craving them again. i will say, i've become obsessed with the blue bunny personal-sized frozen yogurts, though at 120 calories, how can they be that bad!

    my diary is open as well.. i set mine up in 8 hour blocks, with my day starting at midnight. i've found this works for me, whether i'm working or not, and have had people tell me they set theirs up that way as well, feel free to check it out!