1200 Calorie Diet???? Seriously???



  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Hi I am new to the site but think it is really good. That said, I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and attended an education programme on Monday about it. They recommended between 1500 and 1800 calories for me as anything lower could affect my blood sugar levels too severely. What I wanted to know is, is it possible to change the 1200 allowance given on the diary sheet to reflect that? It would be a great help. Anyone know??? Thanks, in advance.


    Just do it yourself.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Why does MFP set my calorie intake to 1200 then?

    I don't know your stats but it's for one of 2 reasons. Either you are very short, like around 5' or less. Or you set your goal too aggressively. Was your loss goal set at greater than one lb. per week? Usually if you set it at 2 lbs per week you will drop to the lowest calories goal on the site which is 1200 calories.
  • Erica6130
    Erica6130 Posts: 34 Member
    bump...this thread is pretty interesting....
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    New dude arrives and has all the solutions starting with lemon water and low fat dairy?
    In for the lolz.

    Lowfat cheese is the saddest thing in the world.
    Give me real cheese.

    Yeah, I'm sticking with my high fat cheese...I don't buy low fat anything and have been having great results.
  • You're not taking petite girls into consideration...
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I can't help but wonder..... If that profile picture is really you, why are you even here? You obviously don't need help losing weight.

    If you bother doing your research, the recommended minimum for women is 1200 calories. Shorter women that weigh less don't need as many calories as you must.
    I am 5'3". 115lb. I maintain at 1450 before exercise.

    Because he is here to just sell Beachbody stuff...and give p*ss poor advice.

    He really lost me at you don't have to eat a calorie deficit to lose weight. Oh Really??? Please tell me more!

    I, for one, am still waiting to hear this secret plan to lose weight in a calorie surplus.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    bump for later
  • SchroederNJ
    SchroederNJ Posts: 189 Member
    thanks for your insight, but perhaps your advice would be better received if you didn't seem like such a know it all :)

  • TheCriz76
    TheCriz76 Posts: 83 Member
    I can't help but wonder..... If that profile picture is really you, why are you even here? You obviously don't need help losing weight.

    If you bother doing your research, the recommended minimum for women is 1200 calories. Shorter women that weigh less don't need as many calories as you must.
    I am 5'3". 115lb. I maintain at 1450 before exercise.

    Because he is here to just sell Beachbody stuff...and give p*ss poor advice.

    He really lost me at you don't have to eat a calorie deficit to lose weight. Oh Really??? Please tell me more!

    I, for one, am still waiting to hear this secret plan to lose weight in a calorie surplus.

    Me too...maybe its the lemon water lol
  • Wildflower0106
    Wildflower0106 Posts: 247 Member
    I can't help but wonder..... If that profile picture is really you, why are you even here? You obviously don't need help losing weight.

    If you bother doing your research, the recommended minimum for women is 1200 calories. Shorter women that weigh less don't need as many calories as you must.
    I am 5'3". 115lb. I maintain at 1450 before exercise.

    Because he is here to just sell Beachbody stuff...and give p*ss poor advice.

    He really lost me at you don't have to eat a calorie deficit to lose weight. Oh Really??? Please tell me more!

    I, for one, am still waiting to hear this secret plan to lose weight in a calorie surplus.

    Me too...maybe its the lemon water lol

    I would love to hear the answer also. It sounds fascinating... I am on the edge of my seat!
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    I can't help but wonder..... If that profile picture is really you, why are you even here? You obviously don't need help losing weight.

    If you bother doing your research, the recommended minimum for women is 1200 calories. Shorter women that weigh less don't need as many calories as you must.
    I am 5'3". 115lb. I maintain at 1450 before exercise.

    Because he is here to just sell Beachbody stuff...and give p*ss poor advice.

    He really lost me at you don't have to eat a calorie deficit to lose weight. Oh Really??? Please tell me more!
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Good question.

    Thank you! I am 4"8 and there is NO WAY I can go over about 1300 a day. I hardly get in 1200. I either don't have the opportunity to eat that much that often, or I just can't. I get full quickly and refuse to keep eating when I am not hungry.

    I really dont mean to sound condescending but how does someone who has trouble eating 1300 calories a day end up needing to lose 87 lbs?
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Thank you! I am 4"8 and there is NO WAY I can go over about 1300 a day. I hardly get in 1200. I either don't have the opportunity to eat that much that often, or I just can't. I get full quickly and refuse to keep eating when I am not hungry.

    I really dont mean to sound condescending but how does someone who has trouble eating 1300 calories a day end up needing to lose 87 lbs?

    Because BEFORE they started needing to lose weight they were eating more. Sorry but one of the great things about eating less is the ability not to over eat anymore. How does ANYONE on here end up needing to lose even 1lb?

    How do you know this is the case for her? She specifically mentioned her HEIGHT as the reason why she can't eat over 1300 kcal. Your argument would probably be true if she were further in her journey but judging by her ticker, she's just beginning. She's lost 6 lbs out of 87. So you're saying within that time frame she's gone from eating over maintenance to all of a sudden "NO WAY" being able to eat more than 1300 kcal? Damn, I wish that would happen to me :/

    And hell, at least I asked politely. Did you see all the other sarcastic comments that were directed towards people who made similar statements as the one I quoted?
  • I'm a 5'2 female. 1200 calories is just fine for me. i obviously eat more when i work out. Thanks for your two cents though.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Anything that eliminates mayo sounds dumb.

    LOL! This made me smile, I totally agree. AND lowfat cheese really is the saddest thing in the world.
  • emmawoolf84
    emmawoolf84 Posts: 243 Member
    1200 calories is not starving, by any means. Different bodies need different amounts to sustain themselves. To say that a 1200 cal diet is starving is irresponsible.
  • mkmitch3
    mkmitch3 Posts: 19 Member
    Patbee:I have type2 also and am on 1200 calories. Usually eat 1400-1500 and treadmill off 250 to 300. At night I take 22 units of levemir. So far no trouble with blood sugar. Am losing about what I expected 1.8 lbs a week. I have checked my glucose level more often just to monitor it closely. Friend me if you want to talk about it as you go. Good luck to you.
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    9 times out of 10 when you see someone claiming that MFP has them on a 1200 calorie diet, it's because they are already close to being within the healthy weight range and incorrectly put 2 lb per week weight loss as their goal. Only someone who is overweight to the point of being obese (or close to it) can safely and consistently maintain the kind of deficit needed to see that kind of loss.

    I am not "claiming" that MFP put me on a 1200 calorie goal... I am stating that it did. I have a 30 pound weight loss goal and for my height and whatever factors MFP took into account, I was suggested a 1200 Calorie/day plan. I love how you just assume people are either lying or they are too stupid to enter the correct data. Well done.

    This is true - it doesn't matter what 'weight loss goal' I enter, whether it be 2lbs a week or 0.5lbs a week - MFP gives me 1200 or 1250cals a day. I exercise pretty much every day and I eat back a portion of those calories and aim to hit 1200 NET a day. I don't find myself starving ever and get 3 good meals and snacks for that allowance and am losing a steady 1lb a week. When I started I had 37lbs to lose, I have lost 10.5lbs so far.

    Same here! I have changed my activity level, the amount I want to lose, etc. I have 50-60 pounds to lose and MFP always sets my goal at 1200. I adjust to 1400 and eat back some of my exercise calories. It works when I am diligent!

    I couldnt get through a workout on 1200.
    I drink a gallon of water a day with no problems!
    I am a suger addict so try to avoid it or I binge on sweets.
    Let's see. What did I miss?
    Oh yes! Love full fat dairy and mayo.
    Pork chops are my FAVE protein followed by steak. Love bratwurst, chicken and turkey too.
    I want to eat clean but.....
    Love my veggies and fruit whole, canned, frozen, home grown. Makes no difference to me
    Lift 3 x a week and should do cardio 2x but that rarely happens (for all the cardio vs lifting arguers :wink: )

    OP - welcome to MFP. Hope you stick around to get past the drama. There are some cool people on here who offer great advice when asked (that's the key)
  • vrandal
    vrandal Posts: 22 Member
    You meant well buddy.. you meant well.
  • csab24
    csab24 Posts: 3