

  • septembergrrl
    septembergrrl Posts: 168 Member
    First, you aren't overweight. 5'9" and 167 puts you at a BMI of 24.7, and anything under 25 is considered normal. You may be having a hard time losing weight because this is about where your body wants to be -- it can be very difficult to get below a natural "set point."

    Second, I agree with everyone else. You need to eat more actual food and see a doctor about the bloating.

    Good luck!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    sorry guys im just getting back into MFP my logs are exactly accurate but i normally consume between 900 and 1100 calories im not a big eater....

    You don't need to keep saying this; our responses will be the same. These amounts are also unhealthy.

    You probably have lost quite a bit of LBM (muscle) from your excessive cardio and restricting, which makes maintaining or losing weight much more difficult--the body has a much easier time holding on to fat than muscle.

    Eat more. Look up what your TDEE is. Subtract 20% from this. Give yourself time to acclimate to more calories by avoiding a scale. Pick up some weights to try and hold on to any muscle you might have left.

    You could be bloating so easily from GI distress caused by undereating, and possibly malnutrition. I had this problem when I was very underweight and dealing with anorexia. It could also be a food intolerance, or just IBS.

    Go to a nutritionist. Go to a GI. Don't keep doing what you're doing.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member

    You're not short, so +++ calories.
    You're not old, so +++ calories.
    You're not massively overweight, so +++ calories.

    Stop trying to crash diet like a short, fat old lady and you will likely have more consistent success.
  • amorrowmuffin
    I just started back on my smoothies so hopefully that helps.
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    Print out your food Diary pages, go to a Doctor, admit that you do not have a healthy relationship with food and need assistance in eating in ways which are compatible with life.

    Your body is telling you what you are doing it wrong.. listen to it and seek the professional help you need.
  • amorrowmuffin
    I dont eat a lot because of the bloating and i really dont feel like im starving myself at all. I always have energy and I eat healthy.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I just started back on my smoothies so hopefully that helps.

    You need a lot more than a smoothie to help you here. You earned 615 calories from exercise and yet you only ate 900 calories worth of food? Come on. I don't buy it. It's not about being a big eater or a small eater. You are crash dieting and it's impacting your overall health.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    As others have stated, you definitely need to up your intake. Even if your diary isn't accurate, as you say, and you're consuming closer to 1100 calories, with the amount of exercise you're doing, you're netting WAY below the recommended minimum of 1200 calories. Start by including more caloric dense foods. Also, what are these "smoothies" that you're starting back on? Are these like Herbalife Shakes? Or meal replacement shakes? If so, stop. They won't teach you anything about nutrition. Please don't ignore the good advice you've been given. Also, see a doctor. Even if it turns out to be nothing, it's better to start a new "diet" (as in, your intake, not an actual diet) under doctor supervision. Seriously, you can glean awesome information from your doctor, and discuss all of your concerns. They're there to help people.
  • amorrowmuffin
    im not crash dieting LOL I eat when i feel like im hungry and I eat the things i enjoy which just so happen to be fruit, vegetables, nuts, chicken, eggs, fish etc
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I dont eat a lot because of the bloating and i really dont feel like im starving myself at all. I always have energy and I eat healthy.

    I don't understand this argument whenever someone uses it.

    Calorie guidelines exist because we scientifically know (with variants for different people) what is required for people to eat. You're not meeting those.

    It doesn't matter that you don't feel like you're starving--the body is composed of various hormones to work to make sure you survive. If there's not lots of food, it'll say, "Okay, we're okay for now. Keep going." If you started eating more again, your hunger would adjust, because your body would realize, "Oh, no more famine I guess!"

    You're not eating healthy. Not eating enough calories = unhealthy.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I dont eat a lot because of the bloating and i really dont feel like im starving myself at all. I always have energy and I eat healthy.

    Actually though, you are starving yourself. No one "bloats" on that small amount of food or even a reasonable amount of food. You are either obsessing or something that is not really happening (body dis-morphia) or you need to seek professional help to manage some kind of intolerance.

    You can go round and round all day on this issue here and you can deny it until can't type anymore. But, I don't think anyone on this site is going to look at your diary and tell you that it's healthy or sustainable. You should probably seek out a doctor.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I dont eat a lot because of the bloating and i really dont feel like im starving myself at all. I always have energy and I eat healthy.

    It sounds like your body is flipping you the bird. You asked for help and that is what you are getting in the responses. You can either follow the advice or continue what you are doing and suffer additional consequences down the road. It is your choice.
  • decblessings
    decblessings Posts: 113 Member
    I didn't look at your diary, I'm just going off of what others have said and thought I'd suggest this...

    Just go browse the info. I actually started here... and that lead me to EM2WL.

    I'll just say that I have a history of disordered eating. I used to net well under 1200. I'd get excited when I'd complete a day and MFP would say I should weigh some small amount in 5 weeks... but it never happened. I did that and didn't lose a thing for two years - maybe 5 pounds, but it'd be right back. I was even breastfeeding for 18 months of that two years and training for a half marathon for the other 6 months. At one point I claimed to up my calories - to 1800, which probably was still below my BMR considering I was a nursing mother/very active. I've since cut back on my cardio exercise (although I'm picking it back up a little now after a 3-4 month hiatus) and started focusing on strength training. I'm still basically eating at maintenance. I did gain a couple pounds (and then a couple more on vacation) and I haven't lost that yet, which isn't surprising since I'm not eating at any sort of deficit, but I'm now eating 2000+ a day (working toward my deficit goal of 1900) and still wearing all of the same clothes. I remember looking at a label shortly before I started EM2WL and thinking, "God... who can eat 2000 calories a day? I'd be gigantic." Now it's not unusual for me to eat 2400 or maybe more on a very active day. That's honestly double what I used to eat. Of - best of all... my boobs are much bigger! I think several of the pounds I gained found their way to my chest - which was much needed! :)
  • amorrowmuffin
    The smoothies are just homemade - blueberries, banana, kale, cinnamon, coconut, almond milk.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    im not crash dieting LOL I eat when i feel like im hungry and I eat the things i enjoy which just so happen to be fruit, vegetables, nuts, chicken, eggs, fish etc

    If you aren't going to eat your alloted calories absolutely nothing anyone here tells you is going to change your mind. But do be aware that a lot of us are talking from experience. I was "fine" on 1300 calories a day while working out. Until one day I realized that I really hadn't been. My workouts were suffering. My friends were suffering. I'd plateaued for 2 months and I wasn't fine.

    Unfortunately, hunger can actually be a poor indicator of what your body needs. Our bodies get used to eating on whatever schedule we set up and it sends hunger signals out accordingly. Feed it less and it will stop telling you it's hungry.
  • pkdscript
    pkdscript Posts: 28 Member
    you need to eat to lose weight!! Watch your sugar, too.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I'm just going to leave this here....

    Your BMR - at 3-5 hrs per week of exercise - 1592

    Your TDEE - What you need to maintain your weight with 3-5hrs of exercise per week - 2468

    Your TDEE -20% - What you could eat, keep up your exercise, and lose 1-2lbs per week - 1975
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I'm just going to leave this here....

    Your BMR - at 3-5 hrs per week of exercise - 1592

    Your TDEE - What you need to maintain your weight with 3-5hrs of exercise per week - 2468

    Your TDEE -20% - What you could eat, keep up your exercise, and lose 1-2lbs per week - 1975

    This is cool. Are you calculating the exercise part off of what she has in her diary?
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I'm just going to leave this here....

    Your BMR - at 3-5 hrs per week of exercise - 1592

    Your TDEE - What you need to maintain your weight with 3-5hrs of exercise per week - 2468

    Your TDEE -20% - What you could eat, keep up your exercise, and lose 1-2lbs per week - 1975

    This is cool. Are you calculating the exercise part off of what she has in her diary?

    What she states in her OP.
  • amorrowmuffin
    yeah im not going to argue it LOL because like i said my cals are closer to 1100 a day. I dont eat a lot of CARBS because of how they make my stomach feel. I sit at a desk all day and the cardio i do is majority fast paced walking so everybody needs to calm down. I dont feel hungry or low on energy so i really dont think im starving myself.