The 20 Somethings



  • kampshm
    kampshm Posts: 93 Member
    Hi and Welcome! I'm Heather, 27, and started on MFP in July. My starting weight was 240 and I've lost about 14lbs so far, with my ultimate goal of losing 75lbs! So I'm well on my way! There is no time line for me, only taking it one day at a time and remembering this is about my lifestyle and not a diet! I'd love more friends as they always keep me going!
  • 820Resa
    820Resa Posts: 40 Member
    Howdy :) I'm Resa, 26 years old, and I lost 90 pounds using MFP back in 2010. Unfortunately life got the better of me and I'm up about 40 pounds since I hit my goal, so I'm starting again and have about 36 pounds to go as of right now. Add me if you'd like, I'm quite candid in my diary and just in general. :)
  • introvert91
    22 years old, trying to lose 15-ish pounds!
  • Georgexx92
    Georgexx92 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi :) I've only lost 1lb since starting this...
    Though this year i have kept off 11lb (since April so a bad show!) but it's still in the right direction! I'm looking to lose another 15 to 20 lb
    Feel free to add me for support & motivation as I could do with Some! xxx
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    24, Would love to lose some pounds, but I prefer being strong to thin, so if I lose my strength I'd rather not lose more weight! But feel free to add me! (just include a little itty bitty message pretty please so I know where you found me on here, haha!)
  • karmahead
    karmahead Posts: 29 Member
    also a 20 something!
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    If anyone needs an extra dose of late 20's sarcasm, feel free to add :)
  • colorfuldustbunny
    Hi, i'm 22 and I got 160ish to lose! Add me if you like
  • omariea
    omariea Posts: 11
    Hi guys! I'm Olivia, 22 years old nursing student. My total goal is 35 pounds lost and I'm down 14.6lbs as of this morning, so I still got a ways to go. Feel free to add me! :flowerforyou:
  • maximumcutie
    maximumcutie Posts: 33 Member
    "Gone from 250 to 192. Still working on getting down to 140. Its not that hard once you get used to it. I did it using a ketogenic regime."

    What is a ketogenic regime?
  • Girlrose
    Girlrose Posts: 127 Member
    I'm 23, 5'2" and I have about five pounds left to go! These have been the absolute toughest pounds for me. I'm also looking to change the composition of my body via muscle, so I have plentyyyy of work to do beyond what the scale reads. Add me! :-)
  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    Feel free to add me!! This is one thing I love about this site...all the support
  • emitinpink
    emitinpink Posts: 9 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm Evelyn. I'm 22 and I went from 245 to 214 in the past few months, I obviously have a lot left to go, I've always been pretty chubby but I'm starting to feel really great about myself, I'm new to myfitnesspal and I would love motivational people to talk to, I also really like snacking.
  • Rayanne203
    Rayanne203 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi there,

    I am 24 years old 5'7 and 193 lbs. I have been on this journey once before and have successfully lost 50 pounds....Then I had a second baby ...gained it all back lol :(

    I am hoping to get down too 150 lbs.
  • ronitigre
    ronitigre Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 20
    I'm 5"3
    I weigh 160 but I'd like to weigh 140

    I have succhhhhhha problem staying motivated to exercise and eat right! It would be nice to have people to check in with everyday to make sure we're both sticking to our weight loss goals!

    Add me!! Especially if you live in Montreal!
  • cjevebk8
    cjevebk8 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello. Would also like to lose quite a bit of weight between 80-100 pounds. Trying to take it slow since trying to rush it never works. I have used MFP off and on since I discovered it a couple of years ago. I am 26 and a full time student. I can encourage and try to help.
  • musikalmami237
    musikalmami237 Posts: 214 Member
    I'm 26 and have lost 30 pounds on here. Looking to lose another 20 by Christmas :) Feel free to add me, always looking for new friends to motivate one another!
  • losewicked
    I'm 25 look to lose 30 pounds and be fit... Feel free to add me on your and my journey
  • shuffy09
    shuffy09 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey All,

    I am 22 and I love MFP. It is really helping me stay on track, but like many others I lose focus need motivation. I have start using Beachbody Programs just finished Insanity and in combination with Shakeology and MFP I feel SOOOO much better. I feel so good that I became a Coach with Beachbody to help other on their journey.

    I am in the midst of my fitness transformation, but from every person I encounter I learn a little bit more about myself.

    I hope to chat with many of you other 20-somethings as we strive to be the best generation and change the status quo and get our generation out of the red zone. I would love to see us be that fabulous change.

    Have an awesome day. If you want some friends, I know I do, please feel free to add me!!! I can give you the skinny on those beachbody stuffs too!

    - Samantha

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • chisomokafor
    chisomokafor Posts: 22 Member
    Hi i'm 20 and i'm looking to loose 35pounds before christmas and 40 by march 15th!!! i'm gonna add u as a friend now so we can be part of each others journey. im looking for support as well. how much are u looking to lose?
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