Since I started "dieting" it annoys me when people ....



  • teesfood
  • DiaryofaMadFatMan
    DiaryofaMadFatMan Posts: 131 Member
    Since I started "dieting" it annoys me when people...offer unsolicited advice, especially from:

    A. Those who have never been fat: You don't know how it is to be fat, so STFU!
    B. Those who have been fat all their lives: Your advice hasn't worked for you, so STFU!
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    Annoys me when someone sees me with a Starbucks and they think I am no longer counting calories - IIFYM!! :drinker:


    When they walk in my office to offer me muffins, cakes, candy, etc., then give you the stupid look! The "I know you are not going to eat it but I want to tempt you anyway" look, LOL!!
  • candacet36
    candacet36 Posts: 353 Member
    I hate when people analize what I am currently me I know what I can and can't have and every needs to splurge once in a while.

    I don't eat an entire bag of M&M's I will have 4...and they fit in my macros for the day or I wouldn't be eating them.

    I hate when friends that know what I am doing invite me to go out to dinner at a place like 5 guys...really!!!! Don't sabatoge me!:noway:
  • baldzach
    baldzach Posts: 1,841 Member
    Mmmmm.... Five Guys.....
  • DainaLC
    DainaLC Posts: 18,937 Member
    Mmmmm.... Five Guys.....
    I have a love/hate relationship with Five Guys too!
  • DiaryofaMadFatMan
    DiaryofaMadFatMan Posts: 131 Member
    My husband annoys me more when I am dieting and he tells me to just "push down the hunger" and then goes on to say how he doesn't "need to eat" and how he has trained his body to not react to hunger.

    Next time he's feeling romantical, you can tell him to just 'push down his sex drive' because you've trained your body not to react to it.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • baldzach
    baldzach Posts: 1,841 Member
    Mmmmm.... Five Guys.....
    I have a love/hate relationship with Five Guys too!

    Oh there's very little hate in my relationship with Five Guys. That's why I only go there about 3 times a year.
  • hOw2lozeAgiN10dAze
    hOw2lozeAgiN10dAze Posts: 1,841 Member
    Tell me I shouldn't eat Pop Tarts.
  • TerryEKope
    People probably think your crazy to say that a family member would try to intentionaly sabotage your diet, but it happens all the time at my house. It used to be that their best weapon was a package of Oreo cookies and fresh glass of milk. Now its more subtle.
  • LynzeNichole
    My husband annoys me more when I am dieting and he tells me to just "push down the hunger" and then goes on to say how he doesn't "need to eat" and how he has trained his body to not react to hunger.

    Next time he's feeling romantical, you can tell him to just 'push down his sex drive' because you've trained your body not to react to it.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Hilarious :laugh:

    On the topic of significant others, it annoys me that I order my nice little salad with the occasional grilled chicken on top with light dressing....and my boyfriend orders the triple baconator and large fries and tea. :grumble: I'm like really? I just want him to care about himself like I do!!!! But I'd never say that to him, I love him how he is... just slightly annoying.

    Edited because I can't type today apparently.
  • oc1timoco
    oc1timoco Posts: 272 Member
    I usually just shrug it off politely and change the subject whenever I can. Ive learned that people usually translate what you say into something you didn't. But there are a few totally unfiltered and unchecked individuals that Ive talked to that just don't get the hint. I got totally fed up with one person and told her that I lost the 170 lbs. with Yoga. Yoga! Really? Yes, Yoga.... Its amazing how much weight you can lose by tying your neck in a knot. She raised her eyebrows in a quizzical look and said I don't think I could do that. I told her the only limitations we have are those we put on ourselves, have a good day. I had a good laugh at her expense and that was wrong of me, but I don't suffer fools gladly.
  • emAZn
    emAZn Posts: 413 Member
    I hate it that my grandma gets mad I won't eat her butter soaked vegetables because she just ruined them...

    I hate it when I plan my meals and then my boyfriend changes his mind and wants to go out for dinner... I wouldn't have eaten so much during the day if I knew we were going out dumb @ss

    I hate it when my co-workers have cake and other things for their birthdays and make comments about "oh of course Emily's not eating any"... If I wanted the d@mn cake I'd eat it, I make the decisions about what I eat... but sometimes it's just easier to say no thank you then to try and fit it in my day...
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    I live a few hours from home so when I visit recently I've shrunk needless to say. Each and everytime my gradnmother(who is a big lady) will comment on how tiny I am, I didn't need to lose weight and I really don't need to now or I will shrink. I love her dearly but geeesh woman, I was 200lbs at 5'7! Oh well, my goal is to hit 15% body fat before Christmas, I am in for a rant then. Lol
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    I hate it when I plan my meals and then my boyfriend changes his mind and wants to go out for dinner... I wouldn't have eaten so much during the day if I knew we were going out dumb @ss
    Amen to this one! Lol
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    They want to hear that you bottled up some leprechaun farts and take a whiff of them every morning and that majickally makes the weight just fall off. Then they can blame their weight on the fact that they can't find any gassy leprechauns, not on the fact that they lack drive.

    Oh this is good... When people ask me how I lost weight, I'm gonna use "leprechaun farts" as my magic dieting trick! :-D

    Conversation with thin girl at work:
    TG: "you still dieting?"
    Me: "yep."
    TG: "you aren't hungry all the time?"
    Me: "nope. I'm feeling pretty good, actually."
    TG: "I just ate a sweet roll. It was good."

    Alrighty then!

    I so want to say that too! I had someone tell me to eat a cheeseburger the other day & they would drive me to a fast food place. I told them I was still 180 & wanted to lose at least 30 to forty more pounds. I definitely don't starve myself.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    When people get pissed off, personally offended or act like I am being a b**** just because because I refuse to share a dessert with them or eat the food they made that is three days worth of calories. What is up with people taking other people's food choices so personally?
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    Screw people. lol I hate when people say "Ew what are you eating?" or "Whats on the diet plan today?" Leave my food choices alone and shut the hell up. Or I've had people tell me "You can't do that." Like do a triathlon or scuba dive. Whatever, I'll show you.

    Or the people who say, "oh so you can eat that?" Argh!!!!!!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I hate it when my sister in law (110 lbs) goes on and on about how 130 lb is fat and people shouldn't let themselves get that way.

    Her: 130 is fat for a woman and anyone who weighs that should know that they are too big.
    Me: I don't think so.
    Her: Really? Well how much do you weigh?
    Me: 136.
    Her: ..... oh.... Well your not fat, you look fine, must be because your tall.

    I'm 5'5" I'm only tall to her because shes barely breaking 5'. But this conversation goes on every few weeks and has for years. When it first started I weighed 188. I think she likes to point out to me that I still haven't met her 110 yet, and I never will.

    I wonder what she would say about me. I am 5' tall and 130 right now (profile pic). :laugh:
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    all you have to say is that it fits your macros.

    they'll either have no idea what you're saying
    they'll preach about clean eating
    they'll gain respect for you