How to tell if you're "too skinny"?



  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Just a reminder: Some people have a small bone structure and as a result everything is smaller. There is less space for muscles and fat. The organs are smaller. Etc. this all leads to a person being small and on the lower end of the weight spectrum. We don't do it on purpose to upset people. And we still work on our health and fitness just as any other person would.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Just a reminder: Some people have a small bone structure and as a result everything is smaller. There is less space for muscles and fat. The organs are smaller. Etc. this all leads to a person being small and on the lower end of the weight spectrum. We don't do it on purpose to upset people. And we still work on our health and fitness just as any other person would.

    I hear ya, sister. I am the youngest of six kids, three of whom are female. My oldest sister is 5'3", the next is 5'6". I'm 5'10. My middle sister has always been athletic and trim, with the best curves and body shape. I was the tall, skinny, leggy, girl who was flat chested until I had children. I had NO curves, no booty and no boobs.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    Just a reminder: Some people have a small bone structure and as a result everything is smaller. There is less space for muscles and fat. The organs are smaller. Etc. this all leads to a person being small and on the lower end of the weight spectrum. We don't do it on purpose to upset people. And we still work on our health and fitness just as any other person would.

    I have a small bone structure but you wouldnt know it because I am so fat! :laugh: No for real I do have very small bone structure. My ankles and wrists are very thin and small I have to be careful when I get up not to twist my ankle or when I go up and down steps or curbs. Thats pretty bad to get so out of shape. I love how beautiful dancers are with there form and tiny bodies. There is nothing wrong with being tiny boned, but it should be worrisome if you have bones protruding. Like the OP said...under weight and over weight....both are bad. Dont you agree?
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    You are slender, you have low body fat, and you live in an obese world, so peoples' opinions need to be taken with a grain of salt. I think you look fine, and I question the motives of whoever you said it was who gave you this feedback.

    Tell them "thanks for the input", love yourself, and go on living your life.

    My 2 cents.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Ok, thanks ladies!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    There is a nice forum function next to each posters name; click on the arrow, then click on ignore. Less drama in life. Helps manage the "genius". :wink:
  • SlimSumday
    SlimSumday Posts: 379 Member
    I am going to be honest with you --I think you look too thin. I find your arms too thin and your neck shows too much tendon/cartilage. I don't know what you look like from behind, but I venture to guess your vertebrae probably protrude, too. A sunken chest cavity, protruding hip bones, the outline of a clavicle -- all signs of being extremely underweight. I'm not saying you have any of those, but your arms certainly look like they have NO healthy fat on them.

    Now, before ANYONE accuses me of judging or body shaming, I want to remind you that the OP ASKED for our opinions. And I think the OP would look a lot healthier if she had AT LEAST 5 lbs more on her.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I think the BMI is off on the low side... 104 is the bottom for my hight, but is I dropped below 115 I looked sick.

    I'm down to around 130 (give or take 5lb) and I'm good with that.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    It's about genetics - where you store fat. At 105 pounds I've just started to get some visible rib definition around my pectoral muscles. Body fat is around 18.9% according to the body fat scale.

    When I was bigger I used to look at Victoria Secret models and think they were too skinny. Now I'm starting to get some of their definition as my weight drops and I see things differently - although a few of them look like they should eat more. Some of the people I know, incidentally the ones who are a little heavy and eat some standard American foods (donuts, fried pork chops, etc), think I'm too thin. I think they are confusing eating for athleticism with teen bop dieting.

    If you still have parts of your body that have decent amounts of fat or are within a healthy BMI range, then you are not too skinny. Look at Keira Knightly. People say she is too thin but if you see her upper legs, they are quite...robust. She just has a really lean torso and elongated neck. That sort of thing is genetic. I'm not even sure being too skinny is a bad thing for some people. When I was heavier, I had a couple of roommates who never dieted and were underweight their whole lives. One wanted curves, the other just thought people should eat what they want and stay at the weight that makes them happy. I do have cold intolerance since losing weight, but I'm WAY more athletic, with more muscle mass and I don't feel as lethargic as when I was big. I'm also mentally acute. If I were losing too much weight I'd probably notice a problem. My hair is very thick, and my nails are stronger than they used to be.

    At 104 pounds I've started to hear comments like "How much more weight is she going to lose" or "she could stand to gain 5 pounds." I am getting lean for summer but it's more about building muscle and losing fat than hitting my doctor's suggested goal of 95 (BMI 20).

    You can't control where you lose fat - I'm about eight pounds from goal and I'm getting pretty thin forearms, even though my thighs are still quite rounded and I still have some excess around the lower belly and upper back. Genetically I lose from my waist last, so if I have to tolerate freaky thin arms to get awesome abs, I'll do it!
  • Mikedemarco10
    Mikedemarco10 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi im a little self conscious. I need oppionions of what you feel i look like. I feel too skinny sometimes. I workout 5 days a week for about 4 years now. My goal now is too lose ten lbs and get to 170 and have a lower body fat %. Im at 9 now id like to be 5-6. Do you think i am to skinny now? Would i look worse ten lbs lighter? If you could just click on my profile and look at my pics and get back to me it would be great!
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    Hi im a little self conscious. I need oppionions of what you feel i look like. I feel too skinny sometimes. I workout 5 days a week for about 4 years now. My goal now is too lose ten lbs and get to 170 and have a lower body fat %. Im at 9 now id like to be 5-6. Do you think i am to skinny now? Would i look worse ten lbs lighter? If you could just click on my profile and look at my pics and get back to me it would be great!
    I checked your profile… For a 'female' you look rather skinny around the chest.