1200 Calorie Diet???? Seriously???



  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    The ONLY people that need to restrict certain foods are those that have medical conditions that require restrictions. In that case, a doctor, dietician, or nutritionist, SHOULD advise those people on what to cut out of their diet. EVERYONE else can (and I would say SHOULD) practice moderation.

    Ummmm, it says what is says. If you don't agree with that statement, cool.
    Geez, I actually thought I was being pretty chill in my comments to you, so if I offended, that was not my intention. Again, best of luck.

    I stick to what I said in this statement. If limiting or restricting carbs from your diet helps you lose weight, then by all means do it. That does not mean you NEED to restrict carbs to lose weight. If somebody has diabetes and their doctors says to restrict carbs, that doctor can refer them to a dietician or nutritionist to help them do so in a healthy manner.
  • musicteacher40
    musicteacher40 Posts: 91 Member
    I am on a 1200 calorie diet... this was the recommendation of my Physician and Nutritionist.... What you say is about starving myself to lose weight is the farthest thing from the truth...

    In fact if I eat much over 1200 calories I gain weight and am extremely stuffed... When I first started this I was eating about 1600 calories which is what MFP suggested... I just could not lose any weight and in fact was gaining weight... (yes I know... muscle weighs more than fat... but....).... so I finally broke down and went to my doctor who made this suggestion, then told me to go see a nutritionist...

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    if you are over weight be more aware of what your eating and work out a rought amounts of calories your on per day and decrease it by 200 calories every 2 weeks unless still losing weight then there is no need to decrease it.
    try and get your self in a pattern 3 snacks + 3 main meals the (snacks can only be one thing)
    if you miss something you cant make up for it later and never have calorie drinks when on a diet because it is just mindless calories
    morning snack
    afternoon snack
    evening snack


    derp is all I can say right now.

    ETA: never mind.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    is it just me or did the OP never come back ..

    I sense a troll thread has been developed...
  • stargirlll
    stargirlll Posts: 22 Member
    I just need to lol.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    is it just me or did the OP never come back ..

    I sense a troll thread has been developed...
    I think page 4 or 5 said something about Beachbody Coach...might explain the thread and lack of another appearance.
  • rickylou87
    rickylou87 Posts: 12 Member
    Am I the only one who caught his statement at the end?: "this is just a guide"...come on people, we're not on here to bash. He was just leaving his input and if it works for him, then good. nowhere in there did he say "this is the only way to lose weight." Everybody has different strategies and diet/workout plans that work for their body type, so try this method or not. it's your choice, but don't hate on him for it.

    Agreed, I think we are all basically saying the same thing just nit picking certain words. It's all about what works for your body and lifestyle. If you are losing weight..AWESOME and keep up the good work. If not...change it and try something different.
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    OP has not thought this through very well...
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    New dude arrives and has all the solutions starting with lemon water and low fat dairy?
    In for the lolz.

    Lowfat cheese is the saddest thing in the world.
    Give me real cheese.


    For real!
    Amen, give me the real stuff any day. Just watch your portion and count it.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Am I the only one who caught his statement at the end?: "this is just a guide"...come on people, we're not on here to bash. He was just leaving his input and if it works for him, then good. nowhere in there did he say "this is the only way to lose weight." Everybody has different strategies and diet/workout plans that work for their body type, so try this method or not. it's your choice, but don't hate on him for it.

    Agreed, I think we are all basically saying the same thing just nit picking certain words. It's all about what works for your body and lifestyle. If you are losing weight..AWESOME and keep up the good work. If not...change it and try something different.

    Yeah, we are all saying the same thing. It's just that people that are not as educated in nutrition and weight loss might take his "guide" as gospel. Hence, all the comments.
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    Am I the only one who caught his statement at the end?: "this is just a guide"...come on people, we're not on here to bash. He was just leaving his input and if it works for him, then good. nowhere in there did he say "this is the only way to lose weight." Everybody has different strategies and diet/workout plans that work for their body type, so try this method or not. it's your choice, but don't hate on him for it.

    Agreed, I think we are all basically saying the same thing just nit picking certain words. It's all about what works for your body and lifestyle. If you are losing weight..AWESOME and keep up the good work. If not...change it and try something different.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    is it just me or did the OP never come back ..

    I sense a troll thread has been developed...
    I think page 4 or 5 said something about Beachbody Coach...might explain the thread and lack of another appearance.

    ahhh yes the beachbody folks....wonders how those folks can always be so dead wrong but people give them money and/or take their advice...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    is it just me or did the OP never come back ..

    I sense a troll thread has been developed...
    I think page 4 or 5 said something about Beachbody Coach...might explain the thread and lack of another appearance.

    ahhh yes the beachbody folks....wonders how those folks can always be so dead wrong but people give them money and/or take their advice...
    Accoding to Nyla, who knows people so well, this doesn't happen.
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    The test is how the low cal dieters gain it all back 8 times out of 10. Those eating and fueling an active lifestyle will watch their peers lose and gain the same weight three times before they reach their own goal, but they'll have a lifelong habit to enjoy.
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    Agreed, I think we are all basically saying the same thing just nit picking certain words. It's all about what works for your body and lifestyle. If you are losing weight..AWESOME and keep up the good work. If not...change it and try something different.

    NFW! We do not all agree! This MFP, girls. We do not, I repeat, do not all agree on anything. Especially, that if it works, it works!

    Kind of refreshing.

    Edit: RML didn't agree. I knew it was too good to be true.:laugh:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The test is how the low cal dieters gain it all back 8 times out of 10. Those eating and fueling an active lifestyle will watch their peers lose and gain the same weight three times before they reach their own goal, but they'll have a lifelong habit to enjoy.
    95% of people who lose weight gain it back.

    Are only 5% of people doing what you describe?
  • blondiebabe92
    blondiebabe92 Posts: 132 Member
    MFP had me at 1440 at 232 lbs and 6 ft. I would always eat back some of my calories but lately I have been tired and just no energy. Today I went to the health center at school and was sent to speak with the nutritionist. We decided to up my calories and slow my weight loss a bit. I think sometimes it is too low.
  • For a young male gym bunny 1200 is going to be too low, but for a short sedentary women? When I had a back problem and spent a lot of time resting 1200-1400 worked for me. I don't get the 1200 hate on here, that's not crazy low to me, especially for sedentary people. Now I am more active I do eat more, all you need to do to lose weight is eat at a sensible deficit.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    is it just me or did the OP never come back ..

    I sense a troll thread has been developed...

    I poked around and he has his own fitness website...he's trying to sell Beachbody/Shakeology and get people to hire him to be their coach/fitness trainer. Nothing about actual credentials.