Official Nightshift thread!!!



  • bessie78
    bessie78 Posts: 29 Member
    I was just wondering the same thing I work 11p to 7a. And sleep from about 8am to 2pm does my day start at midnight or at 2pm? Any thoughts
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    What is galeo's dressing?
    I was going to ask the same thing...Maybe we could try it when we work together.....

    It is an amazing delicious dressing that is only 20 calories per serving. Someone on mfp turned me onto it. I am not one for low cal dressings but you seriously can't tell! I get it from whole foods. It's about 5 bucks a bottle but totally worth it

    In terms of timing for meal entry, I try to do breakfast post-shift until the next post shift breakfast, though if I eat too many snacks overnight I will let them spillover into the next day. I think as long as you're logging everything it will all balance out.
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    I have logged it both ways.... it really doesnt make a difference as long as you log everything stay under your calories.... I like starting over at midnight though cause I work from 6p-6a. I usually dont eat too much between 3am and 2pm when I wake up to go to the gym. And if I am hungry when I get home in the morning and eat a meal I can go work it off at the gym when I wake up and it is on the same day.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    bessie, i'm on the same schedule! my shift never changes, so start my day's calories at midnight.
  • ketagirl
    ketagirl Posts: 42 Member
    hello i just recent started overnights 11-730a and i am finding it hard to fit in my meals. For instance what time i should eat and stop eating and making sure i am counting my calories and not over counting them. I up for any suggestions thanks
  • tobfit
    tobfit Posts: 2
    I am so glad I have found this "night shift thread" because sometimes it's so good to be able to relate to other fellow night shift workers since it's so different than working a day shift. I have been working night shift as a Health Care Coordinator for a Nursing Agency for the last five years. I used to be a stay at home mom until my husband got really sick and was put on disability and this job came up with good pay and good health care benefits so here I am five years later, funny at the time it was just going to be temporary until I found a day job, wow how time flies and I'm still working the same shift, but since I have a teenage daughter and son and a husband who wears prosthetics legs, well it's important that I have benefits and a good paying job since as the kids are getting older they are also costing a lot more

    It's okay though, I don't mind my job, I get a lot of time off BUT I am really struggling right to get back on track. About four months ago, our shift went from 11pm-8am to start time at 9pm until 8am, I used to go and get my work out at the gym before I started work but now, well let's just say I probably showed my face at the gym about 3 x since my shift changed. I am not eating well, not exercising.....just plain fell off the wagon. I feel it in my energy level and just don't feel so good about myself anymore.

    In the last couple of years I have lost about 35 lbs and kept it off but I have noticed that I have gained back about 5-6 lbs (I know it's doesn't seem like a lot) but I am SO afraid of gaining it all back. It took so long to lose that much weight and whenever i see an old photo of myself I just cringe at the thought of starting over again.

    Anyway, I didn't mean to get into a spill about my life and so forth but what the heck thought I'd give a little history and I am so looking forward to checking this site out while I am at work during the night, maybe this will help me get back on track and jump back on the wagon and feel good like I did not that long ago!

    I'm thinking of maybe getting some exercise in after work but I'm a little afraid that I will not be able to sleep. I will have to try it out and see what happens otherwise I may just cancel my gym membership and workout at home before going into work.
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Hi Tobfit, and welcome... Sorry to hear that you have been falling off the wagon recently... I work from 6p-6a been on nights for the better part of 8 years... As far as working out after work goes... I find that when I work the long hours like this it is really hard to go after work cause my energy levels and motivation are way down by the time it is time to go home. And if i do muster up enough motivation/energy to go to the gym in the morning after work, I cant sleep, so I just wake up a couple hours early to go to the gym and I have been fine with that.
  • bessie78
    bessie78 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks everyone I think I will start at midnight! We will see how it goes!
  • MissBarb77
    Thanks for all the inputs! I will also be starting at midnight.
  • tobfit
    tobfit Posts: 2
    Hi leanmass24, that is a very good point in regards to working out after work. I am actually really tired once i am done my shift and would not work out as well as I would once waking up, so I am seriously considering cancelling my gym membership and use what I have at home. I'm finding that I am focusing too much on how I can find time for the gym when in fact I could just get my workout done at home.
  • nicu0227
    Hi Everyone...I had a great weekend at work...only a few babies in the Nursery, so I was able to take it easy...I treated my daughter and myself to a Seafood Resturant tonight...I have not had fried food in over 3 know it really didn't taste as good as I thought it would....I had a very busy day, running around and didn't get to the gym at my normal I thought I would just not workout today...but I actually could not handle the thought of not at 7:30pm I got dressed and went to the gym and worked out HARD!!! and I feel GREAT!!!! I guess it's called PROGRESS!!!!! I get my monthly measurements done this week...I am hoping to see more inches lost!!!
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    I was thinking about working ouit after work a cpl days a wk, but only weights. If I get my heart rate up doing cardio, I wont fall asleep, then my sched get out of whack
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Hi all!
    Hope all your nights are going well :) Mine are, but I'm working a ton lately. The combination of overtime and a bad rotation week has made it hard to find time to work out. Which makes me very proud of you Nicu! Thats awesome that you worked out!!! I always feel better once I get to the gym, but getting off the couch, dressed, and into the car is the tough part. But the fact that you got yourself there is totally progress!!! :) WAHOO!! Working out after work is one thing I know I won't be able to to Lee, but I hope it works for you!! :)
    Things are a little rocky in my personal life right now, and I'm really hoping that I won't let the stress affect my eating. In a way though, I think focusing on my eating and working out is good. It has given me some stability. I can control it.
    Oh well - I just need to keep doing the best I can.
  • kmc3986
    kmc3986 Posts: 18
    Hang in there,'re doing a great job. I find it hard to get my exercise in when I'm working a string of nightsand I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm starting to miss it. That's really hard to believe, for me. Things will straighten out for the ultimate good. You're doing a good thing for yourself. We are all behind you.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Meg I hear ya in regards to having some stability in life. I feel like the past several months all i can think about is losing weight, and everything that involves, from both the eating and exercising parts, and saving money lol. I was saving up to buy myself a condo, however this week I firmly decided to go back to school for my master's, and found a program I really want to get into.. So looks like 2010 and the next couple years will be devoted to changing myself and really doing things to better my life for the long haul... here goes!
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Thanks for the support KMC - I never knew how much I needed a site like this until I found it. You guys are great.

    And Allie - wow, what an intense decision! Going back to school for your masters! Thats awesome, good for you. I can't imagine the work and money that you'll be investing in for that! I thought my BA was hard haha. Congrats on the step of making the decision to do it, I really hope all the pieces fall together for you. It is a long journey and it looks like you're is going to turn out faboulus. :happy:
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Hey girls and guys! I just joined weight watchers was pretty hard to stay within points! I was hungry! So I guess I was eating too much before.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Ahh, supposed to be asleep right now! I hate when I can't sleep after 6 hours or so, I function best on 8 hrs! :(
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Cut- yeah I function best on six.... I usually get about 4 though... When I sleep more then 8 I feel like complete doo doo... hope you have a good night... Allie- Good luck with the masters... I know it wont be easy. Meg- you have been doing great we all need a little support every now and then. Everyone have a great night!
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    hey night shift peeps! Sorry I've been MIA for the last bit. It's been pretty crazy here at work. Which is why I need your help ASAP!!! I am in the process of filling out an application for another job at another hospital. I will still be working nights, so don't worry! You'll still be seeing me :wink:
    Anyway, what do you guys think about letting them contact my current employer?? I wouldn't quit this job unless I got the other job, but I don't want the other job to contact this job and have my employers get mad at me and I lose this job and not get the other... LOL (did that make any sense?)
    What do you guys suggest??? I am on really good terms with my employers here at the moment, but they are very fire happy. I would hate to piss them off and they just fire me because of it.